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  1. I am afraid I've caught a nasty case of filthy nurgle-itus! I couldn't resist the new Death Guard Models, I was really inspired by the old Deathguard.org site of Ryan Powell in the early 00's, and thought i'd be really cool to do a CSM force along similar lines in the old legion colours, unfortunately this never really happened and I drifted out of the hobby. I have since returned to heresy era modelling but the awesome new DG range gives me this opportunity - at least until the Emperor's Children are re-done! I wanted to put these guy well and truly in the heresy era, so that I can use them for both 30k/40k i've adapted the base models slightly by de-nurlging them as much as possible. I wasn't a big fan of silly belly mouths and overly 'deformed' tentacles, as I see these as more 'possessed' sort of features. It'll be a welcome change painting up a highly weathered and dirty army after having to be extra neat and clean with my Third Legion pretty boys! Dirty, scruffy Death Guard are just about as far as you can get!!
  2. This is because my WIP thread in the WIP forum has been pretty neglected. I simply forget to take pictures, so I'm keeping the 'hobby' thread in the Death Guard section and that way I can just throw some finished pics up here. So for a little started I'm going to just start spitting out the stuff I've completed! Starting off with the first Death Guard unit I completed post Codex: More views/Plague Marines:
  3. Hey Guys, Quick run down of the last DG game I had. This was with forewarning that I would be using Mortarion however these games are never paired up until the actual game making it pretty hard to list tailor. I ended up playing against Dark Angel plasma Fort. The game was Maelstrom (Kill confirmed?). The one where you can't discard any "Kill" type cards and you get a bonus VP for every unit killed on the board. This is one of my favorite Maelstroms as it seems to award killin' stuff as much as moving towards stuff. As usual I have to start off with a shot of the game... a pivotal moment. I'll tell you one thing, this was a horrific moment for a few 'big names' in 40K: ++ Mortarion swoops into the Dark Angels' lines, but he hangs onto life by a thread. The Deathshroud try valiantly to keep their Primarch alive, but Mortarion is met by supreme resistance; the new Helblasters are untouched, as well a Lientenant, Ezekiel and the Chapter Master Azrael himself step up to meet the challenge. Has Mortarion taken on too much? Have the Dark Angels overestimated their abilities against a Daemon Primarch? ..... ++ The Game: - 2K per side, Maelstrom, Kill Confirmed. (We always have a 'free discard' on any card which could never (at any point during the game) be completed) - My army approx: - Mortarion - Typhus - DP. w/ Wings (supporating plate) - Plaguecaster - Plaguemarines (9 I think 2 blightlaunchers, fist, plasma, flail) -Poxwalkers - Cultists - 3 Deathshroud Termies (in reserves) - 2 x Plagueburst crawlers - Tallyman - Blightbringer Dark Angels approx: - Azrael - Ezekeil - Lt. - 2 x 10? Tacticals - Scouts - Dark Shroud Flyer - 2 shooty dreads (Las/auto cannons) - Las Pred - Las/Plas Dev Squad - Deathwing Termie squad (in reserves) - Techpriest - Deployment/First turn: - We roll off and get my least favorite... Hammer and Anvil. This means we're playing short edges (the long way) towards each other. The way the board was set up, it just happens that there are two large fire lances on either sides of the table. I'll have no easy path there, and the only substantial terrain runs up the middle. - I get the +1 to my roll for deploying first, and incredibly, this time it means something! Thanks to the plus 1, I roll a tie with the DA, then another tie, finally a 6+1=7 for first turn. How fitting! +++ The Dark Angels deployment. They are nestled deep in their zone. The Dreads (far right) have a bead on most my army and a Predator Annihilator is off to the right as well. The fire base of Helblasters, and Las Devs (on the factory ruins) have re-roll aura's galore. This will be bloody. Up a bit the scouts infiltrated). +++ +++ Death Guard deployment.Mortarion is out of lascanon range in case I don't get first turn. It might turn out t be too conservative a move. +++ Early Game: - Since the DA fail to seize and this results in an aggressive movement phase. I get some cards I can complete, but not much else. Most of my stuff is short range, so really it's about the Psychic phase. I fail EVERY test I take between Mort/DP/Typhus/Plaguecaster. Unbelievable. I have to use a command point to reroll the DP putting the -1 to hit power on Mortarion. I also use CP's for Walking Dead, and can't shoot at the Poxwalkers. ++ The Death Guard push up the left side. The Plagueburst Crawlers unleash what the can, and manage to take a chunk out of 2 dreads, but nothing big. On the Right side, Mortarion and the DP push forward and the Plague marines advance. ++ Dark Angels Turn 1: - They are planted deep in their zone anticpating Mortarion. I have an important objective that the Plague Marines are sitting on: Defend. Since I score this in my opponent's turn, he's going to put some heat on me with a Flyer and the Termies. Both come in hot, guns blazing. +++ Deathwing some down, and the flyer opens up.... this could get ugly. +++ - The flyer double taps the Hurricane Bolters on the Plague marines, and the Terminators unload too. With the S10 shots the flyer tries to take on Mortarion but he passes some Disgustingly resilient but still takes a wound. The Plague marines are not as fortunate. They are tagged hard with all those shots but still 4 out of the 9 remain. I gotta hold off for the Secure points. - Sure enough as luck would have it, the Deathwing pull off an assault and it hits the Plague marines hard. They kill all but one Plague marine, since he is ObSec, and the last survivor among the Plaguemarines, I blow 2 command points to score the two points. This puts me in a strong lead early. I felt I had to do this. It was starting to feel like he would win out numbers wise so I wanted to bank some points. - Some cultists are shot since they are getting close to scouts. They join the Poxwalker union as new inductees. The turn ends and I have a good, but short term lead. Death Guard Turn 2: - I have a few kill cards, and an objective on his end of the table. Points add up though for killing stuff but we still have First Blood to resolve! - His Terminators have a chance to make a real mess of me, but I can't let the Flyer get off that mortal Wound bomb. Mortarion decides to take on the Flyer, and unleashes Silence while the Daemon Prince moves to try to take down the Deathwing. This may be too much for the DP but apparently he wants to impress Mortarion! - Psychic wise I have another deplorable turn. I'm almost out of CP's, and I fail YET again to put the -1 to hit on Mortarion. So I know he's going to take it pretty hard. Still even with this pending danger, the Death Guard do what they do best and exercise patience as the Deathshroud bodyguard stay in reserves. I think at this point we counted about 7 failed psychic tests (one passed because of a CP in Turn 1). Luckily the DP passes a Smite and strikes down a termie as a result. The Warp is a fickle mistress... she apparently hates me today. +++ The Daemon Prince and Mortarion know the battle has to be fought in the Dark Angel's zone. These hooligans must be cleared out. +++ - Mortarion makes an 11" charge allowing him to catch the rear/side of the flyer. Silence dices it up which is expected. However at my eagerness to get Mortarion down field, I'm wondering if I put the Daemon Prince in a bad situation. - The Daemon Prince moves in, and with Death To the False Emperor, he gets 8 hits, and wounds on all. With 2 Damage a piece just enough is failed to kill the terimes. I got super lucky on this one. A few termies stuck back there would have wrecked my DP if they got to swing, and then the tanks would have went soon after. Very close... too close. Dark Angels Turn 2: - The Dark Angels need a real kill here, but they draw objectives that they have to get as well. The scouts are stuck in no man's land a bit and are dangerously close to Poxwalkers. The DA start firing away at cultists and Poxwalkers but the Poxwalkers absorb the numbers of cultists... now the Poxwalkers get to use those new models to creep a little closer to the scouts. - The true target is obviously Mortarion and without any Psychic help he is going to get pounded. Some lascannons and plasma cannons rip into him, and so does a dreadnaught and the Predator. The results are bad for Mortarion, he takes a lot of wounds and the FnP saves are mediocre at best leaving him half dead...... and just above half movement. One of the Plagueburst cannons takes shots as well, but it isn't in a damaged state yet. +++ The smoke clears and although he is clearly injured, Mortarion hovers onward. The Dark Angels smell burning garbage... Mortarion smells fear.... +++ Death Guard Turn 3: - The noose may be closing in.... while a lot of firepower was thrown at Mortarion, the left flank of Poxwalkers and a stumbling Typhus (his advance bonus rolls were just terrible this game) are getting very close. The Dark Angel scouts stand vigilantly but are consumed by the union of decay none the less. - The Psychic phase is better... finally, and Mort is at -1 to hit (just in time!), and the Plaguecaster gets off plaguewind with a very respectable roll killing 2 Tacticals. Eventually the Poxwalkers consolidate into the remaining tacticals.... one of them is sneezing. - The Devastator squad was pretty deadly so the Plagueburst crawlers unleash indirect cannon shots on them, killing 4. This is big because it leaves only a few lascannons there. One Dreadnaught finally goes down. The Dark Angel fire fort is showing its first signs of faltering....but it still holds the Helblasters, another Dread, some Devs, and the Predator is unharmed. +++ The Union of Decay greets the Tacticals with a warm, infectious, hug. +++ - The wait is over, the Deathshroud deploy 9+ inches away from the remaining tacticals in front of the Fire Fort; they try to guard Mortarion who only needs an 8 to get into the tacticals. +++ Mortarion down to half wounds is making the final push. The Poxwalkers have already started consuming Tacticals for breakfast. Azrael, Ezekiel and the LT. look on with the Helblasters at the ready. +++ - Mortarion and the Deathshroud make it into Close Combat with three Tactical Marines. We don't bother rolling it out, it's assumed Mortarion dices the 3 tacticals. Also Mortarion's ability in the fight phase renders some wounds on surrounding squads, including Ezekiel and Azrael. -Mortarion and the Deathshroud are unable to make contact with the commanding Dark Angels but get very close. +++ Mortarion is in, and easily slays the tacticals, but now he hangs in the open staring down a lot of firepower!+++ Dark Angels Turn 3: - With the clear threat of Mortarion and the Deathshroud, the Dark Angels turn every available weapon on him. Miraculously the Deathshroud intercept most of the lascannons, Somehow the Deathshroud enjoy outstanding saves as Nurgle smiles upon them and after all is said and done, only one Deathshroud dies. Mortarion however is not as fortunate.... with only 3 wounds left at this point the Deathshroud fail to intercept the remaining missiles/lascannons. 3 Shots make it through, Mortarion fails all Invulns, and does not pass enough FnP throws and dies unceremoniously. The Helblasters realize they are about to be swamped by a cloud of Poxwalkers and clear out as many as they can. End Game: - With Mortarion dead the Death Guard have to push the initiative home and pin the Dark Angels deep. A lot is dead now...on both sides. Against the odds the Plagueburst crawlers lash out at the Pred taking it down to half wounds. not a great turn of shooting. The Poxwalkers get in deep, but it is the Deathshroud that have their moment in their anger of having failed Mortarion..... +++ The Deathshroud take their anger out on the Dark Angels. Ezekiel, Azrael and the Lieutenant anticipate the charge.... this will be the last major clash of this battle... +++ - The Deathshroud come in shooting. The Daemon Prince is -1 to hit, and the Poxwalkers have caught up to the plasma base. The Dark Angels are effectively shut off from the rest of the firebase. The Smite and Plague wind hit the Helblasters but only one falls. - In the shooting phase the hand flamers of the Deathshroud hit Ezekiel and Azreal but they shrug most of it off. The charge ensues and the attacks are split between Ezekiel and Azrael. - The Deathshroud slice both of the leaders down, but in a last gasp effort, thanks to 2 command points, Azrael rises from the dead long enough to absolutely annihilate the Deathshroud. All 4 models are wiped from the game, but that gets the Death Guard a lot of points, killing a psyker, and warlord kill. - At this point the Dark Angels concede. The Poxwalkers run amok in their zone, and the Daemon Prince (my warlord) is free to do as he pleases, while Typhus finally waddles into the zone just in time for the end (as usual). - The score wasn't close... something like 18 to 6 for Death Guard, but I assure you both sides were thoroughly beaten. - For the record, Mortarion's Kill count: One Darkshroud Flyer, and 3 Tactical Marines. Until next time... I hope you enjoyed this. Thanks for reading!
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