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Clever Girl... - Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge


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Awesome, thanks Wayward :) Saves me time doing it myself and the larger size makes it all the easier to colour :) Hopefully be able to get some good time on Octavius tomorrow to get more than a knee pad done.


Ever need some minor tweak like that, or resizing of any kind, just drop me a pm and I'll get you sorted it. The artist needs to focus on the art! Leave the minor tasks to the unworthy! :)

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If it makes you feel any better, I'm gonna want to do the same to you, as I'm going to make this guy into a mini based on your pic. ^_^


And they say all is grim in 40K...=)


I've decided to end this series of requests with a last-minute drawing for Wayward. It's a matter of gratitude, really, the damned arm was annoying me to no end and leaving a persistent stain on a character I was otherwise very happy with. I'll ask him to post his request here.

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Have you got anymore information on this new project of yours to share with us yet? I'm really eager to find out what awesomeness you are going to bless our eyes with next!
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lol, while we're at it my guy pulls up and tries to sit but then realizes he lacks any lower legs so decides to remain floating. :tu:


But seriously I really like the direction you're going with these new guys coming out. I always like to scroll through all of them from start to finish and realize how your skill has grown. Funnily I think (no bias) that around the time you drew my guy you started to create the newer cooler guys. I hope this lasts for a very long time!

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@Rafen: Not saying you're biased, mate, but before your Chapter Master, I'd drawn Sigismund, Vulkan, and all the Raptors, which are some of my best drawings to this day. And your guy, while seemingly "plain" due to the "cloak", is a charismatic piece. No offense taken, though, I accept your point. Thanks =)


Guys, I really can't tell you anything about the project, next week or the other there'll be news regarding it. It's not easy to keep it silent, I'd very much like to make a riddle out of this, but in this case, it pays to be secretive.

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Ahah No, it's not that. Anyway, they're past that point, I assume - and they've done a great job in terms of visuals, both conceptually and on the finished product.


I think Slaine69 did some concept art for them - not sure how much -, so they're clearly on the right track.


This project is the creation of both my partners-in-crime and myself. Once we release the first batch of information, things will be made clearer.


By the way, Wayward requested a Dark Angels Terminator. Nice!

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Perfectly fine by me, mate, as with every other drawing of mine. I do appreciate if you mention me as the source of the characters' design, since, well, I kind of aim/dream/fantasize of becoming a concept artist for GW.


In Cyren's case, though, honour is to be shared with Retributis, he's the brainfather of the character (and designer of some of his wargear).

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Brilliant cheers, and credit where credit is due is no issue ;)


Now I just have to think up a suitably grimdark bit of fluff for him....what do you think to the "loincloth" being crafted from the skulls and tanned skins of a class of Schola Progenium cadets? :D

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Do you have a Liber thread for your chapter?


If you mean me chief, the Star Phantoms are one of the chapters from the FW Badab War books, think WHFB Morr meets Ecclesiarchy with a taste for big guns, drop-pods, and indiscriminate fire into the ranks of your allies B)

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Are you planning on doing commission pieces for profit now? I am definitely interested in having you draw something for my war room. PM me if you are going that way.


No mate, not in the near future. I have a really big project coming up, once I finish the two requests I have left, I'll be starting on it with all my soul.

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Hey, Heathens...have a nice headache converting your guy. You're the one who requested him. ;p Kidding. If you prefer a larger version, you can download it from deviantart, mate.




One of those drawings that took ages to find the right pose. Alas, I chose this tilted perspective purely because I thought it looked cool, but I can imagine this guy clearing an escape route through a crippled Imperial cruiser after looting the thing with his warband.


He's an ex Marine Malevolent, but he acts with Huron's blessing, which explains the Red Corsairs symbol on his midriff. It also explains the symbol that makes the hilt of his sword, a gift from Huron.


While we're at it, those are the bones of a poor Star Phantom, a Chapter he hates since they're responsible for exposing his lower jaw and half his face. The helm on his trophy rack is also from a Star Phantom and, riveted to his leg armour is a macabre parody of the Phantoms' symbol.


Very fun, but deceptively hard to draw, this one. As always, I hope you like it, heathens, guys and gals. And thank you, Heathens, for your great idea for this guy.


Now for some more Dark Angels goodness. It's walking-cathedral time. Cheers, fellows.

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