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Lamenter's Actual Scale Space Marines


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Thanks guys. Quick change of direction....


Here's an update for you here on my Artscale version of Chief Librarian Ezekiel. The only part of the original model I want to keep the same scale is the head. I could of course just cut the head off and add it to a scaled up body, but instead I've opted to use the model as the armature for the new mini.


First I used some heavy duty clippers to clip away the arms and any details, trying hard to make sure I didn't damage the head in any way. I also cut what was left of this body in half at the waist and glued a plasticard spacer in between. I made a couple of replacement boots from greenstuff and glued them to a 30mm base, then pinned the mangled body of this model to those feet.




Admittedly it looks total crap right now, but essentially other than the head and feet the whole model will be sculpted over. It does however make a great correctly shaped skeleton/armature on which to sculpt over. I already know the mini will be the correct height because I've compared against existing Artscale conversions.


I am considering altering the original design of the mini and having him hold his sword with one hand whilst the other is outstretched in the customary librarian "using the force" pose. :)


The difficult thing now is sculpting the robes which is mega-difficult compared to power armour.

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Looks promising, cant wait for a update :tu: .


Well I have an update on something else artscale... :P


As part of the Mark V armoured Space Marine army I’ve been building for over a year now I present the Devastator Squad. A large amount of sculpting per model has kept me from really getting on with these. Other than what I have photographed here, the helms are done, as are most of the arms and some of the weapons. This will be a five man squad with three optional swap out guys with alternate weapons and includes 4 of the new FW missile launchers (which are ace BTW!).




As part of the criteria for this squad the client asked for the sergeant to be holding a pair of binoculars up to his face, which has actually worked out simpler than I thought it would, though I still need to sculpt the guy’s hands.



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The Chaos Space Marine killteam has progressed beyond the halfway point, with all the legs and torsos complete. The second member is very nearly finished (close enough to be photographed anyway).




I managed to add the cloaks by cutting them down and whittling them down A LOT. Definitely worth the effort though. The twin linked bolter is inspired by a GW designer's (possibly Jes Goodwin) sketch I saw years ago of a stormbolter where the barrels were on top of one another rather than side by side. Still needs a little GS work to tidy it up, but it looks not too shabby if I do say so myself.


The decision as to what legion/renegade chapter these Chaos Space Marines should belong to took me a while to decide (I'm so fraking indecisive). I knew I didn't want to create my own as I've always preferred to go with something "official" but not too commonly played. In the end I settled on Skyrar's Dark Wolves. The only official fluff for them is their scheme shown in the current codex, but they have been mentioned in the Dornian Heresy (we all know how cool it is). There's a very cool subtle reference to Skyrar's Dark Wolves and Skyrar's Rift. I won't explain it (go check it out for yourself), but it's cool enough to make me want to choose the Dark Wolves as my paint scheme.


I'd also feel quite happy to swap between the Chaos and Space Wolves Codices if I ever expand this squad into a larger army.

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There's still a few gaps to fill and barrels to drill out but the squad is essentially done. The standard of the conversion work isn't as high as I normally like but the time frame to complete has been much, much shorter. I pretty much used whatever weapons I had on hand that looked the part, so as a Killteam I still have 37 pts left out of my 200 so I could field a rhino or Spawn with them.



Click for larger image.


I'll paint these either as Black Legion (bcause of all the Eye of Horus icons) or Dark Wolves, not sure yet. Won't be for a little while yet as I have a ton of other converting projects to do.

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Thanks guys.


Now some progress on my Ezekiel clone. I'm classing this as my first true success with sculpting robes. However, I did have to take a couple of stabs at it. This was my first attempt.


As you can see it was a bit of a mess. I figure whilst doing this that there was no way to effectively create the right shape (general mass) of the object and at the same time also achieve the high quality smooth finish I was after. When the above attempt was obviously not working out I put it aside a let it cure.


At this point I decided to deviate from the original model design to make it a little easier on myself. This isn't going to be the Dark Angels character, just a Librarian from another chapter that looks like him :-)


Once it had cured I then took a scalpel to it...


...and started hacking away, reducing what I'd sculpted to just a basic shape on to which I intended to re-sculpted a new polished surface.


I sculpted the surface layer in two parts, the side that lies underneath first (allowing it to cure). I made sure the mix was soft (extra yellow) and used my usual method of applying one big piece of GS, flattening and trimming away at it. I made sure to also take my time and work with very gentle strokes of the clayshapers.


Note: the back of the model isn't done yet as I feel I have to tackle stuff like this in stages.

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I am grateful to you for showing us a little more of your process than you sometimes do. I find it inspiring that a sculptor that I hold in such high regard has to practice and sometimes struggle a little to reach the amazing finish that you are growing famous for. I am encouraged to practice my sculpting more and keep trying instead of giving up when I think my work will never measure up to yours. I see sculpting as a learning experience and this has been a very important lesson to me to buckle down and keep trying. Thank you Lamenter, not only for sharing your skills with us but for inspiring us all.
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I am grateful to you for showing us a little more of your process than you sometimes do. I find it inspiring that a sculptor that I hold in such high regard has to practice and sometimes struggle a little to reach the amazing finish that you are growing famous for. I am encouraged to practice my sculpting more and keep trying instead of giving up when I think my work will never measure up to yours. I see sculpting as a learning experience and this has been a very important lesson to me to buckle down and keep trying. Thank you Lamenter, not only for sharing your skills with us but for inspiring us all.


This particular conversion is one of my favourites to date. Not 100% complete, but very close. I still need to detail the model a bit more and I'd be grateful for any suggestions or ideas you may have. Whilst the model is obviously a copy of the Dark Angels Ezekiel, I've consciously decided to deviate in some of the details as he'll be used in my Lamenters strike force. I may try and incorporate some details from the Space Hulk models, but I'm open to suggestions.




There are loads more pics on my blog website. The keyring was made using a one piece mold taken from the model before I chopped it up. Like I already said I think the model requires more details, so please leave your ideas and opinions. I had thought about adding a back banner because I'm a fan of back banners but it sort of distracts the eye from the energy/flow of the model. The reinforced bracers are inspired by the Mark III models released by Forgeworld a few months back.

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Looks fantastic Lamenter. A lot of your work has provided inspiration for some of my own.


If your looking for ideas, being a Librarian I would like to see perhaps the typical skull with ram horns on the empty shoulder pad, or perhaps dangling on a chain from his waist to fill in a bit of the wide open space of his robes. Maybe a few purity seals or scrolls as well. Just one or two small things like that would really complete this model I think.

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Ezek clone is sooooo awesome. Tried to post over a Master but failed, so, regarding the pistol holster, I'm almost certain that it come from the larger scale Inquisitor game models, maybe Inq Covenant or the Rogue Trader Captain.


Cheers, keep up the awesomness,


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Thanks guys.


Ezek clone is sooooo awesome. Tried to post over a Master but failed, so, regarding the pistol holster, I'm almost certain that it come from the larger scale Inquisitor game models, maybe Inq Covenant or the Rogue Trader Captain.


I think you may be right but I can't for the life of me figure out when/where I would have acquired it.


Anyhoo, the Librarian is now finished with a few simple details added. I opted for a Librarian book on his backpack which I sourced form Space Hulk. I wanted some Blood Angel related iconography, hence the blood drop gauntlets. The little icon hanging from his belt is from an Inquisitor model that I bought years ago when GW sold bitz.


I'm not going to paint him right away as I have a few other projects that need finishing off first, but I'm looking forward to cracking open the paint pots again.


This guy needs a name befitting a Lamenters Space Marine. I'm open to any suggestions you guys might have (yes, I'm naming all my models from now on).











Only thing I might add is a purity seal and scroll (for his name) onto his right shoulder pad.

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