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  1. From the album: Chapter Color Scheme Ideas

    Sons of the Pyre Veteran Sargent Azdrubal. He has scrimshawed the background of his right shoulder plate with bone taken from fallen enemies. This is a common practice among the chapters veterans. Sargents of the Sons are marked with a skull on their helmet and members of the Burned Ones with a bronze stripe. The Burned Ones are members of the Sons of the Pyre who have 'faced the pyre', a chapter ritual in which the participant voluntarily bows his face into burning coals as a sign of devotion to the Emperor.
  2. This topic is just a way of generating interest and getting an idea of what sort of numbers we have for creating a Xenos ruleset for Legions Imperialis, using said ruleset as a guide/context for anything we create. In my mind, this topic is a place we can discuss how to implement such things, whether we assign groups of people to each Xenos faction with a project head, then come together to finalise things as a community. Or what have you. So... who's interested?
  3. Hello! I'm a new Imperial Knight player, and have bought several Imperial Knights to make my own army. However, I have a problem. Initially, I wanted to do my own Knightly House, with it's own emblems and insignias, etc. Looking in the codex, there's quite a few things one need to consider to make it correctly. How do people do this? You would need an house emblem on the shield by the head, another by the shoulders, and smaller ones by the legs. I just can't seem to find anywhere where such transfers are available. Are you painting them on manually? I've considered making a band of Freeblades at this point, which seems easier (you only need one or two transfers of their personal crest). What are your experiences with making your own house? How did you do it? Did you instead go the Freeblade route?
  4. Greetings all! So recently I've been playing 40k online with a friend a lot lately, and it gave me a hankering for a good custom army, specifically Dark Mechanicum. What started out as just an idea of a simple handful of units from the Adeptus Mechanicus and Chaos Space Marine lists quickly grew in ambition and scope until it turned into a full 120 page homemade codex, borrowing and/or modifying some units, but also creating a bunch of fresh ones. I'd love to share with the community here, both because I'm pretty pleased with the result, and also to get feedback and maybe help refine it further. Especially with regards to tabletop, I'm more into the lore and models than the gaming, so I'm sure there are aspects of the actual rules or points values that need a lot of work. That said, please keep in mind this is intended as a fun little project rather than an attempt to make a watertight set of perfectly balanced rules. Oh and this is all based in 8th edition, as I haven't been following the 9th details so much yet. Anywho, I'll start posting here, and naturally I'll be removing anything taken from GW's published materials. Opening up with general army rules: HERALDS OF THE TRUE MECHANICUM <HELLFORGE> Most of the forces of the Dark Mechanicum belong to a Hellforge, or other similar force. Some datasheets specify what Hellforge a unit is drawn from. If a DARK MECHANICUM datasheet does not specify which Hellforge it is from, it will have the <HELLFORGE> keyword. When you include such a unit in your army, you must nominate which Hellforge that unit is from. There are many different Hellforges to choose from; you can use any of the Hellforges described in Games Workshop's books, or make up your own Hellforge if you prefer. You then simply replace the <HELLFORGE> keyword in every instance on that unit's datasheet with the name of your chosen Hellforge. <QUESTOR TRAITORIS> & Dreadblades [sEE RULES IN CODEX: CHAOS KNIGHTS] ABILITIES The following abilities are common to several Dark Mechanicum units: Supplications of the Octed: The followers of the Dark Mechanicum have long since abandoned the beliefs and dogma of the Imperial Mechanicum, and in their place taken up worship of the Ruinous Pantheon. In battle their fervent prayers and benedictions are often answered with direct and devastating effect. All units with this ability gain a bonus during battle depending on the Supplication currently in use. At the start of each battle round, pick one Supplication from the below list to be in effect for the duration of that battle round. The same Supplication may not be picked twice during the same battle. Alternatively, you can randomly determine which Supplication is in effect by rolling a D6 and consulting the list. Note that if you randomly determine a Supplication, it takes effect even if the same Supplication has been in effect earlier in the battle. If you have a Battle-forged army, units only receive the bonus if every model in their Detachment has this ability. D6 1 - Litany of Blood Hellish beasts of brass and iron snort and snarl, furnaces burn the weak into billowing clouds of ash, and boiling blood is used to oil the gears. Such is the prayer to the Blood God. All affected units gain +1 Attack in the Fight phase 2 - Invocation of Rust The adepts steel themselves with the knowledge that all will rust and shatter with time, and welcome the entropic touch of Grandfather Nurgle. All affected units reduce damage by 1 (to a minimum of 1) 3 - Communion of Innovation The Architect of Fate is beseeched to guide his followers' weapons to points of weakness, and to infuse their bolts with the power of sorcery. All affected units increase the AP of all weapons by 1 4 - Incantation of Excess All feel the gaze of the Dark Prince upon them, driving them to push themselves and their engines harder in the hopes of retaining the ecstasy of his attentions for just one more moment. All affected units may add +1 to Advance and Charge rolls 5 - Scrapcode Benediction The unholy prayers of the Scrapcode are recited and broadcast, foiling the weaponry and targeting systems of the unenlightened. All affected units gain a -1 to hit buff vs. enemy shooting 6 - Machine-Prayer to the Omnissiah Undivided Just as other heretics may revere the united pantheon of Chaos Undivided, so do the Dark Magi worship it as the embodiment of the Omnissiah, whose gifts will empower the faithful. All affected units regenerate D3 wounds Death to the False Mechanicum: The Magi of the Dark Mechanicum believe themselves to be the true followers of the Omnissiah, unrestrained by the petty concerns and limitations of the Adeptus Mechanicus. There is none they despise more than the servants of the False Mechanicum. Each time you roll a 6+ for a model with this ability in the Fight phase, it can, if it was targeting an ADEPTUS MECHANICUS unit, immediately make an extra attack against the same unit using the same weapon. These extra attacks cannot themselves generate any further attacks. Infernal Regeneration: The Daemon Engine creations of the Dark Mechanicum are built as much from daemonic aether-flesh as they are from metal. Empowered by warp energies, these monstrous machines will repair themselves before their foes' eyes, plates of metal knitting together and lost weapons or limbs reforming and growing back in mere moments. At the start of your turn, this model regains 1 lost wound. Daemonic: The denizens of the warp do not have a true physical form; they are beings of energy, given fell shape and terrible purpose. Such a creature defies the natural laws of the universe and many of the most powerful weapons are all but useless against them. This unit/model has a 5+ invulnerable save. Marks of Chaos Many Dark Mechanicum units dedicate themselves to a single Chaos God, whilst others worship the entire pantheon in all its dark glory, often in the form of the Omnissiah Undivided. The Chaos God a unit is dedicated to is denoted by the Mark of Chaos that it bears. Some datasheets specify the Mark of Chaos for a unit. If a Dark Mechanicum datasheet does not specify which Mark of Chaos a unit has, it will have the <MARK OF CHAOS> keyword. When you include such a unit in your army, you must nominate which (if any) Mark of Chaos that unit has. You then simply replace the <MARK OF CHAOS> keyword in every instance on that unit's datasheet with one of the following: KHORNE, TZEENTCH, NURGLE or SLAANESH. Note that PSYKERS cannot have the KHORNE keyword. You do not have to choose a Mark of Chaos for a unit if you do not want to; if you do not, it is assumed that the unit has not dedicated itself to a specific Dark God. Vehicle Equipment: Bound Daemon Spirit - Any model with this upgrade does not suffer any penalty for moving and firing Heavy weapons. Smoke Launchers - [as per Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus]. Broad Spectrum Data-tether - [as per Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus] but applying to <HELLFORGE> units. Hellish Defence - At the end of the Fight phase, roll a D6 for every enemy INFANTRY model within 1" of this model. On a 6+, that models takes 1 mortal wound. Helram - If a vehicle with a helram charges, add 1 to hit rolls made for it until the end of the ensuing Fight phase. Bellow of the Battle Lord - Vehicles with the Mark of Khorne only. On the turn that a vehicle with this upgrade charges, enemy units within 1" of it suffer a -1 penalty to their Leadership. Cloud of Flies - Vehicles with the Mark of Nurgle only. Any ranged attacks targeting a vehicle with a Cloud of Flies suffers a -1 to hit penalty. Time Sphere - Vehicles with the Mark of Tzeentch only. Once per battle, at the end of one of your Movement phases, a vehicle with this upgrade that is within 1" of an enemy unit may be removed from the battlefield and placed anywhere within 12" of its previous location, provided it ends more than 1" from any enemy models. Lashing Tongue - Vehicles with the Mark of Slaanesh only. A vehicle with this upgrade gains the following weapon in addition to any others it possesses:Lashing Tongue - R: Melee | T: Melee | S: User | AP: 0 | D: 1 | When the bearer fights, it makes 2 additional attacks with this weapon and no more than 2 attacks can be made with this weapon. WARPFORGED HORDES Visionaries Without Limit The Heretek Priests and their infernal creations push forward with the certainty that they carry the flag of the True Mechanicum, their advances on the battlefield mirroring the progress they push forward for all of humanity. If your army is Battle-forged, all Troops units in DARK MECHANICUM Detachments gain this ability. Such a unit that is within range of an objective marker (as specified in the mission) controls that objective marker even if there are more enemy models within range of it. If an enemy unit within range of the same objective marker has a similar ability, then the objective marker is controlled by the player who has the most models within range of it as normal. Hellforge Traits There are Hellforges and Heretek factions scattered throughout the galaxy, some within the madness of warpstorms, others hidden within the Imperium itself. Heretek Priests are free from the constraints of Adeptus Mechanicus dogma, and it is no surprise that each Hellforge follows its own path and behaves differently upon the battlefield. If your army is Battle-forged, units with the appropriate keyword will receive the corresponding Hellforge trait, detailed below, so long as every other unit in their Detachment is from the same Hellforge. If you have chosen a Hellforge that does not feature on this list, you can choose the trait that best suits the fighting style and battlefield strategies of the warriors that hail from it. XANA II: MASTERS OF DAEMONCRAFT The Dark Magi of Xana II are legendary masters of their craft, experts in both the construction and perfect usage of warp-powered weaponry. All units with this trait gain +1 to hit in the shooting phase. SARUM: SURGE INTO CARNAGE The dread lords of Sarum have calculated that their biggest hindrance to slaughter in Khorne's name is getting their forces into melee, and so they devote a significant portion of their time and energy to overcoming this with new bionics and technologies. All units with this trait add +1 to all advance rolls and +2 to all charge rolls. POLIX: WARP-SATURATION Those of Polix are so immersed in their never-ending studies of warp energies that they end up saturated with it, giving it off like a deadly radiation. Reduce the Toughness characteristic of enemy units (other than VEHICLES) by 1 whilst they are within 1" of any unit with this trait (this is not cumulative). TEMPORIA: STEADY SUPERIORITY The forces of Temporia are so sure of themselves and their inherent superiority, they calmly wait as lesser beings hurl themselves in close, only unleashing their devastating firepower at the perfectly calculated moment. When firing Overwatch, units with this trait hit on a roll of 5+, instead of only 6+, irrespective of modifiers. THE LOGICIANS: DELETION SQUADS While many Hellforges make ample use of disposable chaff soldiers, the Logicians believe that the use of small, highly-trained squads of elites is much more efficient. Any Troops unit at minimum size can re-roll hit rolls of 1 in both the Shooting phase and the Fight phase.
  5. OK please allow me to present my labour of love, over the past 3 years this Chapter has grown to what it is now, I have changed so much since the 1st BoA but I have kept some similar things. The good thing about being a painter and not a player is I can get away with alot of stuff as you will see, I know there is much to read but please read it C&C anything you like or don't like. I want to thank GMB for well he knows I have posted this in the DA forums too but I wanted to give it more exposure. Index Astartes http://i1116.photobucket.com/albums/k574/jetpaczx/Chapter20Badge_zps4cuzl5kv.jpg GENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR):- DARK ANGELS FOUNDING:- 3rd [005.M32] [iron Manticores] 5th [523.M33] [27th] CHAPTER MASTER:- LOTHAR Von MITTE CHAPTER WORLD:- MANNHEIM FORTRESS MONASTERY:- THE KRAKEN (Water going Leviathan) MAIN COLOURS:- RED - STONE ROBES SPECIALITY:- TERMINATOR VETERANS - 2ND COMPANY BIKES/SPEEDERS - FALLEN HUNTERS BATTLE CRY:- CHAPLAIN 'In the name of the Lion!' - REPLY 'We are his Blade' CURRENT STRENGTH:- 800+, 4th & 6th Company rebuilding from extreme losses. KNOWN DESCENDANTS:- NONE KNOWN The Blades of Alaric Space Marines Chapter [imageright][/imageright] Origins At the time of the Iron Manticores creation the High Lords were not as suspicious as they are now so they were created without much issue, originally designated to patrol systems near the Ghoul Stars, The Unforgiven provided the officer cadre to take control of the Chapter as was requested in the mandate over four hundred Astartes were already waiting, it is noted that they might have been cloned or vat grown, they were very inexperienced for Astartes They proved themselves to be very capable once they were battle ready slowly earning the respect of the rest of the Unforgiven as they learned their warcraft. The Chapter was eventually able to fight on its own with no support, with their new fleet they were about to set out to the Ghoul Stars when Inquisitor Cythro Darvoto of the Ordo Herecticus had requested the Unforgiven to provide support in his campaign, even though the Dark Angels and most of the other Unforgiven were skeptical Cassiel was eager to once again prove his worth as the Grand Master and in extension the Iron Manticores. So with that the whole Chapter mobilised for war. What was unknown to Cassiel at the time was Darvoto was using the Chapter for his own ends to recover a set of five artefacts corrupted by Chaos, what these artefacts did was not fully known. The campaign went well to begin with, Chaos cults in the Brast system were wiped out to a man, the first artefact was recovered, it proved to be the catalyst of the Chapters downfall. The second and third artefacts were found in quick succession, the influence of Chaos becoming more and more apparent, local casualties from war started to rise exponentially, the Inquisitor did his best to encourage the Iron Manticores to shed blood. The first step over the line came when the Master Chaplain questioned the Inquisitor and Cassiel in private only to be killed in cold blood. Cassiel has used the Blade given to him by Darvoto, it howled as it took the Chaplains life. As the fourth artefact when found most of the Chapter had fallen to the worship of Chaos any that did not accept this were killed in rituals to the Warp, it took so little time to corrupt the Chapter. Unknown to Darvoto and the Iron Manticores a group of three Inquisitors had informed the Dark Angels of this Inquisitors crimes and his heresy. Over half of the Unforgiven mobilised with Jaxartes the Supreme Grand Master of the Angels of Vengeance taking overall command. Jaxartes took this very personal considering Cassiel used to be the Master of his 3rd Company. With a fleet of ten Battle Barges, 17 Strike Cruisers and various escorts the Fleet when searching for answers. Once the Task Force has caught up with the Iron Manticores, Jaxartes demanded Cassiel to transport to his flagship, he refused and ordered his fleet to open fire on the Blade of Vengeance, with his fall complete Cassiel started to fight a losing battle his fleet would not stand a chance. Jaxartes was not interested in killing him in a Void battle so steps were taken to disable Cassiels Battle Barge and board it, upon boarding the ship the corruption of Chaos was more apparent, the two met in combat on the bridge. Cassiel swelled with power from the warp proved to be even match for Jaxartes but he fell to his former Master, over the next few days nearly all of the remaining Iron Manticores were killed, the group of Inquisitors ordered Exterminatus on the planet below where Darvoto was completing his ritual. The Unforgiven were never told what the Artifacts could do and it would be guessed they were more concerned with the Iron Manticores destruction given the knowledge some with privy to. All records of the incident were wiped from Imperial records only the Unforgiven have knowledge as the three Inquisitors met with drive failure jumping into the warp. With records of the Iron Manticores being expunged by the Inquisition, there is very little to prove they even existed. The Blades can use this to their advantage. There probably exists some documentation with the Manticores that survived the fall to corruption. The Blades would then say they are the few Manticores that fought against their corrupted brothers but were not slain in a ritual. Having been deemed free of taint by the Unforgiven chapters involved in the conflict. They were given permission to rebuild. They changed their name and colors to purged that reminder of their past and to avoid any complications when an Inquisitor remembers there was a kill order for the Manticores. The 'reminted' Blades would have been under close contact with the Unforgiven (which is true as the Blades were probably scrutinized heavily upon their return) and as such they rebuilt quickly with the Unforgiven looking on. The Blades have since kept in contact with the Unforgiven to prevent another Manticore Incident and have served with distinction ever since. Sixty three years after the incident The ships of the 1st Legion carrying the 27th Order transitioned back to normal space in the Caliban System after being missing for over two thousand years. The Strike Cruiser Black Sword of Vengeance was the first to make contact with their lost brothers. After initial suspicion and given the recent history of the Iron Manticores, the Unforgiven were rightfully wary. But this time it was a reason for celebration they were indeed the lost 27th Order, they disappeared after jumping from Macragge during the Heresy. It took them some time to adjust to being out of their own time. Alloken the Supreme Grand Master along with Jurgen Becke came up with the plan of the 27th taking over the Iron Manticores history and provide the tithes due to the Chapter, as first Jurgen was against this, He thought it was the 27th's right to lead the Dark Angels themselves, it was not until his friend Karsten the main Librarian of the 27th explained to him that their place was not at the Rock or as Dark Angels, but as long as they were Sons of El'Jonson their name did not matter. So it was after this the 27th Order became a member of the Unforgiven with the full knowledge of what that entailed, but even Jurgen was not told everything, even Alloken did not know all. This fateful meeting also started a deep brotherhood with the Angels of Vengeance in particular with Jaxartes and Jurgen, Both recognising a common ground between them, Whereas Jaxartes was impetuous, Jurgen was patient, were Jaxartes was outspoken, Jurgen was diplomatic. They consider themselves part of the Unforgiven and will pursue the Fallen to the ends of the galaxy. But they do not do this for the reasons that the Dark Angels do. They follow more closely to the Angels of Vengeance they are fanatical in the destruction of Traitors of any kind. Sixty three years after the incident The ships of the 1st Legion carrying the 27th Order transitioned back to normal space in the Caliban System after being missing for over two thousand years. The Strike Cruiser Black Sword of Vengeance was the first to make contact with their lost brothers. After initial suspicion and given the recent history of the Iron Manticores, the Unforgiven were rightfully wary. But this time it was a reason for celebration they were indeed the lost 27th Order, they disappeared after jumping from Macragge during the Heresy. It took them some time to adjust to being out of their own time. Alloken the Supreme Grand Master along with Jurgen Becke came up with the plan of the 27th taking over the Iron Manticores history and provide the tithes due to the Chapter, as first Jurgen was against this, He thought it was the 27th's right to lead the Dark Angels themselves, it was not until his friend Karsten the main Librarian of the 27th explained to him that their place was not at the Rock or as Dark Angels, but as long as they were Sons of El'Jonson their name did not matter. So it was after this the 27th Order became a member of the Unforgiven with the full knowledge of what that entailed, but even Jurgen was not told everything, even Alloken did not know all. This fateful meeting also started a deep brotherhood with the Angels of Vengeance in particular with Jaxartes and Jurgen, Both recognising a common ground between them, Whereas Jaxartes was impetuous, Jurgen was patient, were Jaxartes was outspoken, Jurgen was diplomatic. They consider themselves part of the Unforgiven and will pursue the Fallen to the ends of the galaxy. But they do not do this for the reasons that the Dark Angels do. They follow more closely to the Angels of Vengeance they are fanatical in the destruction of Traitors of any kind. Origins of the Order of the Golden Blade The Order of the Golden Blade was a small Order on Caliban, it had existed for thousands of years, but its original roots can be traced back to ancient Terra, They were a small offshoot of the Teutonic Knights. When man went to the stars some Old Orders seen this as chance to create in their eyes an ideal world. There are few examples of this still alive in the Galaxy, New Mannheim is one example, how some of the Order ended up on Caliban is lost in time but its more likely a colony ship got lost in the warp only to appear near the planet. When the Lion became the Supreme Grand Master of the Order all others were given the chance to swear fealty to him every Order with one exception pledged their loyalty. When the Emperor found his lost Son and was given command of his Gene Sons the 1st Legion, recruitment from Caliban began in earnest, the 27th Order was one of the first Calibanite Space Marine Orders created the only exception to this was a Terran Chapter Master who took the 27th to shape them in battle. After their return and subsequent rebirth they were to finally take the name of the Blades of Alaric, this was is in reference to the original Teutonic Knight who founded the Order of the Golden Blade on Terra over thirty nine millennia ago. Home World When the new Iron Manticores followed the path Karsten said was the Emperors will even though the 27th were not superstitious Jurgen did not doubt Karsten. So began a journey to their new homeworld that would take them fifty six years. But it became clear why the 27th were drawn to the planet. The population is descendants of Germanic Tribes that went to the stars during the Dark Age. The planets original name was Javadar, but once the 27th declared the planet their homeworld they changed the name to the ancient Germanic town of Mannheim in honour of their ancestors from Terra who ended up on Calibans southern continent during the Dark Age of Technology. Mannheim is located located close to eastern most point in Segmentum Obscurus, in the Uhulis Sector, Dimmamar would be considered the nearest Imperium planet. Mannheim is an ocean world over eighty percent of the world is water. One land mass cover the north eastern part of the world. This area is formed into three countries. Mitte Fertile grasslands cover most of the continent of Mitte, the people of the country are well known for their artistic endeavours, their works of art have been distributed all over the Imperium. Mitte was also the landing site where the Blades of Alaric made planetfall. A memorial to this event was made and placed at the site. Sandhofen The continent of Sandhofen is situated north of Mitte, Sandhofen took the full force of a volcanic natural disaster rendering the vast majority of the land uninhabitable. It was estimated that over five hundred thousand people lost their lives in the disaster. The people of Sandhofen were stubborn and they chose to rebuild their Towns instead of abandoning Sandhofen, A new capital of Sandhofen was created near the site of the extinct Volcano, New industry was established in mining the Obsidian made from the disaster. The Blades of Alaric also use this continent as well as Mannheim's Moon to train the Chapter scouts. Ketsch The mountainous Ketsch is the home of the current King of Mannheim, Industrious and hard working people are a stark contract to a more medieval world. The capital has become very technological signs of change are seen more so in Ketsch, the Kings Palace is situated in the capital Friesenheim. The Knight orders have been slowly dying out over the past few millennia, although the Blades of Alaric have adopted a lot of their traditions in to the Chapter, The orders may die out on the planet but with the Blades they will survive forever. With this the Military of Ketsch has adopted to a more modern way of warfare, Mannheim's first Astra Militarum regiment was created in 091.M37. Military service of a period of six years from the age of eight is mandatory in Ketsch, Mitte and Sandhofen have been known to send their children to the Military Academies. Fortress Monastery The Blades of Alaric do not use any of the continents as a base instead they sail the great ocean known as the Golden Meer, in what can only be described as a water-going Leviathan/submersible, The Kraken. The Kraken is a marvel of human creation, it can be compared to the Raptorus Rex Star Fortress of the Fire Hawks. A relic of the Dark Age of Technology the Kraken was purposely made for water, how this Leviathan ended up on Mannheim is a mystery never to be known. It was discovered submerged in the Northern Golden Meer by the Chapter when they were surveying for a suitable locations for the Chapters Fortress. Jurgen declared Rites of Acquisition and claimed the ancient Leviathan. It took over fifteen years to make the vast Fortress battle ready. When the Priesthood of Mars found out about the discovery of the Submersible they requested the Chapter to allow a permanent team led by a Magos Explorator to study the Relic. An agreement was made given the Blades access to various wargear including four Dreadnoughts, Suits of rare Terminator Armour and some Rare Tanks. Over the past seven thousand years the Blades of Alaric have benefited extremely well with this agreement. Combat Doctrine Like the Dark Angels, the Blades of Alaric share a stubborn streak on the battlefield, but this is tempered even they know when its time for them to leave. They prefer to use assault vehicles like Land Raiders. The Chapter will use overwhelming fire-power in the form of Whirlwinds and Thunderhawk Gunship bombing runs once the enemies are reeling from that the 2nd Company will scout ahead for ripe targets to allow the 1st Company Terminators to finish the enemies Command structure. In battles where the assets of the 1st and 2nd are not always available Battle Companies will rely on the Predator Spearheads backed by Vindicators. Always at the forefront are the Battle Company Veterans. The Blades keep some of the tradition the 27th were famed for in the Great Crusade, the backbone of their Armies are the Tactical Squads. Organization The Blades of Alaric are set up like a Codex Chapter with the exception of the 1st and 2nd Companies like the Dark Angels. The Chapters Inner Circle also functions in a similar way Dark Angels but not as convoluted. The Chaplains and Librarians will be the ones to interrogate Fallen caught. They have no knowledge of Luther being on the Rock. All Knight Commanders, Chaplains, Librarians, All of 1st Company and all First Knights of the other Companies have knowledge of the Fallen. Another unique formation in the Blades of Alaric are the Twelve, also known as the Knight Protectors, they are the Grand Cross's Honour Guard. There is never more than Twelve, it is rare for these mighty warriors to take to the field as a full unit and it only happens when the Chapter takes to the field as a whole for the most part The Grand Cross is accompanied by at least two of these one of them is always the Master Protector. Membership of the Twelve is limited to 1st Company only but as always exceptions are made. The Chapters Paladin usually comes from this formation too, were as the Paladin seeks out the enemy Champions the Twelve's only concern is their Liege. The 1st Company are known as the Gefallen Jäger (Fallen Hunters), a name they adopted when the elements of the fate of Caliban was told to them this name is not common knowledge to the rest of the Chapter its only upon induction to the 1st is the name revealed. The original Master of the 27th's 1st Company swore vengeance on his traitorous Brothers , the Fallen Hunters like the Deathwing and 1st of the Angels of Vengeance are ruthless and relentless in their pursuit of the fallen willing to take on even the most suicidal mission. Although the Grand Cross will not throw is most elite veterans on a fools errand. Like the Deathwing of the Dark Angels the 1st Company of the Blades of Alaric operate only in Terminator Armour, unlike the Deathwing, the Blades of Alaric do not have the Knights as part of the structure, instead they are the Knight Sergeants of each squad, these veterans have lived through centuries of war next to the Masters of the Chapter they are the future leaders of the Chapter, nobody becomes a Knight Commander or even the Chapters Grand Cross without at least a few decades as a Knight Sergeant in the 1st Company. The 1st Company have kept their original legion markings, although they were no longer Dark Angels some felt they could not fully abandon their origins. The 2nd Company will pursue their quarry with relentless determination, it was this that Seppel the first Knight Commander of the 2nd to name his company the Höllenhund (Hell Hounds). In ancient mythology on Terra one of the duties of these fearsome mythological beasts was to hunt for lost souls which given their duty it seems the suitable name. Each Grand Cross has come to rely heavily on these zealous warriors, its not unknown for the 2nd to be used as a forward scout force when the 10th Company are not available. The 3rd Company are also known as Vengeance Blades after The Angels of Vengeance & The Blades of Alaric fought in a twenty five years crusade to find three Fallen from the Heresy. The then current Angels of Vengeance Grand Master commended the remains of the 3rd Company with the sacrifice they made in capturing the three, This action further solidified the close Brotherhood both Chapter shared from the start. All survivors were awarded their Crux Terminatus for their steadfast duty and their sacrifice. The remainder of the chapter is organised exactly like a Codex Chapter, with the 3rd, 4th and 5th companies being Battle Companies, the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th being Reserve Companies. The 10th is the Scout Company. Standard organisation of a Battle Company is as followed. Knight Commander Command Squad (Knight Champion, Company First Knight (Veteran Sergeant), Standard Bearer, Apothecary and Weapon Specialist.) Land Raider or Droppod Chaplain Librarian (All Companies will have a Librarian attached to them) Company Veterans (Numbers vary per Company) Six Tactical Squads + Rhinos or Droppods Two Assault Squads + Rhinos, Droppods or Jumppacks Two Devastator Squads + Rhinos, Droppods Fleet Assets The Blades of Alaric have been fortunate and have an impressive fleet they employ in the defence of their Homeworld and local systems. In the current fleet they boast four Battle Barges, eleven Strike Cruisers, various Escorts. Herald of Caliban - Battle Barge - Flagship This venerable vessel has saw action all the way back to the Great Crusade, most of the time it is stationed near New Mannheim, it only goes to war when the Chapter are united in conflict. The Chapter are loath to use it otherwise. Mannheims Pride - Battle Barge This is the personal ship of Knight Commander Johan the Chapters void war specialist, as well as the standard Bombardment Cannons the ship is fitted with Fusion Beamers. Golden Blade of Alaric - Battle Barge This Battle Barge is the newest vessel in the Blades fleet, it was commissioned just over one thousand years ago, it was given to the Blades as payment for the Chapters sacrifice when defending an Adeptus Mechanicus Titan Transporter and its escorts. The Magos of the Forge World considered the price a pittance compared to the God Machines. Jaxartes Revenge - Battle Barge Named after the Supreme Grand Master of the Angels of Vengeance, during the time the 27th returned they thought with Angels of Vengeance in numerous battles, when Jaxartes fell in battle the Blades honoured his memory by naming this ship after the legendary Master. Recruitment Most of the Chapter's recruits used to come from the Knight Orders that served the King, As the world adopts a more modern way of life the Knight Orders have been slowly dying out. Recruitment has been focused on the Military Academies. It has been noted by the Chaplains of the Chapter that it has provided a greater flux of suitable recruits compared to the Knightly Orders which in turn has led to the Scout Company being of a considerable size more so that standard Codex traditions. However a few brave individuals have swam out to The Kraken earning a place in the Chapter and its rich history. One such individual is the current Grand Cross Lothar. Appearance and Iconography The main colour of their armour is dark red, it is considered unique among the Green, Bone and Black of most of the members of the Unforgiven. But there is no mistaking their lineage. The chapter icon has been changed from the Dark Angels standard icon to the single winged Sword used by the Ravenwing Order. Company markings are as standard Unforgiven. Icons such as Skulls and Crux Terminatus are usually in gold. Chest Eagles are painted bone. The robes of the Chapter are usually in a Cream/Stone colour with yellow or green trim. The 1st Company use the original icon of the Dark Angels Legion. Each marine will also have on his armour a small golden yellow sword as a symbol of their past origins. Robes are worn mostly as a ceremonial thing but some Officers will wear them in battle. As the Iron Manticores they used the head of the mythical beast and their symbol, Green Chest Eagles. Robes where Ice Blue in colour. Beliefs The Blades of Alaric like most Space Marine Chapters venerate the Emperor as the father of all marines, and the Lion as his most gifted son. With these beliefs and the Monastic order of Knights that serve as the New Mannheim Knight Orders . But one might wonder how the Chapter will be shaped in years to come with the decline of the Orders as the planet becomes more advanced. The Imperial Creed has never fully caught one with the natives of Mannheim, There are pockets of people who worship the Emperor as a God, but it is rare these are accepted into the Chapter. They have a deeply stubborn streak and prideful. They work very well together with Angels of Vengeance and will fight to the bitter end with their fellow Unforgiven brothers. Gene-seed To the outside observer the Blades of Alaric are descendant from the Angels of Vengeance, but the truth being that they were a Lost 1st Legion Order they have Dark Angel Gene-Seed and that is considered some of the purest. Battle-cry Pre Heresy - Never Falter, Never Fail... We are the 1st CHAPLAIN 'In the name of the Lion!' - REPLY 'We are his Blade' Selected Battles 678.M33 March Home The first battle the Chapter faced after leaving the Rock was a small moon in the Dectus Sector, an Ork Warboss known as Grimkilla. After three months of combat the Chapter Champion Mathias met the Warboss in personal combat and slaying the Warboss. So began the Chapters eternal war. 984.M33 The Grudge of Dogs During a combined force assault on a Chaos held world near Cadia, the Blades of Alaric 4th Company fired on a Space Wolves encampment after the Wolves commander ordered Imperial Guard artillery to fire on a chaos held location Scout elements of the 10th Company where present and killed. The Blades of Alaric refuse to help or fight with the Space Wolves. The Arrogance of these dogs and I will put them down like dogs, My Chapters losses mean nothing. Knight Commander Moritz of the 4th 829.M35 The Sheran Rift The 5th Company's Battle Barge (Obsidian Blade) under the Command of Knight Commander Rainer were caught under a surprise attack by a small Chaos force led by a Chaos Battle Barge known as the Ecstasy of the Soul. After losing most of her escorts the Obsidian Blade was able to score a kill shot on the Ecstasy's engines crippling the ship. Seven suits of the rare Cataphractii Terminator Armour were salvaged and have been restored to its former glory by the Techmarines of the Chapter and sanctified by a Magos Techpriest of the local Forgeworld. 771-774.M37 The Rage of the Unforgiven Five Companies representing the Unforgiven launch an all out assault on a renegade Imperial world, rumours are abound as sighting of the greatest traitor himself Cypher. It was noted Cypher himself was not present but there was a Fallen Angel instigating riots. Arakiel was captured and died during his interrogation at the hands of Unforgiven. 101.M39 The Culling of Hathre The Blades of Alaric are asked to provide backup to Ordo Xenos Inquisitor Yeth Bandt in his mission to prove Dark Eldar had infiltrated the Imperial World of Hathre, The Inquisitor orders exterminatus on the planet. The 5th Company and elements of the 2nd and 9th are wiped out to a man. The Battle Barge Mannheim's Pride escapes the system to report to Grand Cross Dietrich. 203-206.M39 Dietrich's Vengeance Dietrich the 58th Grand Cross calls upon a Angels of Vengeance fleet that was in a nearby system, The Angels of Vengeance proved to be instrumental in capturing the rogue Inquisitor. After a three year chase the Inquisitor is cornered and captured. Dietrich gave him no quarter as he killed the Inquisitor with his bare hands. Bandt's skull was cleaned and polished, Dietrich engraved the names of his dead brothers into it. It is now considered a relic. 054.M40 Traitors Game The 5th Companys first battle after Hathre comes in the form of a Crusading Black Templar force giving chase to a Black Legion splinter fleet led by Karatos the Reaper. The battle comes to the fore on the bridge of the Black Legions command ship. Marshal Arnfried and Knight Commander Jurgen kill Karatos. Both chapters earn each others respect and exchange gifts. 910.M40 Space Hulk Theoculus The Theoculus space hulk turns up in the Uhulis Sector, swarming with Orks, with the combined might of the whole Chapter the Orks are defeated and the Hulk destroyed, but the Blades of Alaric suffered losses in the effect of the 4th, 5th and 7th companies being virtually wiped out. 559.M41 All Records Deleted 743.M41 Record deleted at request of Ordo Xenos 972-997.M41 Crusade of Three The combined force of the 3rd Company of the Blades of Alaric and the 4th Company of Angels of Vengeance respectively scoured the Laeth Trinary system for twenty five years to find three of Fallen. Heavy loses were inflicted on the Blades of Alaric but the 3 were caught. As a result the remaining Veterans were given their Crux Terminatus marking them for future promotion to the 1st. Thirty two Marines survived. 982.M41 Massacre on Geath Prime Considered the darkest day in the long history of the Chapter. Grand Cross Lothar answered the pleas of a local Imperial World under attack by sending the 4th, 6th and elements of the 1st. A Chaos Battlegroup under command of a Thousand Sons Sorcerer Lord simply known as The Occulus. One hundred and sixty two marines died in one night sacrificed to the warp. Twenty seven Brothers of the 6th spat on their oaths. The thirty one survivors have sworn bloody vengeance on the traitors. It was noted this had been the second time in a thousand years the Blades have taken heavy loses. 995.M41 Hunt for The Occulus After the massacre on Geath, the Blades of Alaric 1st, 2nd & 3rd Companies & along with elements from the Angels of Vengeance 1st 2nd & 4th Companies, Launch a devastating attack on Cyuinse IV suspected location of The Occulus. The Sorcerer Lord and his elite cadre escape his forces take overwhelming losses. Three Oath-breakers confirmed dead. 999.M41 Game of Shadows Mannheim's Pride under the command of Johan and the 3rd chase down a damaged Eldar Cruiser of some unknown Craftworld. On closer inspection Tyranids are discovered. Knight Commander Johan with the help of Revered Knight Kilian kill the Hive Tyrant. This is the first recorded encounter of Tyranids by the Chapter. Minimal losses taken. Heroes of Antiquity Jurgen Becke - 1st Grand Master, Known as The Grand Cross. Bearer of the Golden Blade Jurgen was a Grand Master in the Great Crusade, he was the Commander of the 27th Order of the 1st Legion, He was known for his tactical ability, diplomatic skills he was truly a Son of the Lion. He was present as a child when his Father took a knee to pledge to the Lions new Order on Caliban. He developed a great hatred for Orks most especially an Warboss known as Grimkilla. He was also the one who had chosen to use the Ravenwing iconography after they settled on New Mannheim. He also amended the titles of his Masters to be more in line with his original Order on Caliban. Jurgen died at the hands of Dark Eldar after three hundred and thirty five years of leading the Blades of Alaric upon their return from the Warp. Torsten Paladin of the 27th The Axeman of Alaric Torsten would be the first to admit he would never be a Master of his chapter, or even a Sergeant. His talent lay in combat. He was never seen on the battlefield without his custom Power Axe a relic from the Great Crusade. Torsten's life was cut short when he fought a Chaos Space Marine known as Kyrax the Bloodied a foul Champion of Khorne. Anton - 1st Grand Interrogator Grand Master of the Chaplains Anton was one of the oldest Marines in the 27th before the Heresy, he was known as a plain speaking man, only saying what was required. He was known for his ability to inspire his fellow Brothers. He would be known as the main architect in integrating Mannheim's traditions into the chapter. He was over six hundred years old at the time. But this grizzled old veteran lived for another two hundred and thirteen years. Giving his life to save a young scout. Karsten - 1st Grand Seeker Chief Librarian Karsten was given the honour of becoming the youngest Chief Librarian of any of the Unforgiven, His main talent was his visions he was the one who spoke up about their fateful warp jump, he also led the 27th to their new Homeworld. his prescience was almost legendary he has saved so many lives of his brothers with his forewarning and precognition. His legacy to the Blades of Alaric has been in form of predicting each of his successors to his position from Malte (his direct Successor) to the current Chief Librarian Konrad and beyond. Nico Volk - 1st Master Surgeon Chief Apothecary Nico was another Great Crusade Veteran originally from Terra he had been a member of Jurgens Command Squad/Bodyguard. After the return he was the only choice to become the Chapters Chief Apothecary. Wolfram - 1st Knight Commander of Gefallen Jäger (Fallen Hunters) Voice of New Mannheim A giant of a man was Wolfram, but was soft spoken. He was given the title of Voice of New Mannheim due to his skill in diplomacy, but as with every Astartes his talent was in war. Always to be found at the vanguard of a battle. He carried his huge two Handed Mace a relic of the Great Crusade. He was chosen to succeed Jurgen. Seppel - 1st Knight Commander of Höllenhund (Hell Hounds) The Huntsman - Hound of Alaric If Jurgen is the Mind and Wolfram is Diplomat, Seppel is the Rebel he was very unorthodox in his way of waging war, Seppel was considered very zealous, he knew most of the secrets of his chapter and holds no guilt but he stopped at nothing to hunt down any and all members of the Fallen. He was given the title of The Huntsman after his capture of the Fallen had risen to over ten. The title of The Huntsman is only given to the Knight Commander of the 2nd Company, and only seven have ever earned it. Masters of the Chapter Grand Master - World Protector Grand Cross Lothar (64th Grand Cross) Lothar has been the Grand Cross for over two hundred and twelve years, he became a scout in 512.M41. He was fourteen when he swam out to the Kraken, he survived more to his quick thinking in making himself a suit made from Seatiger skin. His quick thinking and tactical acumen seen him rise up the ranks faster than most. After his years as a scout he was promoted straight into the 4th Company. It was not long before he attracted the attention of the Master Bastian. Within sixty years he was Bastian's First Knight. Then he became the Knight Commander of the 4th by 703.M41 then Grand Cross by 787.M41 When Manfred the 63rd Grand Cross died, Most Masters expected Bastian to succeed him to the surprise of other Masters Bastian and Manfred had already chosen Lothar to be the new Grand Cross. A task he has proven time and time again he was made for. Chief Librarian Scion of Karsten Keeper of the Book of Antiquity Grand Seeker Konrad Like all his predecessors Konrads fate was predicted by the chapters first Chief Librarian Karsten. He also knows who will replace him and when. But this one constant continues to give the chapter hope that in the future the Blades of Alaric will be there to hunt the traitors of the Unforgiven. Konrad given his fate can be considered reckless, but his skills and talents in war make him indispensable. Forever at the forefront of battle, Lothar has relied on Konrads talents over the years. He is also the Keeper of the Book of Antiquity, this contains the name of every Brother of the chapter. Grand Master of Chaplains Master of Traditions Grand Interrogator Gerhold Gerhold has only been the Grand Interrogator for seven years after the previous Grand Interrogator spat on his oaths at the Battle of Geath Prime. Gerhold was the Chaplain of the 4th Company. On promotion to Grand Interrogator he begged Lothar for vengeance against his old Master. His vengeance was granted thirteen years later when Gerhold killed Kolman who had become a Champion of the Changer of Ways. With vengeance stated Gerhold turned back to his duties as the Master of Traditions to make sure the ancient ways of the people of Mannheim are honoured to this day. Chapter Standard Bearer - Voice of Alaric Sacred Lukas Lukas has been the bearer of the Chapters Standard for over two hundred years, he was the the First Sergeant of the 5th Company during a battle supporting Naamans Vengeance. He slayed two Ork Nobz one of which had killed the previous 5th Company Standard Bearer, He carried the 5th Companys banner for the rest of the war. Not once did his beloved 5th Companys banner touch the earth again. The honour to carry the Chapters Sacred Banners was given to him by Lothar after the previous bearer was killed. Whenever the chapter deploys en-mass Lukas can always be seen stood at the side of Lothar, his stern features unmoving like the statues of the chapters heroes of old as the Chapters Banner stands proud in his hands. Master of the Forge Grand Creator Markus Markus is the oldest living marine of the Blades of Alaric, more machine than man now, at nine hundred and thirteen years old. He has been the Grand Creator of the Forge for six hundred and seventy two years. His greatest work has been the making of the Dreadnought chassis he has called Legion it took over three hundred years of work, this chassis has never been occupied. He says only one of the Chapters mightiest heroes can ever be considered to be entombed in it. Chapter Champion Master of the Sword Paladin Lanzo One of the most unique things about the Blades of Alaric is the Rank of Paladin, this can be traced back to the days on Caliban and as far back as Ancient Terra. Lanzo is the current Paladin of the Chapter and he as been for over three hundred years after Bastian was made the Knight Commander of the 1st, he has never been bested by any of his Brothers. Some say he has been the greatest Paladin the Blades ever had. He answers to the Grand Cross only. He is a Paragon of Virtue & Honour, many enemy Champions have fell to his Sword. Every fifty years since he ascended to this position he will take one scout to be his pupil, only the best swordsman will ever be chosen. Lothar in his youth studied under Lanzo, but was still unable to best the Swordmaster. Master Protector Shadow of the Cross Brun Vosberg Brun has been Lothars Master Protector for over one hundred and thirty years when his Mentor died protecting Lothar from a Dark Eldar Dark Lance, Brun was given the honour of becoming the next Shadow, this has been a duty he was born for. It was no mistaking his star was on the rise, he would have been a Knight Commander at the earliest opportunity if he regrets his path it does not show, over the years he has prevented a number of attempts on Lothars life when the enemies of the Chapter have tried to assassinate him. Armed with a Storm Shield and Power Sword and an Ancient Suit of Power Armour, Brun is ever at the Grand Cross's side, many times has an enemy fell to a swift sword strike of this Hero. He is one of the few in the Chapter that can fight Lanzo for any great amount of time before the Paladin wins the duel. Brun has joked that Lanzo is more like an Eldar with his speed. Master of the 1st - Gefallen Jäger (Fallen Hunters) Grand Knight of New Mannhei/b] Knight Commander Bastian If there was ever a Hero of the Blades of Alaric to signify the honour of the Chapter Bastian is it, he has been the Master of the Fallen Hunters for three hundred and forty eight years, he is humble, stoic and patient. He stands as a giant in his Terminator armour, his huge weapon the Axe of Mannheim gripped firmly in his hand as a symbol of office as the Grand Knight of New Mannheim. The weapon was made by Markus himself. Before his ascension to the 1st Company he was the Paladin for over one hundred years. He is instrumental in Lothar becoming Grand Cross an act he is proud of as a father is to a son. Master of the 2nd Knight Commander of Höllenhund (Hell Hounds) The Huntsman - Hound of Mannheim Knight Commander Kaspar If Bastian shows the stoic side of the chapter, Kaspar is is opposite. He is brash, impetuous and hotheaded, it has been joked he is more like an Ork of the Evil Suns than an Astartes of the Emperor. It seems that the rebellious streak of the Master of the 2nd is a common trait going right back to Seppel. And this is a reputation he plays into, he usually takes to battle on his custom bike, tearing head-on into the enemy chasing them down like dogs. His behaviour has been questioned by other Masters of the chapter but nobody can deny his unorthodox tactics can and do win battles. He is also the Grand Champion of the Hunt, an event where other members of the The Dullahan compete hunting down one of the rare predators of Mannheim. Master of the 3rd Master of the Fleet Vengeance Blades Knight Commander Johan Johan was the First Sergeant of the 3rd Company when his mentor and friend was killed during the Hunt of the Occulus, his promotion was never in doubt. He is also the chapters pre-eminent Master of Void War even his mentor would ask for his opinion in Void War. He like all the Masters of the Chapter carries a Weapon from the Order of the Golden Blade. His weapon is a Thunder Hammer dating back into ancient times. Johan's company was the first Company of the Chapter to come into contact with the Tyranids, during a battle with a Hive Tyrant Johan scored the killing blow after Revered Brother Falkenrath broke the creatures back with his power fist. Johan's personal ship is the Mannheim's Pride Master of the 4th Master of the Arsenal Knight Commander Franz Haas Franz is one of the new Masters to come into Command after the Massacre of Gaeth he has taken an Oath of Vengeance against his former brothers. He denies himself any accolades until the the last twenty three traitors are dead. A stubborn man he has come to blows with Master Eckhart when the former commented on his tactics during a recent war-game with the 5th Company it was only by the interruption by Bastian that stopped the disagreement becoming fatal. Bastian could not fault Franz the betrayal of some of his closest brothers has hit him hard. But his bitterness could cause more issues later and for how long Bastian can prevent Franz from being stripped of command is anyones guess. Master of the 5th Master of the Marches Knight Commander Eckhart Haas As the Master of the Marches it is Eckhart's responsibility to make sure the territory of the Blades of Alaric is secure. A task he is well suited to, the 5th Company spends most of its time on the Star Fortress orbiting New Mannheim. Recently he has came to blows with Franz, he worries for his brother as not only are they brothers in arms but brothers by blood, both were accepted into the Chapter when they were fourteen and fifteen respectively. He can only hope his vengeance comes soon before hatred consumes him. Master of the 6th Master of the Watch Knight Commander Merten Merten is another new Master to the Blades of Alaric, he was the a Knight Sergeant in the 1st Company for numerous years. Promotion to the 6th Company Knight Commander was given to him as he was considered a man of vision. He has taken to rebuilding the 6th Company with all his talent. It has been remarked he has the makings of being a Hero of Legend in the Chapters history. Master of the 7th Master Victualler Knight Commander Dietmar Dietmar was given the duties of the Master Victualler after a Eldar plasma grenade destroyed most of his body, he has lost both his legs, most of the left side of his body, he refused to be put in a Dreadnought he still wanted to serve the chapter, his body was wrecked but his mind was sharp as ever. The chapters Master Surgeon Vinzent was able to save him. He is not considered a front line Master any more. His 1st Sergeant Alexis is the Knight Commander in all but name. Master of the 8th Master of Alban Knight Commander Keller Alban is the moon that orbits Mannheim, it is also the home of the 8th & 10th Companies. Keller is the Master of Fortress Alban. Keller is known to be a staunch supporter of the Codex Astartes and with his talent in tactics he makes war games for the other companies to hone their skills whether its in close combat or tank tactics Keller has a plan. Master of the 9th Master of the Kraken The Reapers Knight Commander Gerhard Roth As the Master of the Kraken Gerhard spends most of his time on Mannheim the grizzled old veteran has been in the 9th Company for over four hundred years. He is one of the most unorthodox commanders as he carries a Heavy Bolter as his main weapon, his Weapon of the Order of the Golden Blade is a Combat Knife named The Reapers Edge. He has refused any promotion to any Battle Company, his answer is always he belongs with his brother Devastators. His current command squad has been together for over two hundred years. Master of the 10th Master of the Recruits Knight Commander Henrike Eamon has been the guiding hand in his chapter for over one hundred years, he is known to be one of the finest marksmen of the chapter only other to be better is his protégée Lars. Between Henrike and Keller the Chapters future is in very good hands.
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