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Raz's Word Bearers - Hell Follows With Them


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Fleshybits and candles sculptified. Shoulda done these before I primed them, don't really know why I didn't. I do sculpting late on infantry, but on tanks they don't get in the way as much. Anyway, done now. Still got quite a bit of painting to do before these are finished, will try to post updates every other day or so.


Hopefully getting an Honoured Imperium and an Imperial Sector in the mail tomorrow. I know all the cool kids roll their own terrain, but hey, I really like GW's buildings. Probably going to build them ASAP, planning fairly minimalist paintjobs. Not sure I want to do a lot of converting on those, but I'll see if I can't manage something subtly Chaotic. Or I'll just go overboard. I dunno.

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  • 1 month later...

Wow, thanks, Heinrich! Can't claim credit for the idea, the weapon loadout and name (Avarice) go back to this post by Imperialis_Dominatus about seven years ago. I've been meaning to make one ever since I saw it. I'm pretty sure I've seen a similar, even more heavily armed tank done up in Black Legion colors somewhere in the Dakka galleries as well, but I can't seem to find it now EDIT: This is the one I was thinking of. Anyway, sorry for the long absence, got more (still PIP) tankery comin' right up.


Still some work left to do. Need to do all the script, blood, the spike racks on the Phobos and a bunch of little details on the Avarice (brazier flames/coals, wood, parchment, and I'm not sure if I want the skellington on the Acolyte's book to be gold, silver or bone). I'm actually feeling like the Avarice needs MORE candles, too, and I might go back and try to clean up the flames on the ones I've already done. Gonna try to finish these ASAP but can't say exactly when they'll be finished. Hopefully this weekend...? Certainly within the year. :tongue.:

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Wow, thanks, Heinrich! Can't claim credit for the idea, the weapon loadout and name (Avarice) go back to this post by Imperialis_Dominatus about seven years ago. I've been meaning to make one ever since I saw it. I'm pretty sure I've seen a similar, even more heavily armed tank done up in Black Legion colors somewhere in the Dakka galleries as well, but I can't seem to find it now. Anyway, sorry for the long absence, got more (still PIP) tankery comin' right up.


Still some work left to do. Need to do all the script, blood, the spike racks on the Phobos and a bunch of little details on the Avarice (brazier flames/coals, wood, parchment, and I'm not sure if I want the skellington on the Acolyte's book to be gold, silver or bone). I'm actually feeling like the Avarice needs MORE candles, too, and I might go back and try to clean up the flames on the ones I've already done. Gonna try to finish these ASAP but can't say exactly when they'll be finished. Hopefully this weekend...? Certainly within the year. :tongue.:

Can there ever be such thing not enough candles? for WB? Awesome models, Now I feel like painting up some WB, even though I have a backlog of stuff I need to work on...

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Thanks guys. I'm done with the Phobos. Wasn't feeling so ambitious on the freehand for this one, but the Avarice will be getting the extra-scripty treatment. Going to have a lot of time to work on the Avarice tomorrow, will hopefully finish it.

Land Raider Phobos - Korson





I'll also be adding a name to the assault ramp of my other LR Phobos (Xaphan). Should make for a nice family photo when all three are done. Suppose I should really take a shot of all my tanks together.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks guys. I finished the Avarice. Decided not to add more candles for now. I reserve the right to go back and do that later though.

Land Raider Avarice - Surgat






I'll take pics of all my tanks together in the next few days, need to make space. I'm gonna need a bigger desk.

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Hmm, interesting.  Paint recipe for the flames?


And kudos.  The sheer amount of work that went into that tank is abundantly clear, and paid off well. :tu:


The sculpted skin is a bit thick, but other than that I don't see any noticeable faults at a glance.

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Awesome thread.  I maybe chiming in a little bit on the late side but that's okay.  I have one question for you, I haven't had time to read everything so I'm just going to ask.  When you were at stage 2 of painting with Khorne Red, I'm wondering did you airbrush them? Or straight hand work... I'm curious because I was testing out Khorne Red a few years back ( starting my blood ravens army) my results were kinda iffy.  I dig the results you achieved, but yes, straight up I'm curious.  To save myself time, I was thinking about a 1/1 mix of KR and Mephiston Red through an airbrush.  Only for the fact that I really like both reds, then moving on to highlights with Mephiston Red, and extreme with Wazdakka Red.  I'm going to go ahead and post my results (insert shameful picture, reminding you and other readers this was a test model.)


2012 11 04 15.52.21

Black undercoat, Bone colors applied to shoulders then puttied over and airbrushed Khorne Red.  Not too happy with the tint, but easily fixed with a red wash, be it ink or whatever the new shades are called.  But I'm not a fan of applying washes all over a model, I prefer pin washing into crevasses. 

2012 11 06 01.06.22

A mediocre final result, not too thrilled, but remember guys/gals its a test model and I'm much more a better painter than this. :)
I don't mean to hijack your thread/blog, but I love your results with Khorne Red.
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Quick post. No new pics just yet, just responding to questions in a semi-timely fashion for once.


Firepower - Thanks! The flame is pretty simple, actually. Basecoat of Wild Rider Red, and then successively lighter overbrushes of Troll Slayer Orange, Fire Dragon Bright, Averland Sunset and Screaming Skull, covering less area with each layer. You could probably get away with skipping the Troll Slayer, I just like to be thorough. On some of my tanks (mainly the Baneblade) I've found the effect is too overpowering and cartoonish, so I've washed it with some thinned down Army Painter Strong Tone (or Devlan Mud), that tends to make it look a bit smokier, although you have to be careful it doesn't just make the flames look brown. As for the fleshybits being thick, you're the first person to point that out and yeah, it's always kind of bugged me, too. As thick as they are, though, I've always had problems with them snapping, though mostly on my infantry. I get nervous enough trying to transport stuff as it is. :tongue.: Still, I'll try to improve on that in the future. I appreciate the criticism, by the way, it's always welcome.


MiniaturePainter - Never used an airbrush myself. Probably should since really seems like it'd speed things up, but I guess I'm just oldschool about it. Your results look good to me, and your highlighting plan is solid. I know it's not what you're looking for feedback on here, but the bone looks REALLY good.


Apologies for the lack of the tank group shots I teased, tried to take some but the lighting situation was awful, kind of want to retouch some things on my older tanks first anyway. Should be starting work on either the new Bloodthirster or my Knight here in a bit. I'm gonna have a lot of time to paint pretty soon, although I've no doubt I'll squander it playing Dark Souls.


By the way, is anyone else hyped for the Warlord? Because I bloody am. Not gonna be able to afford it of course. :tongue.:

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  • 1 month later...

So I just sat here and read through all 31 pages. I remember this starting off when I first joined and being blown away by your Word Bearers. Safe to say I still feel the same way. I need to see how that Nurgling Swarm turns out. That is hilarious. I especially love the little dude in the gorget holding up the helmet. 

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Raz, I am dying to know how you made those impurity seals out of GS. I have been trying to emulate the technique from your pictures for the better part of a week now. But I've finally broken down in frustration and I had to ask you.

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