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Son of Carnelian

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Son of Carnelian last won the day on January 29 2017

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About Son of Carnelian

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  • Pronouns
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    Imperial Fists

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    Imperial Fists

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Son of Carnelian's Achievements

  1. Insane Psychopath (as I knew him) always had a passion for the hobby that few, if any, could match. His army told two stories: one of his Iron Warriors and their history, and one of the man himself and his journey through the hobby. Watching his skills increase and his trophy racks grow always proved inspiring. It breaks my heart that his army shall now stand down, adrift without their guiding hand. I hope his family and friends can find some small peace in knowing he was a positive influence on so many. May his memory be a blessing.
  2. Hoping that this isn't a new edition so I can continue ignoring Kill Team as the overcomplicated mess it currently is. If they simplify and restructure it, I might have to pay attention again. (No squad sized game should take 2 hours to play.)
  3. The Bolter and Chainsword has been the source of some of my fondest memories, not only in the hobby but in life. From arguing with AD-B about Black Legion lore (which he was correct about, of course) to forming true friendships with @Soldier of Dorn, to publishing a 30k visual novel, I remain proud of my posts here and the influence it has had on my life. I now pay it forward in my local narrative 40k group in Columbus Ohio, which I have marshaled in the spirit of this place and currently numbers over 200 active participants. I can't make this post without mentioning @Hyaenidae. Some of you know him as Heathens. No single hobbyist has influenced my view of the setting more. You might not see much of his style reflected in my painting, but when I imagine the battlefields and characters of Warhammer, I do so through the lens he gave us. From Catholic Iron Warriors attempting to nuke the Primarchs out of existence to a member of the VI Legion driven to exile by his own gene seed, Hyaenidae saw the potential and tragedy of Warhammer in a way few do. Wherever he is, I wish him the best. I hope he knows that this son of Dorn will always admire him, dog of the IVth he may be.
  4. This looks incredible! Hopefully get a high-resolution look at it after the book comes out.
  5. They should be! By taking them so many times, they blew their cover and called down the nerf bat! If they were really sneaky, they would have only done it a few times. Or claimed another unit was completely broken. Such an easy misdirect and they didn't even try it. For shame, really...
  6. Would love to know what AD-B is up to next. Just re-read the Night Lords trilogy and it still hits.
  7. Having just re-read the Night Lords trilogy, I'm all in for a Kill Team box... Provided they don't just slap an upgrade sprue onto the supremely mediocre Raptors kit.
  8. "I fought beside Lysander when the enemy breached our home. When the Phalanx hurtled into the Warp, I stood by my brothers as all turned to madness around us. I have seen my Chapter at its most desperate hour and therefore I will not stand cowed by the Tyranids. Let them come, one at a time or in a great tide. We will kill them all." - Veteran Sergeant Fulvous, attached to the 2nd Company during the War for Karnabys +++ So, been a while! Fear not, I've been painting this whole time. My Imperial Fists are well over 2,000 points and growing. I'll post my other units as I can!
  9. Alternating activations. Maelstrom of War cards become standard for casual and Matched play. Removal of strategems either entirely or outside of Matched Play. Continue crusade rules. Merge codex units (especially for the Space Marine range). A lot of this just sounds like Star Wars Legion, and that's by design. I've fallen in love with that game and only played 40k four times this year.
  10. Hail brother! Don't know if you saw, but they redid the website. Email notifications seem to be working again. Hope this lures you back! We miss you!

  11. I mean, I'm still holding out hope for an adaptation of the Night Lords trilogy and/or models of First Claw but this teaser is clearly for something loyalist.
  12. Eh, seeing the whole box makes it a pass for me.
  13. New terrain sounds interesting.
  14. Do it, it's a genuine great game that more 40k players need to taste. It's perfect for small hobby projects without need to make a full army. The investment in time, space and minis is also much more manageable than full 40k. Agreed! It's my favorite game currently published by GW!
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