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painting.for.my.sanity last won the day on July 20 2021

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  • Location
    Old Alba
  • Interests
    Photography, cycling, baking, suffering not the witch to live
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    BTs, IFs, SoBs, Custodes, INQ28, AT

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  1. Oooh, these are properly nice. Maybe nice enough to be worth the wait?
  2. I don't know what's wrong with the photos, but having spent a good while looking at the actual mini at WHW today, he looks much more normal.
  3. It's just shown up in this week's Sunday preview, so preorder next Saturday.
  4. The special thing was The Old World going on pre-order this weekend.
  5. That spear and shield custodian looks very interesting!
  6. Maybe they're thinking of the LI Command Squads which I think do have an apothecary?
  7. Aren't those two arms pretty much the only example of this so far, and done like that because the ambiguous mark arms which you add a plate to wouldn't work for those poses that well? All the other arms in that upgrade set, the Despoiler upgrades and the heavy weapon kits are indeed the generic arms OttoVanAwesome mentioned.
  8. Agreed - I've used a bunch of parts from the old Deathwing kits for my Black Templars, and I'll be doing the same with these
  9. I can't help but wonder if this is going to cause them some headaches this holiday season - getting rid of wishlists and making your site harder to navigate can't be a good thing for sales around Christmas, can it?
  10. I've decided which bit I hate the most - it's definitely the floating "add to cart" button that follows you down the page.
  11. Thanks, it's one of these - https://battleblingstore.co.uk/products/carapace-weapon-mount-compatible-with-adeptus-titanicus-warmaster-titans
  12. Gloriosum Est Pro Imperator Mori walks! Plus, a full Legio photo:
  13. A few more things I've finished recently
  14. Just one arm left to go on my Warmaster! I've been working on it since early June (albeit with a two week holiday in the middle) and it feels so good having nearly finished it. Looking forward to getting it photographed then going back to painting Space Marines for a while - no more massive models for me this year please!
  15. Tantalisingly close to finishing my Warmaster now - only a few highlights and a bit of freehanding on the weapons to go now.
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