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  1. The rise and fall of The Ashen Crows The XI Legion Hey guys, Here's the start of my missing legion project. This is my 4th attempt to create a missing legion, but I hope by creating this blog i will be encourage to follow of through with it till the end. The Lore is currently in the works but basically they have a large amount of apothecaries and do a lot of studing of xenos races. Their primarch is a giant apothecary pretty much. Though due to his upbringing on his home world he is physically the weakness of the primarchs though makes up for it in his vast knowledge of biology and other scientific fields. The primarch landed on a planet which had been devastated by a virus, reducing most living things to ash. The primarch being a primarch was immune to the viruses effects and was found by a recon team. Seeing the child primarch they captured him and took him back to the capitol: a huge network of bio-domes that protects them from the virus. It was the decided that the primarch would be tested on in order to find a cure. All these test devastated the primarch physically and mentally to the point where he developed a spilt personality, one half compassionate, kind, charismatic. the other cold, calculating and savage. his darker side takes over, which through force breaks out and goes to hunt down the scientists. he ends up in a forest, overwhelmed with the beauty and complexity of other life his normal side takes over. eventually found by the head scientist, the primarch finds out he was tested on so that they could find a cure, "to bring this world back from the ashes, you are the ember that will ignite a new age". but also finds that the scientist test him had suffered mentally, traumatised by what they had done to a living being. This pretty much gives the primarch his moral compass, he feels that sacrifices have to be made in order to progress. but feels that humans shouldn't have to suffer in wars. The primarch is trained under the scientists and quickly surpasses them in all fields of science, especially biology. using his knowledge he starts to terraform the planet, then papa emps arrives. The primarch came into the legion with saddness, finding out the suffering affecting the galexy and how men are having to give away their lives in order to fight. He praised all of his new found sons, and promised that one day no one will have to suffer in the acts of war ever again. the first recruits taken from the home planet was criminals, the primarch deeming them the only ones worthless enough to loose nothing from joining the legion. As time went on, the primarch grew to hate the solar axilla and imperial milta and would force them to retreat or he would not fight. seeing it as a waste of life. often before and during battles his personalities would argue, each one having different ways to achieve the same goal. depending on who won out wars could be focused on protecting the world, or bringing it to the torch. "by killing thousands we could save billions". The primarch decided to improve the space marine recruitment process and started to grow test tube humans, whos genetics would allow them to be more susceptible to the gene seed in-plant. The humans born were raised in the ships and fortress of the legion learning the lesson of the primarch and the imperial truth. I'm still working on all the details but this is just a basic outline.
  2. I confess I'm not sure where exactly this is going. Came back from work, had a free moment, and was surprised to see a bunch of replies on a half-baked idea for an alternate universe. But, who am I to stand between hobbyists and their passions? So, here's the 'Lost Brotherhood' universe. Instead of the traditional 18 known legions, the Emperor has been given the strange fate of having legions only from the ranks of B&C's the Lost and Forgotten. I know we have roughly 10-11 legions. If anyone has a Missing Legion somewhere hidden in your past, feel free to post it. Also, apparently, a few eager members have already grabbed legion numbers. Here's what we have so far. And, if I may make a suggestion? I believe the Lightning Bearers should deserve the title of the First Legion. As for my Halcyon Wardens, I call Fifth Legion. Nominally Loyalist: Alexandros Darshan VonSalim (Psyker, Shield-master, Diplomat, Friendly, Pro-xeno) Niklaas (Muggle, Siege/Stealth Ops, Craftsman, Snarky, Anti-Xeno) Hectarion Mycenor (Muggle, Berserker, All-Rounder, Calculating, Anti-Xeno) Azus (Muggle, Ninja, Saboteur, Bipolar-sanity, Anti-Xeno) Daer'dd Niimkiika (Muggle, Heavy Assaults, Master Smith, Boisterous, Anti-Xeno) Yuchau (Muggle, Fleetmaster, Air Superiority, Fanatic, Anti-Xeno) Pionus Santor (Muggle, Apothecaries, Support Ops, Chaotic Good, Anti-Xeno) Nominally Traitor: Alexos Travier (Psyker, Raider, Scientist, Unstable, Anti-Xeno) Icarion Stormborn (Psyker, Divination-Master, Martial Artist, Mystical, Anti-Xeno) Raktra (Muggle, Raider, Opportunist, aggressive, Anti-Xeno) Koschei (Pariah, Anti-psyker, Resilient, Idealist, Pro-Xeno) K'awil Pakal (Pariah, Raider, Psy-warfare, Cranky, Anti-Xeno) Sorrowsworn Morro (Muggle, Oceanic Warfare, Geneticist, Focused, Anti-Xeno) Nominally Revolutionaries: Jade General (Pariah, Medical Experts, Martial Artists, Aloof, Anti-Xeno) Kozja Darzalas (Muggle, Heavy Infantry, Aspiring Royalty, Haughty, Anti-Xeno) Nomus (Muggle, ???) Nominally Neutral/Renegade: Gwalchavad (Pariah, Ranged Warfare, Martial Artist, Peacekeeper, Pro-Xeno) Andezo Samedi (???) Primarch Discovery List: 1st- Icarion [805.M30] 2nd - Alexandro [829.M30] 3rd - Leman Russ [847.M30] 4th - Daer'dd [855.M30] 5th - Niklaas [863.M30] 6th - Kozja [871.M30] 7th - Pionus [872.M30] 8th - Nomus [887.M30] 9th - Hectarion [888.M30] 10th - Morro [894.M30] 11th - Koschei [900.M30] 12th - Alexos [902.M30] 13th - Azus [909.M30] 14th - Andezo Samedi [914.M30] 15th - Gwalchavad [917.M30] 16th - Raktra [917.M30] 17th - Yuchau [933.M30] 18th - K'awil [947.M30] 19th - Magnus [966.M30] 20th - Jade General [974.M30] The Vizenko Prosecution Pro-Genetics Kozja (Wants to create the One True Legion) Jade General (Wants to create Pariahs) Alexos Travier (Cloning Marines) Sorrowsworn Morro (Improve Astartes) Raktra (Better Astartes) Neutral/Undecided Koschei Pro-Purity THE EMPEROR! Alexandros VonSalim Pionus Santor Daer'dd Niimkiika Hectarion Mycenor Azus Legion Sizes Lightning Bearers: 250,000 (?) [Traitor] Halycon Wardens: 240,000 [Loyalist] Eagle Warriors: 187,000 [Traitor] Crimson Lions: 180,000 - 200,000 [Loyalist] Scions Hospitiliar: 150-170,000. [Loyalist] Godslayers: 163,000 [Traitor] Warbringers: 160,000 [Revolutionary] Iron Bears: 160,000 [Loyalist] Wardens of Light: 157,000 [Neutral] Fire Keepers: 150,000 [Loyalist] The Drowned: 140,000 [Revolutionary] Predators: 130,000 [Renegade] Dune Serpents: 97,000 [Loyalist] Void Eagles: 92,000 [Loyalist] Jade Legion: 30,000 [Revoultionary] Grave Stalkers: 10,000 [Traitor] Berserkers of Uran: ??? Emperor returns to Terra: 000.M31 Date of the Day of Revelation: 031.M31 Icarion's Defeat: 058.M31
  3. "My sons, show them the error of their ways. Bring them the Emperor's justice. They will not escape our righteous wrath " ++Attributed to Lorgar Aurelian during the purge of Alaxiss IV, the first major action against the renegade XIth legion++ =================================================================================== Willym Jackel looked to the sky. Stars were falling from the sky, Bright in the night. He did not know what they were. He only knew they were launched from the ships that had translated into the system one week ago. Anticipating an invasion, he had mobilised the planets entire military force and placed it on high alert. It has begun, he thought, The end of our times is upon us. Jackel withdrew all his forces back into the city. He stood defiant, his massive war plate gleaming gold in the light of the flickering torches placed on the ramparts of the walls. He watched as massive beings marched upon the walls, banners held high. Two even larger figures walked at the forefront. One wore blue-grey armour, the same as those behind him. The other wore gleaming golden war plate, glowing even in the night. He was perfect in every way, the ultimate vision of mankind. Jackel heard anguished cries as hundreds of his warriors were blinded just from looking at him. That man is interesting, he thought to himself. The pair of giants reached the walls of the city. The one in the grey armour beckoned to the occupants, "Where is your leader? Show him to us!" Jackel obliged, coming out of the main doors of the city. It was there his life changed forever. It was there he began down the path of damantion. =================================================================================== Hello all. Inspired by simison, Raktra and Athrawes lost legion projects, here are the humble beginnings of my 11th legion. Seeing as funds are tight at the moment, and I have my HH Ultras to do, I would like to flesh out fluff and rules before I eventually get around to modelling and collecting the legion. C+C welcome
  4. WARNING: The following Chapter should not be taken utterly seriously. Liberites looking to take a Chapter utterly seriously should not continue to read this thread. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The High Lords' Great Shame: The Sons of =][=DELETED=][= "Oh. Oh, yes. I see. That is actually a rather serious mistake, isn't it?"- unknown former High Lord of Terra http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/sm.php?b62c=@hd3IG_i8y3o.iakk7@@@_@@@i6hFq@hnsaQ@@__@@@@.@@@.@@._._@@@@@@@@@@hCmX3hnsaQ@@@@@@@@@@@@_hnsaQ.&grid=TRUE A Battle-Brother of The Sons of =I=DELETED=I= Origins & History: "Sometimes I think the High Lords of Terra cause as many problems as they solve. This is starting to look like one of those times." - Inquisitor Cela Ropplethwaite The Origins of the Sons of =][=DELETED=][= are considered lost to time, space and mortal man. They simply seem to have appeared as though from nowhere in the midst of the Fourth Founding, and are a standard issue, mostly uninteresting, Codex-adherant Chapter. However, careful research and assembling of thousands of tiny fragments of evidence would suggest the truth behind the birth of the Sons of =][=DELETED=][= are due to one of the biggest and most embarassing mistakes in the Imperium's history. It seems that during the Fourth Founding, whilst drawing up the list of geneseeds to be used in the creation of the chapters, an un-named Magos made a small but vital error - stating geneseed was to be sourced from the XI Legion, The =][=DELETED BY THE INQUISITION=][= rather than the IX Legion, the Blood Angels. The form is undoubtedly signed by one of the High Lords of Terra, who presumably also missed the numerical flaw nestled deeply amidst the complex forms. With the signature on the document bestowing it the highest form of legality within the Imperium short of the Emperor's personal blessing, the resultant Chapter was, apparently created from the geneseed of the Primarch =][=DELETED=][=, tasked with the mission of defending the =][=DELETED=][= Sector in the Segmentum =][=DELETED=][= from Ork attack, and sent to claim a homeworld. It was only with the advent of the Chapter's first geneseed tithe that the High Lords' attention was brought to the mistake. What happened next is recorded only in fragments of information mostly gleaned from ancient rumours and hearsay, but the limited evidence points to the High Lords (perhaps out of guilt for their mistake - though the truth may never be known) cutting a deal with the young Chapter - in exchange for never talking openly about their Primarch or Legion of origin, even under the threat of exterminatus or even if doing so would save the Imperium, the Chapter would simply be deleted by the Inquisiton - any reference to themselves or anything affiliated with the Sons of =][=DELETED=][= would be removed from all official records and never mentioned again under any circumstances. Since the alternative was for the Chapter to be deleted by the Imperial Navy fleets that swarmed around their homeworld like heavily armed vultures, the Sons of =][=DELETED=][= cordially agreed to the High Lords' considerate offer. To this day, the =][=DELETED=][= Sector is reportedly seldom under attack, even in a galaxy rife with warfare, and any xeno or traitor forces that venture in are apprently dealt with by either local PDF, lost in 'warp storms', or smashed by, apparently, civic-minded asteroids which are seemingly bent on the protection of Mankind. Beliefs: "Well I could tell you about that, Inquisitor, but then you'd have to kill me." - Chapter Master Edan Vane 'The =DELETED= Crusade Perhaps the most defining victory of the Sons of =][=DELETED=][=, the =][=DELETED=][= Crusade was fought primarily against Orks invading the =][=DELETED=][= sector, home to the Forgeworld =][=DELETED=][=. The Sons of =][=DELETED=][= were able to destroy them after weeks of bitter combat by =][=DELETED BY THE INQUISITION=][=, which left the Orks demoralised and easy to take apart in a series isolated skirmishes across the sector. The momentum of the Crusade carried the Sons of =][=DELETED=][= into the neighbouring =][=DELETED=][= Sector, where battles with the Dark Eldar left the Chapter short of =][=DELETED=][=, forcing them to =][=DELETED=][= through more conventional means, until such time as the =][=DELETED=][= could be restored. Inquisitor Kafri Moto, who was tasked with monitoring the Sons of =][=DELETED=][= at the time, was 'left utterly speechless' by the dedication and valour shown by the Sons of =][=DELETED=][=. The Sons of =][=DELETED=][= have seemingly inherited their Primarch's belief that =][=DELETED BY THE INQUISITION=][=. Possibly as a result of this, marines spend much of their limited free time engaged in =][=DELETED BY THE INQUISITION=][=, leading to a =][=DELETED=][= mindest that clearly influences the Chapter's every action. The Chapter looks at the Emperor as a great man, a true guardian of human-kind, who, they believe, shared in their Primarch's aspirations to =][=DELETED BY THE INQUISITION=][=, and a similar =][=DELETED BY THE INQUISITION=][= for all of mankind, a belief that would be very controversial were the Sons of =][=DELETED=][= not bound by honour and their ancient accord with the High Lords to never discuss it with outsiders under any circumstances. The relationship between other factions of the Imperium and the Sons of =][=DELETED=][= is an unusual one. Requests by the Chapter for more supplies are dealt with anonymously and with minimum fuss, shipped in quietly by forgeworlds throughout the Segmentum. The Inquisition keeps close tabs on the Chapter, although discreetly, and the Imperial Church keeps a respectable distance from them at all times, especially in light of =][=DELETED BY THE INQUISITION=][=. Imperial Guard, Navy and of course other Astartes forces seldom encounter the Sons of =][=DELETED=][=. Those that do are often told that the Chapter's name and honours are presently being witheld as part of the terms of a long-term Penitent Crusade, and instead are referred to as =][=DELETED BY THE INQUISITION=][= for the duration of any alliances. Homeworld: "It's... er... very average. Like, really, uh... nondescript. Why, what's your homeworld like?" - Captain Gralen VonBracht of the Sons of =][=DELETED=][=, talking to Captain Bravius of the Genesis Chapter The Sons of =][=DELETED=][= took the planet of =][=DELETED BY THE INQUISITION=][=, a =][=DELETED=][= world in the =][=DELETED=][= sector, as a homeworld. The people of =][=DELETED BY THE INQUISITION=][= are =][=DELETED=][= by nature, a quality that gives them a temperament that the Sons of =][=DELETED=][= value highly, stating that it is easier to teach a recruit combat skill than it is to teach a =][=DELETED=][= outlook. The Chapter's Fortress Monastery, the =][=DELETED BY THE INQUISITION=][=, is a vast, ancient construction, occupying a prominent position on the =][=DELETED BY THE INQUISITION=][=. A recruit's first trial is to reach the gates of the Fortress-Monastery unscathed, having passed through the =][=DELETED=][= and =][=DELETED=][= with a combination of courage, skill, and =][=DELETED=][=. Organisation: "It always surprised me that =][=DELETED BY THE INQUISITION=][= wasn't in the Codex Astartes. I'm not entirely sure how the other Chapters wage warfare without it!" - Veteran Sergeant Victor Locksley The Sons of =][=DELETED=][= are adherents to the Organisational doctrines suggested by the Codex Astartes, with the exception of =][=DELETED BY THE INQUISITION=][=, a virtually unique practice that follows doctrines from the XI Legion itself. How the Chapter became aware of this is debatable, although some evidence suggests the Chapter's geneseed is capable of =][=DELETED BY THE INQUISITION=][=, which has only prompted Inquisitors to monitor the Chatper more closely.. In fairness, the Chapter sees the wisdom in masquerading as purely codex-adherant when in the presence of other Astartes, a facade that has so far helped preserve the terms of their agreement with the High Lords and keep their origins from exposure. Combat Doctrine: "What's that face for? You look like you've never seen an Astartes =][=DELETED=][= an enemy before!" - Sergeant Harris Grey Primarch =][=DELETED=][= was noted as a firm proponent of =][=DELETED BY THE INQUISITION=][= warfare, preferring to =][=DELETED=][= the enemy with =][=DELETED=][= and the use of =][=DELETED BY THE INQUISITION=][= where required. His Sons have apparently inherited their father's ideals of warfare, frequently employing their =][=DELETED BY THE INQUISITION=][= to =][=DELETED=][= the enemy in spectacular fashion. Although by no means is this their only method of bringing about the death of enemies, and the Chapter is more than capable of =][=DELETED=][= foes with all the standard tactics and doctrines common to Astartes. Geneseed: "This is the sacred, prized legacy we inherited from our Primarch... and a whole lot more trouble than it's worth." - Apothecary Armand Sinclair As the Sons of =][=DELETED=][= descend from the Primarch =][=DELETED=][=, they inherit the XI Legion's geneseed and all it's distinctions. The =][=DELETED=][= Organ works somewhat erratically, and the =][=DELETED=][= barely functions, but much like their Primarch the Chapter has the distinctive traits of =][=DELETED BY THE INQUISITION=][= and of course =][=DELETED BY THE INQUISITION=][=, the latter of which serves as an obvious visual indication of whose lineage they bear, at least to the few who study such things. Battlecry: =][=DELETED BY THE INQUISITION=][=! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= So, there we have it. The Sons of =][=DELETED=][=. What do you reckon, guys? Worth a read, or have I =][=DELETED=][= up again? EDIT: =][=DELETED=][= those typos! GRAAAAARRRRGGHHHH!!! etc.
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