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Glory and Hate! A Marines Malevolent Project


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@Brother Pheidias: Lol, gotcha, just sayin'. Thanks for the comment, bro.


@Vulkan454: The head is from the old pewter Mk. V armour from GW, the torso from the Iron Warrior upgrade kit (perfect Mk. II plate, lol). Thanks for the comment!

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Yeah I'm still around 8) .. I just don't browse/post on B&C as much anymore.. usually just post on my blog thing when I get a chance ..


Man I'm really liking the flamer guy. I don't know what it is but I like when a model is toteing the weapon. Maybe it gives him the feel of between battle or like he's amp'n up for it, or the thought that the flamer isn't the perfect weapon for the killing at hand but he'll be needing it soon 8) His buddy looks like he's proceeding with caution up a step or rise while aiming .. dig'n it. Awesome work as always .. looking forwand to seeing them painted.

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I must say, this army is impressive and an inspiration. I quite liked the idea of the marines malevolant, and i think you have captured their essance.


Im not a too huge fan of exaggerated weathering on astartes, but i do think that the malevolant are an exception to the rule.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for all the comments, guys and gals! This update is gonna be pic heavy, just to warn you. Anyhow, onward...

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Fluffy Fluff----------------------------------------------------------------

"Of course I should lead Tris squad, you fool! I have been of this Squad since before The Poisoning! I have a hundred and fifty years over you as well, so step away before your thread is cut." Brother Eustathios had removed his Mk. II helm, to better make his point to the younger Marine. His grey was ragged, and his blue eyes were practically blazing with fury at the upstart gene-spill before him. Both of his hands rested on the twin bolt pistols at his hip.

Brother Al-Rashid was far more controlled, gently removing his Mk. VI with one hand while keeping a tight grip on his chainsword. "And despite your years, you have never been given leadership. I, however, have with Epta Squad when I served with the IX Centuria. I have the greater capability to lead, while you are far better at acting like a belligerant old crone. I will lead Tris."

Eustathios grinned cruelly. "Ah, yes, Epta Squad of the IX. You were the incompetant moron who lead them all to their deaths against the Black Legion. Such a wonderful job you did, brother. No wonder you made a simple line Astartes again, and sent to us outcasts." Al-Rashid's calm facade crumbled instantly, casting aside his helm and gunning his chainsword to life. Eustathios snapped out his pistols, the slides hammering forward as he raised them to the young Astartes' tatooed face. The other Marines Malevolent of IV Centuria who lounged scattered throughout the throne room ceased what they were doing, laughing and cheering at the immenent violence.

Before blood could be shed, the roar of a Storm Bolter broke the standoff. Silence decended upon the great hall, broken only by the chiming of brass casings striking the stained and rusted steel decking. All attention was drawn to the five Terminators surrounding a cast iron throne, one of whom still had his twin barrelled weapon pointed to the ceiling, smoke rising from the venerable weapon. The Terminator Veteran Sergeant looked up to the darkened throne, and the shadowed Astartes upon it. The half-seen Marine upon the throne leaned forward into the poor lighting, the steel Aquilla carved into the brestplate of his Mk. III armour barely catching the light. A yellow gauntleted hand rested upon the throat of an incredibly ornate power axe, stolen decades ago from a dying Celestial Lion. His shadowed face was one of both nobility and common thief. His freckled face was broken with hundreds of small and large scars, his sandy blond hair ragged and wild. Hazel eyes pierced out of deep set sockets ringed with dark circles. Hero-Captain Mikal Anicetius, The Poisonous One, glared at the two Astartes who seconds before were about to carve each other apart. When he spoke, his voice sounded like shattered marble from his ruined throat, a gift from the Sons of Malice Anarch-Captain Batko.

"Enough, you parkyyr idiots. The Laws of Survival are absolute; No waste of men or equipment of the Demi-Legio." Anicetius stood now, casting his gaze to all his exiled sons. "Draw the Circle. This will be settled in the old way." The other Marines Malevolent in the room began tracing a wide circle around the two combatants with their blades, the freshly carved steel standing out from the filth and corrosion. The laughter began again, nasty and low. Curses and bets were passed back and forth, while the two Astartes in the circle cast out their primary weapons, knowing already what was coming .

" Knives only. First blood is the victor, and shall lead Tris Squad. Let your Hate carry you through this trial, my Brothers." Anicetius's hand slammed against his chest, signalling the beginning of the fight.

The cheering became deafining.


So, who will lead Tris Squad? Well, you tell me.... :rolleyes: Whoever has the most votes, becomes Tris Squad's Sergeant. The other gets sent to my first assault squad. Because of this, they're not wearing backpacks yet...

Brother Eustathios



Brother Al-Rashid



Also, here's my next Line Astartes, using an old Chronus body I had laying around.


And a VERY WIP of my new Vet-Sergeant of my Sternguard, after my old one got crushed during the move...


And my next Termie...



Finally, here's the guy that was originally gonna be my Captain, before I got the Boarding Marine as a gift...figured I'd finish him, at least. No bloody idea what to do with him though...



Thoughts and opinions welcome as always!!!

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Go Brother Al-Rashid, go! Gut him like the swine he is! for the IX th Centuria! :lol:


Awesome work here brother, especially that freaking killer new veteran sergeant of yours. I envy you, that tyrannic war veteran model has always been one of my favorites.

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Loving the new additions!

Especially the subtle posing on the Termie.

Kudos on using Tank Commander Chronus as a line trooper.

I've had the same idea since I saw the model when it was first released, but I wanted to use him as a base for Vet. Sergeant.

Sad to hear about you losing the Vet. Sergeant to a fatal moving crush.....

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I'm gunna vote for Brother Eustathios, the Mk2 helmet is menacing and I think it kinda fits.


I really like what you did with Chronus and the tyranid war veteran especially, how hard was it to cut through his right arm and what did you use? I've got some of them lying about and have been wondering what to do with them.


I also really like what you've been doing with your terminators. Makes he think what I can do with mine.

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Eustathios' gunslinger style ftw, although I have to say neither can compare with the sheer coolness of that LC Sternguard Sgt, a brilliant conversion! Can't see but can I hope you've modded his bolter with a SIA clip(easy with a plastic Termi/pintle mount Storm Bolter)?


Plus this army, in terms of modelling, painting and fluff, is completely awesome.

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i was looking thru... and in particular your army shots: long time ago some old once told me that contrasting between your models and bases adds levels to presentation: dark minis: light bases: maybe it something you could test out see what it brings to your efforts: not saying like snow/ice scapes but some thing lighter than what you have currently.
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Nice fluffy fluff.


Both the potential sergeants actually look a little goofy to my eyes. Eustathios looks top-heavy, and Al-Rashid's legs look skinny. 'Cause of that, I'd say Al-Rashid should lead. Because Eustathios would look far better/awesome with a jump pack. :P


Termi seems rather bare at the moment, are you going to add or paint something on him?

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Al-Rasid: 4

Eustathios: 3

I'll keep the voting up until I post the next mini, and see if we can break the close call... and some bones... :)


@noctus: Thanks bro, he's a fav of mine too!


@Mr. Malevolent: Meh, I'm actually ok about the old Vet Sergeant biting the dust, he was the least favorite of my Sternguard. Glad you like the Termie!


@Marshal Sampson of Terra: Noted, thanks!


@Chapter Master Kanithon: Just a pair of clippers to get the arm off, then a dremel to get rid of the excess. After that, a file to get it level to the torso, and smooth. Glad you like the Termie too, Thanks!


@Terminatorinhell: Yeah, it was a nightmare to get rid of the banner, but I felt it was worth it, lol. Thanks!


@Strike Captain Lysimachus: I'm honored, sir. I've been a quiet fan of your Iron Gods for quite some time now. Don't worry, the old clip will be removed and a drum magazine put in it's place. Thanks!


@Brother_Fatiswon: Meh, I honestly perfer the urban rubble look. Plus, it's a bit late in the game to be changing all my bases lol. Thanks anyway, and something I'll keep in mind for my Night Lords project.


@Zincite: Eustathios actually looks ok, I think it was just the camera angle, or maybe the length of the FW pistols. A backpack will help an awful lot too. Al-Rashid though...yeah, I'm pretty disappointed how all the FW legs are all skinny. Already bought 'em though, and I'll be damned if I'm gonna waste money by not using them, know what I mean? As for the Termie, no, nothing else, except maybe a trophy chain of skulls/helms. I'm going for a minimalist appearence for all my guys in this army, with the exception of my Sternguard/ Vanguard, and the scholar-brothers. IMHO, it makes my army look more like 'battered soldiers', less like 'honourable knights'. Too many pretty boy Chapters out there, lol. Thank you for the critisism, brother!


@mikhail: Noted, thanks!

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I say Eust .. Al-Rashid looks weak in the knees 8) .. are they the boarding legs? they look very thin to me for some reason. Maybe it's just the older Mark of the armour. Looking good as always man ,.. tell you the truth the captain is one of my fav's .. don't know why he just strikes me as cool.. keep on keeping on man.
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i see you're still dressed to impress brother :P


my avatar wields 2 plasma pistols so it's clear i gotta vote for Brother Eustathios. i hope he drills a matching set of holes right through Al-Rashids upstart face :)


even if the night lord in me screams: "death to both followers of the corpse" :P

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Hahaha! Made it just in time! (It's 11:41 PM here, mind you, lol)...


Yep, it's official, my army, and this thread, are one year old. So to celebrate, the first member of Tris Squad is complete...


Alright, back to buisness...first, it's still a bloody tie between Al-Rashid and Eustathios, so off to the tie breaker, my wife :) ...Sergeant Al-Rashid it is!

Second, yes, his legs are very thin...I would highly advise against getting the Mk. II Assault Marines from Forgeworld, all of the legs of this position are like this (the other leg position looks fine...odd). I'm not wasting parts though, so yes, he's keeping them.

Third, you guys are making me nervous with all this "neither look like Sergeants" talk (especially you, DAT, lol). So, I decided to line all three of my Sergeants up and compare them...


Sorry, but I'm not seeing what you guys are seeing. All three are assaulting. All three are bare of decoration, as befits the Marines Malevolent, except for Oaths of Moment and a few purity seals. Maybe it's in the paintjob, not sure. Hey, if you guys can suggest something else, or are seeing something I'm not, I'm all ears.

Anyhow, Happy Halloween! Just like last year (and in my very first post), I'm off to my kids candy haul, and get me a bag of Swedish Fish! ;)

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