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Night Lords 18th Battle Company (Treadhead)

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I must say, as a fellow night lord player, I am exceedingly impressed the more of your stuff that i see, jaw has not left the floor for a good 44 pages of epic, now as far as your most recent awesomeness goes, i love the glaive, but feel it should be wicked-ed up some, or i would love to see a return of that mace you made forever ago, either way keep up the good work
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If you're on the fence about the halberd, recall that First Captain Sevatar of the Night Lords used a chainglaive as his personal CC weapon during the Heresy. I think your guy's halberd fits the Night Lords fluff delightfully. ;)

something like this?


I ended up taking it off the zerk who finally got painted. I made mine after reading Brothers of the snake and trying to apply it where i could with Night Lords. There's so much spear work, spathia if i remember right, and the final fighting between spartanesque marines and orks was killer.


ps would you please post up a quick tutorial on how you sculpt the bat wings? I've been trying but they just wont come out the right shape. Many thanks.

next one i do up i'll definitely take some pics. I've done it half a dozen times and i've got a good few tricks and tips for it.

All of the replies about the sword just working make total sense to me. I love the sleek dangerous edge, and how it has a conrad vlad carstien(sp) 40k look. no wonder it's a good fit on a son of another Konrad.

I love the glaive/halberd/spear look. I think what i like the most about about it on this model is that his other hand if free. Not holding a pistol, a weapon, or something else to complicate a long hafted weapon. So when he is done beckoning his prey over with his off hand it is free to take up the fight in earnest.

Edited by Dan The Deamon
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fantastic stuff Dan, didn't think the executioner could get any better, but you pulled it off :wink:


i'd go with the halberd/glaive, because i love polearms just like you and built a raptor with a chainhalberd recently ;)

plus the halberd/glaive fits the "executioner" theme better than a sword in my opinion.

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  • 2 weeks later...
One thing I just pieced together which has been bugging me: previously, the sword's hilt rested on his thigh and really added to that casual "I'm waiting!" look. Granted the new shorter bone-tipped hilt looks cool, but that was a subtle little effect that I thought was quite unique ('at rest' badasses are relatively uncommon and all). :lol:
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I've read this topic for a fourth (or more) time. And all I can say - Dan, you are cool. Your works inspiring me, while I'm working on my own NL's warband.

Still, I can't understand, where you take all this skulls from :D

The only sadly thing is that you gave up with raptor's helmets.


I'm really waiting for an update B)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Hey just wondering, will you be adding winged batman heads to your army as an elite? or you don't like them? Also you should use more chain axes rather than normal steel axes.


Anyways your army it's trully bloody fantastic! great personalization and paintjob. I am looking forward to have a match with you one day haha.

Edited by Noctis Sanguine
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Dan is on break from Warhammer 40k, and he will continue to be so for some time, so stop committing threadomancy and let it rest.

.... Pah. You Night Lords must be plotting something again and not wanting it to be seen.


Yeah, yeah. I'll shut up now.

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  • 3 years later...

Nice.  The blast masters look a bit weird though. The magazine holding bolts/bullets looks out of place on a weapon that emits sound waves. Maybe GS the magazines into boxes like a subwoofer.


The obliterator on the other hand could use some projectile ammunition feed.

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Nice.  The blast masters look a bit weird though. The magazine holding bolts/bullets looks out of place on a weapon that emits sound waves. Maybe GS the magazines into boxes like a subwoofer.


Don't think of it as a noise weapon, more of a souped up, high velocity, high rate of fire heavy bolter with armor piercing incendiary munitions.

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Huzzah! Dan, you're back!

Welcome home, old friend, its good to see you back after your long break. And clearly you're back with a bang!


This fellow right here is absolutely my favorite of your new boys. Any way you could post a picture from the front when you get the chance?

Its good to see you back. :)

Edited by Noctus Cornix
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Holy sweet Father of the Night. You're back. I never thought this day would come.


Glad to see you at it again! I'm am quite liking the non-Chaos noise marines you've done. As usual, your conversions are spot on. Cypher looks great. I really like the ragged, weathered, aged look his gear has, and the archaic weapons are a nice touch.

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