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Twisted Titanicus just popped this rumour up over on Instagram*, so I wanted to share it here for some discussion/froth: Sounds plausible – thought perhaps it's the mention of variant infantry that has me wanting it to be true! On the specifics: Ultramarines versus SoH is an unexpected combination – while the Ultramarines were there, I always thought of Molech more as a Knight battle. Of course, with the disconnect between theme and releases in previous LI expansions, that doesn't count it out for me. Legio Superheavies are an obvious and much-requested missing release. Vindicator will be a welcome addition, too – providing SM with a way to clear buildings and hopefully reduce the dominance of garrisons. Thrilled with the idea of more infantry variety. I'm not surprised to see no Legion-specifics models at this point, but I'd be startled if there aren't any Formations of Legend. Not sure what 'Mechanicus SP' means, so won't comment on that. Interesting to here of a new Knight variant – though my immediate thought, given the theme, was that the old Epic Slaaneshi Hellknights would be a sensible tie-in release. Wonder what this will be? Could be crossed wires with the recently-released Mechanicum ones, perhaps, but maybe not. Cum grano salis, of course, but I'll pop on my 'guardedly optimistic' hood for this one. Assuming it's true, accompanying releases likely to be something along the lines of: Vindicator box Mark III Infantry box Fellblade/Falchion box Glaive box [Perhaps just one superheavy?] New Knight variant box 'Mechanicus SP' box(es)?
I know we have the expectation thread, but feels like we probably need a new thread to round up latest reports from Valrak. He has a rumour thread going in the News forum, if you're interested in getting the news from the source. To summarize HQs: New Logan Grimnar No sleigh, but has wolves on his base New Njal Stormcaller New Arjac Rockfist New Wolf Priest Multipart space wolf lieutenant Others NewGrey Hunters New Blood Claws New Wolf Terminators New Wolf Scouts has fenrisians wolves embedded in it. Some sort of elite Guard Unit (like a Blade Guard has fenrisians wolves embedded in it. Misc: No Leman Russ for this release, as far as he knows anyways Source:
so I have a theory. The bequin trilogy takes place well before the current point in the time line if I’m not mistaken. This generally means that any major effects on the universe as a whole would be a retconn right? Wrong. The Yellow King is in some sort of pocket dimension or something. Time works differently there, meaning when he emerges it will be the modern era in universe. maybe the BA will finally even get the truly winged marines now.
Courtesy of some strange northerner - wasn't certain if this was worth popping into the other thread. I think the summary below is accurate? The Horus Heresy heard that Rogal Dorn is receiving a new model; more action-posed, featuring a shield and another weapon. heard that the "new edition" will potentially drop around Spring 2025. May shift due to production / distribution issues. Warhammer 40,000 heard that the Swooping Hawks will not be part of Kill Team, but rather part of the second wave of Aeldari. reiterated previous rumours regarding Baharroth and Fuegan, updated Fire Dragons, Warp Spiders and related Phoenix Lord for the Warp Spiders. heard that Aeldari Corsairs will receive a "big release" at the same time. reiterated previous Krieg range expansion rumours in terms of a similar number of kits to the Cadian range. Still heard nothing regarding new tank/s. general Space Marine-related stuff; reiterated Emperor's Children in 2025, Space Wolves possibly 2025 / towards end of 10e. Paint Ranges allegedly a brand new paint range is coming aimed at professional painters. "Warhammer Pro's" has been bandied around as a term. investment into dropper bottles is apparently tied to the new paint range.
Hi all. After watching valraks rumor stream on Monday (he has an excellent track record with reliable rumor sources) just thought I would share a couple of bits I found interesting. We obviously know that GW have announced Krieg and eldar for next year (valrak has been saying this for some time) and he made a couple of comments further to these as well as marines. I paraphrase but will try to make it clear when expressing my opinions rather than his statements so they aren’t taken out of context / misinterpreted. ELDAR - states Eldar fans should be ‘saving a lot of money for next year’. Somebody asked the question regarding if this meant dark eldar and the response ‘a certain faction of eldar’ was given. Whether this simply relates to the known craftworlds release, dark eldar or something else is unclear, but valrak was rather cagey in his response. CSM - states CSM fans should be ‘saving a lot of money for next year’. Not specific to any faction so it’s unclear if this refers to generic CSM only or if we are including cult marines in the equation. Though he does and has previously stated Emperors children confirmed for next year and he suspects they will be the big summer release. GUARD - we know Krieg are coming from the GW statement but valrak has all but confirmed death riders will be a part of this release but he couldn’t recall seeing any tanks. MARINES - valrak states it’s still not over for space marines - equal attention incoming. I presume he is referring to space wolves here. Not impossible that it could refer to grey knights (he has previously alluded to an upgrade for the dread knight and a GK kill team) or other codex marines chapters I guess. Hope this is useful. Certainly the scale of the eldar and Csm releases was news to me. Cheers.
Been talking about this for a while now, apparently coming out Summer time. Starting to hear whispers of the contents, apparently Death Company themed. - New Upgrade Sprue - Jump Assault Intercessors (Not sure how many) - Brutalis Dreadnought - New Lemartes Model Of course this is just part of the refresh, bunch of new characters and units coming. For anyone interested, made a video on it and other stuff
Thanks to @WargamersR inTwitter, have notice this in the reveals of the new Dark Angel miniatures. In the actual CSM codex, terminators can't have thunder hammers, but in this pic we have not only one but two Black Legion terminators having and using that kind of weapon against Deathwing terminators... Maybe is a new option in the future CSM codex. Perhaps.
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Rumour Astra Militarum Q3 2024
Doctor Perils posted a topic in + NEWS, RUMORS, AND BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS +
Not seen this relayed here yet. Source is apparently Mordian Glory. Obviously, rumours so take with (copious) salt. -
Day of leaks - after the AoS 4e core book dropped earlier, we've now got Imperial Agents in the wild.
Per Valrak; allegations that Games Workshop and Blur are working together again. Notable cinematic projects they've worked on (and that people would actually know) include; Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War Halo Wars Prototype Batman: Arkham City Batman: Arkham Origins Batman: Arkham Knight Halo 2 Anniversary Halo Wars 2 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III Avengers: Age of Ultron movie Sonic the Hedgehog movie trilogy Love, Death & Robots
This is obviously not my main account. I wanted to post this last week in my main community, but this didn’t work out because secondary accounts can’t post there. I am not active here, but made an account nonetheless, because you are fellow children of Sanguinius. But then I u-turned, it didn’t seem to be worth it to share my excitement with strangers. But here is another U-Turn..... I can’t hold it any longer. I got access to a pretty random collection of future releases. ... Arks of Omen 5 (which I won’t spoil, because the interesting bits are only background anyway, but it is NOT about the Lion and there is no new primarch model at this point) ... But the kicker is that I got hold of a box called Strangleweb. It is some kind of starter box and has a new 40k logo *excitement* and is full of Blood Angels stuff The box has a booklet, two colors and some push fit miniatures in it. The miniatures are Tyranid gargoyles. They are called Pheragaunts in the assembly. They have two wings and four scything talons. The overall design is different. The ribs are covered with a membrane. Membrane has holes where the flesh and chitin is breaking through. Muscles are sculpted, where there is no chitin. They are 20% amphibious, 80% insectoid instead of 100% insectoid. Color scheme is the old Leviathan, but the cream is a lighter bone color. Second sprue is Intervenators, primaris jump troops, painted in Blood Angel colors. They have eviscerators, but no gravis armor. They have the old cross straps incorporated into their chest. The eviscerators have only a one-sided chainblade, but are two-handed. Finally there are a couple of barricades: toppled over ornamented columns, with crates and imperial aegis scraps welded together with metal girders in between and on top. The colors included are old ones: Agrellan Badland and Tyrant Skull. I could glean more from the booklet. There are two missions, unit profiles, some background, assembly guide and basing guide. There are additional unit placements in the mission, but no pictures: Captain Lucael, Indomitus Elite Velani, Tyranid Shrikes, Termagants brood with fleshborers, Termagant brood with spike rifles, Scout squad Sempre. In the basing guide, you can see a termagant. It has the same less boney, more fleshy design as the pheragaunts. The head is longer and has larger plates. it uses its middle arms to run, the front arms are still connected to the fleshborer. There is no magazine, but two hoses go into its throat. Didn’t read much, but the scenario is about the marines encircled in a wasteland encampment. first mission is to hold, second is to break free and bring a mcguffin for a ritual to safety The unit profiles are more interesting: the stat block is now divided into two dials. The left one has Move, Initiative, Morale. The right one has Evade, Save and Wounds. The evade stat is empty, except for a single symbol for the pheragaunts. Underneath come some keywords (infantry,sturdy,fly for the marines and infantry,light, fly for the pheragaunts) and then the weapon profile and some special rules know no fear (3): unit is disadvantaged to hit for the rest of the game. I don't know what that is. Instinctive behaviour (5): unit is broken and runs away unless in synaptic range. at the bottom of the datasheet is the usual keyword soup. Intervenators have 3+ stats all around, pheragaunts 5+, except initiative also 3+. 10”,2 wounds vs 12”,1 wound Weapons are: Eviscerators are range 2, 2 attacks, 3+ hit, 3 damage, some symbols and a rule, that reduces the damage against infantry Shock Assault: range 0, 1 attack, 4+ hit, 1 damage Scything talons are range 1, 5 attacks, 4+ hit, 1 damage Acid tongue: range 0, 1 attacks, 5+ hit, 1 damage, some symbols