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CSM 10th edition Unit of the week: Sorcerer in Terminator Armour


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CSM 10th edition Sorcerer in Terminator Armour


This is a topic about Sorcerer in Terminator Armour in the 10th edition.


  • Do you use them?
  • How are you using them?
  • Do you think they perform well?
  • How do you equip them?
  • Do you attach them to any specific unit?
  • Is there a detachment that they are extra crucial?
  • Any Enhancements that you like to use with them?


Chaos Space Marine unit of the week links

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Usually if a unit is shared between the TSons codex and the CSM Codex I'd hop in with how I find it's use, but from a quick check of the Termie Sorc's CSM datasheet I've realised that the TSons version has a entirely different Anti-Vehicle spell instead of the one the CSM Termie Sorc has.


The Cape the Sorc has is pretty cool though, as is the 4 pointed helmet.

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It's a neat tool to add if you have spare points. Renegade Raiders in particular gets good mileage from the fact they cam stack AP multiple times because of it, and in second place id say Zealots since the 5+ crits enjoy the increased lethality. 


The problem is of course finding room for him. He's a bit too expensive to look at as a leader for Terminators as they want the Lord's free Strat, so sometimes just dropping him by himself and hoping he'll live is the best course of action. 

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2 hours ago, Iron Father Ferrum said:

I used him in a Deceptors Detachment.  Getting the reroll to charge rolls, combined with the From All Sides stratagem, gives you a very reliable charge out of deep strike with a Terminator squad.

If you're using him in a Deceptors detachment, wouldn't it just be easier to use the Lone Op enhancement and let the superior Terminator Lord do stuff with the Terminators?

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1 hour ago, Iron Father Ferrum said:

The Lord isn't superior in delivering Terminators, and I don't need his added lethality because it's a squad of Terminators loaded for bear.

Rerolling charges is nice and all, but there's typically Strats to get around that to begin with, which means superior flexibility with the Lord (which is also a more fighty character to begin with).

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Iv only just swapped back to a Tlord due to being able to  bastion plate again. Iv swapped back to a regular sorceror on foot. But i do think a termy sorc is still a great hq to add on to termys.  His shooting isnt bad persay (chaos characters shooting is... pantz) however for me... iron artifice...  makes his shooting gain anti tank... his combi and focused power have devistating wounds... a potential of 18 wounds with no save... averages way lower mind/may damage self=fun)

Melee is meh but thats what the termys are for


As for his usefulness reroll charges on termys... great for a slow melee unit that can deepstrike.


Deathhex.. extra ap against a target unit... for everyone... for a game round... shooting ...melee... and dosent have to be something this unit is attacking... however extra ap for bolters and combis... accursed andpower fists etc is still good

And a familar whist free is like an extra wound...


All in i like and its fun... but bastion plate on a termy lord... thatll do nicely.  Likely for many itll come down to points and with tight listbuilding  we have the choices of a termy lord or a sorceror and an enhancement  somewhere. I cant squeeze in both. For me it was either termy lord and regular sorceror or regular lord and termy sorceror. (And bastion plate is my prefered choice on termys)


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