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The Unofficial Alpha Legionaire's Tactical Primer


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To tell you the truth, Ive never actually used meltabombs on my Cultists. I usually use 2x20 Assassins with champs and MoCU. Meltabombs would equal 40 extra points per unit, too much in my book.


I guess that Lord should be good for 1k battles, I know what you mean about missing those attacks. I benched my Demon Prince for 5 games because of his consecutive failures in combat... then my Lord went retarded too. So I gave him spiky bitz, then boom...all of a sudden hes never missing a hit and the SBitz were worthless... :huh:

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Well, the melta bombs are expensive, but I figured for 40 points my cultist squad now has the potential to blow up a Land Raider, ehich would earn them their points back and do a lot of early damage. Even if they can't destroy it, I could at least force my opponent to move into a more open place where my other guns could reach it becuase nobody is going to leave a Land Raider anywhere near 20 melta bombs :huh: . Also, if htey can deploy close enough to something like a Basilisk and I get first turn, then the tank will either have to move and not get to fire (indirectly at least...) or get melta bombed. Of course that depends on how they deploy and if the tank is well guarded or not, but that is something only play testing can tell. I can see where your coming from though, becuase it boosts their points quite a bit. As for the power weapons on the champions, it is something I intend to add in larger points, but for now the only thing I see to take off is melta bombs, which I want to keep.


I know what you mean. The moment I gave my DP spiky Bitz he goes and starts hitting with more attacksm but never all of them. They give me a piece of mind though because I know if I have terrible rolling I at least get the Bitz to fall back on, and then the re-rolling wounds.

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Well, the melta bombs are expensive, but I figured for 40 points my cultist squad now has the potential to blow up a Land Raider, ehich would earn them their points back and do a lot of early damage. Even if they can't destroy it, I could at least force my opponent to move into a more open place where my other guns could reach it becuase nobody is going to leave a Land Raider anywhere near 20 melta bombs ;) . Also, if htey can deploy close enough to something like a Basilisk and I get first turn, then the tank will either have to move and not get to fire (indirectly at least...) or get melta bombed. Of course that depends on how they deploy and if the tank is well guarded or not, but that is something only play testing can tell. I can see where your coming from though, becuase it boosts their points quite a bit. As for the power weapons on the champions, it is something I intend to add in larger points, but for now the only thing I see to take off is melta bombs, which I want to keep.


I know what you mean. The moment I gave my DP spiky Bitz he goes and starts hitting with more attacksm but never all of them. They give me a piece of mind though because I know if I have terrible rolling I at least get the Bitz to fall back on, and then the re-rolling wounds.

Darklance - I'm doing something similar with my Alpha Legion list too. Cultists w/ meltabombs can be great! Plus, once they have been successful, your opponents will ALWAYS worry about them...


Plus, an infiltrating squad of 15 w/ frag + melta bombs and the MoCU cost, oh, about as much as 10 vanilla Tactical marines... Not too shabby!

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Hey guys, I'm new here and I just want to throw out a question.


I've got about 500 points to spare and here are some options I'm thinking about adding to my army. My army is heavily infantry with some terms and melta raptors, main opponents are tyranids and orks.


Small squad of possessed and a LR taxi. I love possessed dudes, but they just can't infiltrate.


Anti-personnal havoc squad and a dreadnaught (escort terms if can't DS).


Big cultist squad and some demons. Screamers. They're just so much fun.


I'm open to any other suggestions, except defilers. God help you if you suggest I take a defiler.

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I pick option B. Against Nids and Orks an infiltrating havoc squad with four heavy bolters will be awesome. Give the Drednought whatever weapon you want, and maybe a Havoc Launcher to frag a couple light armor saves before they get into combat.


KP13 - Glad to hear they work. That's exactly what I was hoping would happen. Once the Cultists destroy something big they will get a lot more attention then they deserve.

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I agree, definitely option B: Anti-personnal havoc squad and a dreadnaught


Especially if your two main opponents are Orks and Tyranids!


And Brother Darklance - yes, the cultist option works, and works well. And they die well too! Just make sure you don't become too attached to them! Plus, they are oh so fluffy, which is nice...

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Hard to say, what is your list like there melee? A dread/LR wont do much vs the teeming hordes of Orks/Nids. Prehaps go for some fast moving flame weapons...


Also, Alpha Legion can't use Screamers, only the basic Demon Packs-under Troops (ie Bloodletters, Horrors, Plaguebearers, Demonettes). Yes its the most retarded restriction on Alpha Legion ;) , oooh if only I could have Furies...


@Darklance- thats just it, most of my opponents are well versed in the ways of Chaos and never let their vehicles near my Cultists. Usually they always get mowed down by ordnance and artillery (but Im cool with it, better them than my Bikes, Raptors, Termies, etc. Cultists are there for the dying... ;) )

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I'm finally getting around to posting my army list for inspection. I have yet to play test this formation, but it's what I've got right now for 1500 pts.


Lord-p.fist,combimelta,spiky,d.armor,d.essence,d.str,MoCU,infiltrate 180


8 CSM-5 bolter,champ p.fist/plasma pistol, 2x plasma gun, MoCU, infiltrate 186


8 CSM-6 bolter,champ ccw/plasma pistol, 1x flamer, MoCU, infiltrate 157


8 CSM-6 bolter, champ p.fist/plasma pistol, 1x melta, MoCU, infiltrate 176


12 CSM-11 bolt pistol/ccw, champ p.sword/bolt pistol, MoCU, infiltrate 215


20 Cultists-19 laspistol/ccw, champ p.sword, MoCU, infiltrate and furious charge 155


7 Raptors-3x bolt pistol/ccw, 2x plasma, 1x flamer, champ p.sword/p.pistol, MoCU, infiltrate 276


5 Havocs-2x H.bolter, Autocannon, Missile launcher, 1x bolter, MoCU, infiltrate 150


That brings me up right under the wire at 1495 with 69 models! Anyone have suggestion on revising this for a 1000 pt game? I've a bike squad, termies, predator and rhino. The above list seems a bit light on the heavy weapons, but I'm going for a mass of fast moving troops.

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A couple of comments in no apparent order:


plasma guns on raptors: I'm against it, personally. Can't shoot assault and raptors are too expensive if one misfires.


Plasma pistol and power fist on all infantry ACs, I think that's just a little bit over the top. I normally go one or the other. But that's a personal judgement call.


8 CSM-6 bolter,champ ccw/plasma pistol, 1x flamer, MoCU, infiltrate 157


8 CSM-6 bolter, champ p.fist/plasma pistol, 1x melta, MoCU, infiltrate 176


You could turn these dudes into specialist storm groups. Double up flamers in first squad, Move through cover skill, AC combi-flamer, and maybe frag-grenades. You got a squad of cover busters. For second squad double up meltas, tank hunters, krak grenades, AC combi-melta (and maybe melta bombs too) and now you got a squad of tank hunters. If you try this, drop AC powerfists, you don't need them.


You can shave some points off the lord, power fist combi-melta doesn't normally work. If you got a fist bring another CC weapon so he can get the +1 attack.


That's all I got for now. Good luck, hope this helps, etc.

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thanks melee for the suggestions:


I really like your tips on creating those specialist squads. I'm going to implement at least some of those changes.


I just have the standard Chaos Lord model and those are his armaments. 'spose I could convert away either his pf or combimelta; I'll have to think about that one. I could also drop an AC and put the lord as-is into one of the squads (maybe the flamer specialists)? Lots to think about really, and I'll have to do some play-testing as well.

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  • 5 weeks later...

A bit late, but if I may add my thoughts....


Personally, I love cultists with meltabombs. I generally take two full squads, but only outfit one with meltas. That way the other squad (usually Assassins) becomes a confusing distraction, and the first squad gets to wreak havoc.... And, as KP 13 said, they're just so beautifully fluffy and distinctive....

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Yeah. That's how I'm equipping my cultists too. In case any of you don't read the rest of the forum heres the 1500 pt. list I plan on bringing with me to a tourney:


Alpha Legion 1500 pt. List.



Chaos Lord



-Pair of Lightning Claws

-Spiky Bitz

-Daemonic: Strength, Mutation, Aura, Esscence

-Frag Grenades

166 pts.


Chaos Lieutenant



-Power Weapon

-Bolt Pistol

-Daemonic: Strength, Mutation, Aura

-Frag Grenades

112 pts.



20 Cultists


120 pts.


20 Cultists



180 pts.


8 Chaos Space Marines



-2 Meltaguns

-Champion w/ Power Fist, Mutation, Visage

188 pts.


8 Chaos Space Marines



-2 Flamers

-Champion w/ Power Weapon, Strength, Mutation, Visage, Frag Grenades

181 pts.


6 Chaos Space Marines



-2 Meltaguns

-Champion w/ Power Fist, Mutation, Visage

156 pts.



6 Havocs



-4 Heavy Bolters

156 pts.


8 Havocs



-3 Plasmaguns

-Champion w/ Power Fist, Mutation, Kai Gun, Visage

238 pts.


1497 pts.


78 Models (all infiltrating!)



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Granted the Kai Gun sounds cool, I dont really think you need it.

Your plasma gunners are already doing the same job as the Kai Gun for cheaper. Why not just take a 4th plasma gun? You're also losing a powerfist attack with your champ since the Kai Gun is two handed.


How about a 4 plasma gun havoc squad and an aspiring champ w/plasma pistol?

Thats some serious firepower. You want to avoid combat with these guys so why not make them pure shooty?


With some minor weapons changes, this list is identical to one of my regular AL lists and it does really well. I prefer Autocannons over Heavy Bolters with my Havocs & tank hunters for better flexibility for armour & infantry killing.

Also Im assuming your flamer squad marines are armed with bolt pistols/ccws so they can shoot and assault?

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Just reading through the whole thread today and I noticed that no one came up with the idea to combine cutists with the dirge caster vehcial upgrade to get fearless swarms of cultists. Now I came across this idea while thinking up ideas for my now outdated rhinos, which are currntly being used as a heavy distraction (2 min squads armed with heavy weapons jump out early and the rhino generally makes a mess tank shocking around the board) I also have a dreadnought walking around to mount the caster on, but then the cutists would be ancored to him, thus slowing them down.
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That works but it isn't fluffy. I mean a massive smike belching vehicle driving around with a massive speaker blasting out chaos noise doesn't exactly scream (no pun intended) Alpha Legion ;) .

Battle Brother Darklance - Good point! I agree with you, completely!


Now, of course everyone will have their own vision as to how "their" Alpha Legion should be...


I'm taking the approach (from their IA article) that they do NOT spend a lot of time in the Eye. And, obviously, they're infiiltrating/planning specialists. So for me, NO Defilers. NOT a lot (if any!) mutated marines. NO possessed. Not a lot of Daemons (though maybe some Mounted Daemonettes, if they're allowed!).


I'm putting in some tanks and some dreads (I love the FW dread!), but my force will consist mostly of infiltrating troops and cultists.


That is a cool idea that "Someguy" came up with though!

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Thanks KP13, but it was just a random idea, someone else has to have thought of it by now.


As for fluffyness for this tactic, Alpha legion uses every means avaliable to attack from all points, well psyological warfare is used al the time (the usa cranked spice girl tunes some operations to irritate the peoples of the middle east, personally I think this breaks the articals of war for cruel and inhuman ;) ) And while the tunes are rocking and every eye is turned to the horde of cultists rushing the gates of the city, no one expects the real threat to be stealthfully sneaking in from the otherside...


One mother of a diverison, the alpha legion would love it.

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Dirge Caster and Cultists is no good. Cultists need to infiltrate to be effective, the Dirge Caster would require them to be anchored to a tank or Dread.


I just give my Cultists the MoCU and a champ (for LD8), it keeps them in the battle until they're pretty much dead.


If you really want fearless cultists use the Icon of Chaos Undivided.


The one tank the DC might be good on tho is a Land Raider, use mobs of Cultists to keep meltaguns away and enemy units tied up until Termies can give them the beat down.


Not my style tho.

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  • 1 month later...

I' ve been checking this thread for a little while and I thought I might pitch in a few things.


Now, I don't want to get into a "my AL is like this because-" conversation, but I do want to make my point on defilers, which people seem to be against as a majority.


Defilers, although being "daemonic vehicles", are not daemons per say. I see them more as in a tactical decision/equipement: let's say the AL know they will be fighting some heavy armor and lots of troops, then they "radio"-in some defiler support from some outpost nearer to the EoT. I can see this happening with Obliterator cults as well.


I don't think, however that the AL marines would be corrupted themselves: as is I don't think that possessed fit in a AL force, especially since they can't infiltrate. This is especially true for daemons: I feel they have no place in a AL force, but hey, the cultists are responsible for the summoning, not the AL marines themselves so at least it's a fluffy thing. Also, Lords with lots of daemonic gifts are a no-go for me.


But gifts, yeah, they could be interpreted as something different though: I would have no problems if someone would pass d. strength as a mechanical upgrade or powerful sword/relic. Same would go with flight (jump pack), mutation (weapon upgrade), resilience (reinforced armor), etc.


I think that we are very lucky, as with the "AL use every tactic available to win a batlle" thing, we can do and use whatever we feel like and it is considered good and fluffy. You gotta love being dark blue and silver just for that!


Damn, sorry for the rant! It got away from me that time! ;)

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I've been running two lists lately, testing their effectiveness

-Cultist-Demon list


-All Alpha Legionnaire list


I've concluded that the Alpha Legionnaire list is more effective. Using no vehicles leaves me enough points for 2-3 specialist squads even in a 1500pt list.

I love setting up most of my army after the enemy has deployed, its a great tactical edge. Big infiltrating squads of Alpha Legionnaires is just plain nasty when properly supported. Plays good on offence and defence. What more could ya ask for... :)


The Cultist-Demon list can be effective, but as a rule of thumb I think you need to be almost exclusive to it (very little marines, 3 or more units of Cultists and 2 units of demons, preferrably a Bloodletter unit.). Cultist units are also a good place for independant characters too.


I will be taking a fast attack based Alpha Legionnaire list to our big RT tourny.

Bikers, Raptors and Marines, oh my... ;)

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Colour scheme - I am painting up an alpha legion command squad (which by the timemy army is done will likely mean all the asp champs and such for across the army) for Chicago Golden demons this year. I am nearly done the conversion work so as these begin to come together I will post pics for this forum.


I have settled on a scheme using a variety of vallejo colours - basing in blues blended through emerald green and building up highlights using a series of turqoise and light green colours... I think it is going to look good and hopefully it will bring home my 6th statue for my cabinet >!!Fingers crossed!!< -_-


Beyond that I am glad to see there is a segment of this forum dedicated to the army which I will soon be building. (I have 20-30 cultists done so far with much moreto come....)

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That sounds like a great plan. Make sure to give us some piccys as you make progress, because there aren't really any AL pictures floating around. I (and I'm sure some other people) would appreciate the inspiration ;) .


I personally like to use Cultists as more of a supporting/swamping unit in my lists (of course the Melta squad is capable of so much more). Their Laspistols actually aren't half bad. 18 of my cultists (might have been 16) managed to take a couple wounds off a Khornate DP rapid firing, and that made me really happy (although the other two did require firepower from 4 Heavy Bolters, 3 Plasma Guns, and a Kai Gun). They seem to work great, and can sometimes stall a potential charger a turn as they fight through the mass of cultists to get to the juicier squads.


SquirrelKing - That's exactly why the AL are so cool. You can do whatever you want with them and it's still fluffy. Personal preference would probably keep me away from Defilers, but that's on the basis that I want my AL to be very deep in Imperial territory, with no ships (and no summoning/teleporting, since teleporting would need to be done from a ship) to avoid detection. Massive engines of war, especially crazed demonic ones, don't fit with my personal force. Though it's really hard to resist Drednoughts, Predators, and Defilers, especially since the Defiler on my shelf looks left out :P ....

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