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Ahhhh.. The Labyrinth of Malal!

Awesome thread, all of your painted armies look astounding and are very inspiring. :lol:


I've always loved the concept of Chaos fighting Chaos, so I finally got my thumbs out of my ... behind... and decided to go for an army of Malice.


Prepare for wall of text!



I'm going to use the CSM codex as my army, but I will instead use mostly Imperial models while scraping away or covering the iconography.

There will sneak in a few Chaos bits, but I don't want to use the Chaos Marines, it should be hard to tell whether they are Imperial or Chaos.

I will follow the Imperial Codex guidelines closely regarding livery and squad/company designation (loved the fluff part about the Librarians using the same blue armour as their Imperial counterparts).

I can't decide if I should go with 10man (so I can fit them in a Rhino or a Land Raider) or 11, to please Malal.


Could be interesting with 11man Codex squads, to give it an edge... Hmmm..



- Chaos Lord: The Faceless One (not sure about his weaponry yet, leaning towards a Daemon weapon). Basing the model on a Blood Angel Sanguinary Guard (without the wings).

- Sorcerer: Librarian.



- Chosen: Will be used as Honour Guard for the lord, might be using Sanguinary Guard's as basis.

- Terminators: Will be used as Terminators (yes, really).

- Chaos Dreadnought: The Ancient inside is pretty much driven insane by Malals energies, no real change.


- CSM: 11 or 10man units, marked with Codex squadmarkings etc. Icon will be a shield that one of them carries

- Thousand Sons: (Always wanted to use them!) I will pretend that they are a special force under the Librarium, "The Guardians of Knowledge" or something similar. Since the SoM are twosided they probably have access to a lot of lore and such, and it needs to be guarded

The Aspiring Sorcerer is a Librarian and the troopers are his guardians, both guarding him, and guarding the loyalty of the Librarian, amking sure he doesn't fall to any of the Chaos Gods. This is why they have "Fearless", "Slow and Purposeful" and "Inferno Bolts" (bigger precautions and better weaponry to protect and slay anyone who gets close).

They will get gold helmets I think

Fast Attack:

- Bikes: Bikes... bikes... bikes.

- Raptors: Assault Marines obviously.

- Spawn: I don't really know how to implement them into my list.


Heavy Support:

- Havocs: Devastators.

- Obliterators: Thinking of something similiar to a gunplatform, but don't really know yet.

- Predator, Vindicator and Land Raider: Predator, Vindicator and Land Raider.

- Defiler: Gaaahhh.. I love the model but I don't know how to get it into a "loyalist" look and feel.



- Greater Daemon: Be'Lakor. Obviously. Painting him twosided with bright(white) and dark(black).

- Lesser Daemons: I'm gonna use converted Dryads (not painted as such, obviously).



So, did anyone survive that wall?

Any thoughts?

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Mr Malevolent! How've ya been?


Ahhhh.. The Labyrinth of Malal!

Awesome thread, all of your painted armies look astounding and are very inspiring. :D


I've always loved the concept of Chaos fighting Chaos, so I finally got my thumbs out of my ... behind... and decided to go for an army of Malice.


Welcome to the Labyrinth, dendrofli! I think you're making a good choice :)


I have to give a thumbs up for sticking with the Chaos codex. I still have an urge to make the rest of my terminators and "Berzerkers of Malal" army but i am going to wait until I see what chaos gets in the future...unless SoB completely sweep me off my feet.


as for your list i had some ideas (in green)...



- Chaos Lord: The Faceless One -I think this will be kind of cool. I think if you could get the plain masked face from the Empire Wizard and attach it to a SM helm that would look fit nicely with being faceless. Just my humble opinion/idea.



- Terminators: I :)-ing love Terminators! So I'm always happen to see them, especially in the colors of Malal.



- CSM: I honestly have to say keep them at 10 if you want them to be compatible with a rhino. I do not see a point in sacrificing efficiency for fluff. Otherwise, 11 man squads are legit!

- Thousand Sons: Your idea for this is actually really cool. I had a fluff idea where my Chapter came across a dead world with ancient ruins (that were dedicated to Malal/Malice) and that a very small force of SoM remained there to protect it. The idea is now scrapped but your idea for TS would have been awesome for them.


Fast Attack:

- Spawn: Read the short story "the Labyrinth" in one of the Space marine novels comprised of short stories. Read about the creatures that roam the labyrinth and you will be all set!

Heavy Support:

- Obliterators: I think the user Dan the Daemon has one of the best ideas for obliterators. Basically a heavy weapons team of two heavy firepower wielding marines on a big base.

- Defiler: I just had some crazy idea to get an loyalist tank and give it legs. So it will look like it had once been in service of the god emperor and then completely corrupted from its original form.


Now I just look forward to some fluff!

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- Chaos Lord: The Faceless One -I think this will be kind of cool. I think if you could get the plain masked face from the Empire Wizard and attach it to a SM helm that would look fit nicely with being faceless. Just my humble opinion/idea.


Thank you sir! :) That mask looks perfect for what I had in mind! I was thinking of going with one of the masks in the SG-box, but the Wizard one is absolutely perfetct.



- Terminators: I :)-ing love Terminators! So I'm always happen to see them, especially in the colors of Malal.


Yes, me too. They are still one of the models that got me into the hobby (even if the only termies out around that time were these:




- CSM: I honestly have to say keep them at 10 if you want them to be compatible with a rhino. I do not see a point in sacrificing efficiency for fluff. Otherwise, 11 man squads are legit!

- Thousand Sons: Your idea for this is actually really cool. I had a fluff idea where my Chapter came across a dead world with ancient ruins (that were dedicated to Malal/Malice) and that a very small force of SoM remained there to protect it. The idea is now scrapped but your idea for TS would have been awesome for them.


Yeah, I might lose too much to fluff if I go with 11man squads, would look rather cool though. ;)


Fast Attack:

- Spawn: Read the short story "the Labyrinth" in one of the Space marine novels comprised of short stories. Read about the creatures that roam the labyrinth and you will be all set!


Yup, found out that it's in the "Heroes of the Imperium" book, gonna check that one out asap.


Heavy Support:

- Obliterators: I think the user Dan the Daemon has one of the best ideas for obliterators. Basically a heavy weapons team of two heavy firepower wielding marines on a big base.


Oh! :P Nice, nice, I hope Mr. Daemon Dan doesn't mind too much if I borrow the idea then. :D


- Defiler: I just had some crazy idea to get an loyalist tank and give it legs. So it will look like it had once been in service of the god emperor and then completely corrupted from its original form.


The thing is that I will try to keep the corruption as minimal as possible (still don't know how to implement Possessed into my list/fluff), which makes even your good idea a bit hard to use.

I'm thinking of the army as one Malal uses to infiltrate the Imperium with as well, so the corruption and suspicius elements are minimal, not even Imperial officials should initially know whether the black and white Space Marines showing up are good or evil.

Which suits the general idea of an Astartes force pretty well, even if they fight for the good of the Imperium they are not wholly viewed as "good", but something to be feared.


Now I just look forward to some fluff!


:P Yes, I'm trying to get a working story, here's a short piece of what I've conjured up so far:



The Ultramarines captain Arman Aequita of the 4th company was finally allowed a moment of peace and observation of the battlefield.

His every step hammered into the broken rubble that used to be the city of Glass, home to millions of Imperial citizens. Clad in his barroque power armor he made his way toward the other Astartes leader overlooking the destroyed plaza in front of them. Aquita would seek retribution from those who failed in their duty to the Emperor.

- "Lose your helmet captain! I want to look into the face of the one responsible for this massacre!"

Moments fled past and yet the only response he was given was of utter silence. He could not see past any of the visors of the helmed warriors but he felt the glare of everyone of the strange Astartes force upon him.

Most of them wore black and white armour, split in four-by-four on their gear, and the symbol of a leering skull, half in black, half in white, glared from their left shoulderguard and banners. On the right shoulder they had the same kind of company and squad markings all Chapters had used since the Heresy. But the captain and his honour guard wore shining gold armour.

Yet something was very wrong with the company standing infront of him, Aequita could not really tell what, except for the almost unnerving silence that seemed to fill the very air.


- "Should I consider this an insult, or have your forgotten Primarch cursed you with arrogance and cowardice?

There still was no movement from any one of the silent Astartes, and all that was heard was the cold wind whipping the ruins where the two giants of men stood before one another.

- "You will answer me now, you forced us into close quarter engagement with the World Eaters warband without even attempting to come to our aid. And even though we killed their every man, your ignorance cost me many of the finest soldiers this Chapter has ever had."

The opposing warriors reloaded their guns and charged their close combat weapons but otherwise remained silent and still.

- "Has your arrogance now turned to treason fool?

A silent mocking laughter was heard in the wind as the Ultramarines in response readied themself for battle again.

Arman Aequita drew his magnificient sword and activated the power field in one smooth motion, his honour guard mirroring his move, preparing to battle with the same Frater they had previously thought of as allies.

The masked captain in golden armour raised one arm and pointed towards Aequita, still without uttering a word.

"In the name of the Emperor and our Primarch, I will hold you responsible for letting the enemy advance freely into the habitat areas, slaughtering thousands of Imperial citizens and offering them to their false gods. Your crime is only furthered by letting my company get decimated in a battle where your force's prescence could have saved many lives. I might not know the name of you or your chapter, but the Inquisition will not take that into account when they declare you excommunicate traetoris for your actions, and I will have you kneeling and surrendering immediatly."


The mute Space Marine drew his own weapon for the first time, revealing a long glaive with a strange mist swirling around a dark red blade. The voice in the wind was heard again, low and threatening, and seemed to come from the blade, which pulsed as it spoke:


- "Falssse gods? There is merit to your claim Ultramarine, however you have no means to grasssp the truth of our actions."

Without any further command being uttered, the black and white army sprang to life, clashing hard with the Ultramarines arrayed for battle.


The heavily weakened Ultramarine army quickly wavered under the pressure from the silent traitors, outnumbered and weary from the desperate battle with the World Eaters. The planet Denubia was once again home to slaughter as the army led by the masked golden Space Marine butchered the remains of their opponents force.




Some hours later the golden Space Marine stood before an hastily erected altar, on it lay the lifeless body of Arman Aequita. His armour removed and his chest open to the mistfilled air.

The silent host had raised their banners in a circle around the altar, and sat on one knee with their palms touching the ground in front of them. The inner circle consisting of the golden honour guard of the Faceless One, and the rest of the company forming up behind them. Within the circle lay the broken bodies of both slain Ultramarines and World Eaters, numbering 111 with the dead captain on the altar. Among the slain stood only the leader and two Librarians, their ornate blue armour contrasting against the rest of the army.

As the leader of the traitors cut a series of sharp angular shapes in the ultramarines flesh the blood started to flow. Slowly, at first, but it speeded up and suddenly it started to boil and hiss as it touched the air. A dark shape was manifesting from the blood-fumes over the corpse of the Ultramarines captain and when the shadow touched the mistcovered blade of the Faceless One's a low dark voice could be heard:


- "Ahhhh, Faceless One, the Massster is pleased. Today both hisss reckless brother and the human corpse-king sssuffered greatly from your handsss. Return to your shipsss and we will find you other... suitable placesss for you and your army to continue His work on. But now, feast my friendsss."


In a perfectly syncronized move the whole army stood up, removed their helmets and revealed their ivory pale flesh for the first time. The two Librarians cut the flesh from each slain soldier in turn, and handed it to the waiting warriors.


When every warrior had a piece of cut and bloodied flesh in their hands, they raised their arms to the dark skies and in unison whispered the name of their both hated and revered master and God:






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I enjoyed the fluff and brainstorming has made me want to dust off my boys in Black & White. *there are some things I would like to edit if you don't mind me shooting you a PM.


When can we expect some minis?

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I enjoyed the fluff and brainstorming has made me want to dust off my boys in Black & White. *there are some things I would like to edit if you don't mind me shooting you a PM.


When can we expect some minis?


You can post your thoughts here as well if they are not too insulting. ^_^

Obviously it is not perfect yet (the fluff and the brainstorming), so any further guidance and thoughts are much appreciated.

Mini's might be on their way later today (or tomorrow), have had a helluvah week at work.

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Its funny, I've just got my hands on the short story finally.

I'm tempted to just jump back into a SoM army.

I've had a nice amount of Chaos marines in simple green for a few days, maybe I'll paint them in black and white :P




I vote YES to seeing some SoM! Hope the short story motivates you work on those chaos marines.


Other than that, what have you been painting? I see a spiffy Ultramarine as your avatar...




Well first off, these are just my opinions so they aren't absolutes that need to be followed. Just some ideas I wanted to throw out there.


**I would suggest opening this up with a scene like "His every step hammered into the broken rubble. Clad in his armor he made his way toward the warrior overlooking the destroyed ramparts. Arman, Aquita, Captain of the Ultramarines, would seek retribution from those who failed in their duty to the Emperor". I think its good way to start by making a setting.

- "Lose your helmet captain! I want to look into the face of the one responsible for this massacre!"


But he was met by only silence, and the glare of the captain and his elite retinue of golden clad soldiers, but the majority of the mysterious army wore armour of black and white, their banners fluttering in the wind, adorned with a skull half in black, half in white.

Just some rewording. "The only response the ultramarine was given was silence. Arman could not see beyond the visors of the helmed warriors but could feel their pervasive glare upon himself...


- "Should I consider this an insult, or have your forgotten Primarch cursed you with silence and cowardice?

There still was no movement from any one of the silent Astartes, and an eerie silence hung over the area where the two giants of men stood before one another.

"In the name of the Emperor and our Primarch, I will hold you responsible for letting the enemy advance freely into the habitat areas, slaughtering thousands of Imperial citizens and offering them to their false gods. I might not know the name of you or your chapter, but the Inquisition will not take that into account when they declare you excommunicate traetoris for your actions, and I will have you kneeling and surrendering immediatly."

This makes me think of a guy who is just yelling at a wall and only getting angrier. The UM is talking to someone who is just standing there and I think the UM is just becoming too hostile too quick. I would suggest the SoM do something like turn their backs to leave or something. This would give rise to potential hostilities as they just disrespected the UM and he probably wouldn't want them to leave.


The Ultramarine captain Arman Aequita drew his magnificient sword and activated the power field in one smooth motion, his honour guard mirroring his move, preparing for inevitable battle with the same Frater they had previously fought alongside with.

I would say do this bad in a line from the UM Capt. He basically just drew his sword in an aggressive manner and I personally don't see the UM doing this without cause. The SoM is not doing anything threatening enough to warrant this...however, if he was turning to leave the scene the UM could draw weapons to impact their point that the SoM arent going anywhere until amends are made.


The golden Space Marine drew his own weapon for the first time, revealing a long glaive with a strange red mist swirling around a pulsating dark red blade. There was a voice in the wind, low and threatening:


- "Falssse gods? There is merit to your claim Ultramarine, however you have no means to grasssp the truth of our actions."

Without any further command being uttered, the black and white army sprang to life, clashing hard with the Ultramarines arrayed for battle.

I think it is neat to have the blade talk, very creative idea.


The heavily weakened Ultramarine army wavered under the pressure from the silent traitors, outnumbered and weary from the desperate battle with the World Eaters. The planet Denubia was once again home to slaughter as the army led by the masked golden Space Marine butchered the remains of their opponents force.


Some hours later the golden Space Marine stood before an hastily erected altar, on it lay the lifeless body of Arman Aequita. His armour removed and his chest open to the mistfilled air.

Add detail! too much cool stuff could have happened

As the leader of the traitors cut a series of sharp angular shapes in the ultramarines flesh the blood started to flow. Slowly, at first, but it speeded up and suddenly it started to bubble and hiss as it touched the air. A dark shape was manifesting over the corpse of the Ultramarines captain, and a low dark voice could be heard from the thick shadow:


- "Ahhhh, Faceless One, the Massster is pleased. Today both hisss brother and the human corpse-king sssuffered greatly from your handsss. Return to your shipsss and we will find you more... suitable placesss for you and your army to continue His work. But now, feast my friendsss."



Once again, just my personal thoughts on this. Looking forward to more and also interested in seeing this army being built. Hope you get those minis ASAP.

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Thanks for the constructive criticism Hushrong. :) I'll make sure to implement them in my story (had it written down on my computer, so the additions will be most welcome).


Got the parts to start building my lord today, here's a taste of what's to come.



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The Faceless One assembled...



(He is not glued to the base, since there is a lot of details on it that I don't want to miss.)




(No, the backpack isn't fixed with gs, I just didn't have any blu-tac around since it's not glued.)





(I LOVE that helmet/mask, it fits perfectly with the image I had in mind.)

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@ dendrofil:I really like that head.

It has the perfect proportions, I wish the un-helmeted heads were proportioned like this and weren't so enormous.


@ hushrong: I tried Ultramarines but have since changed them to Storm Wardens. I really like the fluff and I've always liked the color scheme. I know I have ADD but I'm working on it lol.

Still pondering on beginning a SoB army. What have you been up to?

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@Mr. M: Nothin much going on with me. I just ordered the last few points for my main army...for the wargame that will not be mentioned here :) haha.


Other than that I am contemplating about whether I should start a Warriors of Chaos Army or wait for SoB/Chaos Renegades & Legion. However long that will take to come out. Whatever I choose I will just start small, get back into the game, and actually paint my army.


Also, I am thinking about restarting my SoM fluff attempts. I found my old stuff in the librarium but lost sight of what I was doing with it.


@dendrofil: Your boy is looking good. Nice aggressive pose and I love the expressionless face. Keep it coming!

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I enjoyed the revised fluff. Those extra bits of detail add much more to the story!


I'm curious to see how your painting comes along for your first Sons of Malice. You stated that most will have the quartered black and white but I was just wondering if the Faceless one will have more gold on him (it's him referred to as the"golden space marine" right?). I wonder this because he has the sanguinary armor so I worry if its too much gold he will look like the BA elites but I also wonder how that armor will look black and white.


Once, I tried to use the same bitz for an Astral Claw Centurion but never got around to do much with him *sad moment of reflection... :D


Also...is that some Skorne stuff I see in the background?

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I enjoyed the revised fluff. Those extra bits of detail add much more to the story!


I'm curious to see how your painting comes along for your first Sons of Malice. You stated that most will have the quartered black and white but I was just wondering if the Faceless one will have more gold on him (it's him referred to as the"golden space marine" right?). I wonder this because he has the sanguinary armor so I worry if its too much gold he will look like the BA elites but I also wonder how that armor will look black and white.


Once, I tried to use the same bitz for an Astral Claw Centurion but never got around to do much with him *sad moment of reflection... :(


Also...is that some Skorne stuff I see in the background?


Thanks, it feels a lot more fleshed out with the extra stuff you helped with. ;) Thanks!


Yeah, the same thing crossed my mind, a fully golden space marine will probably make one think of the Sanguinary Guard, so I'm not entirely sure on how to pull it off. I definately want him mostly in gold, to show that he somehow stands above the rest of his army, in a true Chaos/Malal way.



Yes... it's Skorne. I have a Menoth army as well... :mellow:

You can check them out here if you want to (doesn't feel right discussing them in this thread on this forum, maybe the inquisition will find us...)

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I have to say the Faceless One will present a neat challenge for the earlier stated reasons. That's well over half the fun of doing minis right? :)


Have you gotten any more goodies in and have more of the army assembled?

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Yeah, the same thing crossed my mind, a fully golden space marine will probably make one think of the Sanguinary Guard, so I'm not entirely sure on how to pull it off. I definately want him mostly in gold, to show that he somehow stands above the rest of his army, in a true Chaos/Malal way.


Hmm, for your Golden Warrior, might I suggest using Gold where there is normally White on the SoM? Then use more Gold to trim him out on the black side? You keep the quartered style of the SoM, and the Emphasis of the Gold on the Warrior at the same time.

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I have to say the Faceless One will present a neat challenge for the earlier stated reasons. That's well over half the fun of doing minis right? :tu:


Have you gotten any more goodies in and have more of the army assembled?


I'm currently painting a regular marine, just to get the feel of painting the quartered marines, looks pretty good so far, might throw up a pic later when I'm done.


Yeah, the same thing crossed my mind, a fully golden space marine will probably make one think of the Sanguinary Guard, so I'm not entirely sure on how to pull it off. I definately want him mostly in gold, to show that he somehow stands above the rest of his army, in a true Chaos/Malal way.


Hmm, for your Golden Warrior, might I suggest using Gold where there is normally White on the SoM? Then use more Gold to trim him out on the black side? You keep the quartered style of the SoM, and the Emphasis of the Gold on the Warrior at the same time.


That's a really good idea, makes for a nice contrast while still being unique and not look too "Sanguinary Guardy".

Thanks for the great idea. ;)

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So, finished one regular marine (except for the bolter, can't decide if I should paint it in metals or dark red) in the Malice-colours.

Turned out pretty ok.







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The Son of Malice looks good! As for the bolter both bare metal or a dark red would look good. Perhaps paint a bolter in each color and dry fit them with the SoM to see which one compliments the black and white best.


How will you base your army?

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The Son of Malice looks good! As for the bolter both bare metal or a dark red would look good. Perhaps paint a bolter in each color and dry fit them with the SoM to see which one compliments the black and white best.


How will you base your army?


Thank you! :) I went for the red bolter, probably gonna make the weapons red in the army, a good warm contrast to black and white armour.

Basing? Not sure yet, might go for a neutral "dark sand" type with some slates or something.







Indeed, the white turned out nicely, and the black isn't flat IMO ;)


Cheers dear sir! :D Thanks for the compliment. :) Realised that white is a lot easier to paint when you basecoat the model in white! (True story!)



Aaaaand, here's a few WIP shots of the Faceless One:




My first freehand banner, not sure what to put on the black side though, thought about stars but it may look too fiddly with the small scripture on the other side. Any ideas?



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The red boltgun looks good and that is a lot of awesome free-hand work you have done.


Also, Kristoff's suggestion for the Faceless One is spot on. The quartered gold and black look awesome. You're stuff is looking good so keep it coming!

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Also, Kristoff's suggestion for the Faceless One is spot on. The quartered gold and black look awesome. You're stuff is looking good so keep it coming!


I'm glad it turned out so well, too. It was the only way I could think of to keep everything in theme. As crazy as I am, I do have a good idea every now and then.


I just wish I could paint half as good as you guys, but being new to the hobby, and only managing to get 1 or 2 days a month to work on it, makes things difficult.

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