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The EC has never had nor been able to have WS7, dunno how you swung that. If I was in my hometown I could even check the 3rd ed rule book.


You know your a Templar when you keep the 3rd Ed rule book purely for the cover art.

- When even though everyone including other Templar players called him "garbage", "tosser", "trash", "useless", "worthless", "lackluster" and "not-worth-the-points"... you still field the Emperor's Champion simply because he is the most iconic, reverred and signature mark that you are not using some cheap, clunky and overused Chapter like Ultramarines or Salamanders, but your using Black Templars, and your damn proud when he slays something or someone he shouldn't possibly beat. (by your opponents standards atleast...)


- When everytime you get into a challenge with the Emperor's Champion you roleplay his voice and declare with the gusto and bravado of such a warrior your intent to level your enemies head from his shoulders.


- When you wish your Emperor's Champion's capabilities completely match the title that he bears...


- When you hate Cruddace with a fiery zeal for not making the Templars the vision they should've been


- When you know Games Workshop is no longer worthy of your income or even your modicum of respect simply because they have neglected your most favoured army for more than 10 years...


finally: You know you're a Templar...



when you "know" you're a Templar

  On 9/30/2013 at 6:33 AM, SunshineDragon said:

The EC has never had nor been able to have WS7, dunno how you swung that. If I was in my hometown I could even check the 3rd ed rule book.


I stand corrected. E.C. was WS 6 (not that 6 vs 7 really changes much in gameplay most of the time).

Edited by ChaosRising

There is many pages on this topic, don't have the motivation to read all of them before posting. (to see if anyone already thought like me)

And I got many many ideas.



You know you're a Black Templar when...


...You don't want to read books, because this remind you about the Astart... *BURN THIS HERESY!!!* <= Guilty


...You hear that Astartes are restricted to 1k men by Chapter, and you notice that we are much more than that. *me gusta* <= Guilty


...You talk about Dark Angels, and mention: "Those F***ing Dark Angels that destroyed one of our Battle Fortress" <= Guilty


...You talk to a Dark Angel Player, and mention: "And that was just for an useless prisonnier" *as now we can understand that this prisonnier was one of the Dark Angels Heretics* <= Guilty


...You don't want to play with a Grey Knight ally.


...Your Four Bolters Hits kill Two Grey Knight Paladin. (the Elite one that cost a lot) <= Guilty


...You say that was a Victory, even of you loose 99% of your army, because you've killed Psykers. <= Guilty


...You hate Plasma-Weapons. *Heretical Weapons that looks a lot to Psykers rules* <= Guilty


...You speak with Space Marines Player, and mention: "We can take Heavy Weapons in 5men Squad, Maha" *Idiot Astartes* <= Guilty


...You prefer taking 4 squad with one LazerCannon in each instead of taking one single Devastator Squad with 4 LazerCannon. <= Guilty


...Your army have no vehicules. <= Guilty


...You read 6th edition Space Marine Codex and discover, under HQ stuff options, that you could possibilty Take Two Thunder Hammer, and get stars into your eyes. <= Guilty


...You don't want Sergeant into your Squads. <= Guilty


...One of your favorite injure is: "HERETIK!!!!" <= Guilty


...You want to use 3 Land Raider Crusaders into your army. <= Guilty


...You say: "Hurricane Bolters are OP, and they have been invented by Our Black Templars Techmarines" <= Guilty


...You were so happy to know we could use Dreadnought IronClad with the 6th Space Marines Codex. <= Guilty


...You see that your army count more than 50 models in a 1k5pts list, and think: "How the hell will I transport all this :cuss". <= Guilty


...You notice that your 1k5 50+ models army will require more than 50% of the deployment area, when playing with an ally. <= Guilty


...Someone tell you that you play Space Marines like everyone does and that there is too much Space Marines players, and you Violently answer: "NO! I Am Black TEMPLAR!" *+Heretiks* <= Guilty


...You plan to use Battle Sisters as Ally to burn all thoses heretiks. <= Guilty


...You imagined Helbrecht having is hand beeing cutted by Imotek, and got tears on your face. (Necron 5th Codex) <= Guilty


...You are angry to not see your Chapter Name in the list of Chapters that were on Armaggeddon inside of the Orks Codex. <= Guilty


...You were shocked to see the new fluf about "why we don't have psykers" in the 6th Space Marine Codex, and wanted to burn your new codex. <= Guilty


...You have one Chaplain in Terminator of each Variant possible, Power Fist / Non-Power Fist. <= Guilty


...You have one Jetpack Chaplain of each Variant possible, Power Fist / Non-power Fist / Thunder-Hammer converted into Crozius Arcanum Arcanum. <= Guilty


...You have one Foot Chaplain of each Variant possible, Power Fist / Non-Power Fist / etc. <= Guilty


...You have one Bike Chaplain of each Variant possible, Power Fist (Yes I did it) / etc. <= Guilty


...You thought about Dreadnought Chaplain when saw the Death Company Dreadnought. <= Guilty


...You which you could have the High-Chaplain of our old Codex Back. <= Guilty (near 8 attacks of str x2 in charge)


...You which you could have a Centurion-Chaplain. <= Guilty


...You use any "eagle backpack ornament" and cutted power axe to make Crozius Arcanum. <= Guilty


...You have more Chaplain than any other HQ unit. <= Guilty


...You wish you can have one Chaplain leading each Crusader Squad. <= Guilty


*Thanks for Reading. For The Emperor!*

  • 2 months later...

Awhile back I posted about my Templar car (damaged transmission, would only go forward, never backward.)


Well that car died and I donated what was left of it to charity.


A week ago I saw the car once again, still on the road. They had re-built the interior and replaced it with a black one. But all of the external damage was right where it always was.



So you might be a Templar if... your vehicle dies and becomes a dreadnought. "Even in death I serve!"

You know your a black templar when you have 2 black templar tattoos. Straight from our old dex





Edited by recon0321
  On 9/30/2013 at 8:16 AM, Marshal_Roujakis said:

- When even though everyone including other Templar players called him "garbage", "tosser", "trash", "useless", "worthless", "lackluster" and "not-worth-the-points"... you still field the Emperor's Champion simply because he is the most iconic, reverred and signature mark that you are not using some cheap, clunky and overused Chapter like Ultramarines or Salamanders, but your using Black Templars, and your damn proud when he slays something or someone he shouldn't possibly beat. (by your opponents standards atleast...)


- When everytime you get into a challenge with the Emperor's Champion you roleplay his voice and declare with the gusto and bravado of such a warrior your intent to level your enemies head from his shoulders.





I am glad to know there are others that do this! Many times have I shouted in a gamestore "I CHALLENGE YOUR HERETIC WITCH TO SINGLE COMBAT! WHAT SAY YOU!?"

  • 2 weeks later...

  • When you get at least 1 Turn in the game where no model in your army could shoot a gun in the shooting phase because all the models in the enemy army are locked in close combat.

When regardless of who, what, where and why a Psychic tries to buff your Squad of Templars you still take a DTW test against it. And if it passes you shoot the ally Psyker by the end of the game.

When you bring a Chainsword to a magic show

When someone gives you a Space Marine model and you automatically have plans to make it a Templar

When you attempt to buy GW by taking their shares and stocks to get 'coerce' them to make a worthy BT Codex.

You know you're a templar when...


...You read the Cypher Dataslate and discover it's the prisonner who made the Ophidium Gulf disapearring. And then see you can pick Cypher in your Black Templars Detachment to fight against Dark Angels Army. *Shiny Eyes to make Dark Angels Rage*

  On 12/27/2013 at 10:31 AM, Zyth23 said:

You know you're a templar when...


...You read the Cypher Dataslate and discover it's the prisonner who made the Ophidium Gulf disapearring. And then see you can pick Cypher in your Black Templars Detachment to fight against Dark Angels Army. *Shiny Eyes to make Dark Angels Rage*

Is this the revenge I have been waiting for. It was always veeeery obvious it was Cypher, but how dare those damn Dark Angels DESTROY A BLACK TEMPLAR VESSEL AND ITS CREW to preserve their dirty little secret. IMO: GW please release canon saying Cypher is the loyalist, and the DA are just traitors trying to kill him.

When you've known the above all along, ever since the knowledge of the Ophidium Gulf Incident came to you in a holy Emperor-granted vision, when you've first taken up the Black and the Faith and became an inspiration for the whole Crusade.

You Know You're a Black Templar When...


...Other player: "So you play Space Marines?"

...You: "Space Marines ? ! !"

  Reveal hidden contents


...You read the new Codex and...

  Reveal hidden contents


...You read the new Heretical Book you're now part of and...

....You see all the units you've lost...

.....You see you kept your Crusader Squad...

......You see all the new units you can now take...

.......You don't understand why you don't have your book anymore...

........You think about you'll have a Supplement one day...

.........You imagine possibilites like...

  Reveal hidden contents

..........You read other Chapters Supplement...

...........You cry when you discover 40 pages of Fluff...1 Warlord Trait Table...2-3 Special Rules / Chapter Tactic Rules Non-Stacking Variants...1 page of Relics...

Edited by Zyth23


Any particular reason why bingo, may I ask?


Brother, you are unfamiliar with the heretical cult of BINGO?


These are not just the idle tales and gossip of old women. Have you not witnessed the unholy passion evoked in the name of BINGO? The swaying and waving of arms, futile attempts to win favor with the cult Magus, he who continuously calls out the blasphemous numerology of Tzeench, the Lord of Chance? Have you not experienced the horrific transformation of what would normally be considered a loyal citizen, into a raving beast released to the stage to claim its unholy reward? <revulsion>


Burn. Them. All!

Edited by Honda
  On 12/29/2013 at 8:29 PM, Honda said:

  Reveal hidden contents



Remember all our Vehicles are powered with the es.enc. of t.e Vo.d D......... ***Communication Lost***

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