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Inglorious Drunkards² (Tavern Brawls + Solo Duels)


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NIGHT ONE: Inglorious Drunkards

Team Decoy

- Decoy (pack leader, Storm Claw) H3

- Brother Crazywolf (Storm Claw) H3

- Firenze (Iron Priest) H3

- elithren (Grey Slayer) H3


Team hendrik

- hendrik ironskull (pack leader, Wolf Guard)SOLO BONUS: +1 Initiative. I5

- hrothgar the bold (Chapter Master Ignis Domus, 2nd in command, Wolf Guard) SOLO BONUS: +1 Attack. I5

- skadi, the she-wolf (Grey Hunter) SOLO BONUS: +1 Initiative. I5

- forte the unweilding (Blood Claw) I5

- Wolf Lord Kieran, the Talon of Fenris (Grey Hunter) I5

Team Nrth

- Nrtrhstar (pack leader, Grey Hunter) B2

- postal (2nd in command, Grey Hunter) B2

- Arez (Grey Slayer) B2

- Zynk Kaladin (Grey Hunter) B2


Team Alex

- commander alexander (pack leader, Grey Slayer) C3

- Rune_Priest_Rhapsody (Grey Hunter) C3

- Vantius (Blood Claw) C3

- Loki-LaughingDeath (Blood Claw) C3


SOLO or Undecided

- Wysten (Wolf Scout) F5

- Brother Ramses (Tyr Bloodmaw, Grey Slayer) SOLO BONUS: +1 Initiative. E5

- Runepriest2007

- Wolf Lord Metuhs (Storm Claw)

- Reyner (Grey Slayer)

- Chef Wulfen (Long Fang) D5

- Torin (Blood Claw)


If I'm forgetting someone let me know. Last minute changes for teams and such, can still be done before the brawl. Let me know if everyone is happy with their teams or you wish to be added to a team. I'm at work right now and posting from the phone. Brawl starts Friday, August 12. 10:00pm

Had Hendrik already PMed you the location and strategy?

strategy, yes. location, no.

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good to see hrothgar picked a location, i'll take an I boost :)

Curses, you're back. Now I can't stage a coup behind your back. :)

you watch it hrothgar! don't forget who you're dealing with! ;)

and aye i'm back,although not from the wedding but from a night out. the wedding will be tomorrow/today, depending how you look at it!


now stand firm brothers, for we'll let them feel the thunder of fenris!

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I've decided on an extra attack for my bonus.


An initiative bonus should complement my extra attack well.


:) so which is it? +1 I, or +1 A. Try to keep things clear so I don't get confused people :) The brawl wont start until everyone is on the map. This is a new pace, and a slow paced brawl. Giving everyone the opportunity to have the time to plan and coordinate their location, and tactics with me, or with your team, unless your solo of course. Deadline for EVERYONE to have their stuff submitted is 10pm mountain/pacific time.

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I've decided on an extra attack for my bonus.


An initiative bonus should complement my extra attack well.


:) so which is it? +1 I, or +1 A. Try to keep things clear so I don't get confused people :) The brawl wont start until everyone is on the map. This is a new pace, and a slow paced brawl. Giving everyone the opportunity to have the time to plan and coordinate their location, and tactics with me, or with your team, unless your solo of course. Deadline for EVERYONE to have their stuff submitted is 10pm mountain/pacific time.


The extra attack. I was referring to the extra initiative that MavGirl and Hendrik took.


And 10:00 PM your time is in about fifteen minutes?

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Hrothgar the Clever does always watch his mouth. It's right below his eyes.

Er....that's your nose and cheeks!


Your filling me with confidence....how long does it take a Wolf Guard to beat a Blood Claw again?


Hurry back Hendrik!!!!

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Tavern Master: easy lads! keep your cool, I'm still waiting on the following people for their location and actions:

- Runepriest2007 (?)

- Wolf Lord Metuhs (Storm Claw)

- Zynk Kaladin (Grey Hunter)

- Reyner (Grey Slayer)

- Torin (Blood Claw)

Feel free to harass these wolves via offline to get this tavern brawl rolling! I've got everyone's location and intended targets noted, except those listed. Truth be told, I can't wait for the first person to be booted out of the tavern, shaven bald, de-fanged and dressed as a Dark Angel. The humiliation will stay with the drunk for a long time! Anyway, start plotting! start making alliances or tag-teams. This should be interesting! new season, slower paced. But at least this time, hopefully things will go smoothly.

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Ruddy net. Anyways! Hello, all. And at this point, anyone who's solo is welcome to join Decoy's pack. (I'm eyeing you, Ramses.)


The Decoy pack will, unless my pack members have any objection, start out at H3.


All good with that. Good to see you back online Decoy. Do we need to call some cogboys for you?


*priming the power clippers* I wonder who is first? Hmm...

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