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Deathwatch: Murderers in Black (OOC Thread)


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I don't mind if Asterius trades his bolt pistol for a shot selector on the storm bolter. (He won't be able to dual wield pistol and chainsword in CC, so loses some attacks, but extra ammo before needing to reload a storm bolter definitely isn't a bad thing?)




I am going to delay the next update for a few days as we seem to have stalled a bit. I will get in touch with those who haven't been involved with Req or who still haven't spent any of their last xp reward, just to check what they want to do with it (if anything). Then I can make sure all the character sheets are up to date.


Hopefully I can sort all that within a few days, so I'll still include an update this week - but if it takes a bit longer, I might just skip this week and wait until next Friday instead?



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I still have my eyes on the FW Apotgecary - so I say go for Diagnosticae Helmet :thumbsup:


For XP I thought about getting Frenzy  since it’s synergizes well with the SanqPriest feats,  ramps up the melee capabilities when needed and fits with the Charnel Guards supposed approach of warfare

( though we might consider the naming of this group - it’s increasingly looking more “ Killteam Slaine” by the minute 



In other news from the exciting world of NHS 



The investment group running our General Hospital announced on short notice in Mid May that we will stop being a General Hospital and close all other departments, remodelling us as a solely psychiatric clinic

as of … Juli, 1st


Yes. This Monday….



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Just a very and easy to miss quick note lads, Spec Ammo for Tacmen does have an upper limit on 'Free' which is 25 Req. (p.28 Core). Came across this whilst I was crunching Req.


However, Pistol Ammo is half the Req cost of the Mag. If you want to play with funky ammo types on a budget, this is the way to go.


Final Req for me, GM:



Hellfire Bolts 25 (0)
Combi-Melta 15
Bolter Buyback -2.5
Stalker Bolts 5
Drop Harness 4


Total: 21.5 Req.


Edited by Mazer Rackham
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6 hours ago, Lysimachus said:

I don't mind if Asterius trades his bolt pistol for a shot selector on the storm bolter. (He won't be able to dual wield pistol and chainsword in CC, so loses some attacks, but extra ammo before needing to reload a storm bolter definitely isn't a bad thing?)


@Lysimachus - GM please can you give me your reasoning on this? Because Two-Weapon Wielder and Swift Attack says that I can dual wield.





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Sorry, to clarify:


You can wield a Storm Bolter and a Chainsword, one in each hand.


However, Storm Bolter is a Basic weapon, not a Pistol, so can't be fired in Melee.


So if you give up the Bolt Pistol, you've only got 1 Melee weapon?


(Hmm, actually, you do have a Combat Knife, so you could fire the SB in Ranged and then dual wield the Chainsword with the knife in Melee?)


But yeah, my point about not being able to use the SB in Melee range stands.

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34 minutes ago, Machine God said:

In which case I will do some editing and change my Requisition to 15 Req for two Bolt Pistol Magazines of Kraken Rounds.


Absolutely! :thumbsup:


34 minutes ago, Machine God said:


Can we say that Asterius' Bolt Pistol would have been fitted with a Fire Selector?


Unfortunately I know from having checked for Mazer's Combi earlier, only the basic bolter is listed as having a Fire Selector fitted as standard. Anything else needs to pay the Req to have one fitted. Fortunately, it is only 2 Req, so you can do it, get the 2 Kraken clips and still have 3 of your 20 left over! :biggrin:


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1 hour ago, Mike Zulu said:

@Machine God Zidemi has a new bionic heart, not an arm.

Given the branding practices and humanising nature of the Salamanders, I’m opting for the less visible bionics.


@Mike Zulu - Noted.


Post edited:








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Ok, I've had a look at the various sheets, and taken the liberty of adding on the bits discussed above:


Amaras - Frenzy 400xp

Vafri - SigWargear MC Chainsword 500xp


 Does that mean everyone has spent what they want and is saving the rest? @A.T. Omoc hasn't spent any of his 500, did you make a pick or decide to hold onto it?


Re: Requisition, the squad has 35 Req left to spend (I'll round up Mazer's bolt pistol buyback to 3). So far it seems reasonably balanced between the 10 team members, except Vafri hasn't taken anything yet, so I think he probably gets first dibs (at very least on the 20 Req that is 'his'!)


Other than that, we are pretty well sorted, so I'll maybe aim to update tomorrow?



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9 hours ago, Trokair said:

Depending on what is left after Vafri has made a pick perhaps some explosive or grenades.


If I may make a suggestion? We're likely heading into dark caves and tunnels. A lamp may be a bit conspicuous, unless of course it's to fix to Gerhardt's head so everyone can find him...


Auto Sense goggles are 10 Req, combines the effects of a photo-visor (it renders you immune to Photon Flash), Preysense (Thermal, +20 to Sight Awareness tests in the dark), has a pict-corder, 5x optical zoom, 5x micro-magnification, and colour filters. Also has a laser range-finder, which grants +20 to allied artillery BS tests.


It's in Rites of Battle.


Edited by Mazer Rackham
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1 hour ago, Mazer Rackham said:


If I may make a suggestion? We're likely heading into dark caves and tunnels. A lamp may be a bit conspicuous, unless of course it's to fix to Gerhardt's head so everyone can find him...


Auto Sense goggles are 10 Req, combines the effects of a photo-visor (it renders you immune to Photon Flash), Preysense (Thermal, +20 to Sight Awareness tests in the dark), has a pict-corder, 5x optical zoom, 5x micro-magnification, and colour filters. Also has a laser range-finder, which grants +20 to allied artillery BS tests.


It's in Rites of Battle.



@Mazer Rackham - Oh you mean for the Mortal? Space Marines get all that built in and worn in their Helmets.



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@Mazer Rackham how about a nice set of Black Templar pattern candles, or possibly a flaming brazier (filled with burning heretics)?






@Lysimachus how much req would a set of mood candles (read: in the mood for purging xenos) or a backpack-mounted wall sconce set me back? 

Edited by Necronaut
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1 minute ago, Machine God said:

@Mazer Rackham - Oh you mean for the Mortal? Space Marines get all that built in and worn in their Helmets.


I do indeed, although I wish we got as much as the goggle get - no preysense, artillery laser, or picter!


1 minute ago, Necronaut said:

@Mazer Rackham how about a nice set of Black Templar pattern candles, or possibly a flaming brazier (filled with burning heretics)?


I see you too are a man of culture. Well, you wanted penalties, so to be fair you need a pair of squeaky rabbit slippers to go with it.

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1 hour ago, Mazer Rackham said:

Auto Sense goggles are 10 Req, combines the effects of a photo-visor (it renders you immune to Photon Flash), Preysense (Thermal, +20 to Sight Awareness tests in the dark), has a pict-corder, 5x optical zoom, 5x micro-magnification, and colour filters. Also has a laser range-finder, which grants +20 to allied artillery BS tests.


It's in Rites of Battle.



That dose sound handy.

Lys, if I may, swaping out the 5 Req pict recorder for this would bring Alda to 20 Req sepnt. 

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Posted (edited)
52 minutes ago, Trokair said:

That dose sound handy.

Lys, if I may, swaping out the 5 Req pict recorder for this would bring Alda to 20 Req sepnt. 


Bang on the money. :thumbsup:


1 hour ago, Necronaut said:

@Lysimachus how much req would a set of mood candles (read: in the mood for purging xenos) or a backpack-mounted wall sconce set me back?



I guess that would be the same effect as having a Lamp, so 1 Req?



Edit: so those bits puts you on 20 (Vafri's) + 9 Req still to spend. Getting there!



Edited by Lysimachus
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34 minutes ago, Necronaut said:

If the extra 1 req is needed anywhere, we can trim the backpack brazier from Gerhardt's equipment. ;)


Grimaldus: 'Carry the Emperor's Will as your Torch! With it, Smite the darkn-'


Gerhardt: *nervous fidgeting and tapping*


Grimaldus: 'Speak!'


Gerhardt: 'Erm, we can't afford the matches, sir.'


Grimaldus: *Stares really, really, really hard*


And lo, did the Kill Team discover the true reason for the Templar's exile.

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Alright, I'm finally back for real this time, sorry for missing so much! I've filled in my placeholder and I'm writing up a new post now.

How are we doing for req? (I haven't picked specialist ammo yet)

Did we decide on Váfri for squad leader? If so I'll reflect that in my post.

Also thanks for updating the sword on my sheet @Lysimachus!

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1 hour ago, Urauloth said:

How are we doing for req?


22 Req left to spend at this point (plus, as you said, Vafri's free first clip of SIA to be chosen)




1 hour ago, Urauloth said:

Did we decide on Váfri for squad leader?


I think several characters put him forward for it, and no-one objected, so I'm calling that agreed! (As long as you're good with it too!)




1 hour ago, Urauloth said:

Also thanks for updating the sword on my sheet @Lysimachus!


No problem! There is one GM requirement for taking it that I should have thought off before... such an epic weapon most definitely needs a cool name, which I will leave you to come up with! :biggrin:

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