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  1. Hi Folks, It will maybe be no surprise for you if you follow time to time my entries: I was planning including some Drukharii element to my old Aeldarii army in order to align an Ynnarii faction. I bought some stuff, made some test models (Archon) and even completetd some units (Mandrakes, Incubis and Kabalites). More stuff is on top of the Pile-of-Shame, such as Scourges and the 2 Vehicles from the Patrol box, waiting to be painted. Archon as Test Model KT Mandrakes Now what happened? The new Aeldarii codex hit the internet (shelves latter). I comes with all the shaking impact more or less expected from the rumours and annoucment of last Nov. big preview event. Sadly Ynnari are hit. or at leaest changed vs. what they used to be... Main changes are dealing with the reduction of the units the Ynnarii can access to into the Drukhari rooster. This made my plans of using Mandrakes, Scourges and Ravager useless. Shame. As I have the models already, what remains as options? The usual "Sell-on-Ebay-or-any-other-place", the "Keep-it-in-crate-who-knows-what-you-will-do-latter", and the "New Year/New Army". I will go for the second option, even if, as I am weak, I may eventually keep it on my painting bench, but not on the top list of stuff to be painted. Waiting has a benefit: it allows to wait for the Drukhari Codex and eventually revise my position latter. BTW, how will this Codex be? No idea. No rumour. No programmed release communicated in a foreseable future (2/3 quarters). This leaves grand opened the wishlist door! STUFF THAT MAY DISAPEAR Bad things may happen. They are synonym in that case of stuff we have and that may change in substantial way or disapear. I expect mainly models being phased out. in this case I see as being under threat: The Court of the Archon The Beast Master As range rotation already hit Drukharis badly, the disappearence of these models will probably only affect Old timers that own and use them... FW range has already be hit nadly (but anyway Drukhari resin vehicles were a low count already) and Tantalus may also be a serious victim. "Nice model, Interesting tactical apportation, 150€..." STUFF THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN At the level of mad dreams that will not come true, I will consider the inclusion of YNNARIs into the Drukhari Codex. A kind of mirroring effect vs. what was done in the Aeldari Codex. I do not think thiis will happen as it looks like, to me, to far away from the philosophy of the Dark kin army list structure. Should they get something following such mechanism, it will be distinct. In the same vein, I expect a Codex released under "light" conditions. I mean, very low new or redone models. I would bet mainly on a reopening of the range rotation and one or two models redones. My top list for stuff more likely to be redone is limited to the Archon. This model is Mheew... It may deserve a better incarnation. Just STUFF THAT MAY HAPPEN In that category, and in echoe to the Ynnari inclusion into the Aeldari Codex, I may perfectly see a special treatment for Corsairs. There are some rumours for a Corsair Faction, but even if it might look like a dream, there are otehr rumours or opinion stating that this might in fact be a second Corsair unit included via Kill-Team. I might tend to belive that option. In that case, the Corsair might align up to 3-4 units which might be enough if a special character is included too (Yriel). Limited release, backed by an another game mainly, and rule incription into the Dark kin book... Other aspects, more previsible, are the Detachment to be expected: Kabalite Gladiator/Wytches Fleshmongers/Wracks Other ones might be less oriented in direction of one of the 3 main pillars of the Drukhari society and may be the one covering interaction such as: Harlies into DE The Corsairs I mentionned previously STUFF THAT I DREAM OF This is the part where I dream while awake. I WISH: A plastic Tantalus in form of a dual kit, allowing to build Asdrubael Vect - ´nough said. But it is worth mantionning that Drukhari lack a Primarch/greater daemon class of unit Another Elite unit, for example based on True Born. We need another hard hitter beyond Incubis, even if I see True borns as a concet better oriented to a trait/enhancment for a character. Indeed the True Born are either destined to be leaders of asssinated. In a sense I doubt the KT court of the Archon will survive, even if it might be a "mild" candidate for such a role. If (another) Primarch level character should be neede, I would perfectly see a Arhra model, solvng the riddle of Drahzzar, with the latter being only his Herald. A Drukhari minor level character acting as a bouty killer/assasin; Lone Operative. Either a Champion Level mandrake or (better) an infiltrating cold blooded murderer paid to eliminate competition from other Archons. This is not that much but it might already be a good shaking... What is your own wishlist made of?
  2. A colour test for some reinforcments for my Ynnari host: Not perfect but good enough for what I plan to do with this lad... More in the blog:
  3. Hi folks, As part of my Asuryani force, Ynnari oriented, I had marked on my list the addition of deepstriking units under the form of a Drukhari combat patrol plus other stuff. I've already painted the Incubus as part of the CtA24. Comes the time of the Kabalites. I have hesitated quite a long time before choosing a colour. I finally decided myself for an Akhelian green. It is close to a teal colour that can traditionally be associated to the dark kins. Their alliegence to the Ynnari sect will be only marked by subtle red details 5ribbons for example) or red paultrons. This illustration is a good impression of what I may aim at. But before diving into the painting I made a test model. For this I used the Archon mini. I was initially planning to make a kit bash to get it as an Harlequin Death Jester Proxy, as others overhere have done, especially the model displayed by @The Yncarne a few months ago: But in the end I went to a kit bash based on the bits I had in stock and keeping the boy into the Drukhari band wagon: Incubi stuff. A simple head and weapon swap. The miniature is IMHO improved by these changes, even if it still looks dumb. But not so dumb than the initial crossed arms version... So a margin improvment... The Akhelian green has been applied on a grey base coat, with deeper grey on the legs. This pic is not adapated to see the latter so you will ahve to trust me on that; but it is a nice variation. The full end result can be seen there: Interestingly enough, I cannot say which pic is worse... Generally speaking, I have not been very clever on that model. Some parts are of difficult access once glued, so prepainting would have been required. Foolish me. Anyway, after corrective actions taken to hide coloured spots that ended up where they were not supposed to be, it ended up quite OK. I've just forgotten that the paultrons were planned to be red. Not so important here as the fleshed cape is largely hiding them. But something to be checked on next models. I will stick with this scheme I guess; at least for the next 10 footsloggers. And for the 10 Scourges I enlisted last week too... See you soon.
  4. Hi folks, I completed my mandrakes tiday, putting final snow touch to their base and correcting some clown noses caused by miscontrol of white paint for hairs. My inspiration was this illustration: It is slightly different from the usual paint job of GW; mainly as hexfire is blue and not greenish. I found it more convenient and more adapted to bring a common point in terms of colours with the swirling soul wave of my Yncarne. All these models are close from the proposed patrons from heavy metal teams (if they are still called like that) but more easily achievable with my more limited painting habilities... For the tatoos, if these esoteric marks are tatoos, I painted in "negative mode": I fiilled all the tatoos and grooves with an electric blue and tham I painted the skin around through an almost dry brushing technique. This left most of the tatoos free of Eshin grey paint and avoided trying to fix it with my trembling hand latter on. Rest of the model is quite straight forward even if I tried a variant on the blades: mixing bone parts with the doomed iron of these daemonic figures. Finally flames were done in the exact same way as for the Yncarne model I did earlier this month: Frost earth on a withe base; and then brueches qnd washes with Fenris grey, Ulthuan grey and Drakenhof nightshade. The other variant was for the shade shield of the mandrake that tries to hide itself from the light (before teleporting on a secondary objective). For this one I went a dark grey washed with a black, while top part was brushed with a dark blue and a grey. Et voilà! These 10 Mandrakes will be a nice addition to the Ynari force of mine, giving some nice dirty tricks available to the whole force. Let's them prepqre my vows for October pledge in 12 Month of Hobby! See you soon,
  5. Hi Folks. There are as much reasons to choose and play an army than players. Or maybe not that much but a least a serious amount. So I will not pretend listing them all or even pretending covering the main ones. I will instead stick to a selfish and auto-centered exercise on why did I choose to build up an Ynnari force. I am not really an Eldar guy. I liked them and even started gathering an army in 96. I bought and stored some models, essentially after recovering some guardians from a friend on mine that left the hobby at this time and offered them to me a bargain. I have been left with a lot of guardians, falcon chassis and jetbikes. They were left there, waiting for some time. A first attempt for seriously using them was with the release of the Crafworld index. I was VERY tempted to build up a Saim-hann force. I even started building some potential models for kinsmen. But the soufflé went down. Another almost successful resurrection was the issuance of the Black Guardian list in the Eye of Terror campaign book. But the magic did not happen. Back to the pile of shame. CTA23 has been the last memorable event that affected these pointy ears. After 27 years most of the Aeldarii models were at last painted. I guess I have only 10 to 20 guardian bodies left in the waiting room. I kept Saim-hann theme – I never really abandoned it and I secretly hope for a Nuadhu Firehearth model someday… But I still haven´t played a single game: the army needed some legalization and improvements. And this is where the Ynnari trouble starts. A standard move would have been to select a few additional units and increase the army core with the usual suspects: Aspect warriors and so on. But I am not so fond of Aspect warriors in general (except Warp spiders and Dark reapers); although Aspects are the primal form of the Eldar units (I still have my 1st Ed compilation book (the yellow one), I am not that plugged into them. I instead decided to keep on moving on the guardian heavy thematic planning to add walkers and some rangers (inc. shroud-runners). The pile of shame has grown with some of these, but they remain in standby as, after a Paper-hammer* series of small games (in order to simulate and emulate my army construction) the tactical options appeared as being limited. Or better said: they almost paly as my AdMech. It is not what I want. Scouts´ models remain unpainted, even unbuilt. Another option would have been to build up a more fluff-oriented list going back to the roots of a wild rider heavy army. It is however not something that looks playable nowadays. May be for fun, but on the long run?... Paper-hammer stroke once again. It has been another fail So, what is left, except putting Aspect warriors? Ynnari. These have been a third choice, after the 2 previous errantly valuations. Yet they tick some boxes in terms of new tactical tricks. Indeed, getting these Dark-kins gives access to a series of deep striking units that will nicely balance the tactical options. Deep striking transports and skimming tanks. Fast units. Everything is into the speed aspect. I can have something that is still in the mood of that Saim-hann spirit will getting access to relatively cheap troops and units fulfilling a variety of tactical roles without slowing down the historic units of my rooster. To summarize, the decision to go Ynnari has not been a first choice. Rather a third one (And I hope they will not be axed in the next Aeldari codex so that I will not have to repent, again…). Decision has been made based on the play style and tactical options offered by the inclusion of the Dark Eldar units. It opens the rooster to a huge amount of units (probably as much as in a SM army, may it be?) so that variety and surprise effect can be guaranteed (if the collection growth allows it). What is going to include this Ynnari force: The drawbacks of Ynnari is the Yvraine tax. But as it has to be, so let it be. If you go Ynnari, you go Ynnari: so I cannot stop to Yvraine as a signature unit only. Let´s put the Yncarne too. This demonic figure has some tricky tricks to bring to the force. Add some Dark Eldars: a Patrol box for the moment (I touched it at 90 bucks…). I may increase the contingent with some Scourges and a Venom latter. As I “accidentally” get a KY Nightmare box, I also have a unit of 10 mandrakes available Corsairs may increase the rooster, especially as I have enough spare guardian bodies in order to build 2 units out of one box. What is missing from this list are the Venom, the Scourges and the Corsairs – 142 USD before discounts. Everything else is in the Pile of Shame already. In next instalments we will see how I am progressing with the painting of these models, starting with the Yncarne and Incubis. See you next time, *There are variants such as Lego-Hammer or Playmobil-hammer too. I even heard of a Hotwheels-Hammer once, but I guess the guy was talking of Steve Jackson´s Car Wars instead… PS: and I do insist that I am not starting a new army of any kind...
  6. Threw this together via bitz I had: archon, void weaver, and death jester kits. I'll run this model as a character in my corsairs army. Sort of a death jester homage. I hope to get it primed this week but have no idea when I'll get started on the paint phase. Thanks for looking.
  7. Switching to the vehicles of the three combat patrols I have. I’ll need to compress these images but I wanted to put something in my moribund blog. There's a lot of work here. TBH, I'm not feeling this work, but I aim to finish this one venom / 'weaver if nothing else.
  8. All done except for the sealing coat. This guy is a test model. It uses the same colors as the witches, but it differs from the corsairs and existing kabalites. The latter is teal, not turquoise. Obviously I've been going for quantity over quality lately. I'm shooting for these models to look good from several feet, not a few inches away. Here's the pics. Thanks for looking.
  9. These models count as Tortured Warriors with venom swords in my Grimdark death cult army. In 40k lore this is part of an Ynnari army with an emphasis on pirates and banshees. It has a craft world, a wych cult, and a few kabalite bands joining in for kicks. There's some details to paint in the torture racks, but that will not prevent me from calling these tabletop-ready. Colors used: Vallejo dark turquoise ink gw carrosburg crimson turbo dork shifting sands gw auric gold Vallejo gloomy violet gw gulliman flesh Thanks for looking.
  10. Comes both in Standard and Special Editions. Nice to have another dive into Commoraghian politics.
  11. Hello! This is my very first post so I’m sorry if I butcher anything. I’m pretty new to the 40k realm but I am very competitive. I am battling a Space Marine army, 1000 points and I was wondering if in such a small battle are there any good tactics I could use? Or are there any good ways to infiltrate space marines without losing many units? I’m sorry if my questions are confusing or nonsense lol.
  12. In my efforts to expand the kill team options available to Aeldari players, I've developed a new kill team list for Dark Eldar players - Kabalite Trueborn. Many Dark Eldar players don't have Wyches, but these players most likely have Kabalites, so this gives such players a way to play SWA with their existing units. You can see the rules here. This is just my first stab at the rules and I hope to refine it with playtesting and feedback.
  13. So when Raging Heroes had their "toughest girls in the galaxy 2" kickstarter involving sisters of mercy and space elves, I kind of went overboard on my pledge and ended up buying a full sororitas army as well as a full dark eldar army (lust elves and void elves collections). The dark eldar army wasn't one I was intending to actually play, and was more for a showcase project. As such, I bought pretty much all of their heroine minis as well as full squads of each type. The idea I had was that it was a faction that swore to Tzeentch in order to save themselves from Slaanesh... then the Ynnead stuff came out. At any rate, this army is almost exclusively topless elf girls (although not as X rated as a Slaanesh army). I'm still relatively early in the color schemes and design phase. The army list as it stands at the moment is something like this: Lady Ashara (counts as Asdrubel Vect) Lady Darkyss (counts as Lady Malys) Zalith (counts as Drazhar, master of blades) Lelith Hesperax Yscarloth (counts as Urien Rakarth) Shiveryah (counts as Yvraine, emissary of Ynnead) Mahleezaria (counts as Yncarne, avatar of Ynnead) Kashala (counts as Visarch, sword of Ynnead) Kraash (counts as beastmaster) several other characters 10x hunters (counts as Kabalite trueborn) 30x blood vestals (counts as 3 squads of wyches) 10x skinners (counts as wracks) 6x stingray riders (counts as hellions) 10x death dancers (counts as mandrakes) 6x centaurs (counts as grotesques) 10x executrix (counts as incubi) 4x she-werewolves (counts as clawed fiends) 10x bargheists (counts as khymera) Avatar of Shah (counts as greater slaanesh) So anyway here are some of the characters assembled and primed. http://img03.deviantart.net/7bda/i/2017/187/d/6/dark_eldar_01_by_kasumidoll-dbfburg.jpg Left to right: Zalith (Drazhar), Liligrith (succubus?), Shiverya (chaos mage?), Shaliah (mandrake champ), Onyx (succubus/Lelith) http://img12.deviantart.net/ee20/i/2017/187/0/8/dark_eldar_02_by_kasumidoll-dbfbuvo.jpg Left to right: harpy queen (chaos fury champ), Sephea (incubi champ), Violet (familiar?), Sinzinth (dunno?)
  14. I entered my Lady's chambers at her command. The room I was required to wait in was empty. Unusual. My Lady normally had her consorts around her at all times, usually to watch them torture a Mon'Keigh. I had no idea how long I was to wait, so I stood. It would not do to anger her. Her mood has become darker and darker of late, especially after hearing news of Ynnead's emergence. It was dividing the Dark Kin more than ever, many taking sides hoping for an advantage. The Biel Tan Craftworld in ruins a Mon'Keigh King has re-awoken and worse still, rumours afoot of my Lady's arch rival wishing to destroy Commoragh. My lady wishes to stop him. I have no idea how. A curtain to her private chamber is flung back, and an underling leaves, his face ashen. I am glad I am not in his place. "Ml'Hur." The tone in her voice was not encouraging. Whilst slow to anger, recent events has changed this. I must tread carefully... "My Lady Malys." I bow deeply in genuine respect. My loyalty is hard earned, and she has done so a thousand fold already. She beckons me to her chamber. I pause, unsure of what to do. My instinct is to accept my fate. She had already summoned four of her advisors already. They haven't been seen since. She knows of my discomfort, and makes no secret of her pleasure. I approach the threshold and enter. I am surprised to see a very conservative decor. Many Kin I have served in the past lived in opulence, even for our kind. This room was...unnerving. "Do you know why I have summoned you?" I did not and responded as such. "I know you have heard things. Things that even I know nothing of. Let us discuss current affairs. I do not wish to be kept in the dark on the mood of Commoragh." She beckons me to sit next to her. Her beauty is intoxicating, balanced by an extremely shrewd mind and a ruthlessness I have rarely seen. "Tell me. Tell me what you know of Yvraine..." ++++++++ Hello and welcome to my WIP for my eventual Kabal of the Poisoned Tongue! I've never played Dark Eldar before. When I first played 40k in the late '80's/early '90's and before my previous retirement from the game (end of second edition to very late fifth), they didn't exist (as didn't Tau, Necrons and Sisters as we now know them), so I've only recently thought of making a small army. I was drawn to Lady Malys, mainly because of her fluff, but also it served as a chance to kitbash my own model, seeing as she doesn't have one. So, to begin with here are a few WIP pictures of her and Ml'Hur. I have a squad of Wyches, a Succubus, Leilith Hesperax and a Raider as well, but they'll be added to this topic soon. As Lady Malys has a bladed fan, I was struggling to work out how to make one for her. As I'll be using the generic Archon rules, it wouldn't have any effect in the game, but she it's an iconic part of her, so I knew I wanted to make one. In the end, I cut three Witch Aelf blades from their hands, glued them together and whilst it isn't perfect, it certainly passes muster for now. I added a DE weapon to her hip to finish her off. The Marine shoulder guard at her base will have the badge of a known Chapter soon. Just need to work out which Here is a picture of what she looks like with some paint along with Ml'Hur: Forgive the poor pictures, as my proper cameras can't be used as I lost the memory cards and they aren't easy to get replacements for these days! I will make sure to take better ones soon though. Thanks for looking!
  15. The Drukhari reap and sow a harvest of pain.
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