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Stobz'z Legends.... Hello Darkness, my old friend...

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Like the other slacker of this board (aka Arkley) I've never thought I would live old enough to see such pics... :D


Just a question : do you plan to darken the metal or are the 2 reactors finished? (they look a little "high elf armour like to me :unsure: )

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Shhhh! Quiet Everyone! We've not seen the elusive Thunderhawk Painting Stobz in quite some time, they only appearing from the bush every few years or so! Don't scare it away!

Why does this remind me of the commentary on a David Attenborough nature program??


As the predator approached, bobz stopped what he was doing and with whiskers twitching, bounded into the undergrowth... ;)

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Only three nights painting this week, but in the interest of keeping my hassling club unemployed:


This bit is now done:


And this bit is now done:


And this bit is now done:


And these bits are done:


And this bit is done:



Soooo; that pretty much means the whole body is done and all I have to do is the little bits that open and close like the undercarriage and hinges for bits etc. then I can begin working on a stand/base.


Log, Log, Log...




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Thanks guys, Master A: after undercoating I painted it Leadbelcher, nuln oil twice, tidied up with Lead belcher again, washed the recesses with 50% water/Asurman blue, tidied up again, washed with agrax wash and a final very light tidy up. Simple but effective I'd like to think.


Cheers again dudes, I'm on a roll with this thing.... might even glue it together soon :biggrin.:

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Ah, the cheekiness never ends :tongue.:

(I'm loving how Brother Mard's black 30k Epic Fire Raptors look, 40k Ravenwing anyone? I'm keen, just need to check with the bank :sick: )


I realised last night as I was painting hydraulic landing gear stuff; this flying critter doesn't have a proper 40k name, I'm not using my pet name 'Ferdinand the flying Bull' and can't think of a better one.

Help much? 




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In the words of +Isiah+..."EXCELLENT".

I'm also kind of hoping for a person type name that fits on one normal sized vehicle scroll (as seen in the nose cone/first pic on this page). For the captain of this mighty vessel.

Maybe- Arklos, Blairiel or Slacker'z etc. :wink:


I will definitely be chucking a bit of freehand writing on him somewhere, that might very well include your suggestions Bryan mate :smile.:

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Stobz, the Thunderhawk bitz are looking ace but I think you will have to break all that green and metal when assembled with a tertiary colour (like bone white), to make the aforemetion green and metal pop. a diagonal stripe(s) along the side of the hull might do the trick.

Just my 2 cents

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The name should be something Greenwing-esque/Chapter-esque.  The name shouldn't be one better suited to the Ravenwing or Deathwing.


As to the markings, you've gone through the trouble of painting up the 3rd Company- make it a 3rd Company Thunderhawk!  So, keep it mostly green, and paint it with the red bend sinister (i.e. the red stripe). If you do such a bend on the fuselage, the placement should look normal when you put it on the LEFT side of the  fuselage, and it should be MIRRORED on the RIGHT side of the fuselage (meaning the position of the tan bend on the right side fuselage of the Thunderhawk in Siege of Vraks would be WRONG for the red bend sinister of the 3rd Company).  The stripe position should be like so:



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