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The Chaos Lord on foot is so great! Reminds me of this absolute classic.


You'd think the lord of a warband could get a holster for his sidearm that wasn't wrapped to his leg like a common reaver though.



New CSM combat patrol posted on twitter. Probably a mistake since it was posted instead of the second battleforce but revealed now anyway:



Chaos Lord on foot is cool but I really don't dig the weapon choices, aesthetically speaking.


They look like generic inferior weapons , something you can find on a cultist. Not a Chaos Lord. The axe is meh but Just look at the " accursed maul" or the "daemon hammer".

The hammer looks just a hammer made of simple stone and the maul is so little and cute.


I know nothing about rules but can this poor guy have something more demonic or imposing? 


Well, no worries, conversions is the answer.:happy:

Also, the new AoS Chaos terrain piece look great and certainly suitable for 40k (daemon world theme/Chaos ritual type scenario :smile:



Edited by firestorm40k
Realised it's a single piece, not two different pieces, d'oh!

Lord on foot looks fantastic, I think he's got enough going on without being too over the top. Both head options look good but I'd certainly pick the helmet over the bare head, axe and fist load out looks best to me visually though the maul is also splendid.

Not so fussed about the jump pack guy, he looks more like a champion than a lord.

Lord on foot looks good; but i kind of expected more. Hopefully he’s got some spare bits. 

The lord with jump pack desperately needs a Raptor head. That helmet doesn’t fit at all. 

Absolutely love both these minis! I know for sure I won't be able to leave them as they are though and will be converting some different weapons and heads on at a minimum :laugh:

The Jump lord looks fantastic and I'll probably swap the smoke out for a hapless Imperial :thumbsup:


8 detatchments is a lot! A Corsair detatchment is exactly what I wanted to hear too, I'm hoping it allows for a fast, maybe biker themed list

Edited by TrawlingCleaner

The Lord on foot is pretty cool. I really like the maul specifically haha. 
The jump guy I’m not keen on. The pose isn’t good, it kinda works for the claws. I didn’t realise until the comment above but yeah I don’t think the helmet really works. A classic raptor helmet would’ve been a cool touch. 

I love the Lord on foot, beautiful mini; especially loving the helmet and unfurled fist.


Less keen on the generic Lord with Jump Pack, though the lightning claws version looks far better. Update: would look much better if legs weren't both in same position, feels unrealistic for movement.


Happy with both of these, just wish there was a bigger release for CSM this time around.

Edited by skylerboodie

Old 'raptors', oof. I can't say I like the new Lord with Jump Pack either, the pose is just off. Still too spiky, fine for a normal warband but it's not a raptor. They really need to embrace the old art for raptors and abandon the spikes for the spike gods aesthetic. What are they even going for with the daemonic teeth spikes in the jump pack intakes? 


The Footlord is pretty nice though, plenty of points in the boxset. 

6 minutes ago, Robbienw said:

That's a big tactical rock.


He's got Primaris knee rims as well.

Hes got similar knee rims to the old chaos Lord model



Loving the new foot lord, also not so keen on the jump lord but the important thing is that HE EXISTS so I can field my converted one again. Hopefully it’s all one datasheet so you get lots of options but I guess that’s doubtful these days, eh? I’m very happy excited to be getting any more Cult/Traitor guard bonuses since that’s mostly what I’m running anyway, fingers crossed for allied Astra Militarum but I won’t be shocked if we just get battleline rules for traitor guard and beasts. 

Foot lord is bang on what I was hoping for. Lovely reimagining of the classic model. Jump pack lord doesn't look much fancier than a unit champion to be honest. Hoped for something much grander. Never mind.


Talk of a Traitor Guard based detachment gets me very excited. Gives a more accurate feeling way to run my Sons of Horus and Cthonian Headhunters SA in 40K. Fingers crossed for some cool options there.


Also that AoS scenery looks brilliant. Is it just me though or do the skulls floating in the fire look oddly photoshopped? 

I'm not 100% sold on them. But that can change once I have them in hand. I kinda wish the lord of foot was without the fur cloak so that it would be easier to pose and switch out arms. 


Since we didn't get new Raptors, I'll raid the jump lord for conversion parts. 

I like the foot Lord, he fits nicely with the CSM line. I'm OK with the jump Lord, he could be a bit less Night Lordish, but that's fine. 

I've got most things in the boxes, but the things I don't have (the accursed cultists and commune) I don't want anyway, so will pass on both. Combat patrol I have all in it, so don't need/want that either.

Makes my pocketbook happy.

59 minutes ago, gaurdian31 said:

Happy about the new lords, sad we didn't get new bikers as they really need to be updated at this point.


Are CSM bikes still the 2nd edition plastics? 

The jump pack lord was a legends unit that returned with a new model as well as has come of legends?

Bodes well for the future, IMO! Maybe we can see GW un-:cuss: itself with some of the more unpopular legends moves.

Do you chaps know where I can find the full new art inspired by the chaos lord on foot?


You can see it in the warhammer community post on their site but it's tiny thumbnail pic and I can't seem to find it elsewhere in articles or videos.


12 minutes ago, Alby the Slayer said:

Do you chaps know where I can find the full new art inspired by the chaos lord on foot?


You can see it in the warhammer community post on their site but it's tiny thumbnail pic and I can't seem to find it elsewhere in articles or videos.


This one?



Seems to be completely new, so my guess is we might see it in the codex down the line.

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