Raven Guard & Successors
22 files
Necropolis Hawks
Necropolis Hawks Space Marine Chapter. Intended to be printed on clear decal paper.986 downloads
- Astartes
- Space Marine
- (and 2 more)
Black Guard
By Carlson793
Black Guard Space Marine Chapter. Intended to be printed on white decal paper (background can be turned off in the Layers panel of your PDF reader).358 downloads
- Black Guard
- Astartes
- (and 2 more)
Death Eagles
By Carlson793
Death Eagles Space Marine Chapter.427 downloads
- Death Eagles
- Space Marines
- (and 2 more)
Dark Eagles
By Carlson793
Dark Eagles Space Marine Chapter.
As very few printers have a dedicated white ink/toner cartridge, it is recommended that you print this to white decal paper with the background layer turned on, and paint-blend the logo into your background color.
- Dark Eagles
- Space Marines
- (and 2 more)
Raven Guard
By Carlson793
Raven Guard by request of Race Bannon. Includes white and black logos, with black background layer for printing to white decal paper (all available through the Layers panel).963 downloads
- Raven Guard
- Space Marines
- (and 1 more)
Carcharodon - Badab War Era
By Carlson793
By commission of CommodusXIII. Carcharodons from the Badab War Era.
The first sheet contains the Carcharodons chapter logo in White, Grey, and Black, with Black and Grey background layers† for printing to white decal paper.
The second sheet contains Polynesian-style borders in Black, White, and Grey, with Black and Grey background layers† for printing to white decal paper (NOTE: Due to file size, only a sample of the border sheet is posted here. For the full sheets - and other Badab War sheets - visit this Google Drive folder.)
The third sheet contains Polynesian-style honour 'tattoos' seen on Space Shark armor. In Black, White, and Grey, with Black and Grey background layers† for printing to white decal paper (NOTE: Due to file size, only a sample of the border sheet is posted here. For the full sheets - and other Badab War sheets - visit this Google Drive folder.)
†Be sure to turn on Layers in your PDF application to select which colors/backgrounds display.
Space Sharks (Carcharodon Astra version)
By Dracul
Space Sharks, Forgeworld Carcharodon Astra version.1784 downloads
Space Sharks (2nd RT Era) Decal Sheet
Space Sharks 2nd logo from Rogue Trader, originally on the Land Raider decal sheet.1050 downloads
Space Sharks RT Era Logo Sheet BOLS
Knock, Knock.
You guys aren't those crazy Space Sharks are you?
No Governor, Pizza boy.
Oh, OK, I'll let you right in....AARGHH.....
We have gotten tons of crazy requests for logo sheets, but I have to admit you Space Shark guys are the best. Who doesn't have a special place in thier heart for the second most sadly named chapter in the Imperium (right in front of the Rainbow Warriors).
Don't forget that these guys kicked the Mantis Warrior's ass (those pansies) and claimed their Homeworld during the Badab War. Their fluff also says that they have Dev squads with move and fire heavy bolters, so how cool is that! Enjoy.
We have been noting for a while that GW does a great job of covering the major 1st Founding and select 2nd Founding chapters with their decal sheets. However, there are a number of great looking 2nd and later founding chapters who get a good amount of back-story and have great alternative uniform colors that never have had decals produced for them. In the interest of promoting diversity in the Marine community and encouraging players to branch out beyond the "big 4", I continue our line of logo sheets for some of these other chapters who I think look great and have no GW decal support.
The sheet is designed for printout on decal printer paper which is easily available online. These decals are designed for the CLEAR decal paper. The procedure is as follows:
CLEAR PAPER: If you use the clear decals, the decals need to be applied to a light colored surface to be visible at all. The procedure for applying the "outline only" decals is to apply them to a white surface, and wait till they are fully dried. Then using the outlines as a guide, paint in the darker color around the decal if needed. It is odd, but gets the job done.
Custom Decal Tutorial
This sheet is sized for superheavy vehicles up towards the top and scales down to marine scout shoulderpad size at the very bottom. I have included the standard chapter logo, as well a small amount of monochrome logos for folks who want some variants for something special. Please make sure you run off a test sheet first on your printer to make sure.
In any case, enjoy and I wish you the best in using this set for your forces.
Raven Guard Logo Sheet BOLS
By bigred
have been noting for a while that GW does a great job of covering the major 1st Founding and select 2nd Founding chapters with their decal sheets. However, there are a number of great looking 2nd and later founding chapters who get a good amount of back-story and have great alternative uniform colors that never have had decals produced for them. In the interest of promoting diversity in the Marine community and encouraging players to branch out beyond the "big 4", I have begun producing logo sheets for some of these other chapters who I think look great and have no GW decal support.
After going over the GW marine decal sheet, I realized the Raven Guard are missing.
I created the original logo in Adobe Illustrator, then made variations of it for size and color (outline and solid color versions). The sheet is designed for printout on Decal printer paper which is easily available online.
These decals are give you a bit of choice. I put a thick black edge around the logos , so you can use EITHER the clear or white decal paper for these.
CLEAR PAPER: If you use the clear decals, the decals need to be applied to a light colored surface to be visible at all. The procedure for applying the "outline only" decals is to apply them to a white surface, and wait till they are fully dried. Then using the outlines as a guide, paint in the darker color around the decal. It is odd, but gets the job done.
WHITE PAPER: If you use the white paper, you will have to cut the decals out carefully with the black border being the edge of the decal. Apply them to whatever surface you wish (it can be a dark surface). You may need some minor touch-up painting around the black edge to make sure the transition is smooth.
Size wise, the larger decals towards the top are best used for super heavies/terrain, and move down in size to the large array of Marine Shoulderpad towards the bottom.
In any case, enjoy and I wish you the best in using this set for your forces.
Please feel free to leave comments if there is a special Marine Chapter you would love to collect, but have no GW decal options, and I will see what I can do.
Raptors (RT era) Logo Sheet BOLS
By bigred
The Badab Series moves on... Here we have the Raptors. These guys have changed their chapter sceme in recent days as seen in the Taros Campaign. Here is their original logo for their blue and yellow paint scheme used during the Badab War.
I have been noting (again) that GW does a great job of covering the major 1st Founding and select 2nd Founding chapters with their decal sheets. However, there are a number of great looking 2nd and later founding chapters who get a good amount of back-story and have great alternative uniform colors that never have had decals produced for them. In the interest of promoting diversity in the Marine community and encouraging players to branch out beyond the "big 4", I keep knocking out logo sheets for some of these other chapters who I think look great and have no GW decal support.
The sheet is designed for printout on Decal printer paper which is easily available online. These decals are designed for the CLEAR decal paper. The procedure is as follows:
CLEAR PAPER: If you use the clear decals, the logos need to be applied to a light colored surface(like yellow) to be visible at all.
Custom Decal Tutorial
Size wise, the larger decals towards the top are best used for super heavies/terrain, and move down in size to the large array of Marine Shoulderpad towards the bottom. I've included the standard black Raptors logo, and small number of reversed ones for use on opposite shoulder pads or vehicles to keep the logo facing forward.
In any case, enjoy and I wish you the best in using this set for your forces.
Knights of the Raven Decal Sheet
By Tubal
Knights of the Raven Decal Sheet1758 downloads
- Knights Raven
- Raven Guard
- (and 1 more)
Space Sharks (Carcharadons) Decal Sheets
By Tubal
Space Sharks (Carcharadons) Decal Sheets
Rogue Trader Era 'Space Sharks'
Forge World Style 'Carcharadons'
- Space Sharks
- Carcharadons
- (and 1 more)
Revilers Decals Sheets
By Tubal
Revilers Decals Sheets
Chapter & Squad markings suitable for infantry and vehicles
Chapter markings suitable for infantry and vehicles
Chapter insignia
Raven Guard Decal Sheets
By Tubal
Raven Guard Decal Sheets
Raven Guard Chapter markings suitable for infantry and vehicles
Raven Guard Chapter markings suitable for infantry and vehicles