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Stobz'z Legends.... Hello Darkness, my old friend...

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Only two DW dreads, three GW dreads shown earlier, and one Mortis Relic Contemptor still to be assembled.

My plan is to get a FW HH DA Legion Mortis Contemptor once they create one and a FW Chappy dread in the nearer future.

That would see me hopefully stop at eight.

I must assume you have tonnes? :D




Edit: fixing tablet induced oopsies

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Only two DW dreads, three GW dreads shown earlier, and one Relic Conteptor still to be assembled.

My plan is to get a FW HH DA Mortis once they create one and a FW Chappy dread in the nearer future.

That woud see me hopefully stop at eight.

I must assume you have tonnes? :devil:



I dunno, how much does a Dread weigh? Linky

You know me, go big or go home. I really do like playing massive Apoc games.

I've also a DA FW Dread , a FW Ven Dread as a Libbi dread and a couple more Gunfighters, and on my backburner I'm working on a tracked Techi Dread.

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Morning, thanks Brothers.

fmp: My eyes!!! I'm blind!!! Damn your damning, now you will have to come and take my models away, you should probably pay my mortgage too. Cheers, at least you won't get beaten to some imaginary mark any more :D

Take your models away? No problem....can I pass them off as my own? :)

Mortgage? Not so sure about that :)


Loving the work as usual - looking forward to seeing what you can finish before Xmas....dunno about you but in about 3 weeks time all hell will break loose in my house and I won't even see a paint brush for about 2 weeks! :)

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fmp: It's all or nothing dude :P and I recon there are about ten evenings left in Dec before it goes mad here too. Half will be painting, the other half will be exercising so no big projects in the pipes.


Bro I: For your support and constant sillyness, I hereby grant you life membership to all my retarded clubs.


Ihg: Glad to be of some motivation to you, it's a really fun mini to paint too.





BTW: here is a pic of a WIP(CML) and a test model('Eadless) for my new weathered scheme, any thoughts?


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hmmmm dirty or clean is the big question, see so many great armies with dirt and damage and so many clean armies its hard to judge, they both look great I think, cant really make out is that just dirt, or metal damage as well?


The white on these is really well done, do you start with a black base or white?


As I said before though they both look great and its really a matter of choice

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Dirty it is then, much better visual depth to that one irl.

I guess it's time to take the plunge properly, I am waiting (for the last 18months in fact) for a new dex with new DW plastics before I confirm which sqds become the 1st and 2nd elite ones. I'm hoping it's not much longer, these boys were sqd 1and 2 but will be relegated down the pecking order once my dream comes true <_<


Oh sorry, Dark Rage they are based white.

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Bro I: For your support and constant sillyness, I hereby grant you life membership to all my retarded clubs.


I cant help it. Sillyness is the way to go when you feel down.


As for the membership I feel greatly honored.

As for the terminators, great work as always. It is one of the few white schemes that can convince me of that look (as opposed to the yellow-ing).

Want to see the final look on the power weapons.

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Brother I: Fun is fun is fun, way more fun than not fun :P The PWs will be the same style as the Dread ones (I hope).


Chaplain L: Agreed, it is Mo betterer, I just needed to be brave.


Cactus: From scratch it is easy (redoing these already painted ones actually takes me a little longer)


Spray White (twice),

Brown ink into recesses,

Fix overpainting with white,

Devlan(Agrax) wash shading a little outside recesses,

White fix to finish clean look,

30% Agrax, 70%thinners wash over whole model guiding wash to where shadows form, (avoiding pooling etc)

Drybrush White ,

Super light edge drybrush chainmail,

Stipple Black on with munted brush for B-Damage,

The end.


Elmo: There you go ^^^, nearly the same as you ;) Cheers again for the advice and great attitude mate.


EPK: I felt the same, it takes about 45 minutes to weather each one, on top of about 45 to remove and hide some of the trim etc I never really liked. Not to mention how long it takes to paint them up to clean ;) Glad to hear it's worth it though.


G8Keeper: That's the spirit, looking at brushes won't achieve anything :cuss




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