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  1. This is the master thread for the works in progresss for the LIBER ASTARTES SWAP CHALLENGE 2019 (LASC 2019), where participants in The Liber have written an article about their Astartes Chapter/Chaos Warband and have been swapped with another participants' own creation to create a single miniature before the end of January 1st at 23:59 GMT The participants and swapped chapters/warbands assigned are as follows: Participant Swaps: Brother Cambrius: Grey Ravens (P) (COMPLETED) Link Messor: The Strigoi (COMPLETED) LINK Messor: Imperial Shields (COMPLETED) LINK Ace Debonair: Angels of Decay © (COMPLETED) LINK Ace Debonair: Apseros Astra (P) (COMPLETED) LINK Chaplain Dosjetka: The Soul Takers Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch: The Argent Fists (P) Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch: The Star Leopards Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch: Knights of the Forge (P) Brother Argent: The Scything Claw © Brother Argent: Wings of Dawn Brother Argent: Shadow Lords (P) Brother Argent: Dawn Blades MARK0SIAN: White Hawks Kelborn: Knights Oracular Aothaine: The Sunder Aothaine: Legion of the Iron Lion WarriorFish: Champions Eternal (COMPLETED) LINK Inquisitor Van Horn: The Praetorian Sword golfdeltafoxtrot: Ashen Blades (P) (COMPLETED) LINK Berzul: Vanquishers (COMPLETED) LINK Zepheniah Adriyen: Thunder Coyotes (P) Trokair: Celestial Knights (COMPLETED) LINK jbaeza94: Knights of Damascus Bruce Malcom: Praetors of Denzarr Brother Lunkhead: White Talons © Smirnov: Omega Cohort AHorriblePerson : Oblivion Hunters © Watcher: Iron Heralds (COMPLETED) LINK Frostbit3: Voidborn So stay tuned, peeps, we will have plenty of activity here soon. Please do feel free to provide feedback and encouragement to these superb Fraters who have taken part. Cambrius
  2. THE LIBER ASTARTES SWAP CHALLENGE 2019 - PHASE 1 First off, my apologies for the delay in posting these, peeps. Unfortunately I was called into work on my day off today so I have had to construct this after getting home. Greetings Brothers and Sisters of the LIBER! Here we stand, the time has come for the first event of the newly refurbished and fine tuned Liber Astartes Swap Challenge (or LASC for short, because yay acronyms!)! Welcome to Phase 1. This event is designed to display some comradely fun and a little bit different from the Swap events of old, if you are venerable enough to remember them. The LASC event will champion new writing of fresh Chapters of Space Marines, or alternatively, updating and refining/completing Chapter articles you have made here on the B&C. Jonny: So, Brother Cambrius, how does Phase 1 work? Well, Jonny, here's the answer: PHASE 1 (September 3rd - October 31st) In Phase 1, starting today, participants must submit a 'complete' DIY Chapter article by November 1st. Jonny: So what counts as Complete? By complete, I want to see an article that covers the basics on your Chapter to define who they are, what they do and what are they like to really help the person who will be creating a miniature from your Chapter in Phase 2. If any articles are not up to the bare minimum standard, their participation may be removed from the event to be fair for whoever would have been given their Chapter in the Miniature Swap. If you want to get a scope on what is needed at the bare minimum, you could look up some examples from Forge World entries on Chapters, which aren't a full codex or article entry, but really define the Chapter succinctly. Another good example are the mini IAs I have constructed over the years like the Avenging Fists and Demolishers. In a nutshell, what I want to see in your submission at a bare minimum is the following: Who are your Chapter What do they look like What is their personality What is their identity in the world of 40K? (eg are they heroic knights of honour, shadowy assassins, cold and logical soldiers) With the inclusion of Chapter Tactics in the new Codex, I would love to see what your submitted Chapter(s) would utilise as per their character and well. More detailed articles are most certainly encouraged as Phase 1 is all about creating and improving your Chapter with input from everyone else. If your Chapter's history is listed in a Painting Log in the Hall of Honour or Works in Progress, you are more than welcome to participate as well, but it would be recommended you collate your written bits into a thread/article/IA in Liber Astartes so whoever has your Chapter in Phase 2 can find the details they need. Jonny: Can Renegades and Chaos Marine Warbands participate? Yes, you can submit a Chaos/Renegade IA article in Index Traitoris if you wish to, but be aware that there will need to be a least 1 corresponding participant who is able to build and paint Chaos Marines to do so. If you do intend to submit a Warband, it'll be worth drumming up participation amongst your fellow Chaos Marine collectors to ensure you'll have a variety of CSMs to possibly get in Phase 2. Jonny: Can someone submit more than one Chapter into this event? Absolutely! The absolute maximum for this event will be 3, to ensure you do not burn out in trying to write more than 3 Chapter entries over the next two months and in painting your miniatures. If you fail to complete an extra entry or entries by November 1st, then you will only be required to create 1 miniature in Phase 2. If you submit more than one Chapter entry and it is completed by November 1st, you will be expected to honour as many miniatures as well (eg you submitted 3 Chapter entries, you will need to build and paint a miniature form 3 Chapters swapped to you in Phase 2). Jonny: Can older articles be submitted into this event? Yes they can! For crustier Liberites like myself who have written multiple articles and entries over the years, with the release of the new Codex and the whole Primaris addition and progression of the 40k Universe, this opens up a fantastic opportunity for older hands to revive articles and update them to the current timeline. Are they destroyed, reborn with a large amount of Primaris, still the same but with newer responsibilities or moments of triumph/despair that have defined the Chapter's psyche and doctrines? All of this is fresh meat and fluff to chew and play around with. Jonny: Can we submit Xenos and non Space Marine entries (eg Astra Militarum etc)? Xenos and Non-Powered Armoured Factions will not be included in this event. This event is solely focusing on the Space Marines of whichever flavour you desire. Sorry my gribbly and vanilla-human friends, but this event as mentioned in the title is the Liber Astartes Swap Challenge, otherwise it'll get a little too complicated trying to get correct swaps for factions and races etc. Articles must include an image of the chapter's heraldry and symbol (this can be done by including an image or images using a miniature you have painted, or the Space Marine Painters here on the B&C, or the GW Primaris variant). The pledge to participate in this event is as follows: "I <INSERT NAME HERE>, VOW UPON THE HONOUR OF MY CHAPTER, THE <INSERT CHAPTER NAME HERE>, TO WRITE ABOUT A DIY CHAPTER IN THE LIBER ASTARTES BY NOVEMBER 1ST TO A COMPLETE STANDARD. I VOW TO ALSO COMPLETE 1 MINIATURE OF A CHAPTER RANDOMLY ASSIGNED TO ME BEFORE JANUARY 1ST 2020. SHOULD I FAIL, I SHALL WEAR THE SIGNATURE OF SHAME UNTIL I HAVE REDEEMED MYSELF IN THE EYES OF THE LIBER." Participants must also include which Space Marine models they are able to build and paint for Phase 2, to ensure those who may not have Primaris marines don't get an Ultima Founding Chapter in the Swap. For your article entries in the Liber Astartes/Traitoris, please include "LASC 19" in the title of your Thread so participants know that the entry you are writing is involved in this challenge. Here's an example of a vow: If you are participating, you can put one of these Banners into your signature (it's worth checking that the addition won't break the Forum's rules on Signature sizes in case you need to re-jig your Signature in full): If you complete this event with an article and miniature of the chapter swapped to you, you can proudly wear this signature: And if you should fail to complete a miniature or article in time of the deadline for Phase 1 or Phase 2, you will be required to carry this banner of shame: There will also be other banners made for particular participants of note in this challenge, whether it is through very active feedback and help for their fellow Liberites in constructing their Chapter entries, or were insane enough to submit up to 3 entries. I will also be constructing a Redemption banner for those who may have fallen to the wayside in this event, but manage to complete a miniature within the month of January 2020. More on that as we get closer to Phase 2. +++++ This event is all about participation and aiding your fellow Liberites in the creation of their Chapters and encouraging camaraderie. Be polite and constructive with each other when adding opinions/suggestions/questions to entries submitted to help improve or refine them. And well, that is it. Good luck everyone and here's to a great event! Cambrius
  3. UPCOMING EVENT: SEPT - DEC 2019 "THE LIBER ASTARTES SWAP CHALLENGE" Greetings Brothers and Sisters of the LIBER! So for those of the Adeptus Astartes persuasion, it has been a very busy month with the release of a new Codex and Supplements, including the return of Chapter Tactics to really allow us Liberites to really go and have fun creating our unique Chapters of Space Marines. As a result and to help drum up further activity here and display some comradely fun, I am resurrecting an old event first championed in my old days by "Captain_Shrike" before "Ferrus Manus" took up the responsibility of the DIY Chapter Swap. Now this event will be a little bit different from that event of old if you are venerable enough to remember. This event will champion new writing of fresh Chapters of Space Marines, or alternatively, updating Chapter articles you have made here on the B&C (for older hands like myself I will likely follow this route. Jimmy: So, Brother Cambrius, how will this work? I am so glad that you asked me, Jimmy! So here is the planned breakdown of what will happen in 2 phases: PHASE 1 (September 3rd - October 31st) Participants must submit a complete DIY Chapter article by November 1st. By complete, I want to see an article that covers the basics on your Chapter to define who they are, what they do and what are they like to really help the person who will be creating a miniature from your Chapter in Phase 2. If you want to get a scope on what is needed at the bare minimum, you could look up some examples from Forge World entries on Chapters, which aren't a full codex or article entry, but really define the Chapter succinctly. Another good example are the mini IAs I have constructed over the years like the Avenging Fists and Demolishers. More detailed articles are most certainly encouraged as Phase 1 is all about creating and improving your Chapter with input from everyone else. Jimmy: But, Brother Cambrius, what about those Liberites who have submitted articles or have made an army of one of their numerous Chapters over the years and may not want to start afresh with a new Chapter? Jimmy you really are asking so many pertinent questions, aren't you? Well fret not Liberites! With the release of the new Codex and the whole Primaris addition and progression of the 40k Universe a while back, this opens up a fantastic opportunity for older hands to revive older articles if they desire and update them to the current timeline. Are they destroyed, reborn with a large amount of Primaris, still the same but with newer responsibilities or moments of triumph/despair that have defined the Chapter's psyche and doctrines? All of this is fresh meat and fluff to chew and play around with. I'll be doing this myself with some of my older Chapter(s), depending on participation. Jimmy: What about those who make Index Traitoris articles on Chaos Marines and Renegades? Can they take part? Well Jimmy, yes they can! But numbers will be vital in ensuring they will have a partner who we can swap their Warband/Chapter with and can produce an appropriate model. If numbers are insufficient, the Moderati team will look into a work around. Now then Jimmy, it is clear you have been influenced by the foul notions of the Warp to even ask such a question, so off to Servitor indoctrination for you... Jimmy: Wait, what?! Moderati, no! Nooooo! -Ahem- Now, where were we? Articles must include an image of the chapter's heraldry and symbol (this can be done by including an image or images using a miniature you have painted, or the Space Marine Painters here on the B&C, or the GW Primaris variant). Participants must also include which Space Marine models they are willing and able to build and construct in the Vow they will submit when the event begins on September 3rd, as not everyone has Primaris marines yet, which would be a little awkward if they got an Ultima Founding Chapter. PHASE 2 (November 1st) It is at this point Chapter IA/Articles/IT submissions for this events are cut off and each participant is randomly assigned a chapter through a PM to build and paint a model of.You will have up to January 1st 2020 to complete their model(s). Participants will need to submit an image of their WIPs and Completed miniatures in the respective threads created at the start of Phase 2 in WIPs and the Hall of Honour, with direct links in the LIBER to these in the opening post of the Chapter Swap event thread. Further details on this phase will emerge as we get closer to the date when I construct the Phase 2 Master Post for participants. +++++ And that is it as an introduction! Plenty of details there for you to chew over and start planning possibly. But if you are making a fresh IA for this event, remember this does not start until September 3rd when the post to make your vows is uploaded to the Liber. For now, review your creations and armies and plastic, and see what you can possibly submit for this fine event. Oh, and there will be Banners for this event as well, and possibly some unique titles for specifically active participants as well. That's all for now! See you soon. Cambrius
  4. From the album: Other Chapters

    "Veteran Sergeant Tahel Kyvrann" from golfdeltafoxtrot's Grey Ravens. My completed vow for the LIBER ASTARTES SWAP CHALLENGE 2019.
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