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Stobz'z Legends.... Hello Darkness, my old friend...

Go to solution Solved by Interrogator Stobz,

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Haha; I've just touched up an old metal Master I haven't used since Apocalypse was new. He was a part of my Masters of the Chapter unit and they did well in their time but sat gathering dust since our groups large battle days dwindled.

His pose is a bit clunky to make bits fit and I dropped off his Plasma pistol for a Storm Bolter to meet the points required for Chaplain Lucifer's Feast of Blades challenge.
As he's an older paintjob he is not my best work, but he's okay. I added some highlights, powered up his Hammer and fully painted his left arm and both pads, took two nights and was a bit of a "rush job" ;)

pic to follow...
EDIT: here is the pic, damn he's a bit rough on the big screen :P he is of the same generation as Master Ramiel in the first post of this thread but without a complete birthday.




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Thanks Tan, but I am just busy, not dead ;)


I still need harassment but keeping it limited would help at keeping this thread manageable :P


My aim is to average one termie per week; these Comd dudes take a bit longer because they are from new, but the next three squads are in various stages already and some only need re - arming. Then there's another squad to be undercoated which will take a while and will bring me to six x five man units.

Then I suppose it's Ravenwing...




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Hi Master C, crave no longer ;)

I undercoat white, then I basecoat Hawk turquoise/Sotek green the fingers only, then it's a good wash with Nuln oil ensuring that there is plenty in recesses. Let it dry properly before the next stage.

Then high light all the edges and make some thick squiggles with Ice/Lothern blue both on the fingers and up the hand, then add Ceramite white highlights irregularly inside the blue ones.

Asurman/Drakenhof wash around the lightening squiggles then rehighlight some of the white bits for emphasis.


Feeling enlightened yet?




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  • 2 weeks later...

Brother Lemuel:

(He was going to be the Apothecary but thanks to some make no sense and major suck rules about their powerfists that'll never happen :wink: )



CC option...



Aaarggh; it looks like there is a bit to tidy up once I have time, that and I may swap some arms around to give the best possible poses once they're all done.


One to go, yippee!


Log, Log, Log.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Yep, bit slow fo'sho'.

I only have the weathering and scrollwork to do on the last dude, should have him finished tonight and pics shortly after. His base will still be a little boring for a few more days after that...but then they will get a full squad pic :smile.:


What Non Loyal followers? Let me at them :devil:

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