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Hello all, Im a reader of this forum for about 2 years now and registered today to share my first WIP with you. That are not the first minis I painted or Assembled or Converted but that are the first I share with an Internet Community.

Dont be rude Im not a professional and my Painting and Modeling Skills are not so good. But get better every Mini.

I started a new Space Marine Army and will share it with you from the beginning.

Ill paint them half blue/grey scheme, I think. The Chapter is named "Knights of Dawn" with more Templar like Heraldry but not so extreme and ruled by Codex Astartes.

I started with the Proud of every Chapter. The Honor Guard. I took several bits and glued them together. biggrin.gif

And a already Finished Count as "Telion" at the Bottom.

C&C Welcome, but think of my low/moderate skillz.

Have Fun.


Honor Guard with Chapter Standard.




Honor Guard 1:


Honor Guard 2:


Honor Guard 3:


Counts As "Sergeant Telion"


Telion Photo is not daylight and the hard desklamp light kills the transitions and shadows. But they were not soo good. biggrin.gif

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Tharxes, the champion looks amazing. I will be using that kit bash for my honor guard to give them all axes and such.


I would definitely suggest you go pick up some devlan mud and badab black washes. They help to define and shade your otherwise well painted models. It will also help a ton on your models.


Do a base coat of your colors, wash with either the brown or black depending on how hard or soft you want your shadows. Highlight and re-paint places to get them bright again while keeping the recesses shaded!


I really do love the models though and can't wait to see more!

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Hey all, thanks for your Help and Comments.

I didnt finish the first Model, there is still a lot to do. The Shoulderpad and Wings and other "Metallic" Parts and Skull are not finished. And some repairs and Details. I want to bring a gold touch with the metal parts. Therefore Ill try a tutorial with a testmini. I doesnt have to look perfect but I dont want my first attempt on the Chapter-Champion. ;)

I really love the scheme ive chosen but Im not sure. Bright grey and white are much harder to paint and really hard to blend for me. Dark Colors are faster and look better. But Ill try my best with white and blue. Learning by Doing. :) The Picture is again taken with Desklamp. It looks a bt better here in daylight.

Ill get it finished tomorrow.


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Looking good!!


To help with white I would suggest basing it with a white undercoat, washing with badab black or devlan mud and then using a foundation paint such as dheneb stone, then use white to highlight the edges.


For gold and bronze i would pick out the parts in black that you want metallic. Put the base coat on of which ever metallic you would like, then wash it with the aforementioned washes. With gold you can wash with purple and silver you can wash with blue to give it deeper colors, after the wash pick out the highlight areas again.


With blue I would base white, wash with black or brown, and then use regal blue to carefully paint the mini. Once you are done with regal blue, take enchanted blue to the main parts of the armor and leave just the recesses with darker color.


I really really like the pose of the model!!


and for eyes, make them scab red, or red gore, paint just the front part with blood red/orange highlight of some kind (very faint) and then add your white dot on the darkest part of the eye lense.

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Almost Finished. Some Parts need still Paint, Effects or Correction.




Not Perfect but a good Exercise for Techniques. I'll hopefully greatly improve my Skills with this Army Project.

Most Techniques need Expirience and Work, Work Work. Ive a few Dozen other Minis in this Army which will give me the Expierience hopefully. The Champion is no Masterpiece in big Photos but it looks really nice if you look at it over the Batllefield/Table, I think.

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Mold Lines? Not at the Champion? Ill lokk after that. I hate Mold lines, thanks.


After Finishing the Champion (Pic Tomorrow) I decided to leave the Honor Guard alone for a while and paint Tactical Squads and Elite first to improve my techniques.

I was in GW yesterday to buy some colors and saw the new Ven. Dreadnough Box. I can say this Box is amazing. I really love it. I like Dreads but this one is... wow. :D Not much reason for conversion, its a really excellent model with enough Parts to personalize the Dread. I will personalize him a little bit more with some flagellant/Templar Bits to fit my Army Style and I invested much work in the Base of the Dread. The Standard Dread Base doesnt fit this model at all and I have enough Machine/Technic Bits from Land Speeders I bought only for the Heavy Flamers. And some Sentinels I bought for a 4 Leg Dread Experiment. :D



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Small Update. Im a really slow Painter. <_<


Dread legs finished. Photos are not the best. Ill try to make better when the Dread is finished.




A Scout from a Scout Squad. :D

Bad Lighting too. Too Bright, No Blending left.



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