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Interested in a conversion challenge?

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yes, speaking on next time do you guys want a Required Part challenge or a Character Challenge?


Personally I'd prefer a character challenge, simply because if I don't own the required part already I'm not going to go and buy a model just to get it.

How about this for a big conversion challenge... pick a theme and have everyone make a model that fits the theme... sounds simple doesn't it?


But here is my suggestion: Ghost Rider!


That is you need to convert a bike and a rider into a Ghost Rider style mini... sort of Ghost Rider in the 40K universe.

But here is my suggestion: Ghost Rider!


That is you need to convert a bike and a rider into a Ghost Rider style mini... sort of Ghost Rider in the 40K universe.


wasn't there a Ghost Rider ripoff back in 3rd? a Slaanesh named character IIRC


either way, how about me tackle the ][ next? I'd say the contestants need to make an inquisitor and 2-3 henchman, it' a bit bigger than normal, but there are sooooo many possibilities

But here is my suggestion: Ghost Rider!


That is you need to convert a bike and a rider into a Ghost Rider style mini... sort of Ghost Rider in the 40K universe.


wasn't there a Ghost Rider ripoff back in 3rd? a Slaanesh named character IIRC


either way, how about me tackle the ][ next? I'd say the contestants need to make an inquisitor and 2-3 henchman, it' a bit bigger than normal, but there are sooooo many possibilities


That works for me to.

Hey Kids,


I'm sorry to say I will NOT be able to hold another Conversion challenge in the near future. My time has just taken a huge turn around of late and I no longer have much free time. Don't worry, I'll be back with a challenge in the future.

Awwww man!


You know what though, I definately think we should keep the torch burning in your name.


Who knows, if someone else takes the reins for a bit, you might even get to do an entry yourself!


If no-one else fancies it then I'd be willing to run at least one. :D

OH Gawd! I've created a monster! It must die! *Grabs pitch fork. Stands toe to toe with a bigger version of a Defiler* uhhmmmm... okay maybe it can live on with out me.


Well if you guys want to keep running it, by all means please do. I'm not saying I won't be back, I'm just saying I'm going to be busy. In the last ten days I've started a new job, gotten a Web Design internship and started working on a School News Paper in addition to class time and projects. I'm working 40 hours a week at the job, and then I'm devoting 15-20 hours a week to the news paper and now I'm devoting time to the Internship itself and I still have to find time to do my class assignments. So my days got really full really quick. I'm still kinda struggling to figure out where the floor is so I can put my feet on it, then I'll worry about standing up and later I'll worry about getting my head above water.


Is there anything I can offer to help out my successors? I mean most of the information is contained with in the respective threads I opened for each challenge. One thing I will say is if anyone asks "What are the limits on converting the part" if it's a required part conversion, don't try to get down to a set of rules and metrics about what counts as using the part and what doesn't. I think the best guide I came up with was to say "I want to be able to recognize the part in the final conversion.

But here is my suggestion: Ghost Rider!


That is you need to convert a bike and a rider into a Ghost Rider style mini... sort of Ghost Rider in the 40K universe.


wasn't there a Ghost Rider ripoff back in 3rd? a Slaanesh named character IIRC





Oohhhhhhhhhh yeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhh...

thanks, darthgus, now everybody is expecting things from me! ;)


however, sins you all appear to have lost your genitails in the past few days, i will take this one on me


so, unless anybody has any protest, lets get this show on the road and chose a theme/part


thus far we have:

1. Inqisitor lord

2. Doomrider mk.?

3. ...


all ideas are welcome


ps: it apears my router heard me, as i lost connetion halfway wrighting this :D

Maybe some sort of veteran guard city fighter/combat engineer squad member kind of thing. I would prefer space marines of any codex or guard since I currently can only find my bits from them. An ork vehicle conversion would be awesome(I pick this for my top nomination).

I liked the idea of converting a counts-as for a specific character, as that way we aren't restricted to a certain bit. Also, I like the 'new Doomrider' idea.


thus: only power-armor, deamons, most things with an ][, and that's about it

And the Adeptus Mechanicus. Don't forget the cog-boys.

And the Adeptus Mechanicus. Don't forget the cog-boys.

my apologies, people with a machine fetish are indeed also welcome :P


My suggestions:


Count-as Tellion

Marine with bionics (Could be a trooper or commander, up to you)


added to the list:

1. Inquisitor lord

2. Doomrider mk.?

3. bionics with marine bits

4. count-as Tellion


any other ideas?

any other ideas?

Master of the Ravenwing? A bit obscure, and hard to use in non-DA armies, and it requires a bit bigger budget than a normal character (as he either has his Speeder or his Jetbike), but it would be cool.


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