Subtle Discord Posted May 1, 2018 Author Share Posted May 1, 2018 Yup yup yup! Besides the obvious large hardware it would need all sorts of hooks, loops, stowed cable/chain, pullies, and when my 'soft' modeling skills get up to snuff, some cloth elements like gunny sacks and other random stowage. Cast them separate so the builder can add them where they see fit. Initial test print complete and parts are starting to fit together as intended. Progress! Using the new parts as a reference I further refined the geometry correction and started another print to be done as I sleep. I think these last adjustments will compensate for the issues with the distortion of the round components. If not I think I'll need to contact the manufacturer for some extra input. They do well the support the units they sell and help people get them working as intended, so I'm optimistic either which way. Beyond that, the detail is just spot on. This last run had all four Pintle Weapons and each one came out nicely; the corrigated hose is corrugated, the plasma coils are defined, curved surfaces are smooth, and all the barrels and vents are all perfectly formed. I'm practically frothing at the mouth to get this last geometry issue resolved. :) Brother Casman 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sarabando Posted May 1, 2018 Share Posted May 1, 2018 id love a fake deimos doors for the regular rhino that just plugs in where the normal hex door sits. That would be great for my White scars. Subtle Discord 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JeffTibbetts Posted May 1, 2018 Share Posted May 1, 2018 I actually like the idea of vehicle accessory kits in general. Stowage and pouches, maybe even armor patches (we could model or own battle damage peeking out from beneath) and gas cans, etc. In fact, I would love to see things like scatter terrain packs as well. It would be VERY difficult to infringe on IP in this case. I do think some terrain projects are a safe and profitable option. I was thinking about the dread legs, and I know there's demand for alternative methods of locomotion. Treads. Spider-legs a la the Onager, etc. Maybe even a hover option if you could make it look brutal and beefy enough. Or even something resembling Repulsor plates. Maybe Iron Hands players would dig those. Lexington and Subtle Discord 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sarge501st Posted May 2, 2018 Share Posted May 2, 2018 I second that rhino door idea. Also what about a drop pod/dread claw conversion kit. Make a bottom plate with a hatch and some extra fins for the sides. Also like the sound of the stormraven/storm eagle conversion kit and renegade knight extras. I can see endless possibilities....... Subtle Discord and Sgt. Blank 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Subtle Discord Posted May 2, 2018 Author Share Posted May 2, 2018 What a glorious day, and completely fitting since it happens to be May 1st; not only a day to celebrate the onset of spring but also a day to recognize workers’ rights. After a late April cold snap that had it snowing in my area when it’s usually raining, today is finally warm enough to let me open up the windows to the studio and let some fresh spring air in. Conversely, as someone who believes that the world is shifting into a new era that will see major changes in how many will perceive and engage in work, I can identify only too well with the idea of workers having control over their circumstances and fate, as I attempt to get my modest studio up-and-running. This actually touches on a topic I want to elaborate on more as I consider the future of the studio and just how I want it to be structured internally and within the marketplace; I see what I think is an opportunity to create something new and unique to/for the tabletop gaming community, but I digress for now, as I need to get my own start-up issues sorted out before I seriously start considering my next step/s. So, to that end, I woke up today to a new set of components completed by Servitor Solus as I slept… “That’ll do pig… That’ll do.” - Babe (Yes, I’m an oddly eclectic mix of cultural references) I’ll need to do a few more prints to ensure that these results will be consistent, but this is looking really good! As recommended by the manufacturer I was initially printing at 25µ XY resolution to get everything setup and running. It’s amazingly precise but it only provides a build area of 48x27mm to work with. While many things can actually fit in this area and larger objects can be cut down (and assembled after printing but before mould making), it’s still a very cramped space to work with despite the excellent resolution. The resolution was so fine that I was hoping that printing at 42µ XY wouldn’t impact the quality too much, but I wouldn’t know until I gave it a try. So since I needed to adjust the setup anyhow I chose to switch to the 42µ XY resolution which will provide a much more useful 80x45mm build area. For this print, I also experimented with a 15µ Z (layer) resolution, where I’ve been using 25µ Z (layer) resolution up to this point. While there is a slight drop in print quality it really is so subtle that I don’t think it will be an issue at all; a layer of primer and a few layers of paint should deal the vast majority of any issues since most are as small as flaws you find in a styrene injection moulded GW kit. A tiny bit of sanding should deal with any of the ‘bad’ spots and I use the word loosely since even the ‘bad’ spots are still really very good. Once I’m more confident in the calibration I’ll do some painting tests to see what the threshold is to aim for to avoid issues. I’m still working out the finer points of support placement, so I had a few small issues with some surfaces deforming just a little bit with this print. The software used to generate the supports can do it automatically, but it tends to be very heavy-handed and lacks accuracy so lots of time is spent cleaning up what was created in an effort to save time. I’ve since started placing my own supports and have gotten good results, but there are a few situations that I need more practice dealing with. I’ve had very few absolute failures but I have had a few issues with deformation due to poor support placement. Not only do supports provide material to an overhang point making it possible to form correctly, they also hold the component steady during the print process to ensure accuracy. Getting the support right has a considerable impact on the final results on several levels. Even when everything is setup correctly some quirk can occasionally happen with the print and cause a deformation or failure, especially if the object particularly is small or involves unique angles. I’ve come to the conclusion that I may need to print multiples of some objects and select the successful ones out of the batch for final use. Not a major hurdle, but it’s good to note that it’s not an absolute guarantee something will work, even if it did in a previous print. It’s still very reliable, just not absolutely guaranteed. “Alright Mr. DeMille, I’m ready for my close-up.” - Sunset Blvd. (See, I told you) I hope you like the colour red because it’s likely to feature prominently over the coming months and years. However, it’s a colour that’s a bit frustrating to photograph since it really doesn’t show contrast all that well. Even trying to tweak the images in Photoshop doesn’t really help that much. There’s just something about this hue of bright red that resists providing the kind of depth in the images that I’m after. I’ll experiment a bit with how I light things going forward and hopefully I can improve on the contrast in the images. It’s not horrible here but it’s also not nearly as strong as I’d prefer it to be. Like any good experimentation process, taking care to pay attention the different variables as you work through the problem is key. Try not to adjust too many variables at once or it might be hard to determine which one produced a given result or something else unexpected my result. As I was zeroing in on the calibration of Solus the fit of several parts was far too tight; with items I had 3D printed in the past the tolerances I used were good, but they seemed a bit too tight for Solus. So I tweaked the 3D models a bit for this last print and while they worked and fit together some of the parts are actually a bit too loose for my liking now. Again, not a huge problem, but now I need to sit down and really sort out the best practices I’ll need to follow as I do 3D modeling going forward. Since there is a tiny bit of shrinkage during the casting process I need to be sure to get the fit right. Ok, now it’s just down to the fine-tuning and then I’ll get to work trying to produce some actual casting masters. I’ll be focusing on the Rhino (+ Predator) chassis to start and work my way up in the size of the kits I’ll be doing for it. Once I’ve got a good selection for the Rhino I’ll move to the Land Raider and give it similar treatment. Naturally, there’ll be a bit of overlap with a few kits that’ll work on both. From there I’ll consider my options, and it’s quite likely that there will be some random creations added to the mix along the way. Thanks as always for reading and following along, there are some interesting times on the horizon and it’s going to be lots of fun exploring the possibilities. Comments, questions, musing, and general ramblings are always welcome. Ideas and food for thought are particularly welcome now as my mind begins to really wrap around the potential that Task Servitor Solus provides to my studio. I will take some time to comment directly to people who have and/or will provide input in the near future, once I’ve got some things sorted out and more time to reflect and reply properly. Checkmate, Brother Chaplain Ryld, Khornestar and 7 others 10 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted May 2, 2018 Share Posted May 2, 2018 Holy, that is awesomely good looking! I’m rocking back and forth like a kid in a car on the way to get ice cream! Might have to start a Black Crusade to the Chaos Wastes (Canada) for armaments! And thinking outside the bun for a could make Battlefleet Gothic-sequel ships...that would be epic. Wink wink! Subtle Discord 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Chaplain Kage Posted May 2, 2018 Share Posted May 2, 2018 ...and when my 'soft' modeling skills get up to snuff, some cloth elements like gunny sacks and other random stowage. Cast them separate so the builder can add them where they see fit. Or someone with the requisite soft skills could help. Subtle Discord 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted May 2, 2018 Share Posted May 2, 2018 Hey SD - I have an idea for something that should be very simple to create, but will have a HUGE market: a ring that allows the Rhino copulas to fit in the hole of the Predator/Razorback turret plate. You could make dozens of those for super cheaps, and I guarantee you'll sell a literal ton of those. Subtle Discord 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Naryn Posted May 2, 2018 Share Posted May 2, 2018 Hey SD - I have an idea for something that should be very simple to create, but will have a HUGE market: a ring that allows the Rhino copulas to fit in the hole of the Predator/Razorback turret plate. You could make dozens of those for super cheaps, and I guarantee you'll sell a literal ton of those.By the same token, an insert to allow Leman Russ and Chimera turrets to fit Rhino turrets would be ace. Subtle Discord 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted May 2, 2018 Share Posted May 2, 2018 Hey SD - I have an idea for something that should be very simple to create, but will have a HUGE market: a ring that allows the Rhino copulas to fit in the hole of the Predator/Razorback turret plate. You could make dozens of those for super cheaps, and I guarantee you'll sell a literal ton of those.By the same token, an insert to allow Leman Russ and Chimera turrets to fit Rhino turrets would be ace. Well that's easily fixed with a bit of plasticard - no-one will see because the turrets are bigger than the hole they sit on. Case(s) in point :tu: The problem with the SM copulas is they're smaller than the hole. The connector ring will be seen, and so has a need for good looks!.:) Subtle Discord 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paradogmatic Posted May 2, 2018 Share Posted May 2, 2018 I'd love a reduced height turret for the Replusor; something that looks automated rather than manned. It looks stupid to me with the height it has. Even more so if you bother putting the techmarine on it. That or a total front end replacement to mount the main weapons more like the APC in Aliens... Mmmm. Subtle Discord 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sarabando Posted May 3, 2018 Share Posted May 3, 2018 can not stress how quickly id order a Sisters Grav rhino conversion kit, even the idea of using Canada post wouldnt stop me. XD. Subtle Discord and Othniel's Blade 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khornestar Posted May 5, 2018 Share Posted May 5, 2018 Given the fine detail you're able to print with your new servitor, the gears in my head are turning. I think kits like this are what I would do (from : Except CHAOS versions! Most people out there aren't catering to the heretically-minded crowd, and those that are just don't have top-notch sculpts (for the most part). The stuff on Shapeways is decent, but it's all very simple and polygonal. EvilCraft is very nice, but is IMO overwrought. Plus, those aren't conversion kits, those are full kits, as cool as they are. PuppetsWar is pretty cool, but is too unique. This isn't a bad thing per se, but I think products that follow the GW aesthetic and blend somewhat seamlessly are ideal. Just kinda brainstorming here, but I think the ability to preserve GW kits could make a lot of sense. It would allow players to use their models in GW stores, which doesn't matter to lots of people playing at independent stores or in their garages, but there are surely plenty of folks who do. For example, turning this: into something like this (but better): You'd have to produce relatively little to add a lot of character to something that already exists, but hasn't been tapped fully. Maybe this isn't the best example, but I think it illustrates my point well enough. Eventually GW might release new sculpts for all the ancient CSM sculpts, but in the mean time we're stuck with crap. Even when they do, are the boxes going to have the full complement of plasma/melta/flamer/combi-everything/power weapons that we want? What about Legion upgrade kits? The ones for Emperor's Children, Night Lords, and Iron Warriors are ancient and mostly horrible by modern standards (honorable mention to Iron Warriors, there are some badass bits in that kit). But there aren't any at all for World Eaters, a classically popular legion, and now Alpha Legion (the chosen legion for CSM in 8th). Forge World has decent stuff, but price is a huge barrier and options are still very limited. They don't necessarily have to display the blatant IP details like Khornate runes, but skulls incorporated into the trim would be awesome. How about a unique sculpt for the Axe of Blind Fury? The Blade of the Hydra? The chaos Mk. III/IV & Cataphractii/Tartaros & Dreadnought conversion kits would use trim similar to your vehicle conversion kits. I think you can already envision better than I ca n what those would be like. How about a chaos conversion kit for primaris legs? One of the worst things about our plastic CSM is that their scale is tiny compared to the newer stuff (everything post Dark Vengeance Chosen, e.g. Rubrics, Mk VIII power armor, Death Guard, and of course Primaris). We can get by on the torsos, heads, and arms, but the legs are both in a terrible scale and horrible poses. Rather than build entirely new ones, the primaris legs provide a great-looking platform while also providing relatively clutter-free surfaces to add chaotic trim. Check it out for yourself and imagine what you could add to it: To some degree the dimensions of these modern kits have to be uniform (size of armor plates, leg circumference, etc.), so it should be possible to create pieces that work. Then let's talk about Renegade Guard. There's a vehicle trim/conversion kit needed for every vehicle entry we can take. There are precisely zero renegade vehicle kits of any sort. The market may not be big because the army's rules are currently garbage, but that is (as far as I know) an entirely untapped market. Now, I obviously think my ideas are all great, but I have no idea how you'd make money. I'm sure there are things to consider, like how much money are you spending on the resin for a kit, and how much do you charge to make a profit? What is the sweet spot to make it worth your while? For the sake of discussion, if you spent $2 worth of resin to make these little fiddly bits to upgrade guns and charged $8, how many of those would you have to sell for it to be worth your time instead of, say, spending $10 worth of resin and charging $30 for the product? These things are entirely out of my wheelhouse, and probably guide what you will ultimately do more than how "cool" I think my ideas are. I get caught up thinking about what I would print if I just had the resources to do it myself, and not necessarily what I would print to build a sustainable business. I'm obviously very excited about the possibilities of 3D printing, and went a bit crazy here. I hope there is some worthwhile food for thought buried in my madness. The Nephilim, Subtle Discord, m3ntor and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Subtle Discord Posted May 5, 2018 Author Share Posted May 5, 2018 Damn, B&C is awesome. Thanks all for the input. Busy 3D modeling right now (tons of little tweaks to previously finished models, really) so I can start feeding Solus a steady stream of components to produce but I do want to reply at length to many of the comments and input. I've also got another kinda' fun test print of something larger I did as a bit of bling for Solus. As soon as I get the Servator working away I'll get a much larger update written up. The Nephilim and Khornestar 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JeffTibbetts Posted May 6, 2018 Share Posted May 6, 2018 I sure hope that bling is an Ad Mech logo... or a maker’s plate! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Subtle Discord Posted May 7, 2018 Author Share Posted May 7, 2018 *Servitor Solus emits rhythmic buzzing and whirring sounds as it works away in the background* Beware: Here There Be Monsters Walls-o’-text Ok, time for a brief sidetrack to write, ramble, and conduct some information exchange, before I get back to updating 3D models for prototyping. As I’ve mentioned before if you’ve seen a 3D model of something in this thread know that it’s something at the top of the list to get into production. I will be starting by focusing on the Rhino chassis (and by extension the Predator), move to the Land Raider (more on that in a bit), and then we’ll see where I go; there’s a good chance some other side/personal projects might creep into the mix as things progress but for now I’m trying to focus on the backlog of models that I have in an effort to get Solus earning its keep. While I’m starting with smaller items it shouldn’t be very long before I start working up in scale, but again, more on that in a moment. With so many comments I’m not going to be quoting and replying directly to each of them but I’ve gone through and broken the input into points that I’ll address in no particular order. One key thing I’d like to say is that I prefer to focus more on unique niches that might not already have other 3rd party producers making some line of bits/kits. That’s not to say that there won’t be some overlap with other studios in what I have to offer when I think I can bring a unique and/or higher quality take on an idea, but I want to try and lean towards my own unique line of ideas/offerings. What this means right now is that small switch-and-swap bits (head swaps, weapon swaps, etc. – a market already very saturated with established producers) are harder to make good returns on as I work independently and so won’t be a primary focus for now; I will be making some, but while it’s just me, I simply make a better return on the labour I put in when I make larger more elaborate kits that can demand a higher price. This will evolve as the studio grows, but for now, I need to pick-and-choose. That said, one of the major hurdles that now having 3D printing in-house helps is the issue of duplication. Up to this point, it’s been hard to create duplicates of a master model to help increase my pace of production. Small kits were being produced in single batches mostly (sometimes double, if I was lucky) just all my larger kits that only have a single set of moulds. Now I can reliably reproduce several master copies of any given component I can make moulds that will help increase how many units I can produce an hour. This will completely change how I factor out the return on my investments going forward so I’ll need to just start producing before I can get an idea where I stand. Ok on to some feedback… Sonic weapons – This can actually be expanded to ‘exotic’ weapons for both Loyalist and Renegade/Chaos; plague cannons, sonic weapons, daemonic weapons, AdMech prototypes, master crafted, Xeno tech, etc. etc. etc.. Yes, I want to do unique weapon to fill some gaps that exist and do my own take on some things. I see this idea the same as many/most of the ideas I’m working with; how can I make this into something small, medium, and large. In this case, I want to do man-portable weapons, but also larger variants that can be used on Dreads’ and other larger vehicles. Combi-Weapons – Yep, while this may need to wait until I’ve got some bigger projects put to bed, this is something I want to do. Beyond being modular I’m not exactly sure how I’ll address this but I will turn to combi-weapons at some point in the future. Odds are good this can/will include complete weapon kits as well as smaller bits kits to convert existing models. Again, it’ still too early to tell how this will work out. Mounted Legs – This is something I’ve concluded I want to do in general for my kits; provide bits that help convert the parts together, like providing the hand gripping a control stick, the legs sitting in the saddle, an arm/legs in the correct pose, etc. Since I want to create some unique Renegade/Chaos mounted units you can expect legs that will cooperate, and I’ll do my best to expand the idea to try and make parts compatible with current GW models where it might make sense. Trim Kits (Terminator & Marine) – After my failed discouraging attempt at adding styrene trim to the Mk.4 Power Armour, this idea has me rethinking the attempt completely; now I can make the parts actually conform and fit the model correctly! They won’t be able to be complete wrap around components but enough that they ‘veneer’ the outside faces and along logical edges. I suspect it’ll take a bit of trial-and-error to get the parts to fit correctly, but they’ll be very small so it’s won’t take too much to do the required iterations. Once the right fit is found, changing the digital file with unique looks will be easy enough and Solus will be more than up to the task of printing the delicate parts… I think. Stay tuned for some experimenting with this idea, I’ve got a BaC box right here with this idea’s name all over it. Trim Kits (Vehicle) – Lager Trim Kits are in a strange place right now; to cast them requires laying the parts out with a large footprint and that’s a problem for Servitor Solus. It can handle the details and precision (more on that in a bit) but the build area is limited. I’m confident I can cut the parts down and print them in sections that can be assembled (more on that as well, in a bit) but until I actually do it I don’t want to assume it will be simple. Again, these are signature kits for the studio and I will find some way to make these work it’s just going to take some time to find the new process that’ll work. And yes, Bulk Kits with long lengths of trim, some corners, and a few other details, all in a range of scales and styles, for builders to use as they see fit will be part of this once I have the process figured out. Contemptor Dreadnaught – Again, I have a BaC box waiting for me to turn my attention to it, so I’ll be sure to have a look a the Contemptor and see what possibilities there are in my brain for it. Renegade Knight – Oh, just wait until I get to the Knight model… I have several ideas bouncing around in my brain for the Knight. I really want to make a Lucius Pattern conversion kit as one idea; it’ll have both Loyalist and Renegade versions and completely change the silhouette of the model. I also want to do a tri-leg conversion kit to turn it into something truly worthy of the Mechanicus; I’ve seen it done online using the kit’s legs but I’m thinking I want to completely replace them since a single prototype can be used to make all three legs, so it’ll actually be reasonable… I think. Unique weapon systems, armour plates, head/feet swaps, and other details are naturally on the table as well. I have enough build volume to do whole shoulder armour plates in one piece, so I’ve got the room to have some fun. Mk.IIB Land Raider – This is in the thread, so it’s happening. Yes, the weapon systems will be swappable and I’ll have a selection to choose from. Yes, it will work independently as just sponsons (with a mounting plate) or with the full up-armour kit I’ll be creating, depending on how the builder prefers it. However, like the Trim Kits, the Land Raider’s size makes some parts of my current design/s too large to prototype as-is. Once I get to the Land Raider after getting some Rhino kits in production this design will be part of the collection of kits (armour, weapons, tracks, gubbins, etc.) I’ll be doing for the ‘Raider. Round Rhino Doors – I like this one, it’s such a straightforward idea I can’t see why I can’t give it a go. It goes along well with the other idea… Cupola Conversion Plates – This is one of those simple ideas that I like because it makes so much sense and it fills a real need for people who don’t want to make something, they just want a solution. Since this would be about more than just the Rhino, I’ve still got a few more GW kits I need to get as studio models so that I have references to work with to ensure correct fit. I’ll be sure to consider conversion plates to make swapping turrets easy when I’m working on future designs, and as an added bonus this opens the door for me to make my own turrets and weapon systems. And speaking of turrets… Lowering the Repulsor Turret – This will need to wait a while as I work through other projects, but I suspect my Mechanicus will be interested in appropriating some of these chassis for unsanctioned alteration and improvement. This also ties in well with the general topic of anti-gravity vehicles in general, since GW seems to be adding them to the table; I’ve got several ideas for anti-gravity models so I’m positive something will come to pass at some point. I already see room for conversion kits and complete stand-alone models but as with everything it’ll need to wait its turn. Storm Raven/Eagle & Fire Raptor – I also have a personal desire to see a ‘true’ Chaos Storm Eagle model; ever since I did the styrene proof of concept I just can’t let the idea go, but I also know it’s going to be a challenging kit to produce. Naturally, Solus changes this considerably so this will progress when the time is right. Expect it to start with a Storm Raven Extension Kit (likely with a tail swap and maybe some other small changes) in Loyalist style, then I’ll look to the Storm Eagle and bend it to Chaos, followed by exploring the Fire Raptor and seeing how I can do something for both Chaos and Loyalists. Traitor Guard – Oh yes, I’ll be turning my gaze toward the Guard at some point. I have my own plans for my own throng of renegade Guard so I’ve got some personal stake in seeing that they get some attention. Terrain – Large and small terrain of all sorts should start arriving over time as well. It’s a great segment that I think I can produce unique kits for and if I do it right they can be independent kits yet compatible with current GW offerings; the Mechanicus Sector kits are just begging for expansion components that can take the kits further. These are the kinds of models that I hope can have a broader appeal to anyone wanting to create a sci-fi table for any number of games, so I think it’s a good place to invest some time towards to develop some designs. The addition of Solus really does have me rethinking this and many other ideas with renewed interest and possibilities. Battle Fleet Gothic – While I can’t wait for GW to reboot the system so I can start collecting a fleet, I think there are other companies who are already doing this (and Epic) and doing a good job of it. I’ve got enough on my plate with 28mm 40k inspired sci-fi without finding another rabbit hole to dive down. Not impossible, but highly unlikely New/Outside Talent – It is not lost on me that it will be sooner rather than later that I’ll be needing to consider expansion so I don’t need to ‘wear all the hats’. It’s completely realistic that I’ll find someone who can take up ‘soft’ modeling and/or some other aspect of the studio. It’s inevitable, but I’m still not sure how this will unfold. Right now I just want to get the last pieces of the production puzzle completely in place and know that I’ve got the entire process worked out from start to finish. Once I’m confident on being at that point I’m seriously considering a modest crowdfunding drive of some sort to help accelerate things and that would be the point where I can start considering adding additional talent to the studio. While not something that’s immediate, as mentioned, it’ll likely be sooner rather than later that I’ll need to start considering this. Introducing M.A.S. – Modular Assembly System – Originally just for upcoming armour kits, I’m going to try to make this a conscious design concept that I’m going to try and incorporate into many of my kits. Using armour kits as an example, I’ve got some designs I’ve been working on that have modular plates that ‘plugin’ from the back of the armour components and my trim details make it seamless. The idea is simple, let the builder switch-and-swap the plates how they see fit from a selection; the kit will ship with blank plates standard and another pack picked during the purchase, and the builder can choose which ones to install. Spread a battle damage pack across a few kits and you can have unique damage on separate vehicles of the same design; it will be easy to do different damage and effects on a selection of plates as well, offer more variety to choose from. Want your tank you have scrolls and filigree or other ornamental panels to give it a war-shrine look, just install the plates. Want to create a possessed vehicle then choose from a variety like faces, grasping hands, spines, horns, tentacles, rot, gore, whatever, just install the plate. Want a nice raised area to place a chapter symbol or vehicle marking, plug in the plate. (See a trend here?) My smaller kits are already using this idea with switch-and-swap components to change the look of the kit (Vehicle Combi-Weapons are almost done and ready for mould making soon) but once I get to the larger armour kits I’ll showcase this idea further. Again, having Solus at my disposal makes this idea much more plausible because I can do iterations in-house to work out any fit issues. I’m really hoping this is an idea that works out because I think it’s going to be a unique offering. Stay tuned… What, still here? Well, you’ve got quite the appetite. Hummm, let’s see if I’ve got something else I can toss up for those of you who are still with me… In order to work my way up to larger components I wanted to do a few large flat objects to see how Servitor Solus would handle the task. Since I know I’ll need to do components that will be assembled after printing I figured it would be a good time to give that concept a try as well. So rather than just do some simple mock-up with no purpose, I took a bit of time to create a plaque with various details that I can attach to Servitor Solus. I didn’t invest too much time in it modeling it but I’m quite pleased with how well it turned out and how capably Solus handled the task. The parts are thin but they printed very true and flat, can’t ask for more than that. Tilted to catch the light better and show the surface and details more clearly, let’s have a closer look, shall we? 1. I added some trim that’s about the scale I’ll be using in model kits and did a bit of a delicate point as a test and it’s turned out perfectly. 2. The text is 0.3mm tall and ranges in sizes down to 1.3mm; I can’t wait to start adding fonts and symbols to… everything. Even on curved surfaces, I can’t see there being any problems adding text absolutely tiny text and symbols to anything. 3. I did the cog symbol as a subtle curve to see how it would turn out. It did need a bit of sanding to get rid of some subtle layering but nothing too serious and it turned out wonderfully. Also, as I’ve come to expect, every other surface is just perfect so I have no problem dealing with a few spots that need a bit of cleanup. 4. I did some fine points and very small curves in the corners just to see how they’d fair, and yup, can’t knock how they turned out. 5. One issue that does crop up sometimes is vertical lines on some surfaces. It’s usually caused by a bit of dust on the printing quartz crystal or a scratch/flaw on the printing film and moving the object even just a fraction of a millimeter can solve the issue. I’ve quickly learned that I’ll need to keep things nice and clean and take some care if I want to avoid flaws like these, but they are rare if I’m diligent in my rites of care and maintenance, plus they’re easy to remedy if they do turn up. So this test turned out as well as I could have hoped. Fit and finish are exactly what they needed to be and Solus now has a bit of bling to signify and honor the Forge World it serves. It will still be a while before I work my way up to larger components, but I’m feeling very confident in the abilities of Servitor Solus to make my designs a reality when the time comes. I hope people enjoy the insight, and I really do appreciate and consider ideas that are provided. I know I won’t be able to make everything happen, but I really do want to create what people want and not just ideas that I think are great. Naturally, there’s lots more to come. Stay tuned for more updates as Solus continues to relentlessly bring my ideas into reality. As mentioned, three versions of the Certamen Vehicle Combi-Weapons are almost ready for rubber and the Interitus Missile Launcher redesign is up next when it's done. Thanks for reading. Much more coming soon, and this time, I mean it. RolandTHTG, Brother Chaplain Ryld, Khornestar and 12 others 15 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sarabando Posted May 7, 2018 Share Posted May 7, 2018 ive just had an idea that i think you could do. servo arms for techmarines that are posable with a selection of tools? Subtle Discord and Augustus b'Raass 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quixus Posted May 7, 2018 Share Posted May 7, 2018 while those are always welcome, a couple of manufacturers already make them. Subtle Discord 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JeffTibbetts Posted May 7, 2018 Share Posted May 7, 2018 Well that's just, like, amazing. I want a bunch of real makers' plates for Kal'Koplos now. I'll attach them to my laser, my car(s), fridge, dishwasher, toaster, TV, PS4... It would be kind of funny to make a Terra version, M2, so it's accurate for everything created this millennia. Subtle Discord 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aqui Posted May 7, 2018 Share Posted May 7, 2018 I really want to do some Sisters stuff ^_^ Well, if you want to do Sisters related products, perhaps some Rhino top plates or doors with the main orders' symbol would be good. Perhaps some symbols for Imperial Knights too? A carapace with some Fleurs or relevant iconography (such as a depiction of a saint or similar) would be marvellous right now ^_^ Subtle Discord 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Joe Posted May 7, 2018 Share Posted May 7, 2018 Some heretical-themed content for Imperial Guard vehicles would be delightful, and certainly in keeping with everything you've done for Space Marines so far. Aqui, Subtle Discord and Khornestar 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ch@oZ Posted May 7, 2018 Share Posted May 7, 2018 Hey there Sorry to pitch in seemingly out of nowhere, but I saw you mentioning issues with supports and it reminded me of something, which I think you might find significant- there's a company called Materialise, out of Belgium, that does a lot of 3D printing and a few other assorted things. What they have that might interest you is their software package- when I was shown around their headquarters they've mentioned that they sell a full solution to take you from cad model to 3D print through one program, which, most importantly, generates the supports automatically for you. I saw a fully printed front bumper of a car with something like an Eiffel tower inspired scaffolding generated automatically. Though I cannot attest as to how reasonably priced their software is... Anyway- sorry if you knew this already, thought it might not be a bad idea to share this bit of know-how. Subtle Discord 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paradogmatic Posted May 7, 2018 Share Posted May 7, 2018 Given the fine detail you're able to print with your new servitor, the gears in my head are turning. I think kits like this are what I would do (from : Except CHAOS versions! Most people out there aren't catering to the heretically-minded crowd, and those that are just don't have top-notch sculpts (for the most part). The stuff on Shapeways is decent, but it's all very simple and polygonal. EvilCraft is very nice, but is IMO overwrought. Plus, those aren't conversion kits, those are full kits, as cool as they are. PuppetsWar is pretty cool, but is too unique. This isn't a bad thing per se, but I think products that follow the GW aesthetic and blend somewhat seamlessly are ideal. Just kinda brainstorming here, but I think the ability to preserve GW kits could make a lot of sense. It would allow players to use their models in GW stores, which doesn't matter to lots of people playing at independent stores or in their garages, but there are surely plenty of folks who do. For example, turning this: into something like this (but better): You'd have to produce relatively little to add a lot of character to something that already exists, but hasn't been tapped fully. Maybe this isn't the best example, but I think it illustrates my point well enough. Eventually GW might release new sculpts for all the ancient CSM sculpts, but in the mean time we're stuck with crap. Even when they do, are the boxes going to have the full complement of plasma/melta/flamer/combi-everything/power weapons that we want? What about Legion upgrade kits? The ones for Emperor's Children, Night Lords, and Iron Warriors are ancient and mostly horrible by modern standards (honorable mention to Iron Warriors, there are some badass bits in that kit). But there aren't any at all for World Eaters, a classically popular legion, and now Alpha Legion (the chosen legion for CSM in 8th). Forge World has decent stuff, but price is a huge barrier and options are still very limited. They don't necessarily have to display the blatant IP details like Khornate runes, but skulls incorporated into the trim would be awesome. How about a unique sculpt for the Axe of Blind Fury? The Blade of the Hydra? The chaos Mk. III/IV & Cataphractii/Tartaros & Dreadnought conversion kits would use trim similar to your vehicle conversion kits. I think you can already envision better than I ca n what those would be like. How about a chaos conversion kit for primaris legs? One of the worst things about our plastic CSM is that their scale is tiny compared to the newer stuff (everything post Dark Vengeance Chosen, e.g. Rubrics, Mk VIII power armor, Death Guard, and of course Primaris). We can get by on the torsos, heads, and arms, but the legs are both in a terrible scale and horrible poses. Rather than build entirely new ones, the primaris legs provide a great-looking platform while also providing relatively clutter-free surfaces to add chaotic trim. Check it out for yourself and imagine what you could add to it: To some degree the dimensions of these modern kits have to be uniform (size of armor plates, leg circumference, etc.), so it should be possible to create pieces that work. Then let's talk about Renegade Guard. There's a vehicle trim/conversion kit needed for every vehicle entry we can take. There are precisely zero renegade vehicle kits of any sort. The market may not be big because the army's rules are currently garbage, but that is (as far as I know) an entirely untapped market. Now, I obviously think my ideas are all great, but I have no idea how you'd make money. I'm sure there are things to consider, like how much money are you spending on the resin for a kit, and how much do you charge to make a profit? What is the sweet spot to make it worth your while? For the sake of discussion, if you spent $2 worth of resin to make these little fiddly bits to upgrade guns and charged $8, how many of those would you have to sell for it to be worth your time instead of, say, spending $10 worth of resin and charging $30 for the product? These things are entirely out of my wheelhouse, and probably guide what you will ultimately do more than how "cool" I think my ideas are. I get caught up thinking about what I would print if I just had the resources to do it myself, and not necessarily what I would print to build a sustainable business. I'm obviously very excited about the possibilities of 3D printing, and went a bit crazy here. I hope there is some worthwhile food for thought buried in my madness. Alternate Intercessor legplates is something I'd love to see too -- be it heretical or other fun things like MK5-inspired studding.. Subtle Discord, Khornestar and Hungry Nostraman Lizard 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bryan Blaire Posted May 8, 2018 Share Posted May 8, 2018 Alternate Intercessor legplates is something I'd love to see too -- be it heretical or other fun things like MK5-inspired studding..Intercessor leg plates without the raised ridge, studs or other embellishments, and Reiver legs that don't have the stupid gap between upper calf and ankle plate! :tu: Maybe some alternate chest plates too - nothing IP infringing, just generic skulls, studs, etc. Subtle Discord 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Subtle Discord Posted May 8, 2018 Author Share Posted May 8, 2018 *Sighs* You all are going to force me to invest in some Primaris miniatures, aren't you? Don't look at me like that! You know what you're trying to do! ;) Hungry Nostraman Lizard, Khornestar, Paradogmatic and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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