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  1. Afternoon all. I've been quite happy and intrigued by the possibilities of the Agents Codex. It's by no means perfect but I do feel there is potential for fun and it opens up a whole new toolbox for Imperial armies. I've been looking at putting together an all agents list as I can fill out alot of it using things I already own. My own reading confirms the internets consensus that the Imperialis Fleet detachment has the most competitive potential. But it's the Ordo Hereticus Detachment that calls to me, and it's Sister and Arbites units I'd like to purchase. This is my first go at an all rounder force. Purgation Force Detachment Strike Force 2000pts Epic Heroes Inquisitor Greyfax - Warlord Eversor Assassin Vindicare Assassin Characters Inquisitor - Psychic Gifts - Psychic Shockwave - Force Weapon - No Escape Ministorum Priest - Power weapon and Holy Pistol - Liber Heresius Battleline Units Vigilant Squad - Executioner Shotgun - Arbites Grenade Launcher - Nuncio-Aquila Vigilant Squad - Executioner Shotgun - Arbites Grenade Launcher - Nuncio-Aquila Other Units Inquisitorial Agents - 10 Inquisitorial Agents, 2 Gun Servitors - 2x Tome Skulls - 2x Plasma Pistols - 2x Eviscerators - 2x Mystic Staves - Gun Servitors: 2x Multi-Meltas Subductor Squad - Nuncio-Aquila Grey Knights Terminator Squad - 1x Psycannon - 1x Ancient’s Banner - 1x Narthecium Grey Knights Terminator Squad - 1x Psycannon - 1x Ancient’s Banner - 1x Narthecium Sisters of Battle Squad - Simulacrum Imperialis - Meltagun - Multi-Melta - Sister Superior: Power Weapon and Combi-Weapon Sisters of Battle Squad - Simulacrum Imperialis - Meltagun - Multi-Melta - Sister Superior: Power Weapon and Combi-Weapon Dedicated Transports Imperial Rhino - Hunter-Killer Missile Inquisitorial Chimera - Chimera Heavy Bolter - Heavy Bolter - Storm Bolter - Hunter-Killer Missile Sisters of Battle Immolator - Twin Multi-Melta - Hunter-Killer Missile Sisters of Battle Immolator - Twin Multi-Melta - Hunter-Killer Missile Imperial Knights: Freeblades Armiger Warglaive - Meltagun Armiger Warglaive - Meltagun Armiger's are in this list for some anti-vehicle/monster backbone. Greyfax joins the Inquisitorial Agents in the Chimera, the Priest goes with the Subductors in the Rhino and the Inquisitor is joining a Grey Knight Squad and both will deepstrike. Both Sister Squads will split to have the Superior and gunners in the Immolators and the others will run around the backfield doing actions and such. I went for the two most expensive Assassins so that I can freely swap around depending on the match up. Key I think to playing this is to try and control the flow of battle and make sure engagements are on my army's terms. Easier said than done but with redeployment shenanigans from the Liber Heresius, Deepstriking Grey Knights and tricks to eliminate key enemies when needed I think I might have a chance in casual to semi-competitive settings and look good doing it.
  2. Before an extended hiatus from the hobby, my main army was blood angels. This year I’m remaking them in a new scale for armies on parade.
  3. Updating my Blog of completed models Grey Knights HQ Terminator Librarian Reynald de Vichers Brotherhood Champion Landry de Lauzon Techmarine Talus ELITES Venerable Dreadnought Draper Servitor Squads Montessa and Calatrava TROOPS Strike Squad Tancrede de Hautville Strike Squad Gaiwan de Monglane Strike Squad Godfrey de Caux Termnator Squad Tibauld De Gaudin FAST ATTACK Interceptor Squad Philip De Plessiez HEAVY SUPPORT Purgation Squad Everand Des Barres FLYERS DEDICATED TRANSPORTS Razorback "Long Swords" Kill Team Octarius Hand of Titan
  4. By Maxwell Holliston. Posted to Facebook Warhammer 40K: Grey Knights group on 3 July. I, Valerian, have cleaned it up a bit, however. How to Win with Grey Knights in 10th Edition This Army is insanely powerful if you know how to use it effectively. If you're trying to win and not just throw together a "whatever" list to play against your buddies then any list creation must begin with one core idea in mind: maximize strengths and minimize weaknesses. Our strength is mobility, our weakness is anti-tank or high toughness models. What we want to do is maximize how many proverbial swings we get at the things we excel at and minimize how many times per game we have to do something we're crappy at. That means instead of trying to find weird ways to enhance Terminators or Paladins into killing anything that isn't a Marine in close combat, we instead ignore this premise completely. It's like a football team winning the Super Bowl; you win it by giving yourself as many chances at the postseason as possible with an "accuracy by volume of fire" mindset. What we DON'T do is try to force the army to do something it isn't built for. WE DO NOT build Draigo led Terminator bombs to try and kill Wraithguard or Dreadnoughts. That's like trying to turn an Imperial Guard squad into a close combat unit. We accept them for what they're good at and copy/paste. What we're amazing at: -Mobility -Mulching low to medium toughness infantry -Focused mortal wounds (via the Radiant Strike stratagem) What we're terrible at: -Dealing with high Toughness models -Dispersed mortal wounds To give ourselves as many chances at maximizing our Teleport Assault ability, we need to correspondingly maximize how many units we have available at any given time to do so. Many people complain about our model count, but they're doing it completely wrong; we compensate for expensive, flashy, and ultimately useless things like Terminators, Paladins, and named Characters by focusing on the things that maximize our main ability: mobility. We get to move up to three units per turn anywhere we need them (to the objectives). The Teleport Assault ability is disgustingly overpowered, and we need to ensure we're using this on all three units that can use it, every turn, without fail! And the only way we guarantee that is by increasing our numbers to the point where no one is going to be able to bog us down and keep these three units from moving wherever I want them every turn. Recommended Army List: CHARACTER Brotherhood Champion (115 points) • Warlord • 1x Nemesis force weapon 1x Storm bolter • Enhancement: Sigil of Exigence BATTLELINE Strike Squad (135 points) • 1x Justicar • 1x Nemesis force weapon 1x Storm bolter • 4x Grey Knight • 4x Nemesis force weapon 4x Storm bolter Strike Squad (135 points) • 1x Justicar • 1x Nemesis force weapon 1x Storm bolter • 4x Grey Knight • 4x Nemesis force weapon 4x Storm bolter Strike Squad (135 points) • 1x Justicar • 1x Nemesis force weapon 1x Storm bolter • 4x Grey Knight • 4x Nemesis force weapon 4x Storm bolter Strike Squad (135 points) • 1x Justicar • 1x Nemesis force weapon 1x Storm bolter • 4x Grey Knight • 4x Nemesis force weapon 4x Storm bolter Strike Squad (135 points) • 1x Justicar • 1x Nemesis force weapon 1x Storm bolter • 4x Grey Knight • 4x Nemesis force weapon 4x Storm bolter Strike Squad (135 points) • 1x Justicar • 1x Nemesis force weapon 1x Storm bolter • 4x Grey Knight • 4x Nemesis force weapon 4x Storm bolter OTHER DATASHEETS Grey Knights Stormhawk Interceptor (160 points) • 1x Armoured hull 1x Las-talon 1x Twin assault cannon 1x Typhoon missile launcher Interceptor Squad (160 points) • 1x Interceptor Justicar • 1x Nemesis force weapon 1x Storm bolter • 4x Interceptor • 4x Nemesis force weapon 4x Storm bolter Interceptor Squad (160 points) • 1x Interceptor Justicar • 1x Nemesis force weapon 1x Storm bolter • 4x Interceptor • 4x Nemesis force weapon 4x Storm bolter Interceptor Squad (160 points) • 1x Interceptor Justicar • 1x Nemesis force weapon 1x Storm bolter • 4x Interceptor • 4x Nemesis force weapon 4x Storm bolter Nemesis Dreadknight (215 points) • 1x Gatling psilencer 1x Heavy psycannon 1x Nemesis daemon greathammer Nemesis Dreadknight (215 points) • 1x Gatling psilencer 1x Heavy psycannon 1x Nemesis daemon greathammer The Dreadknights and Stormhawk exist to splash/threaten some limited anti-tank but mostly serve as a “distraction carnifex” (Hey, shoot at me! I'm dangerous, put your heavy weapons into me and please ignore my Strike Squads!). I want the enemy shooting at stuff that really doesn't matter; my Strike and Interceptor Squads are the lifeblood of the army. I want them alive at all possible costs. The Dreadknights and Stormhawk exist to take high Strength shots until they die in glorious distraction, eating fire that could possibly be levied at my PAGK instead. Leverage your elite mobility to stretch out their army. Grey Knights are faster than literally every other faction, and a poor player can be easily manipulated into bad positioning. Sometimes I "spend units" (meaning I deliberately put them into a poor position to die) to "move" one of their units. Most players cannot resist the opportunity to kill one of your units because most people think that means it will help them win. This thought process is patently untrue; the Shooting and Fight phases are the least important in the game. Movement is everything, yours and theirs. Movement IS combat. Maximize your own, and manipulate theirs. That's really it. Stretch out their lines by deliberately sacrificing some of your own units in key moments. Sneak your Dreadknights around the field, hiding behind cover and terrain, prolonging how long it takes to shoot them off the board (like hide them, don't charge units unless you're in a bad position with no other choice and your Dreadknight is on 2 wounds left; move them around to keep lascannons coming their way for as many turns as possible). Build your army list to jam as many 2+ Armor Save PAGK and OC bodies into it as possible, and count on the fact that your opponent probably built their list to fish for a stupid combo. Frequently Asked Questions: Question: "How do you deal with armor?" Answer: I don't. I ignore it. Next question. Question: "What if they bring a Knight?" Answer: Avoid it. Use cover. Make him run all over the board, stupid with blood lust. Feed it 5 man squads all game by making him charge. I win just by forcing him to move it where I want him to. Question: "What about Imperial Guard and all their tanks? You didn't bring any anti-tank!" Answer: You're right, I didn't on purpose. Kill his chaff with your million Storm bolters and S6 Nemesis force weapons. Hide from the tanks to minimize the damage they can do per turn. Enjoy winning 80-15 if you just let him shoot up your army and avoid attacking them. Final Tips: - Never fish for 5+ to Wound. Statistically you cut your lethality by half. If it isn't T4 or lower, I'm not shooting it with Storm bolters. If it isn't T6 or lower, I'm not charging it. If you do, consider that fight lost, your unit destroyed, and table control given to the opponent. Then make a post about "how bad GK are" on Facebook and Reddit. Surgically target elite infantry with heavy weapons on the Stormhawk Interceptor. Eradicators, Aggressors, Terminators, etc. I ignore Land Raiders completely. Sacrifice units on their charge, rarely yours. Make them move where you want them to by offering up a unit in sacrifice. Controlling their movement is better than cocaine. Army composition exists to support the idea of "I want to win, badly." If you like Terminators and Paladins and named Characters I'm not saying you can't win with them, I'm saying it's going to be a lot harder. You will not kill everything off the table with this list. You will likely not even kill half of their army with this list. This list is not built for killing enemy units; it is for playing the objectives and winning games with little else considered. It is not an easy list to play if you're used to just pointing units at other units to roll dice; if you didn't take the Supremacy or Domination secondaries the last couple editions, this will be a hard list for most of you to use at first. Good luck boys. We are the hammer. —-------------- I won 2 more games yesterday, bringing my W/L to 15-1 in the new edition. Only loss, so far, has been against Imperial Knights.
  5. From the album: Ironheaded's Gallery

    Just a silliness... photo from GK painting commission.
  6. Ioldanach

    Kill Team workbook

    From the album: Kill Team

    Initial stab at a command roster for Grey Knights in Kill Team
  7. 986 downloads

    Grey Knight Brotherhood logos. Includes the logo for each of the eight Brotherhoods, plus the Chambers of Purity logo. Background layers in grey: 10%, 20%, and 30%.
  8. 692 downloads

    "Chapter Logo" for the Knights Errant (Grey Knights predecessors). In Black, Grey, Red, and White, with Black, Grey, and White background layers.
  9. 1343 downloads

    Daemon Hunter Decal Sheet - BOLS Version
  10. From the album: Inquisition

    Grey Knights squad with Inquisitor at the center. (A converted Reaper mini, Talus Tenspell).
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