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Chaplain Raeven

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Chaplain Raeven last won the day on October 26 2022

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About Chaplain Raeven

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    Dark Angels

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  1. Snipping of the base around the mini with huge clippers and sanding the rest off with a coarse grit or use a scroll saw to saw of the soles of the mini. Plenty of options if you don't care about the original base.
  2. Got to say it's one of the few DG-units I really like. No excessive amount of tentacles and a great muted paintjob. If the rest of the range looked like this lad, I might've picked up a couple of squads.
  3. Hard pass. You can get 2 Cadian Batteries for €44. For only 1 battery, 5 lads and some horses I have no interest in, I'll await the Combat patrol with hopefully more usefull units in it.
  4. That's a steep price for just 18 models, and I only have an interest in 7 (maybe 8) of them. Might have to sit this one out.
  5. Man, I DETEST that this is the next MTO-kit announced MINUTES after I ordered the damn terminators. I don't have the spare money for these. These kits never should have been discontinued in the first place, it's some of the best they've made!
  6. I'll cave in. The difference in size doesn't bother me at all and the sculpts are some of the best vanilla termies I've ever seen. Hopefully the price won't be too outrageous.
  7. Lovely thread and equally lovely models! I had to choose between my latest (Warhammer World) HQ Land Raider and Castigator, simply because they got painted after YEARS of collecting dust. I'm just happy they're finally painted, and to a standard I can be proud of. Especially that Knight, since the release of the new kit stung quite a bit. I had to wrestle with damn resin because of my impatience, and then did nothing with it for way too long. Still got to add some more freehand on the empty plates when inspiration hits and finish the base, waiting for those new juicy Kriegers.
  8. Damn, those are some really sexy terminators, especially the sarge in the front and Clawman. Do I really need another squad next to my 60 terminators? Are they BA-specific, or is the banner a really nice freehand?
  9. Beautifull tanks! Hard to imagine that a scheme like that would fit on a tank, but strangely enough it does. Almost too pretty to purge, almost.
  10. Mate, that's a gorgeous paintjob!
  11. Thanks for hosting the event Grot, It's probably a nightmare to organise. I had a lot of fun! I had hoped to finish a lot more models (really A LOT more!), but I can't complain nonetheless. At least two sizeable ones are banished from the pile of shame, a pile they've been in for an embarrassing long time. I've already got some models ready for next year. Well, actually the ones I intended to paint this year! Thank you for the Artificer title everyone, I hadn't expected it at all! Especially with all the wonderfull entries this year!
  12. There are a couple of series that sell everything seperate, since you can customize every single part of the cabinets. They have a great editor on their site where you can create your setup from scratch, and it provides a shoppinglist afterwards. I ordered a crapload of glass shelves for my setup, and I'm happy to know I can still buy a crapload more if the need arises
  13. Correct. Varnish on top of the last decal as well, locking it in place and tying the two together.
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