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Deathwatch: Murderers in Black (OOC Thread)


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Yep, I think because there will be some decisions this week for the team to make as a group, we will say that Asterius wakes up and is sufficiently recovered and able to hobble around, and therefore able to join the rest in the Strategium.


We can sort all that on Friday, though :thumbsup:

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24 minutes ago, Machine God said:

Perchance you were thinking of Rikki-Tikki-Tavi the Mongoose by Rudyard Kipling. 


And you would be right, because Mongooses are ace. :cool:



Azadth be in your base, bro, watching your dudes.




Edited by Mazer Rackham
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Caught up, great stuff from everyone. Will post IC when I don't have a migraine. Actually, I've had this one for 3 days, so if I don't post it's because I turned out to be a latent psyker and my brain exploded. If you see any more warp daemons than usual around Britain I apologise in advance, otherwise I'll try to get a post up tonight.

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I'll probably put in a quick post later this evening to address Gerhardt's request to speak to Skaayn (and either move us all down to the dungeon or Gerhardt back up to the Strategium - probably will be the latter) so that Necro can be a part of the conversation?


So if anyone wants to add anything more to the deliberations before the prisoner is brought back in, please add a placeholder if you aren't available to do a full post?

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Hi all. Just a heads up, I'm on hols in bonnie Scotland for a week from today, it's a little bit out in the sticks so the Internet is apparently slightly... unreliable... where we are staying. It may turn out to be fine, though, in which case I'll still be around in the mornings/evenings.

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Scotland's nice, have fun!

I've had a bunch of x-rays done and I'm set for some surgical procedures this week, so I might not be around much. I'm not out, though, and I'll try to get up some placeholders/general outlines up and fill them in when I get a chance. Feel free to write around me if you need Váfri to do something specific in a hurry, of course.

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