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Stobz'z Legends.... Hello Darkness, my old friend...

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  • 2 weeks later...

More bikie-plasmarie talonnny goodness; Brother Cassiel waits with the patience of the Hunter for the rest of his squadron mates to get painted (so he can get weathered and based by the ever slack soon to be servitor Brother Stobz), and finally be used on the battlefield of Tabbeltupp with them in righteous awesomenessness.





"Because a vision softly creeping..."


Log, Log,Log...




Edited by Brother Stobz
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cause a vision softly creeping..."


Log, Log,Log...




Left its seeds while I was sleeping? I fear you may need to report to the reculsium for some moral stiffening, sounds like the onset of heresy to me.:biggrin.: 

In other news very nice I'm sure Brother Cassiel wont mind waiting around for a little bit if he can be assured that his squad mates to be are up to his standard:thumbsup:

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  • 1 month later...

Well, a month has gone by and I haven't managed to paint more than 3/4 of an RWK. Sorry :P

But, I did get an epic four player, 2.5k per player, kill point game in; with my Dangles and Ageis's Flesh Tearers vs Rylds Daemons and another mates Eldar there was a tonne of aggression in the middle.

 It was a pretty brutal affair with the Flesh Tearers charging up the middle and my Raven/Death supporting their charge by picking on isolated units and keeping the fringe support units busy.

This Pic is the bottom of the 2nd turn, things got pretty messy from there and the Imperium came away with a solid win. The beginning was all us but the reserving daemons did manage to smash some respectability into the score later on.

They couldn't finish a lot of our units off which hurt them when all was said and done.

Score 15-8.





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Stobz, if you meant a Relic one for the contemptor dread. Technically the one from the BaC box is a Relic Contemptor. It just doesn't the overtly relic aquila nor the overtly Relic canopy for above the head.
Check them out. That's pretty much the difference in the BaC Contemptor and the FW Relic Contemptor.


Edit - Nevermind. I see where that was meant for now. lol. It would be crazy if they made a Relic Leviathan...

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Well it looks like **** went down!


Just keep looking at that land raider pulling that wheelie and thinking the same thing.


Looks like a fun game.



 i believe that was just after the death company came out of the raider and force feed the avatar his own spleen. 

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....a little Mind Wipe on the Avatar from my Libby didn't hurt either, some pretty good team work was seen, I thinks that's what made the difference...a plan (of sorts). Not like the Death Company need a plan though, crazy psychos that they are :devil: Great work Ageis mate.

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....a little Mind Wipe on the Avatar from my Libby didn't hurt either, some pretty good team work was seen, I thinks that's what made the difference...a plan (of sorts). Not like the Death Company need a plan though, crazy psychos that they are :devil: Great work Ageis mate.


worked pretty well.


plan? what you mean :


Stobz: Bro, what's our plan of attack?


Ageis: Raaaaaaggggggggeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!


Stobz: ahh so up the center is it?......cool....-_-

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Cheers for hosting Stobz, it was a good game. Even if we had finished off the last of those units (honestly, how hard were the last two marines in each of those units to kill????) you guys would have still had a comfortable win. I tell you what though, the beasts of nurgle took you both by surprise (and myself TBH :happy.: ) I only lost one, and they soaked up so much hate from you two. 


Good times!

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Cheers for hosting Stobz, it was a good game. Even if we had finished off the last of those units (honestly, how hard were the last two marines in each of those units to kill????) you guys would have still had a comfortable win. I tell you what though, the beasts of nurgle took you both by surprise (and myself TBH :happy.: ) I only lost one, and they soaked up so much hate from you two. 


Good times!


yeah those things are pretty dam hard to move. nice work.

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  • 4 weeks later...

And then there were three...


Brother Anovel joins the ranks of the Ravenwing Knights (on the left):



"Left its seeds while I was sleeping"...


Thought I'd better leave them in the company of Interrogator Methuselah in case those seeds are heretical :laugh.:


Log, Log, Log...





Edit: Man that's a terrible pic, oh well, consider it a teaser.

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  • 1 month later...

Woot - woot!


But you already knew that anyway ;)


The move from the usual white iconography to the grey works really well, the PS is ace but you seem to have forgotten to base him - just a small point ;)

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