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This is where I'll post stuff for my Aeldari of all persuasions. I've been working on the Anger & Arrogance event, so let's start this thread with my latest vow (#5 for those keeping track). Vow 5 I'm also considering how to paint future craft world models. I've extended my galaxy pattern to wave serpents so think new craft world faction is in the works. I'm leaning towards gray with teal accents. I tried purple and daemonette hide, but didn't get the look I wanted. I've got a bunch of stuff including: the new combat patrol a guardians box a rangers box 2 boxes of banshees an autarch box On the drukhari side, I've got one and a half combat patrols to paint. I am not pleased with my prior custodes color scheme, so am looking to use a complement to the craftworld colors - possibly teal with orange or light blue highlights.
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Thanks to the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge (and being done with higher education), what has been sixteen years of planning and collecting has finally become an active participation in the painting and modeling sections of the hobby! I first got involved in Warhammer in 7th grade when my art teacher showed me his Space Marine army. The minis caught my attention, the setting had me hooked since I was big on sci-fi, and my imagination ran wild with plans for armies and conversions and all that good stuff. I've amassed a pretty good collection of models since then and while not all of my early plans ended up panning out, I've developed a core of four armies that will be the cornerstones of my Warhammer 40k forces. This thread will end up being my main chronicle of work - musings, lore, drawings, conversions, modeling, and painting will all end up here at some point. And as with any project thread, I'm also preemptively reserving the right to reformat this initial post as updates happen to better organize the work I do and make it easier for any readers to filter and catch up on specific projects.
Thanks to the board here with it's wonderful project logs, in character posts about tactics and me staring at the codex so hard over the last couple days like I'm trying to memorize it I've found the motivation to work on starting an Ad Mech army. Well, honestly I want to do a few armies due to the interesting things I see in the lore and the models but Mars wasn't built in a day. Knowing my weaknesses I've decided to do a project log to hopefully keep the motivation from dropping out and my laziness to play with unpainted models kicking in. To start I guess I should start with the first Forge World I'm doing (as eventually I'll reach a point where I feel my army is "complete" and hard to add too and I'll start looking at the other Forge Worlds I'm interesting in building) and the models I have so far. For my starting Forge World I've gone with the classic of Mars, mainly because it gives me a reason to own Cawl and it has the least restrictions in how to build to gain benefits from the core rules. My core for this army is fairly small at the moment and is as follows: Cawl 1x Tech-Priest Dominus with Volkite and Macrostubber 5x Infiltrators with Flechette Blasters and Taser Goads (finished assembling them this morning) 5x Rangers (building out of the start collecting box), one of which will be given the Arquebus from the box 5x Vanguard (going to give them a Plasma Caliver) 5x Electro-Priests (haven't built them yet, but I'm looking at the Corpuscarii built since it works well with Wrath of Mars and a big horde of these guys bubble wrapping Cawl to get up the field could be pretty fun) 1x Dunecrawler with Neutron Laser and extra Heavy Stubber I'm basically looking at expanding this with a little of everything since basically there isn't anything that doesn't benefit at least a little from being in a Mars list, but my goal is to avoid the obvious gunline configuration and instead use Cawl to support more forward units since he wants to be more forward for his own shooting anyways. One thought was to give him a unit of Destroyers (either with Grav or Plasma or both) and move them with him to claim the center of the table (or an objective near there) since he can make their firepower quite withering for the opponent. The Dominus will support my rear elements (mostly by keeping the Dunecrawler, and the later second Dunecrawler (I'm thinking Icarus Array on that one) healed up). I know an Engineeer is cheaper, but honestly I feel the Dominus is a little more useful since he is a decent all-rounder. Future World Worlds I'm considering are Metalica and Ryza (the former to be more Skitarri focused with an emphasis of kiting enemy units with shooting, and the later to be a mix of heavy plasma servitor troops and melee support elements), though Deimos being run using Graia's rules appeals to me immensely as well. Mostly because I imagine it to be a Forge World who has taken a certain approach to fighting Daemons due to the nature of their role in the Imperium (most Daemons want to get into chopping range, calmly shooting them while locked in combat seems like a great method for dealing with that, especially since Vanguard would make most of the Daemon troops T2 in melee), plus it's the only Forge World that can stop psychic powers. The only problem I have with starting Deimos is that I haven't really figured out the best grey to match their robes: I almost want to say it's kind of a silvery grey, but maybe someone can get a better idea how to represent that. Anyways, I hope to get some WIP up in the next day or so. I haven't decided on a basing scheme for my Mars guys just yet so that'll be a ways off for the moment, but since Red is such a warm color it'll likely be something like GW's brown cracked earth since that is cooler and compliments the warmer model better than I feel the red Mars base paint does.
ADEPTUS CUSTODES OF THE DARK MILLENNIUM They have watched for ten thousand years. They have mourned a vision lost and a galaxy split in two. They perceive there will be no final victory for Mankind. Yet even now they strike out into the dying light. A hurled spear into the eternal night. A desperate reach for those lost in the Imperium Nihilus... THE GREAT QUIET For ten thousand years the Custodes have stood watch within the Solar System, only rarely straying beyond its borders. Their perceived failure in the closing days of the Heresy saw them retreat into mourning and indolence. However, behind the mighty doors of the Imperial Palace debate raged amongst these philosopher-warriors as to their mandate in maintaining the Emperor’s vision for the Imperium, and for thousands of years many questioned: should they intervene? Time and again events arose that threatened the integrity of the Imperium: The Great Beast, the Nova Terra Interregnum, The Black Crusades, all warranted great gatherings of the dwindling ‘Ten Thousand’ in which each warrior spoke and debated their continued inactivity. Yet still, the combination of historical inertia, the Emperor-given prerogative of the High Lords’ rule, and the possibility of leaving the Throneworld unguarded prevented any decisive deployment of the Custodes. But now, with the return of Lord Commander Roboute Guilliman, and the occurrence of the Cicatrix Maledictum a great gathering occurred within the Custodes. Now once more the Adeptus Custodes range far from the Throneworld in aid of the lost and defence of Humanity. Order of Battle Adeptus Custodes 1 Shield Company “The Vigilant” - from the Throneworld 1 Shield Company “First Wall” - from the ‘Talon Aegis’ Star Keep at the edge of Sol Astra Militarum 1st Ziberuan Host “Old Hundred” Throneworld Shield Regiment 3rd and 8th Company Terran Praefects – Palace Guard Companies 7th and 18th Jovian Voidborne Heavy Assault Regiments Terran Penal Regiment 6841 – also called the “Atoners” under the discipline of the Adeptus Ministorum Imperial Personae Aleph-93 Terran Extratus Maniple – Adeptus Mechanicus Skitarii Cohort – Imperial Palace Contingent [Data Restricted] members of the Terran Assassin Clades of the Officio Assassinorum Numerous attached personnel of the Battlefleet Solar and Aeronautica Imperialis // ANNOUNCING - a project log of Adeptus Custodes, Adeptus Mechanicus and Astra Militarum!!!!! Pic heavy posts coming soon. This project has been a slow labour of love back into the hobby, and into writing and exploring fluff It is also my first delve into green-stuffing and conversion! Enjoy! // Custodes Biker Captain Attilon - Captain of the Dread Host - WIP Kitbashed with Trajann's torso, and a greenstuff + Wolfguard terminator wolf pelt late additions include the Void shield generators of a Titanicus Reaver Titan replacing the shield generators on the bike to represent the Custodes bike relic Auric Aquilas will be helmless, possibly going to add the Cyber-hawk found on the Deathwatch White Scar biker...... ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Update #1 An Anguished Ancient Amon Tauromachian walked with the Emperor himself, and for over four thousand years remained a stalwart leader amongst the echelons of the Custodians. From the early days of Unity, through the Great Crusade and the Heresy he fought for the nascent Imperium against its numerous foes. It was on the sleepy backwater Agri-world of Mackan on the edge of Segmentum Solar where Amon would meet his match. During the 4th Black Crusade a splinter fleet of off the main offensive made up of Alpha Legion reportedly led by one calling himself "Alpharius" obliterated the sparse defenses of Mackan and landed in number in order to covertly obtain access to long-distance cargo haulers bound for Terra. Alerted to this great threat by an agent of the Eyes of the Emperor Amon led a great Shield Host in a rare excursion from Terra in order to combat this threat itself. In a rapid series of Teleportation strikes onto the planet's vast spaceport the Custodes brought battle to the Alpha Legion in a series of moving engagements through the halls and corridors of the station, whilst orbital strikes demolished the landing zones across the planet's vast network of transport hubs. It was however at a small excavation site over the northern pole of Mackan that Amon and a score of his brethren landed in order to investigate seismic activity detected by orbital augers in the hours leading up to the attacks, their arrival moments before the emergence of the Alpha Legions from tunnels below ground. Leading this force was a tall figure in gilded panoply with twin-ended spear in one fist and a small Black Cube in the other. It suddenly became clear that the attacks had been a mask for this much greater threat. The forces charged each other and it was with this figure that Amon engaged. In the first moments of battle it became clear to Amon that he was woefully outmatched such were the flurry of blows against his guardian spear, and mere seconds later much of the armour of his torso and one of his shoulders was shredded in a glancing blow by the mighty foe. Having recognized the world-ending threat of the Black Cube now lashed to the belt of this "Alpharius", Amon stepped close into the next thrusting blow aimed at his chest, and dropping his guard rushed forward, lashing out at the Cube's tetherings as he did so. The blow struck true, impaling Amon through and through, but as he fell onto the thrust, Amon grabbed the Cube and activated his advanced personal teleportation device. His broken frame teleported onto an Imperial ship in orbit, fist still clutching the Cube, Amon ordered a retreat. His body mutilated and supported by a dozen servitor controlled life-support systems, he was returned to the Tower of Hegemon upon Terra for interment within a great Dreadnought sarcophagus; the Black Cube sequestered away in the Black Cells far below Terra under the watch of the Shadowkeepers. Now, many thousands of years later Amon still fights in the name of the Emperor when awoken from his slumber, still ready to defend the Throneworld or provide wisdom to the Custodes of the 41st Millennium. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Update #2 (short update) Dark-Age Weaponry Exterminatus is a weapon of last resort, utilized only rarely and in the direst of circumstances. Where this might normally be carried out by the massed fleets of the Imperial Navy or Adeptus Mechanicus, there exist still a few rare devices in the possession of the Custodes that can wipe a planet clean of all life in a single moment. Their access to these horror-weapons of Old Night ensures the destruction is a deterrent for any who might consider throwing off their oaths of loyalty to the Emperor. One such weapon is the Archaus Nova-Destabiliser a primus-grade Exterminatus device that sets up a destructive reaction on the surface of a planet strikingly similar to the inside of a supernova. Still, it is with only with intense sorrow that the Custodes employ these catastrophic weapons, as the destruction of worlds brought to Compliance during the glorious days of the Emperor’s vision is a reminder of how much has been lost of His vision for mankind. // in game I am going to use this as one of my Objective Markers // ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Update #3 Europa Wall Contingent These members of “The Vigilant” Shield Company stereotype those members from the Terran contingent of Custodes, clad in golden armour and wielding a classic arrangement of weaponry, each Custodian represents a bastion of unmovable Auramite. Malachi, Saturnalia, and Jahdon were previously deployed to the Europa Wall section to the southwest of the Sanctum Imperialis. The relative tranquillity of this region of the Palace in recent decades meant that this section was an ideal location to withdrawal Custodians from for the Last Light Crusade, and whilst reluctant to relinquish their watch to the lesser expertise of Imperial Fist rearguard units and Astra Militarum regiments, this trio were eager to pursue a more aggressive form of protection of the Master of Mankind. // My first troops choice of the army, next one will be posted up soon //
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- adeptus custodes
- custodes
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Been getting back into the hobby after basically being absent all of 9th Edition and the tail end of 8th. I've played several games, one with my Admech and the rest with my Grey Knights, and I was left feeling a little wary to continue playing either of those factions in their current state. Admech feels like nothing works well together and I don't seem to be a good enough player to make the Grey Knight teleport shenanigans work, so I have been tossing around a few ideas for a new faction to bring to 10th edition games and I finally settled on the Tau! Also, one reason I picked Tau was because I like kitbashing / converting a lot. The idea of having lots of auxiliaries mixed in to my Tau force is exciting and I'm especially looking forward to making heavy use of Gue'Vesa infantry. I digitally smashed together some arm and weapon files I own to put together a few different Earth Caste experimental Heavy Pulse Carbines for the slightly beefier humans to lug around in their service to the Enclaves as Breachers. Along side them are my first attempts at painting the FSE color scheme.
Hello everyone, I'm kicking myself that I should of made a post a while back to show my progress on what I'm making but never mind, I'll post projects I'm working on here now. To begin is a Legion of the Damned force with an Inquisitorial Investigation team I've been working on for a couple of weeks. In this Lotd project I have sculpted, push cast and converted up minis to fit in with the (2008-2009?) style damned models, I'm not a massive fan of the everything on fire damned that people do just not my cup of tea, I have listed below things that are included or going to be included I am still thinking of what else to put in the force and I am open to suggestions, I will probably add an overwhelmed unit of marines converted up to look battered and be the reason for damned being there. I'm not adhering to any game rules for this force this is just to make an awesome looking army. The Models so far: - 1 Sgt Centurius, 1 Standard Bearer, 3 legionnaires - 3 Sgts, 16 Legionnaires - 1 Dreadnought - 5 Terminators - 12 Storm Troopers Models to come: Inquisitor Kyria Draxus - To be converted Inquisitorial Rhino - Plus Forgeworld parts Reinforced armour, Inq hatch/rear ramp and green stuff Inq doors and front Legionnaires - more standard marines to convert or something not sure yet.
I know I have a long dead topic lying somewhere in the bowels of Works in Progress, so mods do let me know me if I should just combine the two. Long story short, I've moved countries and after many shipments of models back and forth I've started to finally get my hobby set up going again. I've been intending to start an Iron Hands army ever since I got back into the hobby, but time and money meant I decided to muck around with my old Space Wolves army as practice before committing to a buying a new project. Battle of Calth changed all of that and I was impressed enough to impulse purchase it, so I don't have much of an excuse anymore to hold off starting the Iron Tenth I've been dreaming to build ever since 3rd edition! Still working on a backstory for my Clan, but I'm gearing to making them obsessed with seeking out Archeotech to explain the use of the MK IV bits and Contemptor from BoC and extensive kitbashing. Here are the first two tacticals I've made so far. Base is just temporary. Be good to hear any comments and criticism. I'm still unsure about the servo skull on the back of the first marine so any opinions on that would be much appreciated!
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- project log
- Iron Hands Chapter
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