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  I am Legion said:
Alright, sunday it is then. What time sunday shall we meet?


Well, I did manage to get a game in. My 1422 (I need to add more proxy stuff) orks vs 1500 points of Dark Eldar.


The game ended on turn 3 when my empty Trukk got exploded to a double 6 death or glory roll, then my one remaining Nob took 7 shots to the back.


As for Sunday, early, right at opening.


I'll be bringing my wife and her marines, so it looks like we'll have enough for a huge battle.


Also, it appears that I STILL have a severe lack of Boyz. If I bought another Black Reach box would anyone be willing to buy the Marine stuff off me?

Edited by E_J

Dark Eldar are a brutal army to face. I think they are one of the better ones. I remember back during second edition when Clarence (GW manager at Vaughan Mills) used to use them. Such a basic army with a few dirty units. That 2+ invul save on that crummy commander that can be taken out with a plasma pistol....I think I only ever killed that commander once. The rest of the time I would just ignore him, and destroy everything else.


Does anyone know when they open on sunday? I guess i can call but it's 12:47 am on friday right now.


And E_J, I would love to help you as I'm going to pick up a tactical squad box that day. But I really want to convert these guys so I need the generic box. Sorry pal.

  E_J said:
The game ended on turn 3 when my empty Trukk got exploded to a double 6 death or glory roll, then my one remaining Nob took 7 shots to the back.


I honestly didnt think that would work when I told him to do that :)


  I am Legion said:
Does anyone know when they open on sunday? I guess i can call but it's 12:47 am on friday right now.


Its 12 till 6 if Im not mistaken.. That is what their site says



Not sure if I'll be buying that second Black Reach set for a little while now...


See, a little birdy told me that this big ass Lego castle was on sale at Wal-Mart. 30 bucks for 900 pieces. I didn't find that, but my wife did find a 900 piece technic cherry picker truck set for 25 bucks. I used her insane savings to justify buying the new $120 Lego pirate ship.




Combine that with the fact that we decided like 15 minutes after to start saving so we can spend next Christmas in Paris and I won't be able to be as spendy as I used to be...


Until next month <_<

Edited by E_J

Hello all. Came here after coming down to the Yonge St GW today (Sun the 4th), and after speaking to one of the guys gaming (sorry didn't catch your name, but Green is Best) I found out most of the people there had organized themselves through this site.


Well let me say I'd like to throw my hat into the ring along with the four 40k armies, and one fantasy army I own, and see if I can't increase my weekly gaming ration.


I've got over 5000 points of chaos/loyalist marines with a few unique units for each. I've got just over 2000 points of Tau, and over 2000 points of Eldar that I can bring on any given day. As well as over 3000 points of Lizardmen for anyone up for some fantasy games.


As far as the near future is concerned I've still got one more week before 2nd semester starts, and can game mon, tue, and thurs this week, as well as sat, but due to the tourny we'd have to find somewhere else to play.


Looking farther ahead it would appear I have Fridays off this coming semester, and as soon as I figure out my employment status I can see what weekends I might be free as well.

^ Welcome aboard. I remember speaking to you briefly.


As far as semesters, be thankful you're not going to York U. The piece of crap contract workers have pretty well ruined the whole year there while on strike.......but more time for gaming I guess.

Hey RedDragon5. I was the Ork player you were talking to.


It's cool to have another person with stuff to play. It's even cooler that we now have more than 1 person with a non Marine army to field.


I Am Legion was mentioning the possibility of getting a good group game going, either at the Games Workshop or Two Headed Dragon (twoheadeddragon.com), a store near the North York Center subway station. 1000 points for every player.


As for this weekend, with all the stuff going on, my grandmothers funeral etc, I doubt I'll be able to play.


Also, please help me guys. I'm about to go broke.


After playing me yesterday my wife was eying that Marine battleforce box and after we got back from her hockey game she spent about 2 or 3 hours looking at different Marine chapters online.


Then she told me that she thinks that Space Wolves are really cool, and so is Chaos.


I can't afford this. Save me and my ever thinning wallet.

@ E_J - If she wants to do space pups tell her to wait for the new book, as the current one is badly outdated. As for chaos. I started out as a loyalist and have flipped flopped back and froth between the to, to the point where I can field uniquely loyalist or chaos forces but my chapter/warband stays the same.


Oh was I supposed to be helping you talk her out of it? Sorry, my only advice is to drop the hockey and use those funds to by minis. Failing that ebay is going to be your best friend. Start looking at prices from various sellers and be patient for the good deals.

This is a hobby and will take a long time to collect. She should make an army list for 1500 points that she thinks could work VS most armies and start buying those specific units. I'm researching all sorts of various marine army compositions before I buy anything for the Salamander army. I got the one tactical box and I need to find bits to actually build it. Once I have it all and it's painted, I go buy the next unit. In my case, I get to save a lot of money this way because I don't have time to paint or play really. So I'll only buy about 4-5 units all year. I have 3000 points but it's taken me 2-3 years to collect. Plus if she really wants I have a bunch of marine stuff that I rather have traded stuff for, but she can look through them and pick a few thinks if she wants.

I have a fully painted Marine captain available for her if she wants. It's missing a backpack, and the tip of the power weapon's paint is chipped.


If she wants to make a Blood Angel army (highly recommend as it's my favourite and that's what I really play) then I have 5 Death Company marines, but I would require some cash or a trade of some sort.

I also have a buttload of bits and 5 grey knight marines who are missing a couple glaives, and 2 logos have been scraped off. I'll be happy to almost give those away. They make good sergeants as they all have storm bolters.

Edited by I am Legion
  Marek Grimfang said:
If she wants to do space pups tell her to wait for the new book, as the current one is badly outdated


I strongly beg to differ.


The SW Codex though old, is still one of the best armies to make a list from.


is one of the? Thats a lie!


They are as good as marines...with a stupid amount of bonuses...you get all the marine stuff + Abunch of extra stuff.


The ability to load 12 Blood Claws with 2 Power Fists into Drop Pods is pretty good. Especially if they get assaulted you get+2 Attacks that turn! Cheap storm shields for your HQs...it just gets better. I would say they are no doubt the best marines if you build the list right.

E_J, she might want to wait for the codex to come out. Most likely there will be some pretty cool box sets released with it.


Alternatively, you could consider discount retailers such as www.gc-minis.com. They give you 30% off MSRP. You also avoid having to pay 8% PST. It wont save you as much as ebay, but it's still not a bad deal if you're buying a chunk of minis.

  Suncrusher said:
E_J, she might want to wait for the codex to come out. Most likely there will be some pretty cool box sets released with it.


Alternatively, you could consider discount retailers such as www.gc-minis.com. They give you 30% off MSRP. You also avoid having to pay 8% PST. It wont save you as much as ebay, but it's still not a bad deal if you're buying a chunk of minis.


Thanks for this. If we're going to be funding 2 armies, cheaper is better. I don't particularly like eBay so this helps a lot.


I won't be able to play at all this weekend. As some of you I met on Sunday know, my grandmother passed away Sunday. I have to make the trip up there tonight and won't be back until the weekend is over.


EDIT: gc-minis.com doesn't have the Marine battleforce with the one Rhino. They have the big one at a decent price but that's it...

Edited by E_J
On the subject of space pups I was more speaking of their heavy 3 jamming assault cannons, their 50 point rhinos, storm shield might be cheaper but only give you a 4+ in CC against one target, point costs for things that are to be bought from the normal marine codex that don't match up. Its not a bad list by any means, but yes it needs an update.
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