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Desert Eagles wip

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Done some more painting... still much left to do however, like most of the metalics, one of the legs, trophy skulls, halo, stormbolter, targeter etc. I hope you can tell. The Desert Eagle badge on top needs some definition, it isn't sharp enough in the edges yet, so i'll clear that up later as well.








C&C appriciated as always.

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This is coming along very nicely. I was unsure of the silver skull at first but it has grown on me and I think given your scheme it makes much more sense. I agree that a bone colored skull would have gotten a bit lost in the mix. This is a bit of a random question but how did you fasten the dread to that old paint pot? Did you simply use super glue, it just seems like with a large model and so little surface area it would be a weak bond even if it is just temporary.
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@Asmodeus: Oh, i think they're mainly just bleached bone over the mixed dark green and brown wash i use, followed by some skull white on the highlights, nothing fancy at all. There may be some earth or desert yellow in there as well. (haha, i use those pots to just about anything it seems :D )


@Gumbafish: It's only superglue. But it's a very solid bond. Heck, i probobly have to use brute force to pry it off since resin reacts very diffrent than plastic to superglue. For instance, if you glue two resin parts together there's just about no way to get them loose again, they're welded shut against eachother.


@Coopervisor: Thanks mate!

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Coming along wonderfully, sir. I was kinda wondering if you're going to keep the theme of the eagle-in-flight paintings for this guy? Were you going to add this on a tabard converted from a back banner, or a back banner? I honestly thought you'd place one where the crux is at now. Just wonderin. You do such an awesome job with those little paintings that it would be really killer to see one on this guy.


Again, beautiful work and a high attention to the smallest detail. :mellow:

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First off your army looks amazing. It once again reinforces the reason why I love this hobby so much. :wallbash:

As far as your army commander goes I don't think a "golden commander" would fit this army theme too well, but something should be done to make his armor standout from the rest of the chapter. Also have you thought about adding the two headed eagle from the Inquisitor Coteaz model? That could be a really cool addition to your army since the aquilla is very prevalent all throughout your army. Maybe even perched on your commanders shoulder? Either way this is a truly inspiring army, keep up the good work.

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Thanks everybody.


@Nine and blood raven: Yeah, i'll try and get an army shot a bit later. ^_^


@Master Toddius: You know what, i had actually planed to paint an eagle scene on the top, but i settled for the crux and badge instead. To be honest there's not much place left to fit a freehand painting (whitout it looking like freehand for freehands sake). I do however entertain the idea of adding a banner to the mini. The only thing that i'm doubtful about is wheter it would be to much with both the halo and a banner?


@Morningshadow (and Asmodeus): Short version, while an awsome idea purely estetichal, it won't fit the fluff safely locked whitin my head.


Long version (Yes, this will be full of "blanks" as it's not even a first draft. Also most likely with lots of bad grammar so keep that in mind while reading :) ), I have been working on some fluff, but really nothing written down, and the eagles are mostly a sign of hope amongst the people from the systems where the recruits are drawn from. Their homeplanet was once rich and full of life, a true utopia and the finest achivment of its time in planet terraforming. Legend speaks of a traveller* from distant stars that brought a pair of eagles to the planet, and soon the skies where full of eagles soaring high amongst the clouds. Then something fell from the skies** and the once flourishing planet turned to a harsh desert wasteland and the skies came empty. Soon the planet was forgotten in the empire, untill re-discovered much later. The remaining people that endures and lingers on at the planet awaits the day when the skies once more will be filled with eagles.


*Probobly prior to the empire of men, so it isn't really the emperor even though the poeple might interpert the storys that way now.


** And here is where my astartes comes into the picture. I'm toying with that the object is of necron origin and thats why almost all life on Utopia and the surrounding systems died. My chapther belives that this object might be used to wake what slumbers whitin Mars. They came across the planet while as a very young chapter escorting an expedition from mars searching for lost standard template constructs...or atleast thats what they said... Disputes accured between the astartes and the expedition once tha astartes realized what they had stumbled upon. So blood was drawn.... The astartes killed every single one from the expedition (the astartes consider their actions most lojal to the emperor but are of course aware that if the actions that took place ever came to surface it might be considered an act of hersey). To keep the artifact safe they took the planet as their own and renamed themselves the desert eagles in tribute to the legends of the people from the system. Uncertain whom to thrust amongst the techpriest with the artifact they posses (they don't think all of them has fallen subject to a void dragon cult) they keep the secret to themselves. That's also why i plan on painting my techmarines yellow instead of red, as a subtle sign of where their legiancies lay, with their primarch Dorn and the Emperor and not the techpriest brootherhood on Mars (okay, i wanted to paint them yellow prior to making up the fluff)


Oh well, the fluff is still just some random early thoughts, all of the above is subject to change if it isn't plausible in the end. I'll give the fluffy part of the desert eagles some love sometime in the future, but right now i just wan't to get some paint on a few minis.

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I think then leave the eagle off of him. A back banner might not look good as you say and if the tabard direction is nay then its cool to leave it off. He might be embodying the eagle in his crest of wings that make up the frontal armor of the upper torso. So there you go. :teehee:

I like the fluff. I remember us discussing that some time ago. The necron direction is actually really cool and plausible. Inter turmoil of allegiances is actually pretty DA, so of course I like that as well. It makes me think about a pic I saw of a necron diarama with a buried stasis cavern was awakened to IG on the surface and imperial city construction. Its such a cool idea. Reminds me of LotR when the dwarves dug a little too deep, and found something they wish they never did... :o

You could always take the direction that the chapter was relocated after the happening and all records expunged. For some amount of time they've been hunting down their past and long lost planet to find it a waste land with only a small remnant of thier civilization left. But after some time they also began to find the remains to ancient industry on the planet that opens the door underground that could lead to the secret and thier history... with maybe necron history involved from abandoned stasis chambers.

Very cool stuff. My mind spins with all the possiblities.


I found the pic.


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@ Todd and Asmodeus: Sorry for not replying faster (hey, typing these posts takes a darn lot longer than one would think), but I’ve been rather busy irl. Anyway, thanks guys. I guess my goal with the fluff will be to snag bits I like here and there and make it into my own, just like when I convert. So you’re really spot on there Todd, of course I’ve already mimicked the DA some…after all, that will be the codex I’ll use. And for instance, i see the people of utopia like a cross between the Fremen of Arakis/Dune and the post-appocalyptic remains in Mad Max. So, that’s pretty much the way I plan on doing this. I like the ideas. Cool diorama btw.


Well, I’ll start a tread in the proper forum as soon as I get some time over for writing, and I’d much appreciate all the help I can get then to make the chapter backround come together. Thrust me, I’ll need it, especially for what fits in the 40k universe as well as timelines and such.


Here’s a group shot as promised. My camera isn’t the best, just a cheap one and a few years old, so the pic is rather crappy… This is the 2k-list I’m working to complete first (hehe, I think, changes my occur). The speeder is just an old unfinished one and will be replaced. (got the wrong guns anyway, I want the mm/hf combo)





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Everytime I look at this blog I want to start up a white power armoured army. :tu: This blog is really in my top three of favorites.


I'm just wondering, how do you stay motivated to keep working on the same stuff over such a long period of time?

I usually keep getting new ideas every other week and what to start on something else.

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Thanks guys, glad you like my army. As for motivation...well...guess i don't know really. Of coarse i sometimes wish i just had a dipped army, and i can also tell you i have a serious hard on for the forge world tyranid trygon. Very star craft vs aliens. Once i get 2k of this force painted, i'll start another project to run simultaniously with the desert eagles. Maybe tyranids or some other 40k army, maybe something alltogether diffrent like a gobbo army for fantasy with lots of squigs, those blue trolls and perhaps a dragon. (I've never played fantasy, so i have no clue how that works) But all in all, i'm still thrilled about this project, and to tell the truth, posting here at the bolter&chainsword is a great motivator. Great forum, great people. Cheers to you all!
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