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Campaign: Liber Astartes


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My new guys are going to be around the fifth foundingh I think, not really sure. Iron Dragons (Traitors that they are) were founded around the 12th I think but I haven't worked on them in a while so I can remember exactly. They went traitor only fairly recently, however.
Yes, that's the role of the sector chief. An excellent summary, in fact. I think I'll start conglomerating this stuff into one FAQ post. Anyone have any more questions while we wait for Ferrata?


Well, kind of.

Does anyone actually mind if I use both my loyalist Red Lords and traitor Rift Lords in this project?

I don't mind others in Obscurus getting to punch out some of my traitors, if the story goes that way.


Going by 10th or earlier:


Gryphon Guard, 3

Knights Valiant, 4

Children of Eternity, 4

Guardian Eagles, 4

Iron Flames, 6

Marines Invictus, 6

Knight Venator, 7

Knights of Paladrea, 9

Red Lords, 10

So the Red Lords are the youngest old guard in this campaign, eh? :P


I find that quite amusing.

Does anyone actually mind if I use both my loyalist Red Lords and traitor Rift Lords in this project?

I don't mind others in Obscurus getting to punch out some of my traitors, if the story goes that way.


I hope not as I'd love to include both my Iron Dragons and my new Loyalists too.

Does anyone actually mind if I use both my loyalist Red Lords and traitor Rift Lords in this project?

I don't mind others in Obscurus getting to punch out some of my traitors, if the story goes that way.


I hope not as I'd love to include both my Iron Dragons and my new Loyalists too.


I don't mind that :) I did consider putting my Steel Wings and Amber Dragons in too, but I think I will have enough to cope with with just the 'Reavers! ^_^

Something quality that we take our time with is much better than rushing headlong into it and making the beginning sloppy. It can only get worse from that point, so it's good that you've taken your time, Ferrata. As others have mentioned, no apologies are necessary. What is good is the amount of enthusiasm that is being generated, so that when we do move to the next stage, we have active and willing participants.
it would be cool idea to come up with a "campaign" badge for people to paint on their minis for fun, or have certain chapters in the fluff have really close friendships or rivalries. drama is always good, so perhaps so and so chapter may find another chapters beliefs or tactics to go against what they stand for, and have a bit of a rivalry or cold cooperation. or the opposite where there like buddies ;)
it would be cool idea to come up with a "campaign" badge for people to paint on their minis for fun, or have certain chapters in the fluff have really close friendships or rivalries. drama is always good, so perhaps so and so chapter may find another chapters beliefs or tactics to go against what they stand for, and have a bit of a rivalry or cold cooperation. or the opposite where there like buddies ;)



Sounds cool ;) but lets get the main story line done first ;)

As part of the 21st Founding my Chapter is shunned by all but a few. Feel free to hate the Hounds for genetic deviancy.



I think our chapters will get along great due to my chapter also suffer from extreme mutations.


Ferrata don`t worry about the wait. Most of us would rather have you take your time and make a masterpiece then rush.


Xhalilx the campaign badge is a good idea. Any idea for the symbol yet?

Sorry about my tardiness recently, been a busy couple of days. I will have the write-up of the overall plan up sometime this evening. Again, sorry for the wait.


Probably a good thing, as it will weed out the week/those with lives not entirely devoted to 40k and the B&C. :(


XKhalilX: An excellent idea! :) It should give many of us a reason to paint models.

Here is the outline of the Campaign. It is not a step-by-step guide as that will be down to the individual groups that begin work on the sections. Hopefully everyone will be able to find a slot they are happy with, and the size of forces will be decided upon later. All current names are placeholders, so if anyone doesn't like them they can be changed. I've avoided attempting making single force extremely important as I feel this will big up certain people and disaude others from joining. A person could take up the roll of the Black Swans (name from the CNC) if they don't mind their chapter being wiped out. Hope you enjoy :D


Stage 2: Detailing

Chapter 1: The Kuis Campaigns

Location: Ultima

Time: 837.M35

A series of campaigns with the objective of reclaiming and fortifying the Kuis Stretch. The Stretch is a number of star systems that have a long standing trading and manufacturing links. Since the Horus Heresy, they have slowly deteriorated over time, with outer planets being lost to Xenos. The inner planets have rebelled from Imperial rule and ceded their own empire. The early Imperial Campaigns are led by an up-coming Lord-Commander Petrok, who had lived a charmed life. His command brought many of the Stretch back to Imperial lordship; however he succumbed to wounds on the world of Tasryn. As his final wishes demanded, four relics are gifted to trusted allies.

Chapter 2(a): The Timmingburg Rebellions

Location: Obscurus

Time: M36 (during Age of Apostasy)

Lord-Inquisitor Timmingburg was granted the sword of Petrok after the Commanders death. However, the fate of T’burg would leave the swords in the hands of chaos (at this point, nobody knows that the sword was the one that corrupted T’burg). Slowly descending from puritan to radical to Chaos worshipper, T’burg manages to become the leader of a number of war bands across the Thaddium systems. His preaching leads to out-right rebellion that requires a number of Space Marine chapters to put down. The sword is eventually claimed and purified by the Imperium and placed on display upon Thaddium Prime.

Chapter 2(B): The Rigrot Waagh!

Location: Tempestus

Time: Between M37

An Orkwarlord, Rigrot, leads his clan, the Def Meks, across the numerous star systems, most notably the Kalil System were the Fortress-Monastery of the Black Swans Space Marine chapter. Unable to defend against the Orks, the Swans are forced to retreat to the fortress and call upon the assistance of ancient allies. The Orks are finally routed from the systems, but not before the Swans fortress is pillaged, taking the Banner of Petrok as their prize.


Chapter 2©: The Limetiri Conflict

Location: Pacificus

Time: M39

The bones of Petrok are stolen from the Imperial Guard recruitment world of Imurth. The raiders, initially known solely as the Limetiri, are chased by a combined force of Astartes and Guard. The Limetiri are linked to a traitor chapter that have used the bones as bait to lure in the Imperial forces. Before the full plan comes to brunt, the Imperium makes a hasty fighting retreat. They manage to claim the bones, but are badly hurt in the conflict. The worlds are lost to the rebellious forces but at least they got the Saint's bones back.



Chapter 3: The Crusades for Honour

Location: Tempestus

Time: Between M40

Eager to redeem their honour, the Black Swans immediately set about reclaiming the banner. Unfortunately, striking into the worlds of the Def Meks they are destroyed and lost to the Imperium. To rectify this dishonour, a band of Astartes forge their own destiny in the Def Mek worlds. Each planet they fight upon is a death trap, with the Meks have toyed with the environment with their perverse technology. The Space Marines eventually slay Rigrot aboard his Def Stompa and reclaim the banner of Petrok.


Chapter 4: The Relics Return

Location: Imperium to Ultima

Time: 829.M41

As 5000 years have now passed since the death of Petrok, as per his final wishes, the four relics are taken back to Tasryn and laid upon his coffin. Each journey seems to be besieged by bad luck as raiders, Warp Storms and seemingly the stars seem to be against them. The Imperium grinds on; the honour guard of Astartes emerges victorious and land up Tasryn. Great celebrations occur across the Kuis Stretch as their hero is now at peace. This jubilation does not last long.

Chapter 5: The Endless Nights Uprising

Location: Ultima

Time: 835.M41

The Kuis Stretch erupts into rebellion against the Imperium. At first, a seemingly large amount of people abandoned their lives to go pay pilgrimage to now Saint Petrok. The Imperium facilitates this movement, believing the beneficiation of one of their own people will lead people away from the old whispers of Chaos. Their joy soon turns to horror as the mass of pilgrims turn upon one another in a rampage of lust and violence. Eager to stop this display, the Imperium sends in the Astartes but even that is not enough to stem the tide. Soon, it seems the entire Stretch is leaving their homes to pay pilgrimage to Petrok. Tasryn becomes a hub of sins, with only Astartes immune to the affects.

Chapter 6: The Saint Awakes

Location: Imperium to Ultima

Time: 837.M41

Petrok finally rises from his slumber, only as a prince of Chaos. He rips the fabric of reality and the warp and daemons flood forward across the Tasryn. Forced to abandon the planet, the Astartes send for reinforcements in a hope to stop this plague spreading further. This now turns into a standard military campaign like the original, only this time Petrok is on the other side. He is finally slain and the relics destroyed.


Now, you need to "sign up" to different Chapters which fit your chapter. In the final thing, you might get cut from one section if you sign up to two or more. I will hold off signing up any of my chapters until we find a slot that needs them. Have fun.

Very cool, The set up is solid enough.


I will put my chapter Marines Invictus forward for -


Chapter 2B - The Rigrot waaagh




Chapter 3 - The crusades of honour



NOTE - Iam not volenteering to be the black swans. :cuss

Great Job!


I would prefer to participate in "Chapter 3: The Crusades for Honor." My chapter is based in Pacificus, but a good portion of the chapter is mobile and fights in Tempestus or Obscurus.


My Chapter (The Crimson Spears) might be able to participate in "Chapter 2 C: The Limetiri Conflict" but they were founded LATE in M.39, so they may not be able to depending on the timeline.





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