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Desert Eagles wip

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Thanks guys,


@bobmackenzie: I havn't decided on what bling to add yet. It probobly wont be banners but rather large shields displaying heraldry and artwork. I would love to add some gs details, feathered wings and stuff like that. Unfortunatly sculpting isn't one of my strengths... but thats a later issue anyway, right now i'll be rather busy making the base constructing look decent.


@Cassarus: Sure, i can post some pics later. I'm afraid i might feel a bit embarressed showing all the plastic tough. As i've setteled on a 1.5 k list i like i'm now down to only 2 or 3 finished minis again (of whom one, the beakie biker, needs some additional work to be brought in line with the most recent minis more damage, scratches and such, and some less prominent blacklining) as the tacticals already painted don't make the cut right now. I'm thinking of maybe putting them back in the list when i go for 2k however.


@Kanan: Well, i really do like the tsunami pattern. :rolleyes:


@Tagsta. Hehe, i do however like those catachan heads, so there will be one or two used none the less. But i won't go all crazy with them either. But i always appriciate honesty.


@GLD: Glad you like them. Hope you post some pics of your bikers later.

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Messed around with the command speeder some more. Saw some pics of the sammy jetbike and realized there are some exhaust on his jetbike. figured this might be cool to implement on the speeder aswell. So, basicly, i've just blue-tacked a forgeworld dreadnought reactor/exhaust on the top of the éven more blue-tacked speeder. If i go ahead with this idea there will be cutting and fitting to make it look as a natural part of the speeder, like it belong there and not just look like a dread reactor stuck on top. I'd really appriciate your toughts on wether i should go ahead with this or not. It's a rare and expensive bit, so i don't want to ruin it for nothing... So, could this be cool or is it just a bad idea?


Also, i think that just lenghtening the wings as far as indicated by the sarcophagus lid will do the trick rather than enlargening the whole wing as i previously considered. Atleast it will be a lot less work.











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i can't put my finger on it, but there is something not right with the dread reactor. it takes away from the aerodynamic look of the speeder i think. maybe you could try intergrating it below the engines? i do however agree that this beast needs an exhaust system of some sort.


keep it going :D

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A thought on the heavy bolters - perhaps if you just used the 'gun' half of the sponson then it might look more streamlined with the hull? Perhaps GS an extension of the ammo feed lines to come from under the body of the speeder?
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Cheers guys, thanks for the feedback.


@Wokkers: Hehe, don't know if the speeder "out of the box" screams aerodynamics either. ;) But yeah, i get your point and i think it's very valid. I havn't really made up my own mind yet what i think about that bit. I think it might end up rather cool, but it needs some work to fit in. It might be as simple as fixing the sides of the reactor and hull so that the angle of the two lines up. Maybe also adding some extra length to the engine section or incorporate the wings in a fashion that makes the reactor look like it belongs there. ( i think of myself as pretty fluent in the english language, save for some grammatic faults and spelling here and there, obviously. But sometimes i really wish this board was in swedish...i hope you can envision my ideas somewhat anyway)


@Kanan: Thanks mate, don't go making me blush now. :devil:


@Bobmackenzie and Paladin 7221: I kind of like the bulkyness of the pred sponsons, makes it look a bit like a flying tank. But then again, nothing is ever final until i've painted and varnished the mini. I can fiddle around with the bits some more and see what i like best. I do however fancy using the halfed pred sponson more than the razor ones. I personally see something like 2/3 of the original combined sponson halfs as a possible width, sort of a compromise between the looks of Kanans tsunami and what you guys are suggesting, but i haven't dared to cut that much in the plastic. Not yet anyway.


@Cassarus: Sorry that i haven't posted those pics i promissed yet. I'll get around to it soon...i hope.



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I like the rough up that you have going so far, especially the HB sponsons. Wish I had thought of something like that. :devil:


So to the comments:


1. As previously posted, I don't think the dread exhausts fit. I know that the LS couldn't find aerodynamic in the dictionary, but it just doesn't look right. Could have something to do with the fact that although the LS is blocky, it still looks "chiseled", if you get my drift. The dread exhausts just look blocky.


2. The sarcophagus on the back wing really doesn't work. Sorry, it is so different from the back fin it just looks slapped on. However, if it fit, it could make a pretty cool looking hood ornament. I'm not sure about the size.


3. The other thing that needs some consideration is the front end. I'm posting an example of mine, not to steal the thread, but to make a point about balance. Right now, your LS is lacking in balance. One possible way to address that is to lose the braces in the front, maybe add some canards, but then you might end up needing wings and I don't know if you want to go there. If that is an option, then you might put the wings on top of the HB nacelles, but make sure that the fins are blocky so that they keep the character of the LS.


One of the reasons I still like the look of mine is that they look stubby and deadly. I think from a design perspective, you want to consider a similar approach.





Regardless of what you decide, keep up the outstanding work. I really love everything you've done with your army.



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@Wokkers: Hehe, don't know if the speeder "out of the box" screams aerodynamics either. msn-wink.gif But yeah, i get your point and i think it's very valid. I


i totally agree with you on the aerodynamics thing. the landspeeder is, after all, a brick with an engine strapped to it. ;)


i used the word "aerodynamic" because i could not think of a more suitable word. and then i read this....


1. As previously posted, I don't think the dread exhausts fit. I know that the LS couldn't find aerodynamic in the dictionary, but it just doesn't look right. Could have something to do with the fact that although the LS is blocky, it still looks "chiseled", if you get my drift. The dread exhausts just look blocky.


aha! thats what i wanted to say :)


thanks Honda :)


havn't really made up my own mind yet what i think about that bit. I think it might end up rather cool, but it needs some work to fit in. It might be as simple as fixing the sides of the reactor and hull so that the angle of the two lines up. Maybe also adding some extra length to the engine section or incorporate the wings in a fashion that makes the reactor look like it belongs there. ( i think of myself as pretty fluent in the english language, save for some grammatic faults and spelling here and there, obviously. But sometimes i really wish this board was in swedish...i hope you can envision my ideas somewhat anyway)


that sounds like a good idea. if the lines of the reactor and the landspeeder met it would create a better flow on the back of the model. maybe you could try and GS that section and see how it turns out.


i also like Honda's idea off adding some canards to this model.....


and as far as you english goes DesertEagle - it is much gooder than mine :D


i think i have said enough now. keep up the good work Desert Eagle and keep us posted :devil:

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Cheers guys, i'm soon off to drink some beer and whiskey, :) so excuse the short reply. Like i said before, i'll try out some stuff later. And i agree that the dread reactor, as is now, looks clumpsy. I'll look into and try some of your ideas aswell Honda.


Oh, about that sarc lid. I just grab a bit to use as reference to indicate the length of the wing if i just extend the current one with plasticard or something. I never intended to use that lid at all.


Well, have a nice evening all!

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Decided i wanted to try something else and...well...i went a bit crazy with the knife and completly butchered the speeder. I kind of like the images i get in my head here. And if i called on your imaginagion before, i can meerly hope you guys get where i'm going with this now. I want to lengthen as well as making the entire speeder broader. Should i pursue this, there will be three engines, so that may be a hint of how much wider the speeder will get, also some sort of plasticard wing where as shown with a spare bit right now. Needles to say, i need to buy atleast another speeder before i can continue working on this one. <_<






Also that armyshot. Only photographed the stuff thats going to be in my list. The techmarine will be used as a count as apotechary. Still missing are 3 more bikers (so i can field 2 full squads), 3 predators (2 destructors and 1 fw annihaltor) and of course the command speeder.




C&C appriciated, cheers!

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  • 1 month later...

Long time since my last update,but i've been real busy with work irl. Fortunatly, thats begun to calm down so i'll hopefully be able to update on a more regular basis from now on. ^_^


Alright, for a few reasons, i've decided to put the speeder on hold for the time being. For one, i felt like i struck my head bloody to the wall trying to figure out how to continue this one and secondly i've decided to make a list containing belial instead of sammy. The reason being that i intend to try and reach 2k before mars or april next year in order to participate in a tournament that runs twice per year in my home town. And i can put together termies faster than bikers as well as i need to aim for a minimum bodycount in order to have any hope of reaching 2k painted anytime soon, therfore i've decided to build another termiesquad. The list will probobly suck, no doubt, but what i'm aiming at will look something like this: Belial, 2 tooled out terminator squads, 1 land raider and 1 land raider crusader, 1 dread in drop pod ( i've got the chappie version from forge world on the way :D ) and something like 12-14 bikes including attackbikes. Then i figure i can go from there adding more or diffrent models improving the list over time. I'm not really much of a competitive player, but it'll be a blast anyway.


Oh well, havn't had time to pick up a brush yet, but with some fresh sprues on my hands i've been in converting mode anyway. Some may have seen this mini in the DA sub forum already. And i've been told that this may not be a 100% legit build, it's sort of a gray area using a pw with the apotechary upgrade. But for the time being atleast, i consider this one finished. (my friends won't bother, but i have to check if he is ok for that tournament. Worst case i have to build another apotechary)








And then there is my version of Belial (i'll think of a suitable name and some fluff later on). This one is much more in a wip state, sort of like a draft or something. I'm thinking of adding a nice big cape on his back aswell as some additional bling. I really wanted a pair of claws at first, but i just couldn't build a pose i liked. I felt he looked more like an ork ready to bash some skulls than a great strategic commander worthy of leading my chapters finest warriors. That's why i'm giving him the sword instead. There are probobly lots of mold lines left as i havn't really cleaned him up yet and the death watch shoulder pad is just a stand in untill i get the one i've got comming along with the rest of my order from forgeworld.








C&C appriciated!

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yay i'm so glad this log is back. It really is ingenious the design of your army: you have used every imperial eagle[which are all very plentiful in the imperium] you can use dark angels stuff, white scars stuff, space wolves stuff, even scorpions stuff. your army has a very flexible appearance modeling-wise, which I really admire and hope to emulate with my own DIY. Thanks for all the wonderful inspiration!
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Thanks guys.


Small update on the "Belial" termie. I know the cape looks quite stiff and rather bland, but GS-work is my major weakness....I'm not finished with it tough, i'll add some more detail, you know, folds and stuff, as well as bending and glueing it into a slighty more flowing shape later. Hopefully i can make up for the poor gs with some paint later. Not sure what to do with his legs...right now i'm thinking maybe rivets might look cool? Unfortunatly i managed to damage the talons on the aquilla on his chest. Still got the pieces and i'll try glueing them back on as i'm fresh out of big aquillas...so that's a bummer. What about the Halo, stay or go?







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yeah ditch the halo

and how do you cut your brass etch? ive tried using a couple and have ruined them because i cant cut them neatly off the sprue


and tbh i dont think your army list is that bad, it could kick ass, especially if you hold up their shooty units in close combat early on in the game

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I have been told cutting brass etch from it's sprue is made easier when using a very sharp knife and a piece of smooth tile or glass as your cutting surface. Placing a metal ruler or something similar over the top of the piece you're cutting off can help to keep it from curving up.


I like the look of these latest Desert Eagles.

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Cheers guys,


As for cutting the brass, i simply use a sharp knife...nothing special at all.


Anyway, small update here. No work done on my commander, but i've been toying around with the rest of his squad. this is a very WIP techmarine ( yes, i have a very soft spot for them). Ruleswise, he is just an ordinary sb/pf terminator. However, the techmarines will have a prominent place in my chapthers fluff, and i just love them, so i hope nobody will have a problem with techmarines being used without proper rules...which incedently would make this an illegal build anyway.


Servofist (will have the fingers covered by gs), stormbolter, lots of little targeters and for some fun one of those construction/alert/attention/whatever-the-word-might-be-in-english spinning and flashing light on his back. My intention is to gs some overlapping armourplates and cogdesigns as common with techmarines. Any C&C would be appriciated on this guy.






And the rest of the squad, also very much wip and blue-tac. Turned out to be a little more shooty than i first intended...





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Desert Eagle, is it possible to create cooler conversions? Right now they're just not looking all that good. :) In all seriousness, they look fantastic mate. The scheme you've created for this Chapter is so clean, and these new Terminators should look fantastic when finished. Good luck and I look forward to more from you in the future.
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