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This is the Liber Astartes, PART II


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xD that was even better, very well done :D


Thanks! In hind sight I feel it was a little rushed, as there was a lot more I wanted to add, more Liber members to include, but I didn't want to just list names. When I add another part those I wanted to add in the second part will get something a little more substantial.


Just need to work out how to do it, and do it well. :)

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That was great haha, but I totally had a different image of the Typo Killing :)


Ace rolled his eyes whilst T’shn’s question died unanswered on his lips.


As they walked, Ace and Shinzaren exchanged meaningless banter, good-natured ribbing passing between them. The corridors stretched on, and T'shn became ever more aware of faint screaming and maniacal laughter echoing down the halls. The sounds had him lost in thought for a moment, until he bumped into the armored backs of Ace and Shinzaren, who had both stopped dead in tracks, hands on the hilts of their Chainaxes and grips of their pistols. Suddenly they both whipped their head down one of the empty corridors, before diving apart in a flash. Ace knocked back T'shn, who barely caught a glympse of a great misshapen form, what might have once been a man or machine or some combination of both, now a twisted mess, with pieces all out of place and order. As Ace and Shinzaren both scrambled to their feet, they looked at each and simultaneously shouted,




"Ace, I'll draw him out, you circle behind!" Shinzaren's plan was met by a curt nod from Ace, who had gripped his chainaxe in both hands, holding it in front of him in a defensive stance. Shinzaren warily stepped back into the hallway and loosed a couple rounds from his bolt pistol, his accuracy being rewarded with a squeal of pain and a roar of anger. Backing away as he fired, Shinzaren eventually found himself at the dead end of a corridor, his back against the wall. With a wail, the Typo, as the marines had called it, hurtled itself Shinzaren, batting aside his pistol and axe with a sweep of his amrored arm. He bodily flung the marine against the wall with a crunch, before raising his massive lnog sowrd for the kill. Just as he was about to bring it down, Ace gave a great shout from the back of the hallway, and a chainaxe came flying through the air, impaling into the back of the beast and smashing him into the wall. Shinzaren rose with a shake to clear his head and dove at the behemoth, pinning it down as Ace ran up and began pumping rounds from his pistol into the torso of their opponent. As the beast shook with anger, it tossed Shin away again, just as Ace pounced on it. As he began to throttle the beast by its thraot, he reached to his belt and pulled out a rectangular piece of equipment, with the basic runes of High Gothic emblazoned all along it. Bashing the beast upside the head, Ace grinned in satisfaction as pieces of the board flew off, scattering about in a mad collection of runes and odd letters.


Dazed by the blow and Ace's continued choking, the beast was easy prey for a revived Shinzaren, who hammered its boyd and fcae again and again with blows from his mighty armored fists while Ace continued to squeeze and squeeze. As the beast gave one last gurgle, Ace twisted his mighty arms, snapping its misshapen ncek with a shout. As the beast lay dead, Ace and Shinzaren helped each other up and resumed their banter as if nothing had happened. They each retrieved their weapons and, with casual ease while continuing their conversation, proceeded to each empty a clip of bolter shells into the lifeless husk. Apparently satisfied, they reloaded and holstered their weapons, before helping up a dazed and very confused T'shn.


"Wha...what was that?" He asked shakily, visibly upset at what he had seen. Shinzaren and Ace just looked at each and grinned, answering in unison.


"Typo." As they continued walking, Ace took off his beautiful feathered and anointed hat and knocked some of the debris and dust from the fight off, before placing it back on his head with a lopsided grin.


"Come on," Shinzaren said, glaring at Ace, who was looking back at the corpse and making a gesture of a thumb across his throat. "We'll show you a few of the denizens who work here."


EDIT: Damnable typos in a post about killing typos!!

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Veeery nice. Obviously, the section must still be purified, preferably through the accidental dropping of a large virus bomb, but I'm beginning to detect glimmerings of sympathy for the heretics.... Mustn't tell the Purifiers, though. At least not until the Lord Purinator turns to the dark side.
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I'm required to C&C haha, since it's the Liber, but I think the story is great regardless. Nice work Aquilanus! :) We should remember while we are playing around that the Liber is a place of progress, so everyone should try and C&C the actual Chapter related pieces on the Liber while we goof off in here. I am now off to heed my own advice :D For once...
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That story was Fantastic.


Killing the typo part? That actually had me cheering, at Emperor-damned 9:50 in the morning.

You have no idea what a feat that is! :lol:



You missed a typo about Ace grabbing the typo by it's thraot :rolleyes:


As well as ncek. ;) Nuttiness emerging from the Chaos department certainly brings a grin to my face. Excellent work! :tu:




Then the beast still lives.


This gives me an idea; hopefully you don't mind if I add a little interlude.




As Dark Apostile Thirst began alternately threatening and cajoling with a High-Priest of Tzeentch on the other end of his communication device, the others seemed to relax, Shinzaren leaning back against a wall, and Ace idly flicking through a pamphlet about the Dark Gods left casually on a table.


"Should you be reading that?" T'shan asked, tremulously. Ace didn't even lift his gaze from the writing.


"Know thy enemy, scribe."


"If you'd like to know more about your enemy, there's always the Big Book of Chaos," Ecritter put in, gesturing to a vast book that even an astartes would struggle to carry.


"Is that the one where even to gaze upon the contents page will send a man mad and rend his very soul from the inside out?" Shinzaren asked, innocently.


"Yep." Ecritter nodded. "It's good, though. Great plotline, though the dialogue can get a bit dull. 'Praise X, glory to Y', and so on and so on."


A sound rang out through the Heresy Department. The exact nature of the noise is hard to describe, but it set everyone present on edge. Ace and Shinzaren exchanged glances.


"Oh come on. I broke it's neck."


"Pehaps it substituted it's ncek at the last moment."


"Emperor's Armpits, I hate those things so much. Keep an eye on the scribe, Shinzaren. Alright, since DAT is tied up at the moment, I'll need another volunteer from the Heresy Department to back me up on this."


"How about Venerable Apothete?" Ecritter asked.


"Last time he stomped me for thinking too loudly, so I think I'll just let him be for now." Ace looked nervously over towards where the ancient dreadnought stood, ominously still.


"Oh, very well." Ecritter sighed. "Just convince me why I should help you, followers of the Corpse God, and we have a deal."


"...He'll come back when you're allworshipping Choas, then?" Shinzaren said, with an amused smile.


"One moment." Ecritter pulled up a vicious-looking sword from behind a desk. It gleamed with a purple light that seemed to pulsate like the heartbeat of a great, menacing force. T'shan wondered what sort of horrific rituals had been used in it's creation, and whimpered as his imagination went to work.


"This," Ecritter intoned, "is Kalas'nyhk the Gravemaker. Forged with daemon-fire and quenched in bloodied, ancient water blessed by Father Nurgle. It can taste fear, thrives on the souls of it's victims, and makes a magnificent paperweight if we've got nothing to kill. Sorry about the smell, by the way. Right, let's kill that typo."



After a quick search of the main chamber, they found the Typo trying to eat a vast banner, apparently made from the stiched flesh of both humans and daemons who had failed their Gods, on which was borne the legend "You don't have to be mad to wrk here, but it helps!!"


Ace gave Ecritter a pained look.


"Two exclamation marks?"


"Of course. This is Chaos, after all."


"Fair play. What's with the banner, anyway?" Ace asked as the two marines charged the Typo.


"Oh, you know. DAT thinks it adds an air of cheerful comradeship to let all our actual insane bretheren know we still support them in their endeavours." Ecritter replied, mournfully, as he plunged Kalas'nyhk the Gravemaker into the Typo's leg.


"Why do you sound so down about it?"


"Well," Ecritter paused, ducking a wild swing from the typo and hacking off one of it's arms, "I was hoping the banner could read 'You don't have to be a true devotee to the Dark Gods, Scourge of the Imperium of the Corpse God, Bane to His Mindless Followers, Consort to Greater Daemons and your very name synonymous with Planetary Genocide to work here, but it helps!' Unfortunately, DAT shot that idea down because it was too long. " Ecritter sighed as he planted a hefty kick to the Typo's midsection, knocking it back.


"The other one does roll off the tongue easier, though." Ace chopped the Typo's other arm off with his chainaxe.


"I suppose."


"Anyway, don't they basically amount to the same thing?" Ace managed to sever the Typo's torso from it's waist. It's legs fell away uselessly and the torso fell at Ecritter's feet, clawing feebly at his shins.


"In a certain light, perhaps. Excuse me." Ecritter turned his gaze to the typo, holding his sword aloft. "You belong dead," He intoned, stabbing the Typo in the face with Kalas'nyhk the Gravemaker. It gave a final shudder, and then lay still.


"Nice work. I mean, for a heretic." Ace added.


"Thanks, mindless sheep." Ecritter nodded. "I'll just offer the corpse to the Gods, and that'll be the last we see of this Typo. Then we'd better get back and see what the others have been up to in our absence..."




I would have involved a loyalist who wasn't me, but in fairness I'm the one on the Anti-Typo crusade. :lol:

I'll leave me out of the next one I write, honest!




One guess.

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It's just as well, I don't have the stitches in my knee anymore otherwise I'd have burst them laughing! :lol:


As it is, I'm just recovering from a coughing fit brought on by the amount of laughing I've just done! :lol:


A fitting continuation of what I'd typed, although I'll re-iterate that the scene about the typo was written by Shinzaren.


Oh, for the love of Primus, I needed a laugh like that! ^_^


Can you imagine what would happen if we all got together and wrote a novel? The hilarity of such a thing would warp the fabric of existence!


Edit: For crying out loud! :P

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We'd probably end up being the first prophets of Chaos considering how nutty and entropic our work would be. :P Chrome also has a spell checker on it too so no copy and pasting required.




As does Firefox, although it defaults on the US dictionary, rather than the UK one.

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....how sad is it that these typos have me twitching and wanting to go into full edit mode? does that mean i have done that too much around here? ;)


then again...i keep getting more and more amused by this whole depiction as it grows. deffinately keep this up folks!

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Another little bit by me. If I have time tonight I'll get some more done, otherwise I'll have a go tomorrow:


This is the Liber Astartes V


It had been a few days since T’shn had visited the Index Traitoris Room. He still could not believe that such a place could exist. The horrors contained within were truly terrible to behold, and he had spent very little time asleep, insomnia being his minds way of staving off the subversive and evil dreams he was having.


Sighing deeply, T’shn got up from his work desk, having had little success in completing his current task, a treatise of the history of the Battle Owls Chapter. Shaking his head sadly, he knew that such a Chapter had a very slim chance of surviving the Liber Council with a name like that. In the corner of the room was a battered and well used caffeine machine. Pouring himself a cup, T’shn winced. It was like drinking Land Raider lubricant, but it kept him awake.


Sitting back down, he tried to refocus on giving the Battle Owls an outside edge to get them through the evaluation in the morning. No such luck. They will be torn to pieces, thought the adept, and despite my best efforts I can not think of anything that would make them acceptable, beyond correcting some grammatical mistakes amongst other things.


T’shn decided to call it a night, knowing full well that he would have to try to sleep. And that meant the nightmares.....


Upon entering his small room, T’shn didn’t even bother to undress, fatigue washing over him like a storm. The moment his head touched the pillow, he fell instantly asleep.


In the Maelstrom, something stirred. It had already tasted the material universe, and found it most hospitable. It was cruelly forced back in to the Warp, it’s very essence torn from it’s surrogate body. It was angry, very angry. It didn’t have a consciousness as such, but primitive ideas formed in what counted as its mind. Two shapes constantly came to the fore mind, searing and bright. It recoiled instinctively, knowing that they shapes were significant, but didn’t know why.


It’s attention turned back to another shape. It was smaller, insignificant, but it’s only salvation. It was tired, terrified. It would make use of it, bend reality to suit itself.


And wreak havoc to those who banished it.


At 08.00 Standard time, the Liber Council, after a false start, convened to hear the Battle Owls entry to the Liber Astartes roll of Honour.

Shinzaren and Ace Debonair had both arrived late as they had been discussing at length the correct use of formatting. Neither could concede the point the other was making and only the threat of being collected by Octavulg himself did they make haste to the Council Chambers.


“As we are all finally here”, Heru Talon stated, eying the pair as they sheepishly entered, “We can begin. Adept?”


“Yes, Lord. I will begin by giving the Details of the Battle Owls’ Origins”, exhaustion telling on T’shn’s face.


Heru Talon looked at the adept briefly. “Are you sure you are ready? You seem a little tired to say the least...”


“I assure you I am fine my Lord” T’shn lied “This report has been delayed for far too long as it is.”




“Ahem. My Lords, the Battle Owls, are a proud Chapter who are a Succesor Chapter of the Raven Guard. They were created in the Forth Founding and were created to defend the Regalis Sector of Segmentum Ultima.”


“I see,” Heru Talon said. There was something not quite right, but Talon couldn’t quite put his finger on it....


“The area of space they were charged to protect was under constant attack from Orks. Having taken a planet in the system as there base of operations, they decided to take the Greenskins hed on. Whilst this was deemed foolhardy, they had at least pushed the menace back and reached a stalemate.”


Heru Talon looked sideways at Sigmismund Himself, who had noticed his attention.


“What was it that the....Battle Owls did that made the situation arise?” Sigismund asked


“I...I foudn that they where.....were able to attack one of there main ammunition depots. This left the Greenskins unable to effectively counterattack.”


“I see.”


“My Lord? Is something amiss?”


“I am not sure. Continue adept”


“Well, according to there records, they were then able to....to corner the Orks in a Mountain valley and took the hed of the Warboss.”


“Adept. Stop for a moment. I realise that you have spent many weeks working on this, something that we are grateful for. But I can not help but wonder if you have checked your missive for mistakes?”


The adept was shocked to his core “My Lord!” he cried, “I have been diligent in my wrok! I have checked and cheked again for mistakes!”


“Step down adept, I wish to see your document for myself” Heru Talon commanded not unkindly.


“But, but I feele fine!” protested T’shn, “Raelly my Lrod! I wish to continue!”


By this time, Ace had drawn his Bolter “Adept, by the Authority of Ferrata and the High Council of the Liber Astartes. You will step down and submit your document for analysis. Now!”


“I can not accept this!” The adept was now in hysterics, shaking with fear and anger “I am perfectly okae! What reason do yuo hvae to do this!”


“You should not question us adept. You should obey!” Ghost Legion snarled “Whilst you still have a chance!”


“What cahnce? You had noe intenshun of allowing the Batule Owuls to be passed did yuo? Ne ov u!”


“It’s too late,” Sigismund said sadly “He’s too far gone to help now. The best we can do is offer him the Emperor’s peace, before....”


The adept was convulsing, limbs flailing in unnatural ways. His eyes bulged, and the sound of bones breaking like a gun shot as his body conformed to a new and disgusting shape.


“By the Emperor’s left armpit!” Shinzaren began.


With a roar of triumph, the remains of the adept T’shn B’rkto stood rising to its full height. It glared at the Council with pure malevolence in it's eyes.


“A Typo!”






Dun, dun, dun! ;) ;)


(Apologies to anyone who actually has a Chapter called the Battle Owls.... :) )

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So much effort to kill one Typo... I just use my Spell Check Bolter. :lol:

Not all of us can trade Spine Flails to the AdMech for shiny toys, though. <_<


I take care of typos the Codex-Approved way - with a chainaxe to the face. ;)


And Reyner, I wouldn't worry. A Typo in a room full of veteran Liberites has the same life expectancy as a daemon asking a room full of Custodes 'Which way to the Emperor?'

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