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Desert Eagles wip

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Can u tell us how to do the bases that would be ILL DOG MY MAIN SHIZZNIT


i understood the first part of this. could someone translate the last bit for old man wokkers?


as far as the basing sentiment goes, i too would be interested to discover how you achieve it. to look at them i would guess there is some gs-fu involved.

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i understood the first part of this. could someone translate the last bit for old man wokkers?


as far as the basing sentiment goes, i too would be interested to discover how you achieve it. to look at them i would guess there is some gs-fu involved.





It was just a joke im not a wankster ( a white gangster) its just that be cool man

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Thanks for the support guys. Sorry for taking so long before replying to your questions. :)


The bases are rather simple to make. Just flatten a ball of green stuff smothely on top of the base, then just use the sharp end of your sculpting tool to make the cracked earth pattern. Then let it cure and once dry glue some fine sand in small patches using pva and also some small bits of stones here and there. Simple really.


About the painting...there is a short tutorial way back on page 5 (as i take it's the white you are interested in for deathwing, yeah?). It's a litlle out of date, i don't go quite as black in the blacklining but paint some more earthy colours in there. I use quite simple techniques like edge highlighting where appropiate, and also paint in a rather opaque fashion. If i Remember and more importantly don't get all too lazy, i'll do a new tutorial next time around that i start another terminator. Untill then the old one will have to do i'm afraid...


Alright then lads, update on the apotechary. It's very messy right now, don't get startled by that, but this should give an idea of what my finished scheme for the apotechary will be. I'm also aware of the casting flaw on the crux shoulderpad, i forgot to fix that before priming, but i'll just cover it up with some battledamage. Also, will tone down the edges around the glowing eyes, i can see now in the pics that they got a bit too much.







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  • 2 weeks later...

Update on the sergeant. Unfinished stuff is the banner top, the stormbolter, the eagle scene on his back and all the metallics (which will again be done after sealing with the dullcoat). Otherwise, the mini is getting there. The shiny parts (like the rocks on the base)...mainly where i've used the older kind of washes will be dull once sealed. They actually looks alright irl, but photgraph badly right now. As always C&C appriciated.










@Emita: Thanks!

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Thanks guys, appriciate the kind words.


@angryjohnny: No, it's not very difficult. Removing resin detail is just about as difficult as removing plastic details. The resin is more brittle and needs to be handled a little more gently, but it comes off just as easy.

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Excellent work as usual Mr Desert Eagle. Nice to see some more progress. :P


I have a wargear question. Is the apothecary the sergeant of his particular squad? Because otherwise he couldn't be outfitted with a powersword. Only Sergeants are allowed that weapon choice...

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Your minis keep all their elegance and its a constant pleasure to see your updates.

Personally, I'd add a few poutches and vials to the medic, the narthecium glove is ok but the rest of the armour is a bit anonymous for a specialist marine.



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Once more, thanks for all the love and support! :)


@Todd: Yeah, he would be acting sergeant, or rather, the squad could be seen as without a sergeant as it's my captains personal retuine anyway. But i'm aware that there is some issues with this setup. It didn't occur to me while building the mini that the sergeant might not be given any upgrades since the wording is any terminator and that the terminator sergeant could be seen as a diffrent entry. It's a bit anal in my mind, but yeah well...especially since the old trait for generic marines purity above all did replace the sergeants of the squad into apotecharies. On the other hand, none i've played so far has had any arguments with this setup after i've pointed out the rule dispute. Might have something to do with that it's a very weak setup for an otherwise cc-geared unit... ^_^


The reason i gave the apotechary a sword over a fist is that i don't really like the fact he'd be performing surgery with a huge fist. I simply think this looks better. But a way to get around all this rules nonsense and still look somewhat okay would be to give him a hammer and a stormshield slung around his back much like with the standardbearer...i think i'll actually look into that before continuing with this fella. If it looks decent enough i might just go with that instead just to be a 100% correct with the codex.


Well, well...you never picked up that challenge. Hehe, just as good i guess, it would probobly just have ment a free mini for you with my speed painting skills and all. ;)


@Gumba: Thanks, the white is actually the same as on the other minis, but that proves how much colours are dependent on eachother.


@DS: Thanks mate. I have the pouches and all other apotechary specific items from the pa-version glued on to this mini altough they might be hard to spot in the pics. But yeah, i guess there could always be more...not sure where to fit them tough, as i fear it might end up looking to cramped with stuff and thats not really me. But i'll look into maybe squeezing in something more on the mini.



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Ok, i toyed around with the idea of changing the apotecharys weapons. This would be 100% legit... well, i don't know. Which one do you guys preffer, the hammer/shield or the sword/stormbolter?







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Well, well...you never picked up that challenge. Hehe, just as good i guess, it would probobly just have ment a free mini for you with my speed painting skills and all. :D


I've been distracted in developing my new career since my current one is dead and buried for at least 4-5 years. :P

But database and software programming is fun and interesting so we'll see how that works out. :P


I've also been screwing around with my GK's alot. So the DA's will get some love again soon but as far as a known time frame goes -- everything is up in the air at the moment. So more than likely you'll finish WAY before me :P




As far as the TH/SS goes -- I like it better. What I would do for the shield is to add the apothecary symbol to be the main icon. You can shield the wounded and kill your foe with a big hammer. As Isiah in the DA forum says "One hand giveth life and the other taketh away."


Also as far as Paladins and priests are concerned they would go into battle with blunt weapons like maces and morning stars as a way to cause serious wounds but not with the "intent" of actually slicing them open and create mortal wounds, although blunt force trauma can sometimes do even more damage at speed on a horse then a dull broad sword... So i think in many ways its a great idea. It also opens the door for additional bitz for the apothecary medical instrument hand.


++edit #2:

Also remember that a chainfist is appropriate for him as he needs the beefy cutting tool to get into downed brothers armor. So you could go with a CF/SB set up as well. Maybe switch the hammer into the previous sword hand and the ss in the current sb hand?

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Thanks guys, that's a pretty unanimous vote for the hammer so i guess that's the way to go then. :huh:


@Todd: It's a crazy world, hopefully that new career works out for you.


Some great ideas there, thanks for taking the time to put them down in text, i'll see how to incorporate some of it into the mini. Love the qoute aboute one hand giveth and one hand taketh! :)

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i know i may sound like a fanboy but i lurve these guys .keep up the great work as i love to keep seeing these :D even though they are indoctrinated followers of a corpse god :lol:

ps yes on the hammer it may come in handy opening up your fallen brothers or flatten them. its all good :)

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