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Night Lords 18th Battle Company (Treadhead)

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Wow. Just spectacular, man.


Your attention to detail is stunning!


Speaking of which, what are you using for rivets on those plasticard armor panels? They look so itty and precise. 

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Whoa, first DarkVen, and now the veritable Grandmaster of awesome Night Lords returns as well -- is something bringing you guys out of retirement? Are you planning a Black Crusade or something? ;)


The tank and bikers are excellent, as per your usual standard. Regarding the question of 30k over 40k, I would argue that the best possible option would be to keep your 30k and 40k forces separate and actually treat a possible 30k version as a fun way of exploring an earlier incarnation of your force, including younger versions of the characters etc. It's the way I am going with my World Eaters as well, and it's a lot fun (and also a creative challenge). That being said, please don't abandon 40k wholesale, even if it seems to be fashionable at the moment to jump ship for 30k -- your Night Lords are just too damn good for that, and it would be a shame!


Waiting for the next update with bated breath! :)

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I've waited for this moment. Finally I can post a comment on this thread while it's alive and not on stasis. And you've updated it exactly at the time I was going through it again. Perfect timing.

I love your approach towards tanks. They look classic yet with necessary equipment to make them look "tactical" like your marines.

Speaking of bikes, I'm definitely borrowing that melta from you if you don't mind:


Also nice little touches here and there (like on tires) are definitely adding some style and detail to these miniatures. Love your work. Love you're back.

Went to paint my own.


Edited by DarkVen
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When did this all start up again?  Why wasn't I informed?!  You're all terrible secretaries!




The madness resulting from the sheer tedium of gluing every one of those treads on to the tires is doubtless the sort of thing that drives people to the dark gods in the first place.  Pretty though.  Along with all the other craziness on display :tu:

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  • 6 months later...

I recognize my lack of posting is pretty lame. I've recently moved to an area with a great game store and a good 40k/30k scene. I've dusted the boys off and gotten some games in. Here's a little of what i've been up to, also some teasers...


20170123 131726

20170123 141457

20170206 120434

20170123 175034


more to come.

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