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Raz's Word Bearers - Hell Follows With Them


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Progress! Sculpted and painted the fleshybits on the Dread...


I'm going to try to get the scribblies done tomorrow and probably sculpt more candles. From there I'll just have the base and some freehand in the archways left to do. Might do some gold on the sarcophagus, and maybe some chipping. We'll see.

I've also basecoated, washed and highlighted the reds and the metallics on Sorcerer AND the Acolyte. I don't usually fail to procrastinate this hard. I don't know what's happened.


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So today I did scribblies. And then I put a bunch of spooky screamy ghosty greenish faces in the archways. And then I finished a whole bunch of other stuff but those things don't matter nearly as much as the screamy faces. I would love to do this all over an Emperor's Children tank except in purple.


I need to clean up the plasma coils and some of the freehand. Also the base is just a basecoat of Mechanicus Standard Grey at this point so I need to finish that. More pics.





Unfortunately I can't really do the screamy faces in the archways on the side of the plasma cannon because they're much deeper, it wouldn't show at all. Also, I'm aware that the smoke launcher is a bit boring but I feel powerless to do anything about it. I'm tempted to replace it with a brazier but I'm afraid the fire would distract from the screamy faces.

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Let me be the first to say : "2 spooky 4 me" ,also yeh, i agree i think a brazier would detract from the spooky scary faces, maybe you could gs something demonic on the dread? just to stop it from sliding into a more 'imperial-ish' dread, i dont know though, at the moment it gives a great look of practicality :smile.:

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So it turns out that as of three days ago, this thread is seven years old. Been a long time since I started working on this army and while admittedly most of that time has been months-long gaps between any progress as I get distracted by video games, anime and sometimes even real life, it's been a fun ride so far. Thanks to everyone who's posted comments on here, you guys keep me motivated. And here's hoping I manage to keep posting for another seven years, because as far as I can tell, I'm nowhere near done with this army and I'd bloody well like to finish it. :devil:

I think it'd be reasonable to expect a new army shot from me at this point, though I haven't actually done all that much since the last one - I managed to spend the better part of a whole year painting two Primarchs. The to-do pile has been building up though, I'll have to snag a few pics this weekend, we'll see what we get.

With all that outta the way, the Dread's finished! Wanted to get him done for Halloween for maximum spookyness. Went with glowy green on the plasma cannon since I thought the screamy faces looked a bit lonely. Struggled a bit to find the right level of brightness for it but I think I found a good place. Also added more candles up top, plus a slightly billowy fleshybit tabard as I thought it would give him some extra movement.







Also started working on a buddy for him. Kind of got a "masked bandit" look to him at the moment, I think I like it.



For now, though, I'll be working on the Sorcerer and Acolyte at the same time. Once I finish them, it's on to the Knight, who still needs some conversion work before he's ready for paint.

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Looks great dude. Watch out for the mold lines on the lascannon muzzl.es though! ;)

I already said this over at the CoC thread, but this thread has been a major, major inspiration to my own WB back in 2012, when I was still a lurker. Your work with the warhound especially made me go: I gotta get me one of those. Also, I almost completely copied your method of sculpting fleshy bits. Long story short: thank you for inspiring me in a major way back when I got back into the hobby. I'm glad your thread popped up again, so I can start following again and finally commenting. Cheers. :tu:

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  • 3 weeks later...

@dbgoldberg323: After promising an army shot in my last post and having seen your comment, I've been trying to take a decent army shot to little/no avail. My army's basically outgrown my ability to effectively photograph it given the space and lighting available in my house. I think I can do it, but I'm going to need to take a while to set up some tables in my living room around high noon so the photos stop turning out so dim. That said, I keep a link to my most recent army shot in the OP. I believe the last one was in September 2013, but I managed to spend most of the time between then and now painting a whopping two Primarchs. Not pictured: a Baneblade, 3 Defilers, 3 Hell Blade Fighters that need bases and maybe repainting, 2 Land Raiders (one of which is the Avarice), a power-armored Acolyte, the plasma cannon Dreadnought I just finished for the Call, and the two characters I'm about to post. Anyway, I'll try and get you a new army shot in a few days/weeks. I might just do it after the Call - I'd kind of like to have the Knight in there.

So the Terminator Acolyte and the Sorcerer are finished. They've been floating around "done" for the last week or so but I keep going back and tweaking things I'm not pleased with. In the interests of actually getting stuff done for the Call, however, I'll stop now. I'm really not happy with the cloak fur on the Acolyte or the runes in the Sorcerer's book but I'll just live with those for now.

Had some problems with my washes drying REALLY glossy on these guys (and actually the Dread as well). Seems to happen when I don't shake them before application, which I usually never bother to do and I can only recall having this problem once before (which is saying something considering how heavily I wash everything). Anyway, these guys have seen more matte varnish than I think I've ever used on single models before. I also had my only pot of Hashut Copper and several different fleshtones decide to lose all consistency on me. Didn't matter how much I shook them, and they were fine before, but all of a sudden they were like water. Usually GW paints DRY out, this was the opposite. Fething bizarre. Anyway, ordered more, everything's fine now. What am I still typing for? Pics!

Anointed Acolyte, Kor Lerakh





Sorcerer, Sor Valak




In other news, I got my copy of Betrayal at Calth and I'm looking forward to painting up the Cataphractii. Won't be using the Contemptor, but the characters should be fun to paint up and the MkIV bits will all serve as bitz for my III Cohort.

I think the Knight's next up on the painting table. I've only got three weeks left in the Call, and I'm going to be very busy for at least two of those. I also still have the plague toads - those may turn into a last-minute speedpaint, which might actually be a fun challenge. Hopefully the Knight won't take me too long but it really depends on whether my washes and metallics decide to keep cooperating.

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Really lovely models, as always, Raz. I think my favorite parts are their foreheads, haha! The attention to detail on the acolyte's script on his head and the jewel on the sorcerer really up the wow-factor a lot. You also did a great job with the runes on the book, what about them don't you like?

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  • 4 months later...

Been a while. Probably one of the longer breaks I've ever taken. Failed the Call again. Sad, but it happens. I'm carrying on with my work though. Slowly but surely, things get done. I'm in my last semester of college so things do tend to get in the way, but I get painting done when I can.

Before I post any pics, Augustus B'Raass recently interviewed me for the Interview with a Chaos Lord thread over on the Chaos Ascendant subforum. It just went up yesterday, you can check it out here. Thanks Augustus!

So I've made some significant progress on the Knight over the past couple weeks, just getting a few hours of work in every weekend. I actually had him sitting around basecoated and washed for something like two months before I went back and started highlighting and chipping on the metallics. I threw together a base for him - it's a crashed Sentinel with a bisected Guardsman crawling out of it with his guts trailing behind him, not sure it'll show on the pics. Really should've photographed it BEFORE I primed it. Just recently added fleshybits and candles. Need to clean up the Word Bearers symbol on the shoulder-shield fleshybit, all the fleshybits need blood and the red armor plates need scribbles. Also need to highlight and maybe(?) wash the horns. I think the flaming wrecking ball is going to be normal fire. Wanted to do green but I'm getting the sense that the overall model needs to be warm. That could change after I do the scribblies and the base, though, so I'll probably do the flames dead last. Pic!


In other news, I've done a little work on the Terminator Sorcerer again. I scrapped the old base - I had kind of gotten carried away with it and it was turning into this giant horrible abomination that Darth Bob and I have been not-so-affectionately calling the "Fire Slug." I've resculpted it as a much smaller wave of warp stuff with a little curly bit at the front, sort of Nightmare Before Christmas style.




This leaves the rest of the base open for burning Guard corpses. Wouldn't be right otherwise. Anyway, I should have ample painting time for the next few days, so I'll try to have another progress update on the Knight sometime soon. Well, "soon." Probably less than five months from now. Probably.

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  • 3 months later...

I've been more busy than usual with real-life stuffs these last few months and I haven't been able to paint much. Nevertheless, the Knight's gradually been nearing completion and I was finally able to finish her over the last couple of days. I'm having the hardest time getting decent pics of the wrecking ball, finally gave up, those may be coming in the future.

Traitor Knight Sefkor (super secret code name "Miley")








Next order of business is to finish the base on the Bloodthirster. Then I want to redo my Cultists, paint the Terminator Sorcerer and do up those Plague Toads from the Call, probably not in that order.

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Knight looks amazing buddy. The freehand and the base details are outstanding. Love the guardsman trying to drag himself away. Silly lackey of the emperor doesn't even know he's dead yet.
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pure awesomeness!

your blog is one of the reasons - if not the biggest reason - i got interested in heresy WB. And your knight is so kick ass. i am out of words...

Same here, but in 40K WBs. Miley is looking absolutely stunning and fantastic. Stealing the wrecking ball idea. 

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