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Just finished painting this guy.


It was a fun model to paint, even though the sculpt left a lot to be desired (The helmet was kind of messed up, but not nearly as bad as some of my other Forgeworld models.)

I'm a big fan of the Carcharodon chapter, loving their violent and mysterious nature as well as their colour scheme so I thought I would try painting one myself.

I just might paint up more of these guys and start a small force.


I'm not that confident with my painting skills and this is actually the first time I'm posting a finished model online.

(Really not a fan of the close-up photo showing every imperfection either...)

But I have to say that I'm quite pleased with how this model turned out.

At first I painted his eyes a dark blue/black with a white dot for reflection, but I decided against it and simply gave them a gloss coat of black.

I think it makes him look more like a violent killing machine :tu:


As you can see the shoulder pad is blank.

Still waiting for Forgeworld to put the Carcharodon transfer sheet up for sale...


Thanks for looking!

// Andreas

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He looks great, i love that armour mark as well.



I can see what you mean about black lenses being good for shark eyes. Maybe if you used dark grey, and a dot of white to give them some more definition? Blue lenses would also look awesome... But less sharky.



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Wow dude you should not be worried bout your skills. That there is great! And I like the lenses, even before reading your reasons for doing them that way. Although I dunno if the gloss is showing up enough, you could always paint a gloss effect with a dot of white, but definitely keep them black.


The brown in the cracks of his feet looks great and I think it might work over the whole marine. Anyway, superb job!

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Love the look of this model, and I agree with you; The fluff for the Carch Astra's is pretty fantastic in the IA. I ordered a unit from Forge World just to paint up because it looked like fun with all the retro-armor and the Polynesian designs placed around the armor and weapons.


I've always been a fan of the old-school Space Shark red helmet stripe though.


As for decals, I just downloaded a set from Bolter and Chainsword. Haven't printed them out yet, but they look like they will work fine. ( http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...mp;showfile=312 )

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Whoa, thanks for all the praise guys, it's really motivating to read that you're doing something right :)

Didn't think I would get so much response to be honest.

I'm working on another Carcharodon in full Corvus armour at the moment.

As for the transfers.

I think I'm going to wait.

I'm sure the sheet from Forgeworld will be awesome.

I'm already stocked with Microset and Sol, but thanks for the advice :)


Tagsta: I work mainly with Vallejo, and in this case I used a lot of their airbrush paints.

I love these as they have some awesome natural muted tones and they are chock full of pigment, plus I don't need to thin them.

I started by priming the model black.

I then airbrushed Vallejo Model Air: Dark Sea Grey (Fitting name eh?) which I highlighted with VMA: Light Grey.

I thought I would paint it with the pre-shading technique, but I ended up filling in the shadows with Dark Sea Grey in the end, so I might as well have painted the basecoat with a brush.

I then painted the studs/rivets with VMA: Bright Brass, a colour I really like. It's a very pale brass that almost looks like silver with a slight tint of yellow to it.

Next I did the chipping by mixing Black and Scorched Brown which I applied with a tiny piece of sponge.

I then gave the entire model a coat of gloss varnish to help with the washes. I airbrushed Future Floor Wax, or Johnsons Floor Polish as it's called here in Sweden.

I then washed the model sparingly with the oh so lovely Devland Mud from GW.

I then gave it a coat of matt varnish.

After that I painted some tiny scratches on the model with VMA: Light Grey.

These aren't very noticeable on the photo, but you can clearly see them on the chain-bayonet.


Again, thanks for the replies people.

I might just paint one more after I finish the one in Corvus armour.

And then another, and another...

Here's hoping the motivation stays, as I've never finished painting an army before, or even a full squad.

I'm a slow painter who tends to buy and build more than he paints... I'm sure some of you know how it is ^_^

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Thanks peeps! ;)


Solid Zaku: I never thought of that.

I might try it on a spare head to see what it looks like.

I kinda like the metal Death Guard model with round eyes so it might look cool on a loyalist as well.


Dark Sensei: I'm quite handy with putty myself and it's something I'm considering for my characters, but for the basic troopers I'm going with the upcoming Forgeworld transfers :P


I'm finished with the second Carcharodon marine, this time in full Corvus armour.

Seeing how you guys seem to like them I think I might do some more and start a project log.

It might help me stay motivated.

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Ok, so I've decided.

I'm turning this thread into a my first project blog.

Really hoping I will stay motivated enough to finish an army of Carcharodons or at least a full squad.


Picture time!

Here's the new marine I finished today together with his murderous brother:


Over all, I'm happy with how he turned out, even though I'm not a huge fan of the Corvus armour.

They just don't look as brutal with that big pointy beak!

I bought a set of five from Forgeworld, and now I feel I should have just bought another set of MKV Heresy marines instead.

Oh well...


In my struggle to settle on an army (I have planned to start more armies than I can remember) I've painted a few Marines just to get a feel for different colour schemes, so I thought I'd take a photo of two of them together with their mysterious grey-armoured brothers.



I'm trying to decide if I should paint another Carcharadon in Heresy armour now or if I should go with one in Maximus armour instead...


Thanks for looking!

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Picture time!

Here's the new marine I finished today together with his murderous brother:


Over all, I'm happy with how he turned out, even though I'm not a huge fan of the Corvus armour.

They just don't look as brutal with that big pointy beak!


They look brilliant, though I see what you mean about the MkVI, it doesn't help that his brother has a chainblade bayonet compared to his little kitchen knife. ;)

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The smell of blood in the water attracts more sharks...


BAM! MK IV Marine:



Pretty happy with how this one turned out.

The colour scheme really suits this type of helmet in my opinion.


Next up is probably a special weapon wielding Marine in Heresy armour.

Going to magnetize him so he can switch between Bolter, Plasma, Melta and Flamer.


Thanks for looking :P

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