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Raz's Word Bearers - Hell Follows With Them


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I THINK they're done. Gonna have to look at them again in the morning but I'm pretty sure any further reworking of the warpflame will only make it worse at this point, so I'm not touching it anymore. If anything I think it might actually need MORE daemon bits, but I'm just tired of these models.







And an out-of-focus groupshot with Dot.


And now I'm FINALLY going to start work on the Baneblade.

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This, this is what it is all about!


Great character in all the pieces, working well together as a unit, beautifully finished ( as per usual ), telling a story.


I can see this unit ripping through the guardsmen, feel the heat from the bale flamers, taste the terror of the unlucky survivors as they run for their misserable lives covered in their comrades gore.






But beautiful.

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  • 1 month later...

Not dead! Still time to finish my Call pledge! Must... paint... faster... argh! :tongue.: Deadline snuck up on me, after the fall semester ended all I wanted to do was play videogames.

So, BEHNBLEHD! Still a lot of work to do, but I'm past all the tedious basecoating and washing.

Before wash(...es):


After wash:


And the madness with the Terminator Sorcerer continues. The warpfire wave now has a hellmouth with nasty big pointy teeth. I think I'm going to give it a tongue, it'd just be really fiddly and annoying to transport. Other option is to have a Guardsman's hand sticking out of the mouth, but, naturally, I'm out Guardsman arms with hands. *shrug*




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oh wow, I have many pictures of your stuff Ive got off google images on my hard drive. I really love your work. Jst wondering, do you sculpt your candles yourself or are they some random third party bits?

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  • 1 month later...

I should really not take months to respond to comments. Probably not helpful now, but anyway. SlaveToDarkness, I sculpt them myself, there's a link to a poorly-photographed tutorial I did in the OP. Tanith Ghost, mostly lots of stabbing. :tongue.: I build up a big chunk of GS in the rough shape I want my flames, let it cure, and then cover that with another layer and stab it until it looks like fire. It helps to pull the GS up a bit as you're stabbing it, since flames obviously rise. I rarely do all of the final layer at once, I tend to work in small patchwork chunks so I'm not always accidentally squishing my work with my fingers.

I AWAKEN ONCE MORE. Little bit more progress on the Baneblade. Need script, lenses, bloody bits, gotta finish the spike racks towards the back and I suppose I should probably highlight the muzzle brake. Main thing that's been holding me up is the damn skull, still not 100% satisfied with the horns but I suppose they'll do.


Sadly nothing more on the Sorc. Not sure how much work I'll be getting done in the near future since I'm going to be repairing a friend's Ork army after several years of it being in complete disarray - it got run over. By, like, a car. Surprisingly not much damage to actual bits, just lots of boyz with popped-off arms and heads and a couple snapped weapons.

That said, I made a Forge World order around Christmas and things are finally coming together. First up, I ordered a Land Raider Prometheus, threw a Hellhound's inferno gun on the front, snipped the heavy bolter barrels off and replaced them with autocannons. I've been planning to do this tank since seeing this post years ago, spent ages trying to get Reaper barrels from people who hadn't used them on their Defilers and then suddenly Forge World released their HH autocannons. Obviously still under construction - I'm out of spikes and havoc launchers. I seriously thought I'd never run out.


Oh, and, uh, this happened.


Really wanted to get Fulgrim but realized I wouldn't be happy with that unless I also had Ferrus, and my budget was already a bit strained. Obviously had to have Lorgar, Erebus and Kor Phaeron and figured I may as well get the other Calth primarch. Kor Phaeron actually had a tragic superglue accident, I dropped his head in the glue as I was trying to pop it into the socket. Whole bottom half of his face was encrusted with superglue, took me hours with an X-acto knife scraping it off, somehow managed to get it looking more or less like new.

Here's a rough sizecomp with Lorgar, a running Ultrasmurf, one of my Gothicized marines and Raz if anyone's curious. Compared to Lorgar, the Gothic Marine's a bit too tall, and Raz is about the same height with even more bulk. The dangers of disagreeing with Jes Goodwin's idea of Space Marine scale. At least Lorgar's base adds some extra height, he'd still make an impressive centerpiece even with Raz next to him. I don't really intend to game with him anyway, so it's not like it matters. I'll be painting him with grey armor, I'm under the impression FW might release a more Chaosy mid-Heresy version later. The main thing bothering me is the skin since I was always under the impression it was supposed to be gold. Golden tattoos seem to be the latest interpretation but it's going to be virtually impossible to make that look nice.


I haven't seen anyone else pose Lorgar's free arm like this, I intended it to be as if he's gesturing in a speech, with a hint of "Come at me bro!" It does come off as a bit... shrug-ish, though. I kind of like it. "Heresy? What heresy? There's no heresy here!"

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Awesome Baneblade, bro. I was wondering if we'd see a Knight from you?



I suppose seeing you tackle a Primarch will be enough! For the gold tattoos, i'd had an idea for lorgar.


Maybe basecoat his face with gold, then paint the skin tone over the top being careful not to cover the scripture (If they're indented into his face). Ofc that might fail horribly. :P

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I do adore your army. With regards to scale isn't Lorgar described in The First Heretic as being not that much taller than an Astartes anyway? I was sure he was the shorter of the Primarchs (turns out small man syndrome leads to heresy)

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Really cool stuff here! Can I ask where you got the flaming braziers from on the landraider?

undead corpse cart. need to find more of them bits for my word bearers, only got one :(

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Smurfben and SlaveToDarkness - The flaming braziers on the Baneblade are indeed from the Corpse Cart, but the ones on the Land Raider are from a German company called Tabletop-Art. They came in a pack of various firey bits that I haven't made nearly enough use of. It's listed as "Coal Pan Set" under Scenery.

-Brutus- - I'm sitting at about 9500 points right now, if we include unpainted stuff it's close to 12k.

MagicMan - Wasn't sure about the Knight at first, but GuitaRasmus' Dark Mechanicus thread has convinced me I absolutely must have one. Now, my hobby budget ain't what it used to be, I'm planning on pledging for the Creature Caster Kickstarter, and there's a couple other superheavies I've been eyeing (as well as the new Helbrute), so it may be quite a while. As for Lorgar, I might just try that, but I think I'm leaning more towards painting his skin pure gold with a couple bits of scribbly black script.

Horus Aximand - Ha, honestly I got the impression the shortest Primarch aside from the twins was Angron. Not sure where I picked that up from. I don't recall any mention of Lorgar's height, I've been meaning to reread FH and Betrayer, but I'm in the middle of a complete reread of A Song of Ice and Fire, and I'm almost as slow a reader as I am a painter.

So, Baneblade's done.






So next up I'll be helping my buddy with his Ork army, but then I'm probably going to get around to another big revamp. I've probably mentioned this before, but I want to go back and touch up my whole army again. I've changed the way I do flames, so I want to go back and standardize that, plus bring up the metallic highlights on some of my older, darker models and paint in the eye lenses on EVERYONE. Gonna be a fun project. After that I'll probably do another Land Raider (got another standard LC/HB one sitting around, may as well get it out of the way) then start on Dreadnoughts and Decimators. I miss having lots of infantry to paint. Cultists just aren't the same.

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A really gorgeous model! Reminds me, that I wanted to do a few touch ups on my IW renegade guard regiment's Baneblade as well. And respect to you for wanting to tackle all of your older models again. I've though about doing this as well, but the amount of work that would bring with it is a bit terrifying ^^"

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