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Desert Eagles wip

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Just read all 22 pages (or at least, looked at the purdy pictures) and I have to say what an amazing army this is. The white is gritty and ultimately very realistic, and I'm very impressed with how you've managed to make the eaglea dn stuff stand out without using another colour. Very impressed indeed.
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  • 8 months later...

Fantastic Terminator Commander (?) - I have done something similar with the tabard for my librarian, but had reservations about how I was going to make it look like it was supposed to be there.


You've jogged my memory. Kudos and merci beaucoup! I will have to hurry the hell up and get my shoulderpad(s) from forgeworld and post my own model up here so they can be compared :verymad:



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Oh, i'm still around. I'm flattered some of you miss my updates.


Now, i'm still working on these guys. I haven't painted as much as i would have liked to over the last couple of months since my last post, but atleast there is some progress to be shown. I'll make an effort and post an update soon. Thanks for the interest.


Also..i'll become a father for the first time in about a month from now. The expected date is oct 10th, so that has been taking a lot of focus from everything else, and i think even more so when the little guy actually arrives. I'm thrilled beyond imagination about this. ;)



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Right then. One of the reasons why there haven't been many updates is that i bought a new computer around january or so, and all my pictures looked like crap...as do all the old stuff i uploaded. They just looked washed out. I realized this is probobly due to the settings on my screen, and i had probobly altered the gamma or something. I don't know, i simply isn't skilled enough in those areas. I hope these new set of pictures are more accurate. They should be rather rich in colour. For instance, the orange is quite bold, and the brightest parts is actually fiery orange straight out of the tube. So, if the colours looks awful, it's either that my new computer has a crappy screen...or more likely that my old one fooled me into changing the pics into something that shouldn't be. These pics are more or less unaltered from my camera, i have only used autolevels in photoshop.


Next change is that i got tired of being beaten on the tabletops simply cause i stuck by the outdated codex dark angels. Yeah, i know, i'm a sell out. So here is my brand new Desert Eagle Captain...(count as Logan of the Space Wolves)










I have recycled some bits from other minis...like the shield on his arm and the orange shoulderpad...+ the base i nicked of another terminator i made previously. I'm also aware of the hideous cut where the axe and thunderhammer part meet. It was a change after i had begun painting. I'll live with it. Just thought i'd say i know it's there.



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YAY, here it goes again !

Astonishing army, your Logan roxxs (and the studding work is a great idea) but I'm not that fan about the axe, a richer shape could be nicer for a leader (more bitz digging, amybe in imperial whb bitz, where the shield comes from if I don't mistaken myself) and its color, well... Dunno, maybe its the picture problem you're talking about but this doesn't work so well.

2 side minis ranging along Logan (a cherub holding a helmet and I dunno, some cyber dog or someone holding the leader's heraldry on a shield or penant) to figurate its hp could be nice, btw.


A dark theme works very well indeed with the rest, have u though about a small deathwatch task-force (could count as tactical shooting vets) ? A unit of fully camouflages scouts could be nice too.

Please carry-on this splendid work.



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Tanks guys.


Yeah, the stubble is done pretty much as Epistolary_Khalpanian suggested. But i must admit i struggled some before i got the propper effect and went back with a flesh colour a couple of times. But a few coats of very thin grey should do the trick.


Dark Sensei: The axe is very much a compromise between what i wanted to achieve and what was in my bits box. This is simple the best i could produce with what i have at home right now. I agree i could be more impressive and bigger to truly fit a terminator captain, but i'm okej with it. Colourwise it should look like it does on the pics. What i ment is that either everything looks fine or everything looks wrong, not specific parts of the pics. The shaft is painted in silver metallic paints, washed down with earthy colours and then highlighted back to pure silver. The blade is painted with hawk turqoise mixed into the silver paint, and almost pure turqoise in the recesses. For the highlights i have added small portions of gold into the silver. (it's barely noticable but still makes the highlights pop a little more....atleast irl.


Nice ideas btw, but i really can't afford to stray to much from my army right now. It's been what, 3 years and i still haven't got a painted army? :lol: But i might look into that later on.



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  • 5 months later...
IF THERE IS A MORE ASTOUNDING ARMY THEN IT WOULD TAKE THE EMPEROR HIMSELF TO SLAP ME OUT OF ASTONISHMENT! These are easily my favourite models ever, I would sell my soul to Tzeenich to have even a third the tallent you have!
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