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ultramarine dice

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As far as I know it's just a superstition, like blowing on them before a roll. Doesn't mean I don't still try it, I've just never noticed any statistical difference. Except that one time my 17 handgunners stood and shot against 11 boar boyz and a warboss on a boar and killed every single one...


Even if you could freeze your dice to make them turn up sixes more often you'd be boned for leadership.

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Used them in 2 games today and they rolled pretty well, actually they rolled average which for me is very good dice rolling.


Was happy with the number of 6's that came up except when my libby had to roll 3 dice for his psychic power vs eldar and all 3 came up 6 :D

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morning chaps, all dice orders have now been sent.

for UK fellas you should recieve them by the end of the week at the latest, for our american brethren, it could be a week or two.. unsure about the european and hong kong deliveries, but im told UK air mail is pretty quick..


can you all let me know when you recieve your orders please, i can then mark you all off.


thanks again and i hope the dice bring much joy and many victories



oh btw do you think it would be unlucky to use my dice in a game tonight.. im using nurgle choas and not my scouts???

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oh btw do you think it would be unlucky to use my dice in a game tonight.. im using nurgle choas and not my scouts???


Yeah not sure about using them for a tainted army, lest Chaos taint spreads into the pure dice...


LOL, I'm going to be using them for disciples of the blood good.

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oh btw do you think it would be unlucky to use my dice in a game tonight.. im using nurgle choas and not my scouts???

Thy dice shalt NOT be used for such an unholy task!

Report to the Reclusiam and perform forty-two days of penance for your tainted thoughts! - During this time you shall have deep thoughts and contenplate the meaning of life, the universe and everything.

Upon completion of this task, our most holy Chaplains will test you and reevaluate your purity...

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Report to the Reclusiam and perform forty-two days of penance for your tainted thoughts! - During this time you shall have deep thoughts and contenplate the meaning of life, the universe and everything.

/whispers in GC08's ear - the answer is 42. Tell 'em so, and then they'll know you're pure!

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What is the meaning of life?

Kill, Maim, burn, Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,Kill, Maim, burn,


hmn 42................................

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Sweet! You didn't tell us you were buying rigged dice, GC08 :tu:


sadly no, these arent rigged, just better behaved than my regular dice.. i stiull rolled my share of ones, even managed 3 gets hot from 4 shots killing one of my own PMs.. those 6s turn up when they are needed though ;)

lets hope they work aswell for my ultramarines

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Oh how rude of me! I forgot to say my dice arrived thank you very much.


They look great, really they do. Got told off by the missus because I spent a whole bunch of time upstairs practicing dice rolling to see how they shape up. So far they appear to be statistically average, which is exactly what I want.


It's certainly very gratifying to see a few agemos staring up at you when you roll a "6".


Great stuff!

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My dice arrived yesterday, as well and they look great! Thanks for the work you've put in for us!


Only gripe would be that I got a vortex dice and 39 gemini instead of 40 gemini, but I'll use that one for sergeants/special characters :) Its not unexpected that some mistake(s) was made in the dividing & shipping. What surprised me the most was my brother's name written on the package, how did you/they know that!

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My dice arrived yesterday, as well and they look great! Thanks for the work you've put in for us!


Only gripe would be that I got a vortex dice and 39 gemini instead of 40 gemini, but I'll use that one for sergeants/special characters :P Its not unexpected that some mistake(s) was made in the dividing & shipping. What surprised me the most was my brother's name written on the package, how did you/they know that!


doh, sorry bout that, it explains why i had one less vortex and one more gemini.. your order was checked twice aswell.. dammit.

thanks for understanding..


i think i took the name from the paypal account..


glad you all like the dice

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