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Desert Eagles wip

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Firstly I have to say congratulations! I have been scouring the net for inspiration for my deathwing and your bone/white technique is better then anything on coolminiornot etc... so well done!

If you don't mind, I have a few questions on the tutorial posted way back on page 5....

After you have primed white and blacklined with your wash mix, are you painting all the armour with coat d'arms with elven grey, or just shading the existing white base coat with it? Also you mentioned hawk torquoise, are you mixing this as a highlight colour? I assume the earth and codex grey are for mixing with Elven grey for shading? I hope you can understand these questions, they are quite convuluted! ;)

If you find the time I'm sure readers would appreciate a more detailed tutorial of your technique. I know how annoying it is to stop painting, set up the camera and take a decent picture to post step by steps, as it eats into valuable painting time but it would be much appreciated :lol:

Good luck with finishing the project and I hope all this positive feedback gives you the motivation to finish your wonderfully painted army.

Cheers mate

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Gee guys, thanks a lot. :( I'm in a bit of a hurry, so i'll adress the questions on the white painting more thoroughly later when i have more time (hopefully tomorrow) , but there can be found a link to a tut on the glowing eyes on page 15...link goes to cyrils tutorial on cmon.



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After you have primed white and blacklined with your wash mix, are you painting all the armour with coat d'arms with elven grey, or just shading the existing white base coat with it?


I use my elf grey as s starting point, when going darker i use either the codex grey, or some of the earthy colours...or all of them for that mather. I don't do things exactly the same way every time. But yes, i do put paint all over the surface after i have washed it, save for the recesses (whom i now also make less black by adding some very thin paint of either dessert yellow or some other handy colour once the wash is dry... just enough to make it more lighter and not so black). I'm more of an opaque painter than the glazing see-through style such as lunchbox (very excellent) mins for example. I do paint thin layers, but i often aim to cover whats beneath, not to have it shine through. I hope you understand what i'm trying to say. So i guess i blend both darker and lighter shades, and the very edges may be pure skull white, but i never mix any white into the mixes, so for the most part the lighter areas will be elf grey with maybe some earthy tones in it for warmth.


Also you mentioned hawk torquoise, are you mixing this as a highlight colour?


I actually don't think i've put in any of that on my most recent minis. It's more of a "well, what the hell" if the bottle is standing there and i think the minis is all to plain and colourless. If i do use it will be as an extremly watered down tint of the colour, it shouldn't give any coverages really, just slightly alter the colour ( hmmm...maybe i'm not all that opaque in my thinking after all) :P


I assume the earth and codex grey are for mixing with Elven grey for shading?




I hope you can understand these questions, they are quite convuluted!


Yeah, i think so and i hope that gave i you some sort of usefull awnsers. It's sort of difficult to explain in another language and all, but ask more if this wasn't of any help and i'll try again.


I promise i will eventually do another "tutorial" with pics.


Speaking of gaming conventions... any chanse to see this army at Fantasia Fanatic in Umeå this spring?


Not this spring...i just won't be able to get the force ready. I will show up eventually...i hope. :rolleyes:


As said, you have done a great jobb, and since I am from Sweden maybe I get to see them on LinCon?


This i fear is less likely to happen in any near future. It's quite a bit to travell and i'm not really that much of a gamer. But who knows, never say never.


Thanks guys!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, it may not look like much, but i've actually made some progress. For one, i think i've settled on a core list at 1500 points that i really like. Sadly i removed all bikers for that one. It's challenging and fun to play with however, and it's only 15 minis strong! -_-


Anyhow, the red dread will obviously need stripping, and i've ordered the propper arms for it as well (lascanons and rocketlauncher) My captain once again got new wargear...yeah, i know, i suck. But most people seems to prefer this build for him from a gaming perspective. Stuck his hammer on a regular termy in his comand squad instead. What else, also begun painting my godhammer land raider "The Resolute". Hmmm...guess that one is going to take a while to paint. Please let me know how you like the weathering i've begun painting on it, if it's enough or if i need to add more damage and dust. I know the raider is very early, but hopefully you guys can imagine the finished tank.









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No, i don't think it's wonky. Maybe the picture is somehow distorted or something, the sponsons looks the way they are supposed to. And yeah, the raider is a forge world pre-hersey mk2 variant. The middle section and engines are also diffrent. As for the colours it wil be mainly white with green guns and some orange details here and there...just like my other stuff.
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Update on the LR:


One side getting there. Still some tweaking on the armour, and then some details that havn't been paid much attention to yet.






As always, C&C appriciated.

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No, i don't think it's wonky. Maybe the picture is somehow distorted or something, the sponsons looks the way they are supposed to. And yeah, the raider is a forge world pre-hersey mk2 variant. The middle section and engines are also diffrent. As for the colours it wil be mainly white with green guns and some orange details here and there...just like my other stuff.


yeah i just looked at the picture again the camera was at an ever so slight angle so it looked a little weird

the orange and the sponsons look much better now

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I rather like all of the white, I don't know that I have ever really seen a white landraider before but I dig it. Painting it in portions like that is a good idea, I have been working on a rhino off and on for what seems like forever and I think I would have been more motivated if I was able to complete a portion at a time instead of doing boring work over the whole model and waiting till completion for satisfaction. For some reason I particularly like the scapes on the drum(?) that the lascannons are attached to, presumably from it pivoting in and out to fire.
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Thanks guys.


Well, with what little time i had today for painting i decided just to quickly add the some paint where i intend to put some colours, so hopefully this can indicate something of the finished scheme for the raider. I don't think it will be too white. Sure, it's going to be white, but i belive just some small amounts of orange and green will be enough to keep an interest for the white areas. Besides, the white will vary from almost pure ochre and brown to white as the raider will have dirt added (like on the almost finished side) on places like the assult ramp and so on. Guess we'll see in a couple of years when i'm finished with this one. :D :P But seriously, i appriciate the honesty, and if this turns out to0 white once fully painted it'll be quite easy to just add some more colour later on.







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  • 3 weeks later...



LR-update: This bloody thing is really time- and energyconsuming. Really looking forward to paint my crusader. B) Anyhoo, hope you can make out for yourselves what's getting there and what's pretty untouched yet.


Text (beslutsam) says resolute in swedish.










Also, couldn't resist, a group shot of my nearly finished shooty termy squad. Yeah, you've seen them to death already, but anyway, here they are. ;) Some minor things on the sergeant and heavy flamer mini left to paint. I decided to go ahead and paint the metallics before sealing with matt varnish. Alltough it does look slightly better done the other way, i feel it only turned into another speed bump for me ever finishing anything. (metallics on the sergeants boltgun and respirator only basecoated.)




As always, C&C is appriciated.

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