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Everything posted by Graceless

  1. Hi there, this is an interesting idea and some of the concept works surprisingly well. One thing: I think Bomus should be a crusader not a Grey Knight. I think a Grey Knight would be too awe inspiring to be over-ruled by an acolyte (Stryder)
  2. The Thundercats is such an awesome reference point, I really like that idea. The second colour scheme (Cats lair) is very good. In terms of company/squad/rank markings, rather than follow the codex directly, you can always take the standard markings a skew them slightly: eg it's still white for first company, yellow/gold for second etc but it's the right knee pad not the pauldron trim. I think it's a tricky one to get right though when you have a good colour scheme (and you *do* have a good scheme here) as you don't want to take away from that design with too much or too obvious "other" colours. One of the other things I like is when there's a chapter history reason why the codex has been ignored or moved on from. Eg maybe originally all your chapter followed the codex company colours on the pauldrons but millennia ago at the Great Siege of Blah-blah, the chapter command all died doing something suitably heroic and the 3rd company captain took command and won the day. In honour of that the entire chapter painted their pauldrons red as they'd all, sort of, been under the 3rd company command. etc. etc you get the idea. I like Void Panthers too. I'd initially like tigers not panthers but I think you're right and panthers works better. Final point, your painting is very good and super controlled/steady.
  3. Hi TechCaptain, I like your IA, lots of thought has evidently gone into this. I've only given it a quick read thus far (in between meetings at work!) but there's loads of good stuff there. One quick question for you: the issue with the Mucranoid organ not protecting them from extreme heat - this doesn't really seem to lead anywhere. Does this cause them issues and, if so, what impact to tactics/equipment used etc? Why does the organ only fail for heat protection, could it create more issues (and therefore interesting background) if it didn't work at all and what would that mean for the marines? Eg a gravely injured Ultramarine enters suspended animation and is protected/oblivious until healed or interred in a dreadnought. A gravely injured Harbinger however would be unable find relief in the suspended animation and would instead just have to bear the pain with any implications from that (eg being driven mad?). Only a minor thing but could provide some further nuance for the Steel Harbingers. I’ll continue to read through the IA properly (when I should be working) later. Graceless
  4. I like the backdrop photo a lot. Great title (Slaughter-Sworn) too.
  5. Really like your ideas Mogsam. The colour scheme and emblem are very cool. The faux-blackbook style for your history is also awesome.
  6. Hi Brother Argent. I enjoyed your IA, especially the inevitable doom once the chapter started "dabbling" where it shouldn't. I'd echo Brother Lunkhead's comment about the conference for a decade. You could imply this was on and off for a decade - whenever senior members of the chapter were gathered the debate resumed only to be broken off again by the call to war, or just make it more ambiguous (the debate raged for years...) or both: "the debate raged on a off for years until etc etc etc" Other than that tiny quibble though, really good work. Graceless
  7. Hi Grailkeeper. Yeah, that’s where my thinking has been going to; keep the power armour helms for other models. There's a weird lack of options for alternative terminator helms, tried various Google searches and trawling through alternative bits sites etc but not finding much. I do quite like the grey Knight terminator helms or the custodes ones but the latter are very hard to find.
  8. Been a few months since I posted anything - way too busy at work! Anyway, question for anyone reading this: are there any good alternative terminator helms out there? My company captain is going to be in terminator armour (with ridiculous shoulder pads - the pics below) but I'm not sure about his helm. He's definitely going to be wearing a helmet BTW, all my marines are. In the pictures below I've tried a couple of more "fancy" power armour helms but I'm really not sure. I'd need to shave off some plastic from the backs of them too so that they fit within the armoured cowl - or at least don't stick out as much. So, option 1 (at the moment anyway). I think this helm is one from the venerable dreadnought set. Option 2 is a helm from the command set (I think). This last picture doesn't really show the helm but does show the other shoulder pad:
  9. Hi Bjorn It *should* mean The Sense of Wrath but I admit my high gothic is a bit rusty... Your nitpic is well spotted but my original was as I meant it. The whole Chapter is the Shield Argent (not the individual marines are shields).
  10. Bit last minute this month, too busy with (boring, boring) work! Had to do this on my phone so hopefully the formatting won't be awful... I'll try and edit if it does. Graceless Thanks to the records maintained by the Priory of St Allius we know an unprecedented level of detail surrounding the events of the Retaking of Raenus IX and the death of the traitor Linat Detaxis, the former Governor. We know that Detaxis was killed by Dovydas Vilimas, the Lance-Sergeant of 2nd Lance, 4th Host, of the Shield Argent Chapter. We also have a remarkably detailed account of his war-gear at that time. His chainsword is called “Sentium Ira”. The weapon dates to the Great Crusade and has killed more of the Imperium’s enemies than some Guard regiments. The sword has been carried by Lance-Sergeants, Captains and Banner-Guard champions. Etched into its body-work are notable foes the weapon has dispatched; the Ork Warlord Grek’uk Red-toof, the arch-traitor Caddolius Grail of the Word Bearers Legion, the alpha mind-leech of the “Endless Enslavement” in the 37th Millenium, and no less than three Aeldari warlocks killed, single-handedly, in the same encounter. Despite its pedigree at disposing of the Imperium’s many foul enemies, the Governor would not be added to this impressive tally. His side arm, a Mars-pattern plasma pistol, is far newer; freshly forged when presented to Vilimas upon his knighthood. Since becoming a Sergeant, the pistol has had the names of every marine who has fallen under his command engraved upon the casing. The weapon has a particularly high energy output reducing the volume of shots that can be fired without overloading the coils but meaning each shot is notably more powerful. Chapter lore records that Vilimas has, amongst other shots, decapitated a hive-tyrant, cored a traitor terminator and detonated vehicles, all with single shots. In Governor’s chambers however, Vilimas’ pistol had long since over heated and thus was not used. His armour is a mix of marks, all maintained to the highest standards by Vilimas’ own hand or that of the Chapter’s tech-thralls and armoury serfs. No part of Vilimas’ armour is anything less that 400 standard years old. Though oft repaired and supplemented with replacement components, at its base this armour has served in the defence of mankind for centuries. The newest part, his Mk6 helmet, has been worn into conflicts the length of the Expanse for 402 years by three different Astartes. The helm was damaged beyond repair by a glancing melta-blast during the fighting on Raenus IX, probably during the initial assault on the Palace. For his achievements in the battle, Vilimas would be presented with an arco-tech helmet of unique design dating back to the 33rd Millenium. The window frame of the governor’s privy chamber resembled ornate stonework but was, in fact, merely painted wood. The force of Vilimas’ throw would still have sent the Governor through the aperture regardless. We know from his screams that he was alive following the ejection as he fell over 900 feet to the Plaza of Imperial Martyrs. It was, therefore, the ground that killed the Governor; a fitting end for the tyrant who once ruled the entire planet.
  11. Hi Atrus Sadly I don't think the cabals are cross-platform and I'm on a PC. Finding an active Cabal is almost impossible. In the last 5 days or so I've applied to about 40 or so (apparently active and apparently recruiting) and no responses. Some of them (not the ones I've applied to but ones I've looked at) the cabal leader hasn't been on line in hundreds of days. You can set up your own for some of the benefits but obviously that doesn't help for co-op play. If you do set up your own, let me (us? anyone else reading this?) know the name and we can see if I can join it. I'll do likewise if I set one up.
  12. So is he a mutant, a genestealer-hybrid or is that third arm cybernetic? My vote is hybrid.
  13. So I've finally got around to finishing the tactical lance. I think my "white" is better on these, as are a couple of the other colours where I've been trying to water down my layers. I also tried some freehand with some scroll work which I had mixed results on, mostly positive but could be better. I've also been working more on the background so that's made the painting progress easier as I've got a better idea of what to be putting where. Next up this this squad's razorback (thus far just a baseplate and one side). I've also got another tactical squad to do, a devastator squad, a command squad and a bunch of characters so I need to get going on them too. Need to finalise my company structure as I want a couple of more unique elite-level squads in there which is where some of my character models will go.
  14. That was a purely throw-away line as I have this fellow to put together and paint at some point. Though maybe an explanation of why a company chaplain has terminator armour is required. A future 500 word challenge I think
  15. Hi Bjorn, thanks for the feedback. Somewhat egocentricly the Chaplain is from my home brew chapter the Shield Argent. I'm using these writing challenges to fill out more information/background to the chapter and the area of the Imperium they operate in. I enjoyed prospection Shinros. Definitely left me wanting more.
  16. Normally I'm last on these, nice to be first for once ----------------------- Maxut Elgrin stared at the mirror, a stranger stared back. The face was his, young and clean, but the rest of the reflection was surely someone else. The shako, uniform, cape and his father’s power sabre. They all belonged to the stranger in the mirror. The great and the good of Praksis were filing into the basilica below. He looked at his hands in their formal gloves, practice kept them from shaking but Maxut could feel the tremor hiding. Heavy footsteps sounded from the other room, Maxut felt the floor shake at each stride, and the doors on front of him opened. Black armour polished to a mirror sheen, one pauldron brilliant white, a huge skull-helm the size of Maxut’s chest, a mace nearly as tall as him. He knew the all the forces that protected his father’s realm and a small part of his subconscious babbled to itself about Indomitus pattern armour, a Crozius Arcanum, Chapter heraldry and Company markings. All he could muster though was a sense of awe and fear at the huge size of the Astartes and the barely contained lethality of the warrior in front of him. The Chaplain settled his gaze on Maxut. When he spoke his voice was so deep and so loud Maxut felt more than heard it. “Lord Governor Elgrin.” Lessons in etiquette and diplomacy asserted themselves. “Elect,” his voice thin and childish after the marine’s rumble. “Only Elect, Lord Chaplain.” Had he really just corrected an Astartes? The Chaplain conceded the point but snorted at the distinction. The sound was like a ground-vehicle backfiring. “You are hesitant” he said. Maybe a question, it sounded like a statement, an accusation. “I am,” Maxut admitted. “Not the ceremony, but it’s meaning, if I’m Lord Governor then…”. “It is to acknowledge what has happened, that your father is dead, there is nothing but the harsh truth.” Maxut must have looked surprised. “We know no fear,” the Chaplain responded. “But we know loss and grief.” He placed his gauntlet on his chest plate. “This armour belonged to my predecessor, donning it for the first time was to concede his death. Why else would I be wearing it?” “Exactly so my Lord Chaplain, I am anointed Lord Governor at the loss of my father. I wish it were not so.” “Such is the galaxy.” “Such is my duty?” “Indeed so Lord Governor.” Maxut felt a sense of finality in the Chaplains choice to omit the ‘Elect’ of his title. He was the Lord Governor, ceremony or no. “Now you are not hesitant.” “No, now I am ready.” In keeping with four thousand years of history, the next Lord Governor of the Praksis sub-sector advanced into the Basilica of the Emperor Triumphant preceded by his most extraordinary escort. The Astartes bellowed a challenge to the assembled masses; any who doubted Maxut’s right to rule were welcome to prove their point in trial of combat. There were no challengers.
  17. Hi Ydalir, thanks for the feedback. I've just gone and done some reading up on the Q'orl, I think I had heard of them before but completely forgotten about them, but I'm going to stick with my home-brew aliens. I see what you mean about them being a close fit for my background but I guess I want to be able to re-write the Khera'Nex whenever I want, and to whatever I want, to fit the Chapter background so wouldn't want to be tied down to a canon xenos race. Thanks for the idea/thought though! Always appreciate another's views and ideas. Graceless
  18. What are the Khera’Nex xenos? Well, that’s a good question and not one I have a good answer for. I’ve got a bunch of ideas but not 100% sure on them yet. What we do know: They “swarm” – this I the term used for their invasions so would suggest hordes/scuttling/etc They previously inhabited/infested the entire Raddeus Expanse and were driven out during the Great Crusade. This effort was never completed due to the heresy and the local war (to be expanded in my “actual” history rather than what was thought to be known). They are drawn towards technology – specifically emissions of radiation (of all sorts) and can be lured towards particular bands on the energy spectrum if the “signal” is strong enough. This is how they are made to attack the Chapter fortress (the Barrow Tell). They travel by unknown means and appear on a planet’s surface via a “meld-gate” – the name derives from the Great Crusade forces fighting though it’s meaning/reason is lost to time. This is similar to the web-way portals of the Aeldari but they aren’t fixed to a location and appear when an invasion swarm attack. The invasions are inconsistent (in size and frequency) and, were it not for the lure set in the Barrow Tell, they would not always be on Rejiska – that’s the chapter homeworld TBW. Despite this they are predictable, under the Barrow Tell is a mechanicus device that is able to predict, to a reasonable level of accuracy, the size and timing of the next swarm. What don’t we “know” but I think. So therefore much more able to be changed/ignored without messing up any other parts of the story and history thus far. 6. I am thinking that there will be evidence of the Khera’Nex entirely ignoring human planets/settlements etc if their technology is pre-industrial revolution – it’s electricity that they seem to hate. 7. They are not psykic – well, I don’t think they are anyway. Certainly there’s no chaos taint issues. These are just xenos. 8. Their own technology is organic but not tyranid-organic, more eldar-organic. Maybe. OR their technology is weirdly oldfashioned, think 17th century earth, eg blackpowder? 9. They do not try to communicate with humans at all. Never shown any inclination to do so. 10. I think their anti-technology thing is religious/ethical rather than rational as it were. Where they come from (as in “inspiration”) and some of what I think they look like(ish). 11. When I was first collecting GW stuff, back in the early 90s, Skaven came out and I wished I could afford to collect them as well as my rudimentary ultramarines. I did get a box of 6 clanrats (or somesuch) and then decided to equip them with bolters and 40k weapons so they could fight my marines. So ratmen/skaven is an inspiration. 12. In a Steven Erikson book (I can’t remember which one) a group of soldiers run into a temple, I think or maybe a tomb, and fight a set of scaled cats. I quite like the idea of a mammal look (eg giant rats) but scaled rather than furred. Or a mix of the two. 13. I imagined that the lowest tier of the Khera’Nex society are the most ratlike, maybe still on 4 legs and the higher the tier, the bigger, more upright, more scaled. I also imagined they might have further limbs and other notable signs of status. Whether the scales are due to their rise in ranks (maybe something is done to them?) or the other way round (that having scales means they are automatically of a higher status), I haven’t decided. Anyway, that’s the Khera’Nex thus far. Ideas and thoughts welcome!
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