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I have to say this is one of my favourite Iron Warrior armies and is inspiring me to rejoin the Long War, I have to ask how do you paint your Iron metal, black and blue lenses on your marines? They are a great inspiration and would love to use this for my own Grand Company! Once again simply amazing!

Thanks for the comments :D


I was aim to get as much built yesterday, last day Christmas holidays.  But ended up having to call it a day due to getting sign for headache.  Just due to being a bit to sunny yesterday.  I usely get headache from - heat/hot weather (autism effect part of the brain know as Hypothalamus that deal with body tempreture), flashing lights, strong smells & stress trigger them.


But I'll be make up for the lost time during lunch time & then later on today.


I have to say this is one of my favourite Iron Warrior armies and is inspiring me to rejoin the Long War, I have to ask how do you paint your Iron metal, black and blue lenses on your marines? They are a great inspiration and would love to use this for my own Grand Company! Once again simply amazing!


I use - Leadbelcher, Black Wash, Pruple wash, Black Wash, Leadbelcher (Dry Brush with tank brush), Rune Fangsteel (Dry brush w/Tank brush), black wash (not heavy/light wash) this just help & shade any part the dry brush has gotten into & highlight with Rune Fangsteel.


For the blue -  Incubi Darkness, Sotek, Temple Guard Blue.  For the glow effect I usely dry brush those three colour & then highlight edge with temple guard blue.

In the past use to be regal blue, ultramarine blue & ice blue.



Mange to get the Lord in Power Armour converted up today, just waiting on a few parts to arrive - Ork armour plate, few bags, etc...  Since the photo was taken earily today, green stuff been added around the legs.










I might have to move the Servo arm a little bit just to help the model balance a bit more.


Terminator Champion just been built over a hour ago




I'm going to use the helmet from the Forge World Ivanus Enkomi.  It was orignaly going to be use over a year ago when I did try converting a Lord in Power Armour for a store Invasion trip to Warhammer World in 2013.  But I ended up converting a Dark Apostle with the Buring brand a few days before the event.

So I'll use this for the Champion as it is cool & fit with the rest of the IW look for me.




I've got a game arrange this week & with no events right now, Warhammer World getting work done & a lot of local events don't happen until later in the year.  I though I might try a unbound army with my IW's vs Orks.  1850pts.  Just working out the points & just want to use the Land Raider as they've always been really cool models.





Quick update - Call of Chaos

Finial battle brother for the Terminator unit






Just half a hour ago
















I was hoping a bitz order would arrive today.  It was the Ork armour plate I use for my whole IW force.  Just so I can get my Lord, Dark Apostle & Terminator Champion finish building wise.  So hopeful arrive tomorrow. 


Going to be the two Terminator & Obliterators tomorrow.  If the order arrive I can get the Dark Apostle converted & have him ready to undercaot with those last few models.


Also this was the Dreadnought I painted for last year Call of Chaos, just I've recently found the model again.  Going to try re-paint some parts & just add a few things painting wise to the model & bring him back into the Grand Company





Thanks for the comments


Quick update


Dark Apostle






Terminators Champion








Still got a few part left to paint on the Champion.  That will get done during lunch time & then weather permitting try to varnish him.

The Dark Apostle has just been undercaoted along with the Rhino crew memeber.  Start getting the metallic armour painted later today.


Next update will be Thursday with the complete vows & what I'll plan to add next.



Fantastic as always IP. When was the last time you took a picture of the whole Grand Battalion?


August White Dwarf 2013, by WD team :D & the 7000pt game (not army photos, just in game photos) I had in June last year vs my friend before they move to America.


It just been time & to get space.  It not really easy to carry all these models to say my local GW store or wargaming club to get the photos.  Not sure about space in the house.  I do want to try get a photo of the whole army that some stage.  So see what I can work out.


Someone was asking me recently that my local GW store about the IW & working out what I've got.


So right now it


Warsmith Abhorred Riddick

Lord Narach

3x Sorcerer, 2w/Power Armour, 1w/Terminator armour

4x Warpsmith

4x Dark Apostle - Names: Daxos Styx (Buring Brand)




Lord w/Power Armour

Single spure Champion model for Warhammer World Brotherhood of the brush.


17x Terminators - Squad: Proeliator led by Sevatar Rauth, Tormentia led by Crysos Darr

10 Chosen w/Rhino

5 Chose w/Rhino - Kill team

10 Chosen - Fallen Angels

2 Close Combat Obliterators

3 Dreadnought w/Autocannon, Unit: Vosh Khorius the Siege Breaker.

1 Dreadnought w/Lascannon

1 Dreadnought w/Multi Melta - Mayhem pack/start


4x 10 Chaos Space Marines w/Rhino - Squad: Iupatus Proeliator led by Bronn Tal, Desolatum Tempestas led by Goran Brakar, Apocalypse led by Kroege Santarr, Be Graphicus led by Uzas Vel

7 Chaos Marines w/Rhino - Squad: Thanatos Negaera led by Dargron Valicar

5 Chaos Marines w/Rhino - Squad: Daedalus Iapetus led by Vortrax Dargon

3x 20 Cultist

25 Cultist


4x Heldrakes - could make 5th one & arm that with autocannon, one I bought from friend from a wargame event last year.  Unit:  Proditor Vesanus

10 Biker

5 Raptors


2x 5 Havocs, one unit w/Autocannon, one unit w/Launcher

7x Havoc, Iron Havocs w/Autocannon, Rhino w/Havoc Launcher

2 Maulerfiend

2 Forgefiend

3 Land Raider

3 Predators

9 Obliterators - Squad: Excessus Fillus, Oburo, Hydra Infensus

1 Vindicator

Lord of Skulls


2 Knights - Unit: Archeron Vannuk, Mortis from the house Karstark


Edit - Will be adding list of unit names

Edited by Insane Psychopath

Thanks for the comments :biggrin.:

I'd just take some photos during the day, was orignaly take photo of a IW Battle Brother (test model who started the Mk6 army) for a facebook group as someone wanted to know how paint yellow for there own IW army


Test model change a bit since he was posted back in 2011









I notice earily in the day I miss out painting the Genestealer trophie.  Orignaly I was going to remove this & replace it with the Bloodletter trophie from the Grey Knight Terminators kit, but was not fitting.  I ended up forgetting about this until after the photo was taken.  It now been painted & the unit complete.  I'll get new photo of the unit on Thursday.  This is just allow me to see where my Call of Chaos vows are & let people see how everything look so far.


I've also painted the edge base Black since the photo was take, just with water effect & some paints getting on the edge.










Chosen for Kill team units











Obliterator - just seen the photo, I will need to get the edge of the base painted black








Lord - Will be painted tomorrow




Dark Apostle/Forge Chaplain - Metallic paint finish a few hour after the photo was taken
















Chosen Rhino






Though I would get the Dreadnought taken while in the box/tray I had my Call of Chaos models




Soon to see another two Battle Brother join there rank




I'll be take some quick photos of the Lord & Dark Apostle tomorrow to post in the Call of Chaos topic just to show there complete.  Then Thursday I'll get new photo of the complete Terminator unit, Lord & Dark Apostle as well as photo of the whole CoC vow.


List of Iron Warriors units within the 5th Grand Company.  This is just more so I've got a note of my units names along with my Champions.  Been mean to get a list sorted during the holidays, just ended up being a busy holiday.


I want to try get a list sorted with the name of each unit, there champion & transport.  Then just add wargear they've got like heavy or specil weapons.  These are just the names I've quickly found look though this army log as well as army list I've use that tournament.


Warsmith Abhorred Riddick
Narach Delau

Sorcerer Krull.

Sorcerer Nârik Gharrok, Herald of the 5th Grand Company

Forge Chaplain: Daxos Styx

Warpsmith Damocles



Terminators squad: Tormentia led by Champion Crysos Darr
Terminator squad:  Proeliator led by Champion Sevatar Rauth

Dreadnought - Battle Brother Vosh Khorius, the Siege Breaker

Dreadnought - Santar Vull

10 Chaos Space Marine squad: Iupatus Proeliator led byChampion Bronn Tal
Rhino Messor Ferrus

10 Chaos Space Marine squad: Be Graphicus led by Champion Uzas Vel
Rhino Fulmen Clavi
10 Chaos Space Marine squad: Desolatum Tempestas led by Champion Goran Brakar
Rhino Iapetus Daedalus
10 Chaos Space Marine squad: Apocalypse led by Champion Kroege Santarr
Rhino Demens Malleus
7 Chaos Space Marine squad:  Thanatos Negaera led by Champion Dargron Valicar
Rhino Vortrax Hydra
5 Chaos Space Marine squad: Daedalus Iapetus led by Champion Vortrax Dargon
Rhino Metellus Scipio


All Cutlist part of the - Thorakitai


Heldrake: Proditor Vesanus
Heldrake: Arbor Draco
Heldrake: Megaera Notus

Obliterator squad 5: Excessus Fillius - 146
Obliterator squad 4: Oburo – 73
Obliterator squad 6: Hydra Infensus – 73
Vindicator Ferrus Draco

Iron Havoc squad: Olympia Vengeance
Havoc (with Launcher): Demens

Havoc (with Autocannon): Tarraq

Predator: Immisericors

Predator: Tormentia

Predator: Pyrobolus
Predator: Furibundus
Knight Errant:  Acheron Vannuk of house Karstark

Edited by Insane Psychopath
Such an amazing army. Like I have said in the past I love the little details you add from the people you play. Not only does it make it undeniably your army but adds a lot of character to a very uniform colour scheme. Edited by The Hydra

Is that Enkonomi's (or whatever his name is!) head on the Termi champ? Looks great :thumbsup:  As I said in your other thread, love the Warpsmith and well done on your call, nearly there now (you shame me with your productivity!!) Cool conversions and painting as ever :cool.:

Thanks for the comment


Midnight Runner - Yes it the FW Chaplain model.  Just a friend had given me the model as all they wanted was the Terminator model that was with the blister?  I've still got another one that I use for a Dark Apostle (before we offical got them, sadily broken model) for armies on parade back 2012 that I'll use on a future model as well.


Just need to see what tomorrow like.  But I will get both the Lord & Forge Chaplain painted.


The Hydra (Daemon2027?).  Thanks for the comment.  Just Iron Warriors are my favrout army & somthing I want to spend time looking cool.  Just conversion main reason for me to collect any army.  With the IW like everything about the legion & always somthing new I want to add.  With the trophies, just though be cool & good way to rememeber some great games or to wind up friends.

There a lot more models going to be added soon, as well as finial getting my Wolves back up to date with the release of the codex this year.

Edited by Insane Psychopath



The Hydra (Daemon2027?).  Thanks for the comment.  Just Iron Warriors are my favrout army & somthing I want to spend time looking cool.  Just conversion main reason for me to collect any army.  With the IW like everything about the legion & always somthing new I want to add.  With the trophies, just though be cool & good way to rememeber some great games or to wind up friends.

There a lot more models going to be added soon, as well as finial getting my Wolves back up to date with the release of the codex this year.


Yep, that me, shed my skin :smile.:

I look forward to the future of your army. Hopefully we will see some Iron Warrior Forge World kits soon, give you more material to create with.

Edited by The Hydra

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