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Glory and Hate! A Marines Malevolent Project


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First, it's true. I've returned from deployment early, due to some serious medical emergencies with my family. My unit suddenly had a unusual compassionate streak, and decied to send me home for good (for which I am eternally grateful). I'm a busy man right now, taking care of the family and all, but I have some time on my hands to knock out some mini's from time to time. So, I have decided to breathe new life into this thread.

Second (and a bit off topic), if you are a hardcore / metal fan, and you haven't heard First Blood's new album Silence is Betrayal, you're missing out. This is now the soundtrack to my daily life. Fast paced riffs, brutal breakdowns, and seriously charged lyrics; this album rates right up there with Earth Crisis's Gomorrah Season Ends for me. Sorry, had to mention it.... :)

Third, this army will soon no longer be a pure Marines Malevolent army. I am assembling a multi-chapter crusade from here on out, consisting of the Marines Malevolent at it's core, with an elite speartip of Black Templars, and a dependable base of Medusan Knights (my DIY chapter, knightly Iron Hands) in pure Terminator plate. The common belief? All will hold to the Nikea Edict. So, no psychics, lol. Waiting on some parts, and I'll knock out a test BT and MK for you guys.

Anyhow, on to the mini's...


Grenade guy for Tris Squad. I just liked the pose.


Tactical for Tris Squad. He must have just unlocked melee for his secondary options...(God, I play Modern Warfare 3 too much, lol)


Umm...not really sure what to do with this guy yet, but the parts and pose was too cool to pass up.

*takes a deep breath* Good to be back. Time to burn some witches... ;)

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Welcome back from the sandbox, been there a few times myself. Hope things get better for you and yours on the medical front.


Always enjoyed your MM entries.


Are you going to go with the Rogue Trader feel for the other chapters joining in the crusade?

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Thanks, Obscura, my family and I appreciate the kind words.


The MM's will continue to have that Rogue Trader / Vietnam feel, but I'm going for different styles with both the Templars and the Knights. Gonna knock out those test mini's before I make a final decision. Thanks for the comments!

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Glad you're back, brother, but not under such bad circumstances.

Hope all goes well with your family and everyone is healthy again soon.


It's good to see you making marines again. I died a little inside when you put these guys in stasis. Maybe you making MM's again will finally get me motivated to finish my half-way done 750 points (that's a lie, I'm working on them. Slowly).


PS: I never did get that fluff! :woot:

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Back with the loyalists I see, Heathens. :unsure:


The second one feels a little off (I think it's the full blown bolter that's blowing it - a pistol would suit the pose better I think) but besides that it looks like the chop shop is back in order. :woot:

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Glad to see you back and cranking out the goods. :tu: hope all gets well soon.


I understand where Oli is coming from... He reminds me of a grunt or cop moving forward with a pistol and flashlight. But I still think it looks cool with the bolter 8) looking forward to seeing more

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Ya, big brother's back! ^_^


The new models look very nice, although I'm jealous you have all these really nice FW pieces.... :) but oh well. I have to disagree with some other people though because I love the bolter over combat knife arm model. It has just a beautiful violent posture to it.


Also I love the new Vanguard Veteran Sergeant model! (If you don't make him one, so help me I will destroy you...... :P )

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I agree with above said about the bolter and tactical knife, being overkill. lol. I too play too much MW3. But it would look better with a scavenged six shooter pistol from the ork range, and his bolter holtered on his back.
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Happy to see you back buddy but as said would have preffered under better circumstances. Hopefully things sort themselves out.

I quite like the Bolter/Knife guy. I think he will look great with some paint on him.

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(snip picture)

Umm...not really sure what to do with this guy yet, but the parts and pose was too cool to pass up.


This guy is very cool, great combination of parts. Though if you want to go even more towards a relaxed, come-at-me-bro pose, I'd recommend letting the chainsword point a little more to his left.

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Great to see you're back (though sorry to hear the reason).


I really like the bolter-and-knife guy's pose. Reminds me of Old Snake in Metal Gear 4. I tried something similar with a marine reloading while also holding a knife.


Looking forward to seeing more!

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Ah cool to see your back of the MM front. I just wanna say, I am quite impressed with with what you've done here since I last looked (or forgotten).


Did you know in the Macharian heresy the Star Phantoms kicked the crap of of the MM?


Here's the quote from IA 10: ...and are known to have engaged in a bloody and protracted conflict with their former allies of the Marines Malevolent, resulting in that chapters near destruction at their hands.


I think its time for some ST trophies eh?


Edit so as not to unnecessarily bump:


There was a thread over in the IA subforum a short while back (was it the MM thread?) and some cursing of the Star Phantoms was made. I think he knows, brother. :)


Ah, missed that. I only realised this today, having been inspired by all the threads on the BnC to start Star phantoms and start painting again.

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There was a thread over in the IA subforum a short while back (was it the MM thread?) and some cursing of the Star Phantoms was made. I think he knows, brother. :)
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*Slobber... froth... drool... twitch-twitch... ... ... grin!*


Like I need another huge thread to filter through! :) Really great work, hands down. I look forward to catching up. I'm a bit of a new addition here, so welcome back (even if I didn't see you go) and I hope everything works out for the best with you and yours.


And, with all due respect, I can't agree with Olisredan; I really like the bayonet-under-the-Bolter Marine. It's a simple but stellar miniature that really caught me. While I agree that it would also look great with a pistol, I like the idea that 'Tacticals' need to deal with hand-to-hand combat, and that miniature says it perfectly.


Look forward to seeing more.

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