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Glory and Hate! A Marines Malevolent Project


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Dakkadakka Dakka


Plague Marine Sergeant “How did those loyalists infiltrate our lines”


Plague Marine “We thought they were ours”


Plague Marine Sergeant “How”


Plague Marine “They are 1000 heathens Marines Malevolent”


Plague Marine Sergeant “Oh” (face palm)


Dakkadakka dakka


Marine Malevolent “Sarge, check out all this shiny new kit we just procured”


Awesome to see your back, pity it couldn’t have been under better circumstances.

Your MM are a source of inspiration can’t wait to see your iron knights in all their techno glory.

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Ah ha!


Greetings Heathens, welcome back, and straight in with some stellar MM's!


They all look good to me, but I reckon No.2 would look better with a BP with his Bolter on a sling but still great!


All the best



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Thank you all for your well-wishes to my family. I really do appreciate it. The wife is doing better now, and the baby is ok. One plus of all this hospital madness was that we found out it's a Girl!! Sadly, this means I'll be having to use some of my disposable income for a few firearms when she gets to a dating age, but still have a few years until then. :( Also, I am quite humbled to know so many of you enjoy my thread, thank you for all your support and help over the last year and a half during this project. You have all helped motivate me to better myself a better painter and modeller, and for that, you have my thanks. Anyhow, y'all ain't here to see me blab...you want some more insane mini's, lol. So, here you go...

The Black Templars...




A joy to build, and a fun change from my rusted maniacs. I can't explain how annoying it was to get that tiny maltese into the center of his jump pack quick-release button on his chest, lol. Hope you guys like him! Talk to ya'll later.

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The Black Templar is looking awesome. The tiny conversions are the ones I enjoy the most although they are a complete PITA most of the time I feel its worth it. One of the reasons I love this forum is seeing how many of us can take what are essentially the same parts and all create something unique.


Good news on the wife/kid front. Wishing you all well from 'sunny' Scotland.

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Very cool . congrats!! I have a little girl and I know the feeling .. :P


The new mini's looking good .. he's about to lay down a solid thumping.. pack assited doubled handed thumping .. ;)

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Congrats on your baby news :) best get your hobby time in now, you'll find you've a bit less in a fe months ;)


Also, are you sure that Templar's sword is big enough? :P :D


Seriously, great conversion as usual :P

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YOU SIR ARE A GOD! I have read this thread from start to finish and I am dumbfounded because of the sheer amount of skill and dedication involved. You have inspired me to start, In the near future, a Crimson Fist army that is similar in style (busted up and scavangerish) I really dig the look of this army.


P.S. After reading through this thread I am going to bill you for more new pairs of underwear than i can count. :D

Cheers, Tom

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The black templar is for me more like "meh". Doesn't really scream black templar to me.

The cd's you recommend in your first post are awesome ;-)

Congrats on the baby news!! ^_^

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@Vairocanum, Ludovic, Biohazard, Kanithon, SincaiN and Firestorm: Thanks for the comments, and the well wishes to my family!

@ScottishSmurf: That's...one hell of a compliment, lol. Thanks man, glad you like!

@Teku: Glad you like the album man, (Armageddon II and Detatch are friggin' awesome tracks, lol) but what about the Templar doesn't say 'Templar'? The fella is covered in Maltese's and Purity seals, for Throne's sake, lol! Eh, maybe you'll like him better with a coat of paint, I got some pretty awesome ideas for the heraldry. Honestly, though, if you have a thought to help him look the part, please let me know, I'm open to suggestions!

Third member of Tris Squad. It was a bit daunting picking up a paintbrush after not painting for so many months, to be honest. I made a few screw-ups here and there, but overall, I feel like I'm back on track.




Comments and suggestions welcome, as always. :)

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Umm...not really sure what to do with this guy yet, but the parts and pose was too cool to pass up.

Oh my!

Absolutely love the arrogant pose on this one.

The power fist arm is one of my all time favorite Chaos bitz.

I love how your able to seamlessly blend the ForgeWorld armour Mk.s with plastic bitz!




Yeah... HOLY CRAP!

Always loved poses like this.

Really good to see you back!

Keep em comin'.


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I have spent the past few days going through this thread and can honestly say I like everything I've seen :P


Your posing is fantastic and the battle-damaged scheme has come off really well.


Looking forward to seeing how you handle the Templars.

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Great stuff with the newly finished guy. As what seems to be with all your dudes, he oozes malice from every pore. Improvments? The only thing I can suggest is maybe make the black highlights slightly thinner? Easier said than done as its something I always struggle with myself. Its only something I pick up on as you are doing Templars next and there is a lot of black! :P
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He looks good to me man .. fits in with the rest, beat up and worn from kicking names and taking @$$es .. well you know what I mean :D Looking forward to seeing the BT painted up .. are they going to be clean or worn as well?
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@Everyone: Thanks guys and gals! Glad you like!

@SincaiN: The Templars will be nice and shiny, which will be a change, lol.

@Midnight Runner: Yeah, highlighting black is currently the bane of my existance, lol. Any hints would be welcome.

Onwards....the fourth member of Tris Squad. A pretty simple conversion, really, but he's grown on me quite a bit.




The Scholar-Brother of Tris. I like to have each of the Scholar-Brothers using a different medium to write their squads' history on, went with writing the seperate victories upon his own plate this time. I kinda like how, despite this brothers' best efforts, the accumulated history of his squad is slowly disappearing from damage and rust... seems very sad and GrimDark to me, which, of course, I approve of, lol. Also, I'm pretty happy how the bolter conversion turned out...





Finally, a group shot of the first five members of Tris squad, with my very first test Malevolent at the end. Poor fella finally has a squad, lol. Man, this army has come a long way since that first guy... :confused:


Next is that damn Predator I've been putting off. I hate painting vehicles, but I'm absolutely sick of seeing it in my 'to do' pile. Take care, and as always, comments and suggestions welcome!

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Lovely stuff. Another old Rhino bolter that's been put to good use, I see. I found one of those the other day in my far-too-large bitz box; I think I'll take a crack at making a 'Heathens-pattern' bolter sometime. :confused:
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