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Stobz'z Legends.... Hello Darkness, my old friend...

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Arkley mate, you really need to get cracking or that big vow of yours is going to be really hard to complete.

Gillyfish, thanks dude.

Loki, I keep my armies up my sleevies just like everyone else. ;) probably be some more greenwing.

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Arkley mate, you really need to get cracking or that big vow of yours is going to be really hard to complete.

Gillyfish, thanks dude.

Loki, I keep my armies up my sleevies just like everyone else. :wink: probably be some more greenwing.


I am hoping to start this weekend I have has a few issues that have delayed my starting but I wont bore you :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay I'm back with a slightly late weekly update, I just had an epic 2000pt game with and his Flesh Tearers against my Greenwing, we got a 18 all draw at the bottom of the seventh turn. Awesome!!!


But while my board was out I decided to take a quick pic of my Third Company vehicles with IronWing attachments to show how much I love walls of green :tongue.:


I spent two nights painting details and two doing decals, there are a couple of very minor finishing points with my ETL15 Pred vow which I hope to finish tonight, but you can see them hiding at the back anyway.




Do I have a GodHammer fetish?


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Predator Assassination Force:




Now I've run out of Rhino Chassis vehicles to paint (thank the Emprah). Next vow will have to be something else ;)


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Looking great (as usual); can't wait to see what comes next...


By the look of things it's going to have to be big points if we are going to hold out in the ETL this year!

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Morning guys

Thanks for the kind words Tygwyn, I will hopefully get about 1000 points done total but I'm not the fastest painter in the West ;)

Also, my collection of totally unpainted minis is limited, which is a great thing but limits what I have to choose from.


Bryan mate, the third is called Punisher :P



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Not those units; they look cool but I've got two full units each of Devs and Assault marines so will pass on those. I am only waiting for the next dex from a funds point of view, it stops me buying any new minis (likely to be FW in origin, I'm looking at you Fellblade and Sicaran :thumbsup: ) while I wait.


My unpainted stuff does include some pods and RW, I think I'll start with the Pods, pics tonight...


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Nice group of armor there, but only two Rhinos?. You do know you need eight more of those for your 3rd Company, right?.


"I know, but I want to paint all of the cool stuff!"


Shut up, you, and get to work on those eight Rhinos!  Ebay has tons of them that have been bad-touched by spray cans/paint brushes...er... I mean the STC machine is cranking those things out, so it is not like there is a shortage of them or anything.  And don't forget that Thunderhawk! Nothing gets planet-side without it!

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Cheers Shabbz, remember the assault squads don't need them and all my RBs heavy weapons (I have HBs magnetised too) including the HQ one remove to make them Rhinos. I've got enough to stay away ffrom the bad touched ones ;)

Thunderhawk is back on the table after the ETL15 :tu:

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Cheers Shabbz, remember the assault squads don't need them..

Of course they do.  Assault Marines don 't hoof it across planets.  Anything in power armor that isn't mounted on a bike or is vehicle crew gets a Rhino, excepting HQ units which get Razorbacks/Land Raiders.


But...as long as those RBs are convertable, I guess you are mostly off the hook.  So, you have nine.  You should have 10 Rhinos for the Company units, and two RBs for the Master and Chaplain HQ units.  Plus another RB for a Techmarine + Servitors contingent (people always forget the hard-working Techmarines, don't they).  By my count, that is only four more you need, and I just know you would want to do a RB with a slight Techmarine theme, with some cog wheel markers on it in place of the unit type/squad number symbols.  You've got a Techmarine done already, but no Servitor retinue or transport for him, so... :tongue.:


Don't think you are in Chamber #42 or anything though.  I just spent about an hour going through the entire thread, and this is about the most complete and nicely painted Company I've seen in a long time, and that's not even taking into account the numerous 1st and 2nd Company units you've also painted.  The above recommendations are just about helping nudge the insanity towards its ultimate destination, and some merciless tongue lashing and gnashing of the teeth can but only help. :biggrin.:


And I would say you are surely in the running for "Best Project Thread on The B&C". :cool.:


Edit: And you get three swords up! http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e245/btmcrae/dasmiley.gifhttp://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e245/btmcrae/dasmiley.gifhttp://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e245/btmcrae/dasmiley.gif

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Thanks for the lovely comments about my thread mate :thumbsup: without the BnC and this thread I'd probably revert to my old painting speed of damned close to nearly stopped :tongue.: The awesome support here has kept me motivated for the last few years for sure.

Please donate to the BnC fundraiser to support this thread :laugh.: SHAMELESS PLUG!!!


My intention for the vehicles is:

To use the front RB/Rhino (un-numbered) to transport Ramiel my Company Master with his Comd Sqd,

The LR Helios (tpt capacity also 6) to transport Nathaniah the Techmarine and another Comd sqd with 5x Plasma guns and storm shields (counts as more Vets) instead of servitors (which I don't like the look of),

Interrogator Chaplain Isiah with Jump Pack will arrive with one of the two Assault squads (both of which have jumped out of an imaginary Thunderhawk (until it's finished) so they are not hoofin' it around the planet,

I then use the left two actual Rhinos (#1 and 2) to carry two squads of actual Veterans (they replace the first two tactical squads in my Company because I prefer that version of the fluff),

The next four RB/Rhinos (#3-6) are for the four actual Tactical squads I have,

And the right two RB/Rhinos (#9 and 10) are for the two squads of Company Devastators.


TL/DR: I don't think I need any more Rhino chassis vehicles :tongue.:


Now saying that;

I might get a Damocles to stand in for the new C:SM command vehicle if we are allowed them (because I prefer the model, the new one is too gaudy for me),

I will definitely be getting a LR Achilles soon (tpt capacity 6) to put another Comd sqd and character into in the near future, along with a couple of Relic Sicarans for epic looking shootybangness and a Relic Fellblade to smash big stuff (both when funds allow).


So rest assured that I will not be stopping the armoured company project anytime soon (especially at my speed) :biggrin.: It will just not include anymore Rhinos as purely transports. Sorry mate :tongue.:


Two green Deathstorm Drop Pods with Whirlwind launchers are on the painting/construction table now as they've been vowed in the ETL15.


Pics of first bits soon...I hope.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Bit late of an update, it took longer to get two pods to the same state as three Preds. That is; magnetizing the top to come off to allow them to be used with my Veteran Squads, then painting Leadbelcher, DA Green and Black and tidying up all my slips.





Loads of washing to do next.


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Man, this new dex rumouring is biting into my ETL painting time A LOT!!! ;)

Weekly update: Two nights washing with Nuln, one night layering green, one layering leadbeltcher, one preliminary weathering and prelim detailing:




Not sure how theyr'e going to fit into my army now, but the pic shows how they fit together with magnets :P


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